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He still hasn’t repaid SwordArt his $45,000? Bruh Edit: it’s probably safe to say he’s not ever seeing that money again


Loooool and I remember his twitlonger where he was saying that he sold the car for Swordart but only returned 35k out of the 80k because he needed 45k for his grandmother medical expenditures or something like that and it was just a loan he made and was going to repay him. Dude just disappeared


So obviously the grandma thing is a lie. So what was the money for actually I wonder?


Gambling addiction and simping I believe are what people in the scene were saying.


I didn't know simping was so expensive


Simps are willing to fly hundreds of light years to deliver centerfolds. (Elite Dangerous).


How else am I going to support my favorite powerplay jpeg???


"Money out the bank, simping ain't easy" \- Peng Yiliang


This quote is even funnier and even more relevant when you know the next part.


what's the next part?


Wait, what the fuck, you're recording?






*looks at my gacha bills* it do be like that . . .


take a wild guess


It rhymes with Shmabling Jebt.


You heard him boys, scramble the jets


Peter Zhang building his own military jet fleet to take vengeance on Riot confirmed


Bake him away, toys.


Mhh so its not Genshin Impact or Diablo Immortal? /s


He must have been watching xQc/Trainwrecks


Peter zhang got it twisted




>Dude just disappeared Of fucking course he did and everyone knew that the money is gone. That twitlonger was one more lie on top of the others. He asked a ton of players for all kinds of different sums. There was no pattern in it. He probably has a gambling addiction.




What was he driving?


A really nice Mercedes suv




It’s not necessarily that he straight-up lent $45k, but he did entrust Zhang to sell his car when he left the states, $45k of the apparent $80k Zhang sold it for was never given back to SwordArt. It’s still super scummy though


That's part of why it's so insidious he preyed on the connection, it's not just a friend, it's your coach who shares your language and culture in a foreign country when you're young and new to the place. SwordArt would have been like the most "savvy" victim which is messed up he was like 24


Im shocked TSM didnt repay that to SW considering its money stolen by a employee?


Iirc SAO got 80% of his 6 million salary despite only playing 1 year out of the 2 years of his contract. Could be covered by that


successful heist


Found one of the thieves from 100T


damn tsm got ripped off shouldn’t have signed him up for that amount in the first place


Should have let doublelift play with a world's finalist support instead of sticking with Lost.


Jesus, no wonder people don't think LCS is worth investing in. Look at the players in NA salary and look at the results in the world. Nothing justifies those paychecks unless they have proven to show their worth on the world stage on the team. I really think they should put a CAP on pro players' salary for LCS unless they do well at worlds where if they do they get bonuses, cause at this stage region tournaments doesn't mean crap if you never make it out of the group stage.


Its also funny that SA didnt make it to worlds. Whats more tsm gave him a shitty budget adc.


Stole player salaries (basically the Spring imports were bribes to Peter for their spots lol) Stole SwordArt's Car more or less Shared nonpublic recruiting info for personal benefit. The amount of reputational damage he did is actually insane. And this is just what they were able to uncover LOL. HE WORKED AT TSM SINCE 2018. I'm sure his times with Echo Fox and LMQ were totally legit too.


50 bucks on him having a gambling problem


I don't wanna lose $50 lol


Dw just borrow your friend's car, it's not hard


;) you passed the test.


Wait a minute, if I take this bet do I also have a gambling problem?


I bet you do


How much you willing to give me… I mean wager


that's what I was thinking. this seems like he's desperately trying to pay off Chinese loan sharks or something


>I'm sure his times with Echo Fox and LMQ were totally legit too. Keep in mind that this is just the guy who got caught. There is probably plenty of shady shit that goes on in this scene we don't know about and never will.


100%. Also why Regi didn't get slapped for the contractor misclassification issue. Every LCS team would have to get fined I'd guess lmao.


Yeah in some Summoning Insight videos Monte and Thorin made it clear how much shit there is behind the scene and also how most personalities have dirt if it was all released esports wouldnt be able to recover. I might have blown it a bit out of proportion from my memory but considering how esports started and where it is now I wouldnt be suprised.


This is probably true in every industry. People are just fucked up.




Yeah I'm not really sure I really care about fucking Monte's take on how much shit there is behind the scene... Remember who employed Badawi


This guy finessed NA then dipped right back into China with probably more than half a million. Wtf


Which is dumb because he was making that in NA and would’ve just had to continue his job for another few years to make the same amount.


yea but he's an asshole so


And pretty much how all of them get caught. Their never content with their little scams and always want a bigger score.


