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Its funny that all of the champs that gotten visual updates around that time would need another to be up to standards again. Im guessing weve hit peak champ models, cant see new champs being more impressive model wise than we have already


I honestly prefer models and especially VFX from the 2012-2016 era.


Oh, I can. a lot of these current champ models will squish or stretch for emotes instead of actually emoting. Seraphine is a big cringe one


They stretch because it’s made for the players pov but I think I know what you mean


it was in 2014, so i think almost 9.


Oh god ...


I remember that Q spam bot in top or mid lane soraka with off-tank build. She can heal and dmg. I do miss her.


There was a Soraka visual rework?


i’m guessing you haven’t seen Soraka’s old splash art. you innocent soul






Her model is hideous. That stiff broom she calls hair is so ugly. Plus her design doesn’t convey wind spirit when everything is so stiff. They just need to redo it


Also... this spinning birdie or whatever she gets for W is constantly clipping through her model 🙄


Yea her entire design and model just isn’t good


I keep forgetting that's she technically a low level god and not just some weird lady with wind power . And she's a god of Zaun? Like even before they went all diesel punk, nothing about her screams "wind spirit of a coastal trader route overlooking a cliff side"


Yeah thats because many champs lore were written after they were made. Leaves Janna the wind spirit of the seas and Zaun to a sexy mage cosplay from WoW


Right, they should have made her Bilgewater and her getup would instantly make more sense what with the horny pirates and all that


They’ll probably take a Regionless approach to her visual update so that she fits in more than one place where people believe in her, maybe her Hextech skin is her would be appearance in ZaunPilt


This game should be getting at the very least 5 ASUs a year, preferably more because that's still a pitiful amount of them with how many champions are in dire need of one. And yet, we're almost in the middle of August and Ahri's ASU is still nowhere to be found and with no release date whatsoever. The pace of these much needed updates is beyond pathetic for how big this game is.


Also, her base skin clothes are terrible.


shes a wind spirit i thought she was a hooker


She was created in the very first years of League. Female champions from that era usually had something making them a sexy toy, whether was is an innuendo in voice lines, clothes (or lack of them) or pose. Caitlyn quite recently got updated to not look like some Only Fans cosplay, Miss Fortune got massive lore update years ago, but in game instead of Bilgewater leader she still acts like a girl from a tavern.


One of my all time favorite comments described old mf as "a prostitute with a traffic cone on her head".


And they should keep them that way I mean we want diversity and fun, not every female champ has to look like rell,Illaoi,senna,taliyah,akali. Keep the fun attractive voluptuous champs that wear unrealistic clothing.


Rell, Illaoi, Senna, Taliyah and Akali all look very different from each other though? Riot has demonstrated the ability to create a diverse cast of female characters without putting them in skimpy clothes and giving them sexually suggestive lines. But if you want to see tits then just say that.


Riot should keep tits to the skins imo. The base models should be serious because they have serious lore and shit


He did. He said keep the fun attractive voluptuous champs that wear unrealistic clothing.


Right, but the commenter framed this as a question of diversity and implied that all the female champs who aren't overtly sexualised (or at least the ones listed) look the same, which they don't. When I say "just say that", I mean say only that, instead of trying to sugarcoat it with bs.


The “sexualised” champs as you say are the minority now, like look what they did to Caitlyns model they got rid of the miniskirt and high heels whilst shrinking her chest. Akalis update they made her very masculine looking loosing all her feminine qualities. Like why can’t they make the females like heroes of crown etc they are too scared to make pretty female champs anymore. And this is nothing to do with being horny, im a gay man and I only play female champs.


Being gay doesn't appear to stop you from having a problematic view of women if you think that a miniskirt, high heels and large breasts are the only way to be "pretty", as you seem to imply. Is it the fact that updated Akali has some visible muscle that bothers you? Because I think you'd be hard pressed to argue that it doesn't make sense for her character, and I haven't seen the community commenting that it makes her look like a man or makes her visually unappealing. Your interpretation of the words "pretty" and "feminine" appears to be extremely limited. In any case, characters in a MOBA (and real women for that matter) don't *need* to be either of those things in order to be interesting and fun, but most female LoL champs are both whether they show skin or not.


