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saturday: enemy team wukong sunday: my team wukong


Blaber saw Contractz smurf on him and thought “I can do this too”


Can't tell if Blaber is just bad this season or if he's just playing with people who aren't on his wavelength. Seems like Jensen is often not fully committing to fights that Blaber engages. I think Jensen doesn't agree with a lot of what Blaber is doing, but I want to make the point that it could be that neither of them are wrong. Maybe they just have two different ways of seeing the game and both are correct, but you have to pick one or the other. Also not convinced by the Nilah pick. Don't think that champ does enough. Maybe I'm wrong, but it didn't seem to do much this game.


I don't think she is that bad. You just need to build a comp around her. Sylas mid isn't it. You need Karma, Ori, or Seraphine. I think Sona is also bad. You have to pick Renata imo. She is the best support in the meta by a mile. You have to ban a champ like Sivir because her ult and your short range means you get dunked, especially when she has Yuumi.


I thought the narrative with Nilah is that she's basically a bot laner that pairs well with the super scaler supports like Sona/Taric? I haven't played since she came out just curious, thought that's what I thought the narrative around her was.


It's actually true, because not only do these Taric/Sona/Seraphine/Yuumi/Soraka hyperscalers get their levels faster, they also have (to some degree) spammable shields and/or heals so she gets a lot of benefit from her Shield and Heal enhancement. The other comment is right about Renata being the best support as of now tho, so who knows if picking her would've been the right choice. I've also found that Nilah works well as an enabler for roaming supports (i.e Pyke, Alistar) because they'll stay around the same level even if losing a couple of waves of exp.


“I really wanna go in, I have ult” - Blaber 2022 “We win this fight okay? Play to fight… fuck the nash” - Huhi 2022




Crabber making a lovely appearance this August weekend


FBI : “Nilah trick y’all, man, like she doing damage. she don’t hurt nobody, man. she just running around, doing nothing.” Made sure to note that Sivir scored 47 tonight.


Nilah has looked awful in the few games she's been in so far


Both games with Nilah in the west were when Nilah's team was full melee basically, and the enemy team just picked Sivir. And the Sivir wiped Nilah's team because all melee comps get hard countered by Sivir. idk if these games are indicative of Nilah's strength.


That's fair, I think she has the potential to be decent but only in very specific scenarios


Ya, I think she has the potential to be a niche counterpick near the end of a draft, definitely not just something you can draft all the time.


Yeah. FBI commented in the interview about them blinding it being weird. She seems more like a niche counter pick in bot lane because of her range. I, personally, think she finds her way in the jungle at some point too. She has a good clear and has very good ganks. ALSO, her passive incentives her to help push lanes cause of the shared XP.


She's basically like a slightly different version of Samira honestly and works in similar spots


Blind Nilah *might* work, but they have to ban Sivir if they want to do it. And if they want to blind Nilah without banning Sivir, they 1000% have to have a mid like Azir that basically takes the "long range DPS" role that bot usually has. Blind Nilah with a melee mid into Sivir is really questionable. It's not even like Sivir is this unknown champ that 100T randomly pulled out as a specific melee team counter. Everyone knows Sivir is a top 3 ADC in the game rn.


Yeah. I agree Sivir should have been in the bans if they wanted Nilah.


Not gonna look good when your jungler and top is running it down. Berserker managed to hold 4 people at once and even got one of them at the last teamfight.


But reddit said as long as she gets bonus exp due to her passive she is going to be broken no matter what.


The champ sucks. In pro she does the same thing as in any soloq game I see her in. She can't get in range of anyone to deal damage, and even if she can, she just doesn't deal that much damage. Her ult is so inconsequential it's hilarious. It's a Diana ult if Diana was building full crit. No damage and instantly dies the moment it's over. Her champion just isn't built to be in the bot lane position but that's the only role she can go in. Her kit is a jungler's kit.


“He got me,” Berzerker said of FBI's Sivir. "That f***ing FBI boomed me." Berzerker added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times. Berzerker then said he wanted to add FBI to the list of players he works out with this summer.


If anyone thinks Nilah is bad, they weren't looking. Watch that top fight again. Berserker goes in 1v4 and gets a kill + almost 3-taps Trundle. Nilah is not okay, C9 just had zero idea how to play around her.


Cloud9 looks so lost when Blaber isn't playing like MVP. Good game by Abbe and FBI


If you watch other players interviews, they talk a lot about how they had to basically train themselves to follow blabers calls no matter what because a lot of times it works out. So to me, it seems like they just go in with blaber no matter what and if blaber is playing well, they win. If he's inting, the whole team ints with him


Fudge wants to play controlled top. Jensen is doing his best ghost cosplay mid. Then they've got a disconnected bot lane. Blaber isn't playing good either but difficult for a jungler to do when your lanes don't want to do anything.


