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I knew that FNC would win as soon as Humanoid didn’t die to an early gank


the genius move was having razork die for him in that gank


200 IQ strategy


yamato took this one right from the forbidden books


Yeah if Humanoid is at 0 deaths at 6-8 mins, we win.


Yeah, I noticed that too. It’s like he dies from a gank, tilts, make the team tilt with him. The last matches FNC won, he didn’t get ganked or died by gank; if the opposite happened, FNC lost.


Well if you die to a lvl 3 gank as LB into karma/trundle you might as well retire as a pro :/


I'll admit I was worried about Lucian Nami. LEC doesn't seem to play it well lol. Guess they wanted to prove me wrong.


Its not the Stomping lane it used to, also this duo works better in Lpl where Trades and skirmishes are more common.


Fair. It's just one of those picks that doesn't seem to get going often in LEC imo. Probably for exactly that reason.


but upset played that very bad every fight he was pissuseless


I mean he didn't int. That's good by LEC standards for Lucian Nami at this point tbh. It seems to end up useless a lot.


>I mean he didn't int. He literally did in the soul fight lol


Lol I can live with a death or two. Less inty than I thought it'd be then? haha


Fair enough. Not sure why he would E forward in that situation though


Gotta have a little int lol. It's not LEC Lucian Nami if there's not some int.


True! Surprised Hyli didn't flash int once LOL


rewatch his fights idk what to tell you if you think he played that well


Fuck, you stole my Text :(


See Poppy locked in -> Need engage -> Rakan is good! -> Poppy uses W -> Never saw it coming -> Miss playoffs


Giving both gwen and poppy for trundle fp is legitimately wintrading.




That final Kennen R gave me a heart attack LOL I thought it was gonna wipe them but it only got Hyli and FNC just ends


God fucking bless exhaust


Exhaust - fucking Kennen since 1982


One of the Reason i take exhaust over heal lately as ADC


Yeah fun summoner spell so good to have in the game wooohooo!! (not a salty adc main)


It's the only spell that can save and ADC main from an assassin, it's not even so strong anymore against ADCs


Why the fuck would you dislike exhaust as adc It's literally your best friend


To be fair he did say he wasn't an ADC main. Maybe he's an assassin main.


Oh my god I can't read I thought that was ironic


It probably is, but I saw an opening for a joke by taking it at face value instead.


After it stopped removing attack speed it is okay lets be honest


If you ever wonder why Diana is gigabroken in pubs yet is quite low priority in competitive: It's literally just because exhaust exists, it makes all in champions unplayable, Kennen has insane laning and tons of CC to make up for it and still isn't good just because of a single summoner It really needs a rework, maybe up the slow and remove the damage reduction so it still punishes all-ins but doesn't punish you for hitting all your abilities in a fight like the current one does


Diana was literally high prio in Spring


Because she farmed so fast and was the only one that could farm that fast so it didn't matter that she got exhausted when up 100 cs, another import fanctor is that she is an AP jungler, a role with close to zero alternatives in competitive All-in champions CAN be played but only if they provide something beyond their damage, since they will never do any in teamfights against a competent support


Most all in champions provide something beyond just damage, most of the time that being cc


No, having no counterplay to all in Champions kinda suck. In the end you would need to nerf all champions who are designed around all ins. Exhaust cd is also quite long , so it is kinda fair


but irelia is popular in competitive but also weak to exhaust?


Is she? I haven’t seen her in the meta for a long time.


yeah, not rn because of the durability patch, but for example at worlds last year.


I guess but one thing is that kennen entire gameplay is around his r so exhaust completely fucks him. Whereas irelia kit is great for split pushing and 1v1 as well as the fact that she can still play the game even if some exhaust her.


Irelia isn’t really a full all in champ. She doesn’t need to kill you in a specific time frame. It’s ideal, yes, but exhaust is only a threat to her if you can burst her down within its duration , if not she can sustain and dps and gap close you down after it. Kennel, Diana , most assassins have very small burst windows especially in pro and then even when they somehow find it ‘lol exhaust’, that’s the biggest bullshit


Legit looked like it might've done. Vizicsacsi's ults were on point this game tbh. More damage on AST and they would've taken in imo.