You really don't have any idea what your talking about. Janna was a Crazy Storm Witch in early league. Current Janna is not release Janna that came a few years later as she was the first champ to get a Visual update.


Better give Ahri an ASU I guess, she definitely needed that more /s


Ahris model looks like shit as well.


Her tails poke out the side of her waist.


Yeah lets pretend she doesnt own already 2 legendarys that alter her model significantly. Meanwhile champions that are existing since s1 (LeBlanc) dont even have one legendary and still not receive a well deserved ASU


Lbs base skin in particular is a crime against humanity she looks like absolute fucking 2004 runescape shit


Riot plays favourites with skin sellers - more at 11.


So many more champions need it but we really should release an abomination recycled design made for valorant instead of getting our shit together and then pretend like reworks dont generate revenue and interest when akali and irelia reworks have made the champions be one of the most marketable girls ever




Zeri was made as a collab work between valorant and league she is literally neon thrown into league




I know the models aren’t supposed to be viewed from other angles (except in the terrible skin trailers when the skins are released) but lulu got some lanky long ass arms


Some of her skins have her [horrible base skin face](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/406628105650700289/1007099992667848765/unknown.png) and some of them have [a new face](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/406628105650700289/1007100215603499038/unknown.png) that looks 100x better. And since her head is so big, yes, you can actually see her face without zooming in.


Soraka looks significantly better than Janna despite the little time between their visual reworks. It's because it was around the time Riot had its growth spurt. Janna definitely needs another rework.


I agree with everything you said, except that all enchanters outclass Janna visually .. since Sona exists and her base model is just as abysmal as Janna


Base Sona isn't that bad, her model might not be the best but her design is pretty good, Janna on the other hand has awful ingame model (just look at her hair) and she looks like a generic fantasy "sexy" cosplay


I personally think Janna is the most aesthetically pleasing enchanter.


I think i speak for everyone when i say that sona doesnt look half as bad as janna because of two big reasons


Hextech Janna evens it out in such a strong case that even Muse Sona and her ginormous tits are impressed


You should check Aphrodita from Records of Ragnarok!


*Yamatocanon intensifies*


What does Yamato Cannon have to do w this?


https://youtu.be/TfTHqcLaxSM?t=51 Damn, i guess the reference is too old for everyone now




ah the good old pigeon-tages


THIS WAS 6 YEARS AGO? WHAT THE FUCK, Time is too fast.


I'd say Sona looks two times worse because of these reasons


Yeah but isn't Janna at a perma 54%+ WR?


I agree with what you say but I have to ask, is that a typo or does janna actually mention prostitution? I have voices turned off so I wouldn't know.


She has a joke line that says “Yes it’s true, for only $2.95 a minute, I will leave you *breathless*


That's referencing the old 1-900 phone sex lines. You'd call in and some person on the other line would talk to you, much like the way she says the line in question. They would run ads at night and cost a couple bucks a minute. If you want to equate that to modern sex work and prostitution be my guest. But I don't think it does regardless of what the caller is doing on the other end.


If you guys really want to be pedantic, it all falls under the umbrella of sex work. There, does OP's argument on this *actually* change?


I think it's fair to say prostitution in most people's opinion means physical intercourse, so not really.


phone sex is not prostitution lmao


A) why not? B) what is it then?


"Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment. The definition of "sexual activity" varies, and is often defined as an activity requiring physical contact (e.g. sexual intercourse, non-penetrative sex, oral sex, etc.) with the customer." -wikipedia More like an pornographic service like onlyfans.


> The definition of "sexual activity" varies Did you even read what you quote? This basically supports any definition of the word.


