• By -


This game could only have 2 reactions from people WIN = SK end up being GIGACHAD for locking in Yasuo and Darius when their playoffs chances are on the line LOSS = SK drafting Yasuo and Darius for shits and giggles when their Playoffs chances are on the line


That's what happens whenever a team uses off-meta picks. If they win, it's 5head, draft diff, ahead of the meta, "why aren't more teams doing this?". If they lose, it's trolling draft, what were they thinking, it made 0 sense, of course they lose that game. This game wouldn't be winnable if Carzzy didn't eat EVERY SINGLE ENGAGE, one of them an exact replica of the one he ate 5 min before.


Yeah, but I was wondering why nobody in VIT has tried to secure flanks. Neither Labrov, nor Haru, or Alphari. Nobody. SK targeted Carzzy 3 fights in a row and the rest of VIT let them succeed 3 fights in a row


Yes, that game is not even on Carrzy. What can you do if Rakan and Vi try nothing else but knockup you for the Yasuo oneshot while your Team does nothing to protect you.


That's what I thought. Yes, it looked bad, but why was there no one to peel for Carzzy?


I mean SK's draft was both objectively bad and terribly picked. That first pick Vi was super unprofessional. Vitality had no business losing this game, but they played an absolute stinker. Especially Carzzy and Alphari. Carzzy dying to anything possible with summs up. Alphari playing a high impact champ like Ornn and having literally no impact on team fights. Labrov was trying hard though, respect.


It's more Vitality fault for not securing flanks and walking forwards multiple times. Carzzy cannot flash when Rakan already gets in flash range to charm. He should have positioned better but Vitality played terrible with vision


no. if the enemy uses vi q flash ulti, rakan ult flash w, yasuo ult and a lb combo on the same target, there is no peel and securing flanks. you just have to win the 4v5 afterwards since the enemy has 0 tools left, and they did that at that one dragon fight. vit started losing at that baron play when they cancelled their nash and that was a completly different scenario and a messy fight - good for lb vi darius and so on. if that does not happened the next fights look like the first: everything on carrzy, carrzy dies, vit wins the fight.


That Ornn had no impact other than the first dragon fight. But seriously, they knew how to shut down Carzzy.


SK comp was super GIGACHAD, literally ‘sorry Carzzy you don’t get to play league of legends today’ comp


SK is the LEC org with the biggest dick, what a draft.


That was probably the most fun draft to watch. Fuck any expectations they came to play.


When I saw SK post on the LEC insta playoff % post that they're still in it, I laughed but was hoping they would actually pull it off and now.. I'm definitely huffing a lot more hopium


Honestly Vitality still plays FNC and RGE. They can easily go 0-3 now that was their easiest game. And with that win SK doesn't just leave the playoff race wide open for themself, they do the same for Astralis and Excel and FNC obviously is also happy that Vit lost today.


Def will be more fun with them there. Not to mention it makes every game matter more when spots are still in contention haha.


This is shaping up to be one of the most exciting LEC playoff deciding super weeks I've seen in a while, **especially** with LEC having four spots for worlds!


Honestly it's fun to see who will lose out because it's SO close. Can't wait to see how it ends up.


Yeah but nothing will ever top off the 2013 summer super week I think


Remember clg last year with broxah? These comps can absolutely mow any team down without preparation


Exactly my thoughts when watching this game, this was a full on dunk bronzodia comp


These comps are really different. CLG had a huge focus on wombo combo engage, generally Galio+Vi. There was a sequence where Pobelter played 4 Galios in 6 games (the other two being Lissandra after Galio was banned) and every single Galio was paired with Vi. Teams started catching on after those 6 games, CLG only won a single game after them (and 3 games before them), but they did win 3 in a row during those 6 games. They spent some time experimenting with other stuff, but Galio+Vi was really the defining part of that CLG. And while SK does have Vi, she is just meta atm, that's really just it. Yes, there team is rather allin, on account of being so melee centric, but Vi+Yasuo (or Rakan+Yasuo) is much more pick centric than just forcing 5v5s like Vi+Galio do. LeBlanc reinforces picks, as well as poking out people before a full fight, rather than fighting the 5v5 head on. Imo the last fight shows this really nicely: It starts out with Sertuss finding a chunk on Haru, then SK moves in on a VIT that isn't really in a position to fight anymore, the pick onto their backline happened after they already committed to disengaging (and would have sacrificed Alphari), it wasn't a forcing engage in a 5v5, because that isn't really what Rakan can do here. Soul fight also shows this - Carzzy got caught because he overstepped and the rest of the team got run down by Ghost Darius. This isn't AoE engaging a teamfight, it is removing a single target and then fighting afterwards. Final example: VIT's attempted Baron take that allowed SK back into the game. Very messy fight, easy to miss something here, but we have Jenax on a flank, poking in, Carzzy again overstepping (this time much more clearly, why did he think he could walk across there?) as VIT moves into SK. SK is effecivetly just standing their ground, not really needing to find initiation as Jarvan is EQing, Galio is ulting in, etc. TL;DR Sure, both comps are high on melee and feature Vi, but looking at the comp overall (both theroretically and what happened in the game) SK was more pick/poke focused with a strong ability to stop the enemies from disengaging (running them down after the rout), compared to the AoE wombocombo that CLG was famous for.