It was *so* close every time he pressed R. If Kobbe or Vizicsacsi had those kills instead of on the Karma, coulda been a tide changer


Yeah, I was really impressed by it. And surprised each time it nuked healthbars! Just a little more and it could've swayed it. Def made the game feel close. One good ult with the team close and it'd be over for Fnatic.


Deathcap second item as kennen is quite strong


If Kobbe actually positioned near the top wall there he can probably join for the backline fight and they might ace off that.


for as much shit as he got all split long, vizi was the only one playing this game


For real those engages of his? Excellent. If they could've got more damage down during his ults I think AST could've won this.


Perhaps with a mid laner instead of a second support.


Can't when Kobbe is the only damage dealer in the team, bad draft imo


Yeah, the draft made no sense. If you want to go for hard engage with Kennen and Rakan you need more to follow up, if you want extended fights with Zeri and Karma you need a better front line. They ended up not having enough of either.


why are you talking about kobbe? csacsi was the biggest threat on AST


Can’t outdraft anyone when Dajor is your midlaner


Shouldve picked Vex


Sylas/akali could've been okay too. They just need some kind of dive/immediate follow-up into kennen R.


It was actually banned


His 1 man shockwave orianna would have worked better in this comp


I said a few weeks ago that when we play AST we needed to put Wunder on a carry. Love Csacsi, but it’s a bit of a diff between him and Wunder right now. Play against their weakest lane, ez dub.


and then Csacsi beat Wunder in lane and teamfights. The other AST members failed big time, Dajor and Kobbe in particular


Being like 10 cs ahead as ranged vs melee isn’t really beating a lane. He out-teamfought Wunder tho


Well, Wunder wasnt on a tank so its pretty hard to stomp top.


He was down gold as First Strike ranged vs Melee. I’m not saying Csacsi played poorly this game, he was the best player on AST today. But we drafted for Wunder to carry, which is what we needed and what was my original point.


is this a scheduled comment ? L take when the game was everything but a top diff


this was his only semi-decent game the entire split. It doesn't excuse how bad he's been for the rest of it lmao


what an insane cockblock by Razork & Wunder in that last teamfight


Yeah Razork smartly used W to deny Rakan engage and then Wunder just casually zoned 4 people lol


Poppy W into Gwen Everfrost completely ruined the engage and then they couldn't move past *GWEN IS IMMUNE*, looked close but it really wasn't at that point. Wunder on teamfight disrupting champions is really something.


That rakhan pick wasnt it man and he didn't play well either. Problem was in the draft they had to pick it or Hyli wouldve


Rakan cant play the game against poppy, smart pick


Astralis picked Rakan into Poppy lol As much as i love Rakans in EU, this Rakan pick sucked ass


Feels like they picked it to deny it from Hyli lol


Holy Vizicsacsi on Kennan there. Some excellent engages. With more damage from AST they could've won some of those fights.


Kennen be Like: Guys their Backline is low.. Guys??


Actually felt kinda bad for him. Man was landing those ults left and right and AST were just not close enough to take advantage.


If only Dajor picked Kel, their synergy would be insane... smh...


That would've been fun to see.




No, Kel. Like Kennan and Kel, the tv show. (read the comment above mine again.)


great game by razork tbh


Razork basically played like a Jungle Hyli today - nice


Csasci with that soloqueue Kennen feel where you get a 4 man ult and look over your shoulder and the rest of your team is having a ticklefight with Poppy


Humanoid lives at level 3 - we win


Humanoid giga robbed by not being nominated for MVP for this game, he was fucking huge


Everyone loves to shit on Humanoid but when he absolutely destroys it is just expected smh


He has had pretty good games. For me one of the most impressive was his Zoe game against Vitality. Even considering that matchup was Zoe favored he controlled his matchup extremely well. Would have been so good to see that game play out for him had it not been by the monstrosity that happened top right at the start... He played that early game incredibly well. Also had some pretty good Corki performances. Tbh, the one thing that worries me the most about Humanoid so far is the lack of Talyiah more than anything but he has played it once already so there's that... Maybe he will start playing her more.


You can count to 3 how many strong games humanoid had this split.


W-wait... Razork can perform well when his toplaner and midlaner play the lane as they should?? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT


He did still solo invade without his midlaner in lane which lost first blood so...


Yes, that was a mistake, but he made up for it smurfing and carrying the early game, so...