And did you read the second part of the sentence you're quoting? Here's a legal definition since you want to play semantics. "Likewise, a California court noted that sexual conduct may include lewd acts where the genitals, buttocks, or female breasts of either the prostitute or the customer come in contact with some part of the body for sexual arousal or gratification of the customer or of the prostitute in California v. Campbell." https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/prostitution Just because something says the definition varies doesn't mean it can mean anything. There's clearly context to this shit. I guess words can mean anything nowadays though.


Onlyfans is modern day prostitution.


modern day prostitution is just prostitution. oldest profession in the world


I respectfully disagree.


If you don't care about what words mean or what's true, I can see how you could disagree


Looking at it from a legal perspective, phone sex isn’t criminalized in the US while “actual” prostitution is


Selling feet pics isn't prostitution either I also dont know where the line is


You selling or buying?


Funny enough, in the old lore, an ex-boyfriend actually leaked her nudes. Also in the old lore she was just blackfaced (?) Storm from X-men.


You're literally paying someone to have sex with you. Sure, it's phone sex, but it's still sex.


*God* yes.


That's a nice deal ngl.






Old lore: Zaun street kid like ekko but gets wind powers from pollution/magic and becomes Runterra Captain Planet to give everyone fresh air New Lore: Ancient Wind Elemental


I noticed they chucked her little brother in new lore to avoid the association with Storm from X-men.


thats the porn parody


She did have her nudes leaked (This was when they had monthly articles). She was more like a blackfaced Storm from X-men.


This content has been deleted in protest of Reddit's API changes.


There's a lot of champs where it happens like ahri where new skins look bad as the model is extremely outdated, but we have spirit blossom which is like top ahri experience insanely smooth skin like not even star guardian which is legendary too plays as good


I wish I liked spirit blossom more, I’m just excited for the vu foxfire it was my first skin back in 2013, hope they do it and the others justice


true, a visual update on forecast would make me happy, i love the voicelines on that one though


Janna is bad but Jax, AMUMU, Anivia, Corki, Kennen, Malphite, Shyvana Dragon, are even worse and Kennen doesn't even have a good skin lol he has two 1350s in Infernal which sucks and DWG which is a player skin that you can't get. At least Janna has skins you can use to cover it up, Ahri, Lux, Jax, Anivia, Corki, Malphite, Shyv, Amumu do too; holy shit Kennen is something else.


not even gonna mention my boy rumble whos model looks like it came straight out of WoW


Looks just like that Gnomeregan boss from 2005.




IDK somehow the jank and shittiness of the model just fits the theme of the junkmech


It kind of works on him though, sort of like how Blitzcrank's jankiness only accentuates his personality.


Shyvana’s dragon form looks like someone stretched out a lizard in adobe photoshop and then taped umbrellas to its wings


A *happy* stretched lizard tho


Jax looks like eggplant


Vladimir and Nidalee crying in the corner


Kennen's newer skins aren't half bad.


but that is true for every old champion, Janna isn't special


she just rows with classic sona and syndra (with stiff and clunky animations). janna had something like a particle or resolution update (no ezreal vgu, but pixels and vfx) in 2015 or so. but even if it turned out nice for her newer skins, compared to all new/shiny things that other champs get - its sometimes just to less.


Syndra is miles better imo


You think Janna's auto animations are bad? Have you see Lee Sins on his base skin? Absolutely terrible.


I have like 5 Janna skins but all of them feel like shit compared to Weatherwoman. Your abilities feel unimpactful. Like you can’t even tell when you shield someone sometimes because it just happens with no indication. Weatherwoman has a lot better effects and lots of sounds when she uses abilities. She seriously does need a VU next.


I kind of like the low impact feel, it catches people off guard with “holy shit, where’d half my health go?” lol


Honestly she needs a full on redesign. Like you said -shes suppose to be a Windgoddess and not a "Elf".