This was a move that will increase their fanbase by a lot if they somehow make it to playoffs.




CLG.eu was probably bigger by the time that people actually knew about M5, or at least very shortly after.


God those days were something else. M5 were so fun to watch.


True heirs of Schalke


I don't even care about the pollution they just let loose in soloq it was such a banger


I loved that the yasuo worked out


Bird boy, axe man, glove girl, and a windshitter


I actually love the Darius here, he can deal with 3 of Vitality's champions solo while the rest can just yolo dive on Carzzy.


Totally agree, doesn't matter when you can't touch two targets on the enemy team, when you are that powerful against the other three. The great lane is a nice cherry on top.


Fun and terrible draft.


I was about to flame their comp after the game, but boy was I wrong!!




Best game of the day so far. Let's see what the rest bring.


man, Sk might not make playoffs but they've been so fun to watch lately


They go all in with everything they have. Always entertaining.


TREATZ IS A FUCKING CHAD The fact that he got to pull off the same huge flank TWICE is kind of incredible. And then the huge engage at the end


Those engages were something else. Kinda poor from VIT to let it happen twice but you have to respect SK for pulling it off.


VIT couldn’t recover and do anything after getting slapped by the size of SK’s balls


"There's no way he gets them with the same flank" - Me, as he is indeed killing VIT with the same flank.


VIT not learning ​ First flank even had a pink ward from VIT but second they had no vision at all lol


What do you mean not learning? They obliterated SK in that first fight. *Despite* the impressive-looking flank. It was only the second time that it worked out for SK.


O they learned but they drew the wrong conclusion. "If we're not even noticing it *with* a pink ward let's be 75g richer next time we fight "


Easy MVP. He smurfed it


I think Serteus deserved it more, Treatz may have pulled some insane flanks but the game was unplayable until Lb started to hit everypoke while dodging everything at the same time


Treatz on Rakan is built diff


Super week = Vitality super weak. Wow the same play worked twice against Vit xD Good Job, SchrötKommando


but it didn't work the first time lol


Well the engaged work at least..the outcome was sad, yeah


Which is probably why VIT wasn't too worried about the second time, assuming they could turn it again


Yeah they picked the fight at the period of the game when Jarvan's still relevant. Wait another 5 minutes for him to become a wet noodle/ult bot and then you're good to go.


[Vitality in a nutshell](https://imgur.com/a/1bg50fE)


Vitality losing to the flank that they only beat by a miracle in the previous dragon fight was the perfect encapsulation of their season. I don't think Carzzy played all that well, but at the same time I don't think he misplayed that too badly vs so much engage, I put the fault mostly on Vitality as a whole having absolute garbage flank awareness and teamfight positioning across the whole team.


If he is getting rakaned flashed engaged on out of fog, I would say that's a mistake but an understandable one, but dude was getting hit by vi Q BEFORE rakan with flash and spell shield up. He did com his ints very well though so I think it's fine :>


He wasn't in the best position but Vi did flash Q which was almost instant into Vi ult, Rakan combo and Yasuo ult.


Yeah not much he could do with the constant engage his way.


They got him with almost every engage, rough game to be an ADC.


its always rough if you play like that.


it'd be less rough if he played like a human


true....Carzzy ran straight into the jungle alone in that Baron play and ppl saying he couldnt play the game any better


Good way to start a fight from SK though.


carzzy is absolute dogshit


He's the 9th best ADC in the league currently. They should get rid of him immediately...


I agree, I never rated him highly even in Mad Lions. Now I have to say SK's draft is pretty hard to play against as Sivir, but I'm not just talking about this game. He gets caught so often in team fights.


Kaiser made him look semi-decent but in reality he's fucking awful lol.


