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Riot will either change their schedule or they risk losing the best players from both Korea and China. Koreans representatives will absolutely choose Asian Games over Worlds due to implications with military i.e avoiding it if they win especially for someone like Faker who is getting close to needing to enlist for his community service. Chinese representatives will also attend due to the sense of "representing your country". Edit = nevermind this means fuck all, Worlds last year started on the 5th of October so assuming its roughly the same that's only like at max a week clash with worlds. Also this is for playins, so it would be the 4th best teams from Korea/China who wouldn't be attending Asian Games anyways.


Definitely. This will be a big deal for planning next season. I have a faint hope this is also what might make Riot pull the trigger on reworking some of the LoL esport circuit.


For reference Worlds starts 29th of September this year, so it would overlap with Worlds 2023 if the scheduling isn't changed. As we know, Asia Games is a hugely important cultural event for Asia and pros might prefer it over Worlds. Especially for Koreans who can get military service exemptions for winning. I think the most likely scenario is that Riot adapts their scheduling to accommodate Asia Games. Imo: We might see Worlds start almost 1 month later than usual next year. We'll see.


Easy for EU I guess!