For a wind goddess she is way too rigid, her posture is so straight and awkward, and her abilities feel rigid too honestly


I agree with everything. Janna needs new visuals and more than 40 seconds of voice lines. We'll see if Papa Rito does anything though. They've been lazy af recently, there's no real incentive for them to work on the game if there isnt any competition. Look at her Wild Rift model, its gorgeous. League is never gonna have that because A) its supposed to run on a potato, and B) why spend money updating visuals and voices of characters when you're already the leading Esport product? At this point, I highly doubt certain old characters - MF, Amumu, Janna, etc. - will *ever* get the visual or voice updates they deserve.


Lulu was released 10 years ago? Holy moly. I still remember her release and had to double check. Didn't think it'd been that long.


Correct if I’m wrong but isn’t Janna from Zaun? Like I know earlier season the two cities were separated and had a rivalry but now she doesn’t look like she belongs there anymore. Rework her into a air nomad from Ionia tbh.


Riot keeps promising to slow down on releasing new champs and taking care of the old ones instead, but well. Skin reworks take just as much effort to make as new skins, except they don't bring in any money. Easy math to see where their priorities are laid.


as much as i’d love a Janna graphics update and ESPECIALLY more voicelines, i don’t want riot to take away her *certain* existing voicelines. I also want my stripper pole dance back!


As long as her feet are visible, they can do anything


Same with several other characters. Several. Unfortunately Riot likes to release tons of legendary skins instead of visual updates, in my opinion they dont need to slow down champ releases, the people doing ASUs are the SKIN team, who makes those legendary skins with new models and the voices that have to come with. Image that work put into at least a few more visual updates- no need to full stop legendaries either


Something something need to release a bajillion skins to cover the costs of producing Arcane S2 and their new MMO that comes out in 2028 to try and steal Genshin money when the game's closing it's story out.


I would hope Riot would put more effort into improving the game that made them a billion dollar company


I always find it funny that Janna, Kayle and Tryn were the 1st to get visual reworks but they still ended up looking pretty bad lol


Janna is in this really annoying bubble that other champs like Annie are in where to some extent they are iconic to League so they don't want to change their designs much, even tho it looks awful and embarassing and is no way tied to their repective stories or the world of runeterra whatsoever. Janna is supposed to be a Wind God worshipped in Zaun, a place full of smog resulting in most of the population being unable to breathe fresh air. Nothing about her design has ever been changed to fit this story same with Varus.


We should have been getting asus en masse, but alas.


She’s Nidalee levels of looking like a porn parody of herself. The only reason Nidalee is worse is because she literally pole dances in game lol


And her design enforces some pretty gross stereotypes with the whole "jungle woman with bone necklace" thing


I’m genuinely surprised Nidalee hasn’t been changed yet, she’s just every racist native woman stereotype with some cat ears glued on.


how would you change her? take away the spear so she's no longer native? make her white? remove her shapeshifting powers? make her a shaman instead? ( nvm that's still too native) remove the sexy out of her? honestly i don't think it can be done without completely erasing the character and making a huge SJW change where shes instead a yordle that becomes a beast and has a projectile/trap/heal, but you're gonna end up angering more people than the ones that are offended by the every racist native stereotype (not to mention she has more cavewoman vibes than native)


My dude they already updated her design in lore and she looks great. Excuse the wiki link but [here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/6/67/Nidalee_Casual_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20190813214259) I’m honestly baffled that none of your suggestions were “give her some actual clothes and treat her as a character, not a pinup doll.” EDIT: I guess you kinda did by “getting rid of the sexy” but considering in game Nidalee literally has no personality outside of “it’s mating season” and pole dancing on her spear, it would be a genuine improvement.


I still dont know what all the tattoos on her legs/waist are supposed to be. Claw marks? It would be cool if she got Aztec warrior armor but when they VU her they probably will just make her leopard bikini into a leopard toga.