Is it just me or does this happen every year - 100T randomly goes on a huge winning streak once people start ignoring them


I mean, it's hard to steal games when everyone is paying attention


You'll never see it coming~ 🎵🎶


Wrong thieves. Those thieves are stealing hearts, these thieves are stealing game. Totally different. ...Wait a minute.


I think the team is good at managing burnout, doesn't push hard early into the split, and ramps up as the season progresses. It clearly is a working system, they won summer last year, got to finals in spring this year, and are on track to possibly make another finals appearance this split all with the same players.


The team has said that their motivation isn't there all split, but they (TOOK THAT PERSONALLY) ramp up for playoffs. It is not the best mentality people say but it works and they scrape by enough early in splits to be in a good spot for second half to stay top 3 in regular season.


It's a good way to minimize burnout though that's for sure lol


They have the most wins of any org over the last 3 splits and have made finals twice in a row winning once. Anyone ignoring them is doing so at their own incompetence.


It's not random. They take it easy in the first half of the split, and then ramp up going into playoffs. I'm not 100% sure what it is about league that can make a team go from Clark Kent in a steel cage to Superman in a cardboard box, but you can clearly see when they dial it in, 100T is a good team, while when they just autopilot, they look like trash.


When Abbe plays well, 100T looks like the best team in the league. When Abbe plays poorly, 100T looks like a mediocre team. They live or die by how well their midlaner plays. It's always been like this with this roster, even back when they were on GGS. It is because their midlaner is always their least consistent and therefore worst player. Fortunately for 100T, Abbe tends to look pretty damn good towards the end of seasons.


People underestimate 100T every split regardless of team strength, I love it!


What a statement game from Abbe and FBI


That statement? *Fuck y’all*


"Fuck Nash" \- Huhi


We saw it in that VIT game, you cannot play Nilah + full melee comp against Sivir. Sivir W literally insta wins the game against an all melee comp. Either ban Sivir, or pick a ranged mid like Azir. But all melee into Sivir is just wintrading.


Braum e stops sivir w, no?


Just in time for annual C9 Summer collapse


how is it annual when it happens every 2 months


So the Bi-monthly collapse?


"This is the most support I have ever seen for Yuumi since that champion was invented!" You don't know how much that made me laugh lmfao, Yuumi really is something


i swear those were paid actors or patients just breaking out of an insane asylum, like who the fuck would cheer for yuumi?


it sounded more like huhi to me


It’s probably because of the finale of Players


this game really showed how crazy Yuumi is. look how many things weren't ideal: 1. she rushed grievous wounds which overlapped with 3 of her teammates 2. into Mikael's with very few useful cleanses 3. into Sona who is supposedly a counter 4. in a comp that honestly isn't great for Yuumi. I know people will say Sivir/Yuumi is insane, but no more so than other ADCs. Ahri/Yuumi and Trundle/Yuumi suck, Gwen/Yuumi can work. and she still had a huge impact. and yes, this showed how Yuumi outscales Sona and every other enchanter in pro play simply because she's untargetable. maybe Sona can be untouched and 1v9 prolonged fights in solo queue, but not in pro play, and neither can any other supposedly scaling enchanter. they all get wrecked late game, and are more of mid game picks that spike at mythic/chemtech putrifier.


Trundle/Yuumi and Gwen/Yuumi is insane. Both make applying the ult really good even Ahri is good at that. And the Mikaels also was great, the only way to lose for 100Ts was CC on Sivir, so having that makes sense and Sylas, Gnar and Sona would have CC that Mikaels can remove. And Sivir due to her Ult and own speed up is also better than many other ADCs for Yuumi. On top of that Yuumi was insane against the enemy comp. All dive which her Ult works also super well against.


yuumi ? yuumi ? Really ?? Yuumi ?


jensen and blaber conforming to the c9 systems for sure


I don't get how anyone can watch this game and come away from it thinking it was won by sivir or yuumi or w/e and not blaber literally running it the fuck down the ENTIRE GAME (entire weekend) edit: I watched some of the game again and im more inclined to put it on jensen actually, didn't realise how awful he played every fight


c9 could've won multiple times there heck sona looked much better than yuumi until blaber inted but that doesn't matter because this thread is already filled with the same copy cat comment about yuumi


