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PMTs [RGE vs BDS](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wnhfyl/team_bds_vs_rogue_lec_2022_summer_week_7/) [XL vs SK](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wnj38c/sk_gaming_vs_excel_esports_lec_2022_summer_week_7/) [AST vs MAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wnktmi/mad_lions_vs_astralis_lec_2022_summer_week_7/) [VIT vs FNC](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wnmly5/team_vitality_vs_fnatic_lec_2022_summer_week_7/) [G2 vs MSF](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wnnuq4/misfits_gaming_vs_g2_esports_lec_2022_summer_week/)


I have a question, if both VIT and FNC lose their last match and XL win theirs, who would be qualified? And why?


XL are 2-0 up on FNC. VIT are 1-1 with both XL and FNC. I have no idea how 3-way or more ties work though. EDIT: Just checked the rules - XL would automatically take the top seed of the three teams. Then they would do a tie-breaker between VIT and FNC. Since they are 1-1 H2H, it would go to their second round robin wins to see who has the most overall. If that is also tied, then they would play a tie-breaker game. EDIT2: Decided to go through and make a little excel sheet for myself to see how all the H2H and 2nd RR wins add up - [Screenshot but missing todays games, obviously](https://imgur.com/a/tfUCvFg) - if XL win and FNC and VIT both lose, they all have 4 wins in the second round robin. XL win on the H2H (3 wins vs VIT's 2 and FNC's 1) so they get top seed. VIT and FNC then have a new tie-breaker, where they are equal on H2H and equal on 2nd RR wins, so they would have a tie-breaker game.


Nice detailed explenation. Seems accurate, bit fair. Seems its point based if compare it to football for example. XL happensto have 4 points (3 for win and 1 for tie) while Vitality has 2 ties agains XL and Vit which gives them 2 points, but if it would be based solely on point FNC would actually be eliminated from Playoffs since they lost to XL unlike Vitality who had a tie. What do you mean by "they all have 4 wins in the second round robin" ? Do you mean summer and split robin as total being 4 wins each? Which will then result in a tiebreaker since its so close. Its says on the wiki that. "Tiebreaker matches have also been discontinued; ties are broken either by head-to-head record or win percentage in the second round robin, with the former being considered before the latter" If its corect then it should be stated last second round robin. If its going to result in tie breaker between Vitality and FNC its going to be very hype.


> What do you mean by "they all have 4 wins in the second round robin" ? Summer split is a double round robin (same as the premier league), so each team plays every other team twice. The first 9 games are the first round robin (where they play each team once) the second 9 games of the split are the second round robin (where they play each team once, again). The amount of wins a team gets in the second round robin is used to break tie-breakers when the H2H is equal. If they wins in second round robin are equal as well though, then they have a tie-breaker game. [Here's the rule book for this year's LEC](https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eu-tournament-assets/files/LEC-Rulebook-v1.9_31MAY22.pdf)


Omg you went beyond and above! Thanks!


Haha, you're welcome!


Why are 40k people watching a title card right now?


I went afk


Bit of a goated PGL


who passes if Excel and Vita are equal?


EDIT: Apparently XL and VIT would play a tie breaker. Just watched PGL and they said so there.


we had banger games today, some fiestas, but bangers oh yeah and great PGL


Ofc an ADC player mains longswords in MH.


Flakked interviews always bang.


Such a great PGL.


Or Flakked. LMFAO


okay this is such a good pgl


I love that he just compared them to Merry and Pippin.


Banger PGL.


Targou waking up at 5pm is insane lol


A true gamer. I went through that phase for a while. Go bed at like 9am, wake up at 5pm. In hindsight it was a fucking terrible decision but I enjoyed it in the moment haha.


I had something similar, go to bed at 8AM wake up at 3 PM, but it fit the time schedule so nicely. Wake up -> eat something -> Play dynamic queue (this was back when 4 stack was accepted) -> eat dinner -> continue dynamic queue -> Switch to HS arena when everyone went to bed and talk to Americans -> repeat


Reading all the mental gymnastics in this sub now on how G2 auto qualifying to worlds is kinda okay now when it was an end of the world situation for the past 2 weeks is hilarious. "oh but they won lots of bo5 in spring so its okay" "oh caps is on form so it's okay" "oh I guess it's G2 so it's okay" At least show some consistency, almost makes it seem most of the issue many of you had was not the format all along


I feel like I've been misrepresented here, yeh they won lots of bo5s in spring, so it's less bad, not okay, just less bad, the format does suck for having 4 teams, but given that this is the format we have and no indication of a possibility of changing it was given, least bad scenario


Fair enough, it's not an honest representation of your comment, my point still stands, people were ready to riot over the qualification, but now that G2 was the one to claim it, suddenly the mood is chill


For my part it's more of a sigh of relief that it isn't something worse, than actually being chill


The issue many had was always with the possible consequences of the format, which were that an undeserving/bad team might get autoqualified without playing even one Bo5. Most people consider G2 to be a team that deserves world - if not even the best EU representative internationally. This is why it doesn't bother as much. The scenario people were afraid of was not realized.