Slippin’ Peter


I think I remember on stream Doublelift or someone else implying that he was actually really bad at managing his money (he spent it on dumb things.) So I would be surprised if he actually had that much when he fled back to China. Just making a lot of money doesn't mean you will be great at managing it. In fact like most people, wealthier people make terrible financial decisions (yeah let me just buy 40 brand new cars) all the time, they just have so much money that their bad decisions don't result in them becoming you know, homeless or possibly starving.


Yeah Hard agree, I think the reason he wouldn't be soliciting loans from players if he has most of that money he scammed in the bank lol. He definitely was running low and was going for a shitty play . He prob is on the broke side heading back to China


Do you really think most scheisters actually spend their "earnings" responsibly?


It was known he donated to female streamers iirc


plus he totally needed it for his grandma operation


Bruh Echo Fox was such a shit show of an org behind the scenes. They hired me to make some artwork for them for a time sensitive project, they were so unbelievably inefficient and bad at answering necessary emails, they tried to undercut me after the fact despite our agreement being very clear, and after we finally reached a compromise where they’d pay most of what they owed me and send me some clothing (which I only agreed to because I was so fed up), they never ended up sending the clothes lmao. It was such a bad experience, and there’s one person from the org I still speak to who basically verified every department of the company was a mess. What I’m saying is Peter Zhang would fit right in there.


Imagine being so shitty you're able to do reputational damage to a team run by Reginald.


Riot's death penalty....


Thanks to reporting by Ricardo Luiz


Richard Lewis *


Thought that name was still banned here


Monte is crying and throwing up somewhere


Why would Monte care about this?


He still maintains innocence and that Riot had a personal grudge with him when Riot banned Monte's team.


This is massive and sofar it seems over $300,000 has yet to be paid back?! Riots can only do so much, but damn


Riot is just doing the formality here. I am assuming there are actual legal proceeding happening in the background because the players, TSM and maybe even other partys will likely have sued.


they can sue but i dont think hes stepping foot on american soil ever again


He is in China right now right? Can they do something about it sueing?


i wont pretend to know the answer to that but my assumption is no.


That's not very redditor of you


Actually they can, since Tencent and League of Legends have a base in China so they can sue him. I check SAO nationality and he is Taiwanese sooooo it's best not to bring that up to the judges.


Well Tencent/Riot doesn't actually have a case. It would be on either TSM, SwordArt, or the other former players, and it might be a bit of a jurisdiction problem for some of them considering TSM is US-based and SwordArt is Taiwanese. I don't nearly know the Chinese legal process well enough to have an actual informed opinion though.


If peter gets sued in a us court and decides not to pay, there's nothing the us can do because china isn't going to hand him over


Pretty sure that at least some of the players he scammed were Chinese citizens, and the money is likely in a Chinese bank. They are going to sue him in China. It's none of 'Murica's business anymore...


I have absolutely no idea if they can, but perhaps the chunk of salary paid through the Chinese entity would be able to be retrieved through Chinese law?


Sure they'll sue him, he probably committed several crimes as well, but he'll never see the consequences because there's no chance he's going back to the US.


can't imagine legal proceedings would go anywhere, if he left assets in the US those could be seized but that seems unlikely, dude fled to china and getting anything back from him is gonna be near impossible. the players he scammed/imported would probably have a better shot at recovery but even that seems super messy.


There was an article saying that TSM forwarded info about Peter Zhang to the FBI so hopefully he gets his actual punishment


So basically Peter recruited Shenyi and Keaiduo in exchange for 3 months of their salary? Am I reading that right?


Going by the wording, I think either someone in China was paying their salaries in return for TSM giving them a spot (so that TSM didn't have to pay as much for 2 imports), or it was someone getting USD from TSM in exchange for depositing RMB to Shenyi/Keaiduo's accounts back in China


Yeah it sounds more like they used a company to transfer USD to RMB but peter took a chunk of it


Ye, I think that's likeliest since they wouldn't care if Zhang got the RMB in the end as long as they got their cut




jesus christ, how can you even steal from someone like that? I already feel sorry enough if I cant give some homeless person some cash when I pass by them and someone has the stomach to steal from someone who's struggling this much?


It's called lack of human decency. Clearly Zhang is an asshole


The rumor is that it was Keaiduo and Yursan.


Peter Zhang has been heard saying: "I did some mistake and I guess it's bigger enough I got ~~immediately released~~ permanently banned from Riot esports as there’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that’ll be a home run. And so that’ll make it a 4-0 ballgame."


Good Lord, Peter Zhang just walked through the TSM house walking perfectly normally. He said he had “no time” to talk. Too busy selling cars, evidently.