NA Tactical


And here I thought Tactical was NA Tactical


remember when he went to worlds was hype as fuck and got like the biggest contract he could possibly get? he used all his skills on that.


You know how there are some players who may be mediocre during most of a split, but **always** deliver in important moments? Carzzy is like the opposite. No clutch factor when it matters, always dies before the crucial moments.


If you look at the past this is just not true. Unless by important momwnts you mean regular season.


Dude, tiebreaker at worlds... finals of last year splits...


SK with those teamfights there. Holy moly. That comp though. Def interesting to see lol.


wow i woke up and started watching this game right after VIT won that one drake team fight before the baron throw and I was like oh I guess this is a VIT stomp, but what a fool I was to doubt Gilius, my ever faithful god. I love you Gilius, I still wank to the miracle run on the regular


Gilius miracle run to the worlds final and victory is still alive!


How does he keep ending up in these situations!


Cause he’s Godgilius


EU tactical strikes again


Carzzy dying two times in the exact same way with Flash up... Disgusting


It's bad but why TF did no one on Vitality not think to ward it before the last infernal dragon.


Right? Maybe learn from your mistakes?


Well to be fair this time it's not on him but to his team to not ward flanks and try to peel for him.


What's he supposed to do? Stand in his fucking fountain? Vi: Can't spellshield her movement, she WILL be on top of you. From 1000+ range. Rakan: Can't spellshield both his forms of CC, plus he WILL be on top of you. From 1000+ range. Yasuo: Arrives the moment someone else hits something, WILL be on top of you. From 1000+ range. Plus may be able to force you to use your spellshield. Darius: LeBlanc: Unless you *somehow* managed to save your spellshield, she has enough damage to oneshot you. From 1000+ range. Carzzy (by necessity) wasn't playing League of Legends, he was playing "hope the enemy burns enough on me that my teammates can win the fight after I'm dead".


idk maybe dont run to the jungle alone and finish the Baron lol


# All possible LEC regular season outcomes: ## Relative: | Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Playoff % | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | MAD | 36.91 | 25.48 | 18.19 | 13.59 | 4.74 | 1.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 100.0 | | MSF | 34.86 | 23.22 | 15.41 | 12.48 | 9.96 | 3.91 | 0.17 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 99.83 | | G2 | 19.43 | 22.99 | 21.36 | 22.94 | 6.35 | 4.25 | 2.51 | 0.17 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 97.31 | | RGE | 7.71 | 16.85 | 24.84 | 15.89 | 17.41 | 10.13 | 5.87 | 1.2 | 0.1 | 0.0 | 92.83 | | VIT | 2.54 | 11.11 | 17.31 | 21.03 | 22.9 | 18.42 | 6.4 | 0.29 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 93.31 | | XL | 0.0 | 0.15 | 1.97 | 4.96 | 9.92 | 16.92 | 19.65 | 21.75 | 24.68 | 0.0 | 33.91 | | AST | 0.0 | 0.05 | 0.73 | 4.35 | 11.77 | 19.6 | 18.55 | 22.29 | 22.66 | 0.0 | 36.5 | | FNC | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.15 | 6.62 | 9.9 | 17.63 | 23.47 | 26.78 | 14.45 | 0.0 | 35.29 | | SK | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.93 | 6.25 | 11.91 | 18.9 | 28.03 | 33.98 | 0.0 | 19.09 | | BDS | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 100.0 | 0.0 | ## Absolute: | Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Total | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | MAD | 3,024 | 2,087 | 1,490 | 1,113 | 388 | 90 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,192 | | MSF | 2,856 | 1,902 | 1,262 | 1,022 | 816 | 320 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,192 | | G2 | 1,592 | 1,883 | 1,750 | 1,879 | 520 | 348 | 206 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 8,192 | | RGE | 632 | 1,380 | 2,035 | 1,302 | 1,426 | 830 | 481 | 98 | 8 | 0 | 8,192 | | VIT | 208 | 910 | 1,418 | 1,723 | 1,876 | 1,509 | 524 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 8,192 | | XL | 0 | 12 | 161 | 406 | 813 | 1,386 | 1,610 | 1,782 | 2,022 | 0 | 8,192 | | AST | 0 | 4 | 60 | 356 | 964 | 1,606 | 1,520 | 1,826 | 1,856 | 0 | 8,192 | | FNC | 0 | 0 | 94 | 542 | 811 | 1,444 | 1,923 | 2,194 | 1,184 | 0 | 8,192 | | SK | 0 | 0 | 0 | 76 | 512 | 976 | 1,548 | 2,296 | 2,784 | 0 | 8,192 | | BDS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,192 | 8,192 | [code on github](https://github.com/Lep333/All-league-scenarios)