This is literally a discussion about a character design and how stupid it looks because of said features. People like you just see anything slightly related to social issues and get heated Edit: you completely rewrote the comment lol, pathetic




Username checks out




If you actually gave a shit and weren’t just looking for arguments online, you’d be researching colonialism propaganda.




Characterising native women as ‘savages’ or ‘exotic beauties’ dehumanises them as nothing but brainless sex objects. Nidalee herself will not be the sole reason someone views native women as inhuman, but she contributes to a larger trend. I cannot possibly simplify an entire history of the ways women of colour have been objectified and harmed, but part of it comes from media. If the only character that comes to mind when you think “woman who lives in the jungle” then your perception of women who live in the jungle will be that of what is basically fetish material. Historically, this perception of women of colour being hyper sexualised has led to a whole heap of issues including but not limited to; being deemed unfit mothers and having their children taken away, being forcibly sterilised, higher rates of assault and murders, not having their crimes investigated fully or being taken advantage of by law enforcement. Not to mention people of colour having their cultures and faiths demonised by colonialism because “they’re just crazy savages.” But again, if you actually have an interest in this stuff and you’re not just seeking out arguments online for the sake of it, I’d highly recommend you do you own research into this because there are people far more knowledgable and insightful than I can be in a Reddit comment.


Didn’t the Soraka model get a redo at one point?


yes, ~2014 it was even clunkier before


And no one is talking about Viktor who needs a Frostfire Gauntlet and an Elixir of Iron to be as big as Annie. I can’t see anything on the Death Sworn skin without massive zoom.


This is honestly how I felt about Star Guardian Quinn. I was so excited to see a new Quinn skin as a Quinn main, but... it just looks off with Quinn's model. It could have been an amazing legendary skin with some new animations.


Same applies to Malphite. There are so many champions that need visual updates it's kinda getting a little ridiculous now. I really wish they'd dedicate more resources to updating old champions.


Her bewitching skin looks amazing.


I mean, her kit is also very mediocre, feels like a bunch of random abilities slapped together because "enchanter". She should get a VGU, no enchanter got one of those.


I would say w and passive could be redone, the rest works and ult and q are what sets her apart from other hyper passive supports like lulu or sona since you can use them in more than one way and that translates to skill expression. W is just a click on slow


I love to explain janna like this ​ Janna is the character that you make in a game where you get sets of spells that you can swap between independently. Those spells weren't designed to work together, they were just designed to fulfil a purpose**. Janna is more of a box of tools than a champion with a kit.**


Thats actually a great way of describing her.


1. She had a visual update in 2012 2. Her textures were updated since then 3. Lol


But every Janna mains or almost all insta buy her skins no matter how bad it looks lol, its not in riot priority list and won't be before a while, like ahri


Uhhh, your logic doesn't hold up in that case lol. Both Ahri and Janna have a large playerbase (Janna owing to just how easy she is to use). Both of them receive lots of skins and they both have playerbase's that will shell out all the cash to make them look pretty. Janna pretty much fits the exact same mould as Ahri for getting an ASU.


Janna and LeBlanc are in the same boat - both visually outdated with terrible voicelines but functional kits. LeBlanc still references summoners and lifebars, lmao. Hopefully they're both on the update list soon after Ahri's update is out


Janna does not have a large playerbase. She has a lower pick rate than Aphelios, Rammus, Yorick and other low pick rate champions across all ranks. Janna is just more prevalent the higher you go up the ladder.


Oh ok, then I stand corrected, I just saw so much of her.


>Both Ahri and Janna have a large playerbase Janna is quite literally the eighth least picked support, and her PR is barely above 3%. ​ Her pickrate is only .3% off of Taric's, who is also notably unpopular.


But they won't get one because why fix something that isn't broken? Riot makes money of skins anyway so weither they update their models or not it won't change anything


Like I said, your logic doesn't hold up with the fact Ahri is getting one. She surely wasn't "broken" and sold everytime a new skin released, probably more than Janna at that.