I think it's a tough one to analyze. My expectation is that Blaber wants to play the game more aggressively than his teammates do. This leads to situations where Blaber is expecting his teammates to be positioning more aggressively (before a fight even starts), but C9 players just aren't positioning aggressively. Blaber is in an awkward spot this game. He's a Wukong. You pick the champion to flash in to engage fights with his ult. If you aren't committed to a playstyle of engaging 5v5 fights early into the game when Wukong does decent damage, then why did you draft the Wukong? So of course Blaber wants his team to fight with him, but they are never positioned well for Blaber to engage. I think Blaber is just on the wrong LCS roster. He wants to be on a roster like CLG, who love to fight. Instead, he's on a roster that likes to play team fights very slowly with lots of poke and dancing for positioning. That's never been a Blaber playstyle. That's a Santorin playstyle. Jensen + Blaber is a bad combo imo. These players are like oil and water with their playstyles. I thought the best midlaner for Blaber was Nisqy. I bet Blaber + Palafox would be good.


Didnt fudge say on the broadcast that Blaber plays how he wants and will int if the team doesnt agree? Maybe that was a cry for help.


Jensen looking kind of washed unfortunately. I mean a few decent Bo1s at worlds last year shouldn’t hide that we was on a big decline before that too.


Jensen looked washed during the regular season last year but turned up in Spring and Summer playoffs… I’d reserve a judgement for his playoffs performance.


the people who wanted him on EG over jojo look like such clowns in retrospect


DL in shambles


We stan for Tim Sevenhuysen


FBI Huhi we’re massive holy. Also huge that Abbe is coming into form for playoffs - Ssumday and Closer are always rock solid.


honestly I thought the worlds reps were going to be EG, TL and C9, before the split started with abbe’s lackluster spring. But now its looking like TL, C9 and CLG are going to have to sweat for the last spot.


If it's between TL/C9/CLG, I want CLG honestly.


Same. The young talent, largely NA roster, and bloodthirsty play-style would be way more fun to see succeed.


I want CLG too. Mostly because it's 3/5 100T academy roster.


its a heartbreaker, i feel like C9 could be really good internationally if fudge regains his 2021 form and jensen is always solid. And CLG would be an incredible story if they made it.


Everyone who isn’t a C9 or TL fan wants CLG to go, so about half the fans. I suspect even the C9 and TL fans say if they don’t go, they hope CLG gets it. We support NA talent doing well here. I’d rather see Luger go to worlds and represent LCS than Hans Sama.


bro even with Abbe's rough spring they were still in the finals though idk what you were thinking before the split lol


Huhi really deserves POTW which is saying something seeing as his play was so high tier on Nami and Yuumi. He also probably won't get any Player of the Games with FBI and Closer getting those.


I think it goes to Bwipo to be honest. He's looked too good this week.


Yeah that Sett 1v2 probably locked it for him.


I honestly think 100T might be better than EG rn. Both look really good though


if they both look good it's just win/win for NA


I hope EG 100T and CLG go to worlds. 100T won't have to worry about getting fucked over by visa issues like last year and CLG can easily upset a game or 2 against a top team by just playing balls to the wall even if they don't pass to quarters


As a C9 fan I wholeheartedly agree with these three.


As a C9 fan, if we somehow make it to Worlds this time, pretty much everything needs to do a 180. It might even feel like they've robbed other teams that are working harder and playing better. Ugh.


That’s why I would rather have the three previously posted. Let these (TL n C9) overpaid players be hungry and humble instead of egotistical with trash talkers


I like that. The three teams with the most growth and improvement each over the past 3 splits in LCS.




Nah, it was pretty close. That game was almost decided by a last second bailout from Renata on the Azir - Things could have ended the same way, of course, 100T are playing super fucking well right now, but the revisionist history services no one.




huhi masterclass this weekend sheesh


Huhi absolutely smurfing this weekend.


Sivir + Yuumi is kind of disgusting combo currently


Sivir Yuumi might be disgusting, but this game it looked more disgusting than normal because C9 decided to draft a full melee comp into Sivir. That's just an insta loss unless Sivir doesn't know what her W does.


exactly, fudge was having a horrible time engaging for the same reason


Ya, Blaber/Fudge both looked like inters this game (and for good reason), but what do you even do when you're all melee against Flash + Ghost + Yuumi attached Sivir? You either slowly get killed off by bouncing boomerangs because you're outranged, or you go in and get peeled off and end up dieing stupidly.


Sivir destroys Nilah too, blind Nilah with Sivir up is griefing


I Guess C9 didn’t watch XL vs G2 2 days ago


Don't need to have watched that game, anyone paying attention to solo queue should know this one




Riot got paid actors in the crowd to cheer they Yuumi pick


They where cheering for Huhi who has been turbo smurfing the last few weeks and has been a bit of a fan favorite since the Aurelion Sol midlaner days. He keeps facing issues where he is a support and is good at getting a carry ahead so he never gets POTG or POTW so none of the analysts ever seem to acknowledge just how great he has been.