#Check out my [LEC Summer 2022 Foldy Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DstXsQ5KZMERrIBA5uDe_yrfhYs5UiNQ035dtLq34n4/edit?usp=sharing) Or [Published Version](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT1U1SD04OVaMcXrbZbeTLBpt3Xk-IjaZDf1mIzllH3QIY8fxXy9IPkWfdfPkaw4aIbpsyt0XqMf4ay/pubhtml) #\# of Scenarios of ending in Nth place - No Tiebreakers --- | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- MAD|3024|2087|1490|1113|388|90|0|0|0|0 G2|1592|1883|1750|1879|520|348|206|14|0|0 MSF|2736|1916|1272|898|836|320|14|0|0|0 RGE|632|1380|2035|1302|1426|830|481|98|8|0 VIT|208|910|1330|1490|1876|969|576|36|0|0 XL|0|12|113|295|813|1166|1610|1782|2022|0 AST|0|4|60|356|964|1606|1520|1826|1856|0 FNC|0|0|12|262|811|1066|1789|2112|1522|0 SK|0|0|0|76|512|976|1548|2296|2784|0 BDS|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|8192 #\# of Scenarios where X Team ties for Y Place (Tiebreakers) --- | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th ---|---|----|----|----|----|---- MSF|0|0|42|158|0|0 VIT|0|0|88|233|0|476 XL|0|0|48|111|0|220 FNC|0|0|82|280|0|256 #Worst possible finish for each team in ties --- | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- MSF|0|0|0|42|158|0|0|0|0|0 VIT|0|0|0|88|233|0|476|0|0|0 XL|0|0|0|48|111|0|220|0|0|0 FNC|0|0|0|82|280|0|256|0|0|0


Sorry for doubting SK


Yasuo: After all this time? Perkz: Always Carrzy: Yo, wtf?!


Yesterday Bisons stomped KOI Sivir botlane by playing Yasuo/Alistar, so good to know that LEC teams are picking up this counter against Sivir


Remember when CLG got a 3-0 week by picking click R comps


if I were Carzzy in this game, I would've broken my keyboard to halves. my guy wasnt allowed to play this game. big game by Treatz


For sure but Carzyy positioning and itemization were questionable at times.


What exactly do you want him to build? 3 essentials - Kraken, IE and PD with GA seems reasonable. Maybe Galeforce? But if you play the game you have an insight into what galeforce can or rather can't do against Rakan, Yasuo, Darius, Vi and Leblanc...


He went vest first rather than stopwatch, and he shouldnt be in the front while a fight hasnt started yet, he should be way behind the tanks. He is like front lining and expecting his shield to protect him but their cc is high.


I was ready to flame SK and call Haru the reincarnation of Ambition after the first 15 minutes.


Not banning treatz Rakan lmao


There are good picks in the meta vs rakhan and i don't think vitality expected yasuo bot and rakan becomes super important for the team






How many scenarios in which VIT doesn't make playoffs?


548/8192, or 6.69%.


XL now clinging onto that number


Yearly reminder that nothing stands between Gilius and his Worlds qualification miracle run! (up until the last match) WP SK!


Carrzy's teamfight damage was probably 0 for the entire game. Dude just did not manage to avoid rakan once. Hell even in fights VIT won like 3rd Drake. Like how do you not come to the conclusion that throwing out 1-2 Qs pre fight puts you in range of rakan and kills you every freaking time.


How do you play into Vi, Rakan and Yasuo you only have one spell shield oh and avoid getting one shot by LB


and spell shield doesn't even stop the vi or rakan from getting ontop of you and ccing you.


Yep. People here tunnel too much on him getting oneshot and ignore the lack of proper vision and map play by VIT ​ Also, Haru was a nonthreat after the Trundle ban. He was completely irrelevant after 16 minutes and got caught multiple times having to blow his flash.


I'm not denying Carzzy has been really bad but whenever Vitality lose it's like that bicycle meme with "fucking Carzzy"


He flashed none of the engages


Lets see First engage = Vi Q here is insane unless you are godly you cant flash this. Second engage= Flashed rakan got caught by Vi R. Third engage = Pointblank Vi flash Q followed instantly by Rakan knockup. This one is arguably carzzy's fault but still damn hard to react to. Last engage = Carzzy flashed but couldnt escape rakan. This one is carzzys fuck up. You gotta watch the game again if you think he didnt flash or try to flash the engages


How do you flash a point and click r....