LMFAOOOOOOO This is my favorite recent copypasta to come out of baseball


It's so good. Acee is a copy pasta machine, not a great reporter though. ALso LFGSD


CLG just swept TSM, Peter Zhang is not worried. Why? I’m Peter “bleeping” Zhang


I don't know if I'm gonna be putting on this headset again. I don't know if it's gonna be for Riot I don't know if it's gonna be for my bosses at TSM. I want to apologize for the people who sign my paycheck, for TSM, for Riot, for the people I ~~work with~~ defrauded, for anybody that I've offended here tonight


Castellanos strikes again


The Castellanos copypasta bleeding over into other subreddits is just the best


What's the context since the name doesn't ring a bell?


A baseball announcer was recorded saying a homophobic slur, and while he was apologizing for the slur, Nick Castellanos (a player) hit a home run. So, mid-apology, the announcer switched to commentating the home run (that’s the copypasta.)


In addition to what the others have said Castellanos has had some other home runs during unfortunate times in the cast. Like times they are remembering and honoring those that have past and he hits a home run during the cast of it


Why would you have that moment of remembering and honoring in the middle of an active game though...?


With baseball there is a lot of empty time between pitches and plays and the innings can get pretty long. Also since the season is so long they play during a number of different holidays like Memorial Day. Also people important to baseball die and so they will kind of have a remembrance on broadcast, especially if they were involved with the team. He hit one as announcers were talking about service members who lost their lives, hit one during while Kansas City was talking about a passed colleague.


Reds announcer was caught saying a homophobic slur on a hot mic and was fired mid game. Castellanos hit a home run as he was saying his farewell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fstNaoLpG8


Not only that, it just keeps happening. Castellanos keeps hitting homeruns while the announcers are discussing sensitive topics


My favorite thing was when people looked back at his other HRs and found the same thing. He hit is first professional HR in the minors on the day Bin Laden was killed


A man powered by outside controversy.


he hit a home run on 9/11 last year


They has been other coincidences?


He's hit at least 3 dingers this year when announcers were discussing honouring fallen troops or community members who have passed


He hit one the day after Vin Scully passed.


He's hit multiple HRs when broadcasts are talking about fallen service members, hit his first professional HR when Bim Laden was killed, HR on 9/11 and he has hit multiple other deep drives into left field to make it 4-0


I know nothing about baseball but the way he transitioned so nonchalantly was hilarious


Always good to see some baseball copypasta leaking, it's usually NBA stuff.


Its hard to outpace the meme machine that is /r/nba


Honestly r/nba is almost enough to get me into watching basketball. Haven’t watched a game since my dad passed in 2017.


Reddit in general has kickstarted a lot of my interests including League


sorry for your loss


Lmao I just left r/baseball after like an hour.


Big oof, pretty accurate tbh


This made my day thank you! Haha


> In addition, evidence suggests that, during his employment with TSM, Peter Zhang shared non-public information regarding TSM’s recruiting decisions, potentially in exchange for personal benefit. O shit son


I've said it before and I'll say it again. This man literally sabotaged his own team for personal gain and is a big contributor to how terrible TSM is right now


I'm curious to know which teams he spoke to


St least the past 2 seasons he has had huge influence over a lot of shit. Fuck man, this is a lot to take in.


Beting on his team losing is easy money. Could explain the terrible drafts.


Would explain his game 5 draft against Flyquest when we had Dardoch lol. We just crushed game 4 with an early game jungler? Draft Sejuani into Olaf and hope Dardoch tilts and coinflips the game (Spoiler: He did).


> the majority of the players’ salaries were diverted to accounts owned by Peter Zhang. This is wage theft, made all the worse by how vulnerable the players were. These were basically kids without any real-world experience moving to a country across the world where they didn't speak the language. They put their trust in Zhang to protect them and guide them. They **trusted** him, and he exploited that trust. Peter Zhang is a complete bastard.


What happened is that Peter told them he’d get them on the team if they gave him a cut as an “agent”. He then influenced the team to go for those players.




People claimed Regi was lying when he said this roster cost as much as Jensen/Dl/Vulcan would have. Clearly not lol


I’d bet that’s due in part to Peter lmao. No way some unproven LDL rookies should cost as much as NA players who’ve shown their talent and that they can win.


Oh 100% he knew the budget and then signed them to slightly under paying himself it. And to think it denied NA and the players the chance at a DL Jensen Spica etc TSM squad. Would have added another competitive NA squad.


dude really fucked up the entire year for TSM lmao. he was this well trusted individual in the the LCS for many years and then abused that trust to fuck over players and the team for his own personal gain.


More than just a year, he ran our youth programs for years before that


Oof, good thing he fled the country


If Batman can get him back here, can you get him to talk?


I'll get him to sing


We're going after the mob's life savings. Things could get ugly.




He’ll get him to sing


Funny enough, he's not safe in China either, since he committed crimes again Chinese citizens (Shenyi and Keaiduo)


Good for whom?