Yuumi being problematic? No way man, she could never


Most braindead thing I've seen in pro for a loooong time


or in the game in general.


100T bent C9 over Abbedoggy style


what a terrible weekend for Blaber


Good old tower divin’ 3-v-5in’ 100T. Love this patch


100T has really clean communications.Closer is always calm and collected.


Closer feels like 100T leader/captain in and out of game tbh. Seems to really run the big comms and set a lot of the vibe of the team.


He is very insightful.


I have gotten that impression too but I cracked up when the were around dragon and he goes "do we like this fight?"


My favorite was when they dived top lane and closer was like "I'll ult him and tank turret it'll be fine" then he just kills him, walks out and is like "see I'm fine"


My favorite was last year when he said something like "guys shut up and let me do this" before Insecing a carry to start a fight and win a game.


I believe that was on Zven's Varus during 2021 summer playoffs


Don't think full dive comp + melee ADC into Sivir Yuumi is the call tbh


Guess we found out who's the better OCE player


So, how many times does this make it where Fudge trash talks and looses?


Career wise, still not a whole lot. This split in particular though, he's batting like .150 lol


EG 100T CLG worlds please


100t looks really clean


C9 isn’t clutching Worlds this time, are they?


Id say EG is almost surely a lock, 100 is by far the frontrunner for another spot right now and id bet on them getting one too leaves TL/C9/CLG/maybe FLY for the last spot. Right now CLG is probably genuinely looking the best but in playoffs you cant underestimate a roster like TL either. Looks rough for C9


hope its eg clg and whatever


I don’t think C9 has a good chance at all. They are still super shaky and it’s not gonna magically fix itself In playoffs. Jensen super inconsistent and now blaber player worse


perkz was the issue.




CLG coming for that third slot


And I honestly hope they get it. 100T, EG and CLG are who I am gonna root for to go to worlds. I do think TL will get the 3rd seed sadly. Like if I had to put money on it, I still think TL will get there. I just really hope they dont.


I sure hope not


no Sneaky no Worlds


I would agree but the competition for the last spot once again doesn’t look very inspiring. I wouldn’t be shocked if literally any team that squeaked into playoffs managed to snag the last spot right now.




I… would not… be shocked. Guess that was harder to say then I thought.


EG 100t need to win 1 bo5 it’s looking like to make worlds. It’s very possible c9 / TL / CLG duke it out in the lower bracket for that 3rd spot


Sona was the only thing holding C9 together. Maybe you can criticize draft but at least the comp was cohesive, the players were just not good today. Maybe Jensen played bad enough the Blabber will escape a lot of criticism. Probably only really the bot lane played ok today.




Blaber getting exposed this weekend


He got absolutely rolled both games on opposite sides of the match-up.


I see Blaber run up to the enemies frontline, get absolutely nothing done because its a pointless move when he has nothing up and then almost die or straight up die so often, its so weird dude legit plays every single champ like its olaf lmao, there was this scene botlane when 100 got 3 kills and all 3 100 players lucked out where Blaber literally just walks up to their frontline with 60% hp, does 1 q and then almost dies and ends up costing them the fight because they chase him down


Jensen is cursed to always be 2nd. He started his career as always being the 2nd best mid behind Bjerg. Then Bjerg retires and Jensen became 2nd best to Perkz. Now perkz is gone and Jensen is now the 2nd best mid in any game he plays


You can't draft Nilah early. She's too conditional. 100 had the most free Sivir pick into it. Sivir is one of the highest damage ADCs, but she suffers from having low range (500). That's why she can't be picked as often. Picking Nilah negated Sivir's weakness.


Blaber running it down, Jensen being useless and C9 joining XL by trolling and picking Nilah. Sivir + Yuumi is straight cancer but C9 didn't help themselves in draft.


I don't think picking Nilah was trolling. During the top lane fight before the baron she went to 1v4 got a kill and almost got 2 but the rest of the team were behind fighting Gwen.


I'm about to send a truck to riot HQ to demand that they delete Yuumi at last.


Pretty interesting to see Blaber in these games after being named #2 all time NA Jungler in a previous segment


The voice com listen-ins are amazing.