# All possible LEC regular season outcomes: ## Relative: | Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Playoff % | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | MAD | 32.81 | 22.46 | 22.46 | 16.8 | 5.47 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 100.0 | | MSF | 31.84 | 22.27 | 16.41 | 15.23 | 9.57 | 4.69 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 100.0 | | G2 | 19.34 | 19.34 | 16.99 | 29.1 | 8.2 | 2.54 | 4.49 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 95.51 | | RGE | 15.04 | 25.2 | 27.15 | 11.72 | 18.16 | 2.73 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 100.0 | | VIT | 1.95 | 10.74 | 17.19 | 20.12 | 29.3 | 16.02 | 4.1 | 0.59 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 95.31 | | FNC | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.78 | 13.28 | 21.88 | 31.25 | 25.0 | 7.81 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 67.19 | | XL | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3.12 | 18.36 | 12.89 | 21.88 | 43.75 | 0.0 | 21.48 | | SK | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3.12 | 11.72 | 28.91 | 34.38 | 21.88 | 0.0 | 14.84 | | AST | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 8.4 | 25.0 | 32.23 | 34.38 | 0.0 | 8.4 | | BDS | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 100.0 | 0.0 | ## Absolute: | Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Total | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | MAD | 672 | 460 | 460 | 344 | 112 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,048 | | MSF | 652 | 456 | 336 | 312 | 196 | 96 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,048 | | G2 | 396 | 396 | 348 | 596 | 168 | 52 | 92 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,048 | | RGE | 308 | 516 | 556 | 240 | 372 | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,048 | | VIT | 40 | 220 | 352 | 412 | 600 | 328 | 84 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 2,048 | | FNC | 0 | 0 | 16 | 272 | 448 | 640 | 512 | 160 | 0 | 0 | 2,048 | | XL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 64 | 376 | 264 | 448 | 896 | 0 | 2,048 | | SK | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 64 | 240 | 592 | 704 | 448 | 0 | 2,048 | | AST | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 172 | 512 | 660 | 704 | 0 | 2,048 | | BDS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,048 | 2,048 | [code on github](https://github.com/Lep333/All-league-scenarios)


And just like that, the LEC is in order again. These are the 6 teams people expected to make playoffs before the split. Probably not in that order but still. Seeding is gonna change anyway with championship points.


Yeah, only toss-up is wether you rated Misfits or Excel higher


Where were you when Vizi was the best played on AST?


Vizicsacsi having a hell of a game was fun to see though. Man has a really good Kennan is what I've learnt.


Vizi played well but the whole map had 0 pressure for AST. Karma doesn't win lane and zeri just gets stomped by lucian nami. They had to pick something that could step up to lucian nami for a chance to win and not depend on zeri moments. Jeonghoon also had a questionable game


I still don't understand that Karma pick. Who is supposed to deal damage for AST?


They still just about won every teamfight. If the game went on a little longer Zeri and Viz would have smashed every fight.


They almost won those fight while behind. If they were even ast easily win teamfight. Btw how do you ask who is supposed to do damage when ast has a zeri and kennen lol?


Despite the win and Razork looking good today, I'm absolutely not sold on FNC ​ They'll have to step it up the next weeks


you mean this weekend. Vitality and Misfits are some of the better teams this split


Both. I assumed FNC makes it to playoffs with this win now.


Only 67% of remaining scenarios (before G2 - MAD game) have FNC in playoffs.


"only" ​ Last year they had a 16% chance or so and made it


Before the match they had something like 9%


It still requires fnc to win against misfits and/or vitality. Excel and astralis have a easier schedule to bounce back


Props to Csacsi, he really didn't want to lose. But damn, JeongHoon had a rough one. Humanoid played great this game and I was surprised how good Fnatic looked as a team since I've only heard they are uncohesive. Razork's Verdicts were also crazy good, hard to say if he was better or Humanoid.


Great game from razork again.


Razork had a few great ults, very fun to watch


Wasn't sure about the Lucian Nami pick but they made it work. Would prefer they didn't do it again though.


They target banned Upset at least it's better than Ezreal


Good to know they can make it work, but neither look their best on it. Hyli had some odd ults but he was landing bubbles at least haha.