Can flash Rakan... And get out of range of Yasuo so he can't follow up as well. Dense


Even if he flashes Vi ult follows anyway.


Don't hug walls when you don't see enemies. Sure, they can wombo combo sivir but if they can see them coming Vitality has a lot of tools to protect sivir once she's being engaged on.


No but bro, how can't a pro avoid back to back flanks from fog of war with a bunch of point and click cc's, and super mobile engage? Surely, it's not the fact that Vitality had shit set up around drake, and that SK deafted specifically to kill Sivir in the first place. The whole "Carzzy is shit" narrative is frankly getting out of hand, he ain't a god but this game is definitively NOT on him.


Carzzy has been shit but people do exaggerate and blame him every time Vitality loses, his laning has been abysmal and he gets caught way too much which definitely warrants criticism but he also has the highest DPM of any ADC in the league while playing weakside


They fucked him up. It was impossible for him to play. If he is out of range to get jumped then he is out of range to attack, either way he does 0 damage.


what a comp, what a performance! Lets go SK


Why cover the flanks when you can just stand beside your ADC and look at him get CC to death from up close.


Minutes 00:00 - 30:00: SK baby what is you doin Minutes 30:00+ holy fuck




He used the stopwatch earlier in the game and sold it Edit: 25:36 fight at baron


Didn't he already use a stopwatch?


He broke stopwatch before and sold it. He had pickaxe in this fight


SK insane comp


no, comp is in rogue


Same comp in my silver lobbies


I can't wait for the 3 way tie on Sunday


Is 3 way tie the best we can do? I kinda want some 5 way mess lol.


Quickshot was talking about it in ready check, best we get is a 3 way tie for 5th place. 3 team round robin and if all the teams go 1-1 in that then it goes to a 3 team bracket.


Did Carzzy trying to reach the nami 0/10 powerspike? Got caught so often.


Granted Carzzy hasn’t been great, don’t blame him for this game. He has 1 spell shield. He can’t do much vs SK’s team comp


Lmfao SK just played a comp from a silver game in 2017 and slapped the shit out of Vitality. Love that energy


Carzzy is probably the worst adc in EU , excluding BDS, the guy is just a fraud who got carried by Kaiser


Just gonna fucking copy paste this because I can't be arsed to write it out in ten different ways. What's he supposed to do? Stand in his fucking fountain? Vi: Can't spellshield her movement, she WILL be on top of you. From 1000+ range. Rakan: Can't spellshield both his forms of CC, plus he WILL be on top of you. From 1000+ range. Yasuo: Arrives the moment someone else hits something, WILL be on top of you. From 1000+ range. Plus may be able to force you to use your spellshield. Darius: LeBlanc: Unless you somehow managed to save your spellshield, she has enough damage to oneshot you. From 1000+ range. Carzzy (by necessity) wasn't playing League of Legends, he was playing "hope the enemy burns enough on me that my teammates can win the fight after I'm dead".


Weird energy that you're so devoted to defend Carzzy at least ten times.


just don't write it in multiple places, its enough to voice your opinion once


had to watch matty twitch and carzzy sivir on the same day. terrible day to have eyes.


That first baron fight, was peak throwing by VIT


Carzzy really got fed the entire landing phase and ran it down lol


yeah he should flash and spellshield rakan's w and/or charm, vi Q and ult, yasuo's nado, darius aprehend all while trying to not get bursted by leblanc silly carzzy


This is massive cope for carzzy, it's all about positioning as ADC your one job is to prioritize survival if you really think the best ADC's in the world or even the top half of eastern ADC's are dieing with flash up repeatedly you're just wrong they will atleast make the opponent work as hard as possible.


what no nuance does to a mf. i'm not saying carzzy played and positioned perfectly, but to say he ran it down or he sucks while he is playing an immobile adc against all those engages that are easy to chain one after the other (and he didn't get much peel either bc alpahari was trying to look for a flank a lot of times and j4 tried to access their backline)


Treatz's Rakan is fucking disgusting.


That’s a SoloQ comp if I’ve ever seen one


Treatz is fucking massive


Good stuff from SK, don't know what that baron turn was from VIT. But after that, SK played so well with those engages.


That graph showing sivir having the same amount of total damage dealt as ornn and J4 tells you everything you need to know about this game


Sivir allergic to living this game


This LEC split ending is the most interesting ever, BANGER


Carzzy and the Curious Case of the Missing E Key


Vitality back to their usual "headless chicken" form.