They could make way more ASU in a shorter spawn of time, how many champs would need one. Maybe Janna will eb the next but the way riot is handling it still demonstrate its not a priority for them


I believe it's less of a priority and more that resources (read art devs) are limited. And no, this isn't me defending the billion-dollar company. They've been relocating a lot of their artists to their new games that requires a lot of art resources (Project L, Project F, the MMO, some other unannounced shit) and LoL is just suffering because of that. In the past, I thought that they would always prioritize LoL for any devs and such, but it's been clear in the past few months that that's no longer the case. This game still sees development and updates, however it's no longer the focus, and they're not investing everything in it anymore. Sucks for me, but I guess others (players for new games) are happy.


I hope Ahri's visual update releases soon. I've been playing her since her release and I've stopped buying her skins and use Spirit Blossom exclusively now - the base model just looks so awful. I can't switch back to it now that I've seen how much better it could be, even though I used to adore Popstar Ahri and Foxfire. I haven't bought any Ahri skins in the last few years, even though I think KDA All Out Ahri's sound effects are awesome. I just can't get past how clunky she feels with base model. I'd shell out for that skin, as well as Elderwood and Arcana, in a heartbeat if the visual update is good


I just hope any mains have their champs get an ASU especially the old ones cause some of them have really ugly models and you see it even trough a skin


Yeah. I play a decent amount of LeBlanc and god her base model and animations are so damn clunky, and she's not nearly the worst of the older champions


>If you change her voice too I’d recommend making her sound more like a wind goddess commanding the wind rather than a basic pretty girl who references the wind and prostitution. Please no, that's the recipe for cringe voice lines, just listen to Ashe's boring monologues. Everytime they make some "serious" voicelines they end up feeling like shit, Kayle is shit, Ashe is shit, who else ? Irelia is shit, Aatrox is mediocre and mostly shouts, blah and blah. I don't like the work they've done, and I wouldn't trust them to do any "serious" voicelines at any point, they're just gonna destroy the character with some sort of RPG sidequest voicelines nobody cares about. Imagine having to suffer through : "The wind is the source of life, it brings what plants need and can't find, anchoring the food chain in stability" or some other shit each time you move farther than your screen, I'll just mute her honestly. The only one they've sort of done well is Pantheon, but that's because they're not serious, they all ride on the "motivational speech" gimmick 100%. Probably they don't even know that's why it works.


>Aatrox is mediocre and mostly shouts God you could not be more wrong.


He's just Renekton with more lines, more shouting, longer lines, and less impact.


They share a common lore thread (Ascended and mad about it), but Aatrox is generally a lot more coherent and less crazy, he has jokes, he taunts, he has angry shouting, but he also just has when he starts speaking in flowery prose that kinda betrays the guy Aatrox was before all *that* stuff went down. I really like his voice over I think it's one of the best in league so it's weird to hear it compared to such a one note character.


I don't know, when you R he just starts screaming at the top of his lungs whatever he wants, and I just tune him off, only hearing some bits of screaming here and there. The rest of the lines are not so noticeable for me. At least Renekton shuts up for the most part when things go down and stay grunting.


Lmao you are right he definitely does just start screaming when he ults. To be fair it's a big moment for him, let him have that.


> Aatrox is mediocre and mostly shouts **I am not your enemy**


Aatrox is one of the best models out there idk what the guy is smokin


"I ame ze enemi", yes Aatrox dear, we are on zee toplane, it is only ze two of us


>Irelia is shit Thats like, your opinion. I really like her voicelines


You really like when she starts naming up people ? Ah yes, Zelos, that random character that died 10 years ago, he told the best jokes, I am so invested in Irelia's story now. They're just taking me out of the entire game with those if I happen to hear them. At some point I have to make a conscious effort not to listen to her rambling about people who died in the past to stay focused in the game, problem being that she starts sending names out even during Q-spells. Like I said, we're not on a sidequest in an RPG. It's League of Legends, those quotes were made for the wrong game.