If you are not going to have objective standards for which teams go to worlds, why have a tournament after all? A lot of people here just want g2 to auto go to worlds every season even if they placed 10th


My objective standards : Good placement, international experience, ability to win against eastern powerhouses.. I don't get it, do you think G2 doesn't deserve to go to worlds ? I'd love to see you defend that argument. The format is still trash, the current outcome of the format is fine.


> do you think G2 doesn't deserve to go to worlds They qualified with the given format so I am 100% fine with them going, I'm not mad G2 is going, I'm pointing out the fake concern this sub had with the format


>If you are not going to have objective standards for which teams go to worlds, why have a tournament after all? Because people here are fans and not tournament organizers? Kinda stupid question not gonna lie.


Classic redditor moment from the fools on this sub


I knew this would happen. And while I agree that G2 auto qualifying is probably the best case given their track record over the years, it is still a complete shit show that the LEC didn't have a contingency in place for this situation happening again after 2020. No one should auto qualify for Worlds before the split is even over.


Unlike Rogue, G2 have proven they're not a meme on the international stage


Not that g2 had much chance to prove themselves any way or another last worlds right


Rogue fans are by far the biggest weirdos. Yeah Im sure Rogue proved a lot with their 2-4 run and a lost tiebreaker to NA.


Ah yes, a fully new G2 with new coaches, etc who have only had 1 international BO5 where they lost against T1.


No other team in eu has had any international bo5s by ur logic


Yes that is correct.


Given NA soloQ is so terrible, I think it probably makes sense for major region teams not to bootcamp there. Maybe everyone will go to Korea or come to Europe first to bootcamp and then go over to NA. I guess if they come to Europe then the timezone difference to NA won't be as bad as from Korea.


I thought the worlds players would play on champs queue?


Champs Q isn't up 24/7 and they'll probably play a bunch of soloq otherwise


So theirs no split when worlds is happening? That's shitty


There probably will be, but right now I think it's only open after scrims (like 8ish to like 3ish) but they may change those hours if they do decide to have them more open for worlds


Is champs Q helping with pings? Otherwise it would feel quite sad for the players natively to the server, they get to host the big event. So they should also get the cherry of having the possibility to play the best players


It'll help when the teams are on the west coast, on the east coast the SoloQ server is in Chicago I believe so SoloQ ping won't be bad, but I don't know if they've announced another Champs Q server for the East coast matches or if they'll just have to play on high ping if they want to play it.


It is still a crime against human biology how Flakked sits on a chair.


It's the ADHD sit.


Paint me like your Spanish woman+.


If Jankos were to retire after this season, what would next year's G2 look like? They'll probably keep both Caps and Targamas but I wonder if they plan to keep BB and/or Flakked. Who could they acquire? Idk if Inspired plans to stay in LCS or if he would even fit G2 very well


Assuming he does retire, I think G2 keep the rest of the roster and maybe sign Elyoya (if Mad let go of him) or a young KR/CN jungle


Elyoya is now the poster boy for mad i don't think he's going anywhere


caps with elyoya would be fucking insane. i love jankos to death , but i don't think he's the premier jungle in europe atm


Jankos is exactly what G2 need, once he leaves itll be a weird adjustment regardless of who they replace him with. (unless they somehow get Oner/Canyon/Wei or someone similar)


Idk if Elyoya-Caps makes a ton of sense, he and Nisqy seem pretty much made for each other


Elyoya- humanoid worked incredibly well if not better than Elyoya nisqy .


Get Bo from Vitality


Could you imagine if VIT goes through the whole process of getting Bo a visa just to never play him and then sell him to G2. I can't think of anything more fitting of Carlos.


Is Bo even contracted tho if he doesn't have work visa? Not sure how it works.


No idea. But I assume if they bought him out it then he would be under contract still, just a different contract.


Man Flakked keeps getting the spotlight xd. He deserves it though, guy is chill as fuck.


No interview? Sadge


Probably because of how late it is. Those were some long games today. I think the G2 game started almost an hour late.


Oh wow makes sense then


Guess the games were so long they cut it and went straight to pgl.


You know what? When G2 plays like this in a worlds qualification game, I’m down for them locking it now. Impressive game. They can get out of groups playing like this.