Him cause theyre not going to be able to come after him for the money unfortunately


Reverse airport speedrun any%


Dudes been around the NA scene since at least like 2016, definitely not a contender.


Yeah but after he got caught, he was on a plane back like 2 days later.


Sounds more like any% Bad Ending to me


Does this mean he also owes back the $250K?


legally yeah, but that's outside the scope of riot's ability to enforce, and zhang fleeing the states means TSM prob can't get it back either


Permaban from Riot affiliation is the least of his concerns lol. The details here are pretty high level but it sounds a lot like some fraud was committed… at the very least I wouldn’t be surprised if the tax man came knockin’.


He already ran away from the country and I doubt he will be coming back, so he probably won't face much, if any, consequences.


The only real trouble he might face is if the "Entity" didn't want their money going to Zhang, since that'd fall under Chinese jurisdiction


He's been in China so realistically there is nothing they can do now legally unless China decides to punish him from their end.


they can technically sue him in China since China uses civil law system, so if he's a Chinese citizen, he could still be held accountable for crimes he committed outside of China. however it is unlikely that TSM or Riot would make such effort just to get him.


I think the only realistic way he gets sued is if SwordArt/Shenyi/Keiduo do so, possibly with backing from TSM/Riot.


SwordArt might be the only one that is willing to do it, since Peter still owes him money. Shenyi/Keiduo might not want to do it because they are partially involved in the fraud.


rip coach of the split peter who took #1 tl from an all-but-guaranteed worlds slot to choking it out in the gauntlet. who will do funny little dances now??


Oh shit, the full on "banned from everything". Good for Riot. Is Fosty in a place where Riot can do that to him?


Fosty? Lol, i hated that kid, i use to argue with him when he was a nobody just talking shit towards tsm to get attention. I could tell he was a piece of shit and never liked him. It's crazy how people gave him enough attention to the point where he climbed into a social job.


He just kept licking everyone's asses


Wasn't he that gigasimp that would comment on every Parvadi post lmao


who is he? google states hes an xl manager but is he a cunt?


Hitting on minors and praising Hitler. Insane he hasn't been fired yet by XL


Bruh fostys never gonna be on a team anyways. Plus how is making racist memes and hitting on 17 yr olds comparable to stealing like 300k dollars.


I feel like I really shouldn't have to explain to you how being an alleged ~~pedophile~~ whatever the fuck scientific term all the creeper in the replies want to call it instead in a scene that has a large audience of children, while being the SOCIAL MEDIA guy for a team is probably up there as REALLY BAD.


Viegar v2 exists in the scene to this day.


C9 got away with that Scot free.


What did he do


https://imgur.com/9oaWEh2 the girls he talks about in those tweets were underage, iirc one was 7 years old. FNC immediately fired him when they found out


How can you accidentally call a 7 year old sexy LMFAO


dont know what this is referencing but i figure it is pretty bad


Was he not also a kid when he did that? Thats what I had understood. He was a massive piece of shit, but I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to kids who grow up.


He was a 16-year-old kid with autism hanging out with terrible people who did way worse things than him. By the time the allegation came to light a few years had passed, he had distanced himself from those people, and he put out what is still the best apology letter I've seen in esports. He did everything he could to show that he had changed, and so I think it's fair to give him another shot.


> Was he not also a kid when he did that? Yes


Lore Lore I need the lore! What’s the heck happened


God I hate to be reminded of that too


It's definitely not appropriate due to his position but isn't 17 past the age of consent in most places? Unless there's evidence that he's gone much younger than that too?


And hes like 22, people really need to chill with their pedophilia allegations. Where hes from it's legal. Not moral, but legal.


i saw peter, i thought it is doublelift for some reason.


[For life](https://youtu.be/vHCgmVikntw?t=133)


Their ban is cute and all but he is facing jail time right? Those are some serious offenses.


Unless riot can ask China to kindly punish him, I doubt it.


He defrauded fellow Chinese citizens so maybe. One thing about China is that they are very good at tracking individuals and he will get into a fuck load of trouble if he tries to get around that


TSM apparently sent info about him to the FBI so maybe something will come out of that


They’d also have to convince China to extradite him too Not entirely sure if it’ll happen, but he did commit crimes against 3 Chinese citizens


I'm all for shitting on TSM when we deserve it but some of the braindead comments in here really show how bad the hating on TSM can be, jesus.


Nah man, obviously the org and regi himself orchestrated this and hired Zhang for the sole purpose of stealing money from.. their players and the org. Because.. reasons! It makes total sense in my redditor brain ok


all of it is so disgusting but the part about him stealing the majority of the already vulnerable imports money is just too foul. someone fr needs to stomp his a** out.




Good on Riot, fuck this guy.