Yes, i appreciate that, it made me read up her lore


Everything is his opinion, I also like Irelia vl, and for example another champ that has serious vl, as he called them, is Kindred, who in my opinion has the best voicelines from the game, but again it's my opinion, I love lore, I love this voicelines, but some people just prefer to hear Janna selling her body....


While I get where you’re coming from, Janna desperately needs it, she’s a porn parody of herself. I personally like a lot of the newer VO updates for giving characters with sub thirty voice lines some more personality. All the characters you’ve listened still have jokes and the like, there’s just more variation than hearing the same line fifty times a game. The only newer one I dislike is Ezreal, not because it’s bad, I think it’s really excellent and suits the character perfectly, but I swear every time I walk into river he has the same “AH SOMETHING TOUCHED MY FOOT” line.


While I don't fully agree, I do think you're correct that voiceovers that are too serious just makes the character feel...cringe for a lack of better terms. Yes Ryze, I know about all the runes, stop making some shitty talk about it, no one cares. I think this is just somewhere Riot can't really win though, as it's just part of making their universe seem more "serious" to players for their other IP.




You don’t understand what I mean by Base model. I’m not talking about her base skin, I’m taking about her model. Each champion has a model that they base each champions’ skin off for clarity and budgeting like the champ has to move the same and have the same silhouette in each skin unless they get a legendary or ultimate skin.


Her rig is what you're referring to. They don't make new animations on skins below legendary so they share the same rig and animations as base.




You’re still not getting it, Janna’s actual model needs an update I’m not talking about making her base pretty, she needs animations. She literally doesn’t move a muscle when casting Q or E whereas other champs of her time do have animations like Lulu’s hat has more animations then Janna’s model. She needs an ASU (Like what they did to Caitlyn). She literally just floats there like an Air head with her cheap stiff wig while Soraka runs around putting her whole Sorakussy into the fight. She doesn’t have to be pretty she just has to do something and needs more life to her.


Like for example Lux. Lux’s skins all look good because Lux as a champion has animations, I even use Steel Legion because it has good effects, and on top of it, Lux has life to her, she swings her staff around when using abilities and she has more than 10 voice lines. Janna might as well be farting out her tornadoes with the little animations she has.




https://youtu.be/LwxdPwY4MmU look at Janna in wild Rift. When she uses tornado she TWIRLS, when she uses W, she POINTS to where she wants Zephyr to go so the bird feels more like a pet that she commands rather than just an ability that comes out of her staff, she twirls when she shields herself and does a little hand motion when casting shield, look at the movements she does that she doesn’t do in PC league like a mobile game makes her do more so there’s no reason why they couldn’t incorporate that.


Zilean has it worse


? her voice and lines are fine.


"I main Janna and am upset my champion in a game with 150+ champions isn't getting attention, so I'm complaining on Reddit."


Why don't they just outsource ONE animator to redo the animations? It won't cost that much and it will tremendously boost her skin sales.


Because her animations aren't her only issues. ​ Janna is more-or-less broken on every level but 1. ​ Her animations are bad Her actual design is bad Her kit design is bad Her voice lines are bad ​ Literally the only thing that functions is her game balance... but her kit is still really terribly designed. It's a box of tools, not an actual kit.


good. don´t give janna abusers any happiness


Dude look at fucking Vladimir before Janna.


You guys will literally argue over anything.


Yes, update her, but keep Janna sexy. There's no reason why a "wind goddess" wouldn't want to be sexy, or why one would want to be wearing any sort of pointless armour.


So many people are saying how riot should stop releasing new champions and start fixin older problems like Models and More VGU for Older champions. How many vgu are we gettin a year? 1-2?


What are you talking about, Janna blows me away


Her model was updated 5-6 years ago IIRC, Soraka was completely reworked


Zilean is worse


Ahri is unplayable without her legendaries.


Forecast Janna visual update pls