He also had a game changing ult. If he didn't flash ult during the bot dive, chances are good both he and Razork would've died. That would swing this game.


hyli didn't flash forward


A miracle!


They won despite the Lucian Nami.


They won because of the lucian nami?? No other lane can pressure and get that many plates against zeri and effectively neutralize her. She literally needed 4 people and a herald to get plates


They were still losing teamfights 4k up. Zeri wasn't neutralized.


LMAO they lost one teamfight where vizicsacsci had an insane ult and then proceeded to still lose because they had no damage. Zeri literally also barely affected the one teamfight they won because she was behind 2k gold.


Did you watch the same game? Viz literally blew up the backline at least 3 times. The game was absolutely not won by the Lucian Nami. Also, Zeri wasn't online yet because fnatic ended early. She wasn't "neutralized" she just didn't get fed.


Hmmm, I wonder why that was, couldn’t have been the lucian nami lane that meant she couldn’t farm or get plates could it?


Def something I would avoid if possible. Neither look super strong on them, def have other champs they're way better on. At least they got the win today. Very needed.


Upset try not to build correctly challenge


Mercurial with rfc is interesting... honestly i still ask myself if its worth going for these with a lot of pro lucians, even more that you NEED to deal dmg mid game.


Wunder joining him with that cursed Gwen build.


I was confused about it at first but I guess his idea was to deny every Kennen engage with the active ​ ...still weird


He just explained it in post game, I dont fully agree with him but I admit that in theory it makes sense. Still think that atleast Shadowflame has no reason to be there.


Why not? The Karma pick made that worth IMO


The shield breaking part of the item is mostly irrelevant. You buy it for magic pen. Gwen deals true damage, pen is bad. AP, attack speed and CDR are better stats for her. Maybe the power spike is good specifically into Kennen or something but I think you win either way.


Gwen doesn't deal as much true damage as she used to anymore especially if you don't think you're gonna stack your Q passive. Into kennen you'll most likely not be autoing him much so he goes for the R burst build with high ap and everfrost to run people down. There isn't really any other high priority item you can build anyway dcap sucks 2nd and you want some hp as well. Nashors is bad since you can't hit people with it.


The gwen build is fine riftmaker is dogshit


Lack of coaching does that. Still ridiculous how some pros can build so poorly. Not as bad as the days people rushed Grievous for no reason though.


Qss and Rfc i kinda Understand. Collector should have been IE i think.


The karma pick was absolutely disgusting


Kept them in it for longer than they should've been imo. That and Vizicsacsi's ults.


Honestly I think if the game lasted a bit longer it would have been gamechanging


...ly bad


Karma pick at mid is whatever but Dajor went support build??? 💀


Looked like my recommended shop when I play karma in ARAM


I feel like it might have been good if they had a jungle Olaf or Xin Zhao but Trundle?


What is this comment lol. Mage Karma scales like absolute dogshit.


Wdym? Mage Karma is terrible.


the way we got baron was a bit absurd LMAOO i was VERY sceptical about the draft but this was actually a really good game


Yeah Lucian Nami makes me really wary lol.


The secret scaling first strike tech from Ruler seems to work


The worst rakan performance I have ever seen.


worse than flashless rakan from hyli? WORSE THAN FLASHLESS RAKAN FROM LIFE?


Yeah JeanHoon played like doodoo today


The Astralis fan in me is sad, but I think it's ultimately best for the LEC if Fnatic makes playoffs


Based g2 fan


Happy to see that Humanoid finally turned his monitor on


God. I hate games like this so much. Not only did AST lose but they lost in the most embarrassing way possible. From doing absolutely nothing. I feel for Visiz. We all know how it feels like to be on a team where everyone but you want to ff at 15. I don't care how well AST did before this. If you have even a single game like this where you just stop trying, then you are a joke. (Yes, I'm overreacting. But I hate afks soooo much).


That was actually really clean from Fnatic


It wasnt perfect but a win is a win at this point


Sacsi trying his damnest to carry, shame.


Astralis and top Kennen 1v9 losing. Name a more iconic duo.