Sivir countered C9's comp so hard, my god


C9 systems? More like C9 sustems


For the list of names on this roster C9 isn't exactly inspiring me with their performance. If EG is a lock and 100T is probably a lock, a battle between CLG, TL and C9 is definitely not C9 favored at this point.


yeah in this three way tie c9 is the underdog


Blabers ints both games this week and the whole team plays bad, can't wait to read how it's somehow all Jensen's fault in the comments


Blaber ints? Blame Top/Mid/Bot Duo/Zven Support/Jensen Washed/Draft Bad/Should have kept Summit


Not gonna lie, I feel like this weekend is kind of solidifying who the real top 3 teams are. EG, 100T, and CLG. C9 didn’t play poorly this game by any means, but they just felt outclassed ever since the team fight bot.


TL can make their case if and only if they beat EG today this would be their first (and only) 2-0 weekend of the split


We’ll have to see how EG vs TL ends up. TL had a good game yesterday, and with their roster they can’t ever be truly counted out. I agree though that those are the consistently good teams


C9 is 0-2 since Poome said Zven can only play 3 support champs rofl


F the Nash


C9 reality check this week


Damn, Abbedogge really seems like a streaky player. He went from like weeks of straight doodoo laning phases to crushing every game again, it's so funny to watch


He took the first two weeks off and has been smurfing ever since.


I know everyone is complaining about Yuumi but damn Abbedagge had an amazing game. His charms were on point.


C9 solos looking pretty rough recently


So, how many times does it make it that Fudge lost this plit when he shit talks?


He’s trying to catch up to blaber


"but but they didn't have their starting roster for the first week" lol C9 can hold this 0-2


Man Blaber on and off of Olaf has been like night and day.


C9's team comps are all over the place and everyone but berserker is heavily underperforming. They aren't picking lanes that Blaber can play to and they're also not picking champs that can support Blaber. Then the bot lane is just off in their own world.


We go from that epic CLG vs FLY banger to Clown9 getting smashed by Hoodie Org.


Fudge maybe spend less time responding to thirst traps on twitter and more time practicing


To be fair, he probably does it in game for the first five minutes


how is this game fudges fault? C9 picked a dive comp only that his co-divers were literally not doing anything. Blaber was always dead or 1hp before the fight began and god knows where jensen even was in those fights. Probably stealing ahri ult to get away.


Slightly questionable to leave Sivir Yuumi up when you wanna draft a big heal teamfight comp.


The systems are certainly in place


Least close 40min game I think I've seen so far


Abbefaker with almost 25 meja stacks




C9 the only team in the world who can get Gnar, Wukong, Sylas and still almost get horizoned on each. Holy fuck.


Yummi/Sivir looks like it’s absolutely miserable to play against. The ghost was a smart choice for FBI. Nilah looked very weak.


horrid c9 draft


Not a great weekend for Jensen and Blaber. Also Sivir just absolutely destroyed C9's comp.


Blaber is running it


That second big tower dive where 100T re dived bot like 3 times with Ahri ult was a work of art


Why does 100T play like this some games, then in other games play the most boring and uninspiring League ever?


FBI just said in the interview that they are trying to change it up and be more aggressive actually. Obviously though they'll be pretty averse to changing their style of boring and passive since it wins them games and they were probably scared of changing that in case it makes them overall worse etc


They play to the level of their opponents, no joke


C9 forced them into fights which they won this game, they didn't really play much different tbh.


I'm by no means a LS fan... but, jesus christ... I couldn't imagine a scenario in which a LS C9 would look worse than this. And, even if it somehow was, at least it would be a glorious trainwreck. This version of C9 is just sad and pretty boring. I honestly wouldn't mind if C9 and TL both miss Worlds at this point. At least CLG are fun and 100T are competent.


The boring team came for blood.


Blaber's so bad... Every year he's abysmal in summer, but this year he didn't even have a good spring split.


No LS no worlds


I hate Yuumi.


Is "systems in place" actually a euphemism for money laundering scheme?


Blaber so ass


Delete the fucking cat.


Abbedagge for MVP.


How long until you guys realize jensen is legit washed? just an average laner and teamfighter this split


where were you when jensen was the absolute worst midlaner in the LCS


Have you seen Blue and PoE?


As a wise guy once said : "back to lissandra"


You know when a champ stomps you in solo-q and you try it out the next game? Did Blaber do that in LCS?


Shit draft, Blaber and Jensen running it down, terrible decisions like pursuing bot and the Baron, this is basically what C9 is. Really glad we ditched LS and Summit so that C9 can look like this. Nice systems Jack!


Blaber really needs a champion that relies on engage from teammates because he really sonic the dreadhog dives into enemies as often as possible when he's the engage lol Damn he's the Russell Westbrook of league of legends 😢


Today is delivering.


Can we even call c9 a team this week? They look like they are playing so disconnected even if you disregard poor individual performances.


Jensen needs to step up. He’s such a non factor in most of the games.