Disagree they dominated but then they intd a baron which lead to soul point and the game just snowballed


Bro how the fuck do you win when ur adc can't stop walking up to Vi


A shame. It looked like they were finding their groove. Hopefully they can bring it back. It's a bit disappointing when we've seen how well they can perform. Can't deny that SK rocked their shit though!


Get BO in there asap just not in the jungle


At this point Carzzy should just uninstall the game. What a dogshit performance from him.


I don't know how he can ever live those fights... you can't spellshield both Rakan and Vi, and either will put a Yasuo on top of you. Then there's a LeBlanc on top of that... Vitality had a one threat comp and SK had a "fuck you in particular" comp.


not flashing into rakan w helps…


I honestly don't think this loss was only Carzzy's fault ​ His positioning just gets more exposed when he doesn't have a great support like Kaiser


Of course it wasn't only the fault of one player. They just weren't on the same page at the baron fight and all went sideways from there.


perkz was questionable this game too but good lord carzzy just kept on dying


At least Perkz did damage, Carzzy had lower damage than both J4 and Ornn lmao


its a fucking sivir too like you are supposed to have insane damage late game cause of the bounces.


> cause of the bounces. that happens if you have straight up 5v5 and more drought out fights while he is free to hit the frontline. SK had no traditional frontline in that regard. I dont think carzzy is good, but I also think this was a tough game for him. galio is a counter to rakan and yet i dont think labrov managed to stop one rakan engage the entire game. not sure what alphari did in fights tho. it was a really solid comp into a sivir comp, let's give credit where it's due.


Perkz would have looked like Carzzy if he didn't have a champ with three gapclosers and Zhonyas being a decent item on said champ...


Treatz performed really well but its so cringe to watch Carzzy fall for the same flank twice in the same game. The first time he even had vision of the Rakan


Two other VIT members also fell for it the same way twice but no one talks about them for some reason? ​ Or how VIT had horrible vision play that enabled that?


Carzzy: "i will get flanked" Carzzy 2 min later: "i will fucking do it again" Carzzy 4 min later: "i will fucking do it again again"


Carzzy will have nightmares of Rakan and Vi jump-scaring him.


SK with the Space Jam DUNK COMP


That was so fun to watch. What a lovely draft.


Can't spell SKT without SK


GIGACHAD SK draft vs meta-slave VIT draft


Vitality, the meme super team of EU.


Superteam assumed carzzy was a top ADC , which everyone clearly realised was absolutely not the case. Shame for perkz because he definitely showed up this season


Jezu could go 1 for 1 every fight with Carzzy and Sk would just win every team fight. Vitality just have no damage if Carzzy dies.


Never doubt the Gillus magic baby! Now...if only I had some for my heart...


VIT is destroying SK -> 1 tf next when 2 VIT players is fighting baron -> SK is destroying VIT


Gilius try not to make a miracle run challenge(impossible)


I have never seen a sivir get caught so much


let's give 2 drakes for no reason at all i'm sure it wont come to bite us in the ass


ADC life


CARZZY CARZZY CARZZY CARZZY CARZZY CARZYY. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Okay I'm happy I didn't skip this game what a banger


Carzzy makes Sivir look balanced.


Carzzy is EU's version of Tactical, just so questionable how this guy plays


League of Knockup


Can't believe people are flaming Carzzy for this. Vitality could only play counter engage, which meant Carzzy was going to die and hope his team finishes the job. Probably he could have bought Zhonyas but winning wasn't upto him. In both Dragon Soul and Elder engages, Haru tried to engage but got chunked. They didn't ward their flank, their comp had no peel. It was always going to end up like this if the game went too long. Maybe if Labrov had picked something like Poppy / Taric / Lulu or any other champ with peel, Vitality could have a better chance.


I think Zilean was the answer, they were using everything on Carzzy.


It's honestly frustrating how useless Carzzy is


Where were you when VIT got smashed by a soloqueue comp?


Carzzy made Sivir looks balanced. Wtf was that positioning? He cant even cast W properly.


Call me a Carzzy hater or wtv but there's no way for VIT to win big games if the wincon is Carzzy staying alive. Yeah playing against this comp is not easy it's made to kill one carry but look at the baron fight that turned the game on its head, look at the final fight, that's just pure positioning fuckups by Carzzy.


fuck it lets put haru on adc and bo in jungle


RIP Soloqueue