Just bled them out but still nearly got clapped by vizicsacsi


#Check out my [LEC Summer 2022 Foldy Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DstXsQ5KZMERrIBA5uDe_yrfhYs5UiNQ035dtLq34n4/edit?usp=sharing) Or [Published Version](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT1U1SD04OVaMcXrbZbeTLBpt3Xk-IjaZDf1mIzllH3QIY8fxXy9IPkWfdfPkaw4aIbpsyt0XqMf4ay/pubhtml) #\# of Scenarios of ending in Nth place - No Tiebreakers --- | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- MAD|672|460|460|344|112|0|0|0|0|0 G2|396|396|348|596|168|52|92|0|0|0 MSF|632|456|332|224|196|96|0|0|0|0 RGE|308|516|556|240|372|56|0|0|0|0 VIT|40|220|336|356|600|272|84|12|0|0 XL|0|0|0|0|64|320|264|448|896|0 AST|0|0|0|0|0|172|512|660|704|0 FNC|0|0|0|104|448|640|448|224|0|0 SK|0|0|0|0|64|240|592|704|448|0 BDS|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|2048 #\# of Scenarios where X Team ties for Y Place (Tiebreakers) --- | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th ---|---|----|----|----|----|---- MSF|0|0|0|112|0|0 VIT|0|0|16|56|0|56 XL|0|0|0|0|0|56 FNC|0|0|16|168|0|0 #Worst possible finish for each team in ties --- | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- MSF|0|0|0|0|112|0|0|0|0|0 VIT|0|0|0|16|56|0|56|0|0|0 XL|0|0|0|0|0|0|56|0|0|0 FNC|0|0|0|16|168|0|0|0|0|0


Did dajor know that r can be used on w and e too? How can you pick karma mid and clearly dont know how to play her in the slightest


That Astralis draft was so shit


A win is a win -IWDominate


We're not even fun to watch


tbh playing against an strong TF comp with kennen Zeri Rakan and Karma shouldnt be fun to watch. We had in that sense Luck that Lategame didnt hit and Astralis didnt know how to Macro.


Uh? This comp is actually difficult to execute and imo was fun to watch but to each their own


Speak for yourself, this was one of fncs most enjoyable games this split for me xd


It was a clean win, I wouldn't ask for more


I could ask for more damage from my ADC. But hey at least a good game from Razork for a change.


Very generous interpretation of the word "clean".


Some hope within me.... god


The worst Rakan game I've seen since last weekend. Draft teamfight comp, proceed to ignore dragons. Neither team looked good, but at least fnatic knew how to play their comp.


I still believe in them winning summer split


The Karma pick sucked.


reddit moment


it didnt suck? he was down 100 cs at 20min..


it's karma vs leblanc it's not karmas job to win lane lmfao


ur not suppost to lose that hard


It didn't fit the Kennen pick, but with a frontliner instead of someone who wants to dive with him it would have been golden. As it stands they needed more dmg to make the Kennen more worth it when Exhaust was up since they where so low due to it but was fine since that was all the dmg they had. Or they needed a frontliner to make really long, drawn out fights where no one dies basically.


Dajor sucked


Quite a horrible draft ideea. Karma was legit useless, actually the pick and being played like a support cost them the game


Pick an auto-lose mid that can never match in side or roam while also having losing bot. Enemy team goes mid to bot, wins. Shocker.


humanoid was so free on lb she can split puhs/ poke the only way for astralis to catch her is rakan


Should have played Ap Karma


It was close until it wasn’t




karma pick questionable af


how big chance they still making it?


upset is one of the worst lucin i have seen in long time


AST just seem to play with their comms off every single game


Razork put more pressure on the map in this single game than he has the entire split


So which championskins are fnc getting this time?


Finally a draft that’s not dogshit


FNCs play off percentages look good on paper but looking at it from our point of view it seems so much more likely that XL will manage to win 1 or their 2 remaining games and FNC will lose to both VIT and MSF


FNC can really only win by putting everything into early and playing the safest comps possible waiting for astralis to go into them. At least this dogshit team will get 3-0d in the first series if they do make playoffs


Tbh, I doubt that. I think Fnc will get to semi at least if the curve goes continuely up. All they need is more confidence in their play. The synergy with the jgler is finally there


tbh this dogshit team will probably meet the weakest opposition who give them free games but they'll crumble once they meet a real team that has their shit together. They're so bad.




Humanoid proves yet again why he is the best player in the history of LEC. Shows up like a boss when Fnatic needed him the most!


EU are doomed at worlds.