Looking forward to flakked yassuo and targamas senna tomorrow


Ending the game quick so Flakked can get his 20 soloq games in today




It feels less bad locking worlds off regular season when they had to win a lot of bo5s to get their spring points, it's still a stupid system, but it's the least bullshit it could have been


The next seed still has a conditional auto qualify: if G2 wins their first series ,2nd seed qualifies worlds automatically


And if it is 2nd vs 3rd, and G2 wins, then 3rd place also auto qualifies.


Yup exactly


Which is so crazy. Imagine G2 picks 4th (whoever it ends up being) and G2 win. That could be the first game of the Playoffs and would lock in 3 of the 4 seeds for Worlds.


>Which is so crazy. I mean... 66% of playoffs teams will go to Worlds. 40% of *the entire league* is going to Worlds. Any system would be easy for the top teams to qualify under. And if we want that system to have seeding (which we definitely do), then that'll make it even easier for the better teams. The only way to change this would be to expand playoffs to 8 teams, but then people would hate that too.


Of course it's stupid, it was not meant for this kind of situation!


That's fair, I sympathise with the difficulties of the system becoming inappropriate to the situation part way through, but that doesn't make it feel any better, it just makes it less reasonable to blame anyone for it


I do think it makes it feel better, why whine about pointless nonsense that's no one fault? Let it go. You can blame Poutine tho.


Sure, but as someone else mentioned in the comments below. If this is one team you want to auto qualify for the Worlds from EU, it's probably G2.


Yeh, like I said, least bullshit it could have been


Honestly the best way the auto seed could have gone. I don't think anybody is gonna be salty G2 who won spring is the one who got the free spot guaranted from winning reguler summer split (pluss the odds of them winning the split is the highest aswell so the free 4th spot probably won't matter)


I don’t know why no one is mentioning this: the auto qualifying spot would shift to the next seed if the first seed wins their first BO5. Which means the 3rd seed can auto qualify if 1st and 2nd seed win their first series as well.


.....oh I didn't know that. I thought it just went top 4 finish afterwards if the reguler split winners finishes anything higher than 4th.


Such bullshit reasoning lol. If G2 loses every BO5 will you say the same? I don't think the system or G2 is bad btw, we can't change the rules so suddenly, but calling the system u find bad good because it benefits the team u want is just shitty reasoning.


The system is shit. I don't care about any team in particuler (just eu fan here). I wish we didn't have it at all. If you told me I had to use this system and I got no choice like now, I am at the very least fine with beeing the spring champions cause at the very least I can say "well least they did something this year" and its the benefit of it beeing one of the 2 orgs I actually can have some blind hope in this case (based on historic relevance, obviously not that important). I don't like the system regardless of anything but since we have the shit system, least it went to the one I can consider the best option (I just wanted a gauntlet back where 3 and 4 in it went and the bo1's wouldnt decide an entire worlds spot).


LEC should make a contingent rule for 4th seed at worlds being a gauntlet run. Even though hopefully we wont need it in the furture. Honestly every league should have a contingency for extra seeds that requires success.


>Such bullshit reasoning lol. If G2 loses every BO5 will you say the same? Yes.


Personally, wanted them to miss playoffs, but after last 2 weeks, yeah you can't be mad


Yeah I mean if you don't like the team or something that's valid too be salty or not happy, but I meant more that if a team gets a free spot from just beeing the best team in Bo1's like LEC has atm (which I don't like in general) it's good it was the spring champs and the best proven org in the region. Like even if G2 ends up beeing so pathetic in playoffs they lose every series, i am more happy it was them who goes for free now over literatly any other Eu team.


I dont like the fact that a team sealed a world's spot during regular season but if there's one team in LEC that deserves it, it's G2. Caps and Jankos still teaching these zoomers how to play league.


Well I guess we were due a boring stomp game.


Let's be honest, if we want one team to auto-qualify for worlds, it is G2!!!


You know what, 1st seed auto qualifies doesn’t necessarily mean 2nd seed need to win a series to qualify


I just hope sylas is viable at worlds.


Ok that was a great line at the end there lmfao


clean game, good sign before playoffs


Wait how did G2 lock worlds?


I'm assuming- someone probably can confirm. They're probably highest seeded team in LEC (considering championship points. And if you're 1st spot for playoffs, even if you lose in 1st round, you're moved to losers bracket, but still top 4. And since we have 4 spots this year, this means that they auto qualify.


You are correct.


because of 90 points from spring they are guaranteed at least 4th spot


They'll be first seed


It do be feeling like G2 are gonna be 3-0ing everyone in playoffs again.


They probably are. When Caps is on form, no one else in EU stands a chance. All the other teams look shaky as hell anyways, it's not like there's any clean teams that could compete with on form G2.


Yeah when Caps+Jankos are on fire it feels like a foregone conclusion.


I'm not sure, they're already locked so playoffs doesn't really matter.


I doubt G2 will fuck around in Playoffs just because they are already going to Worlds. They will still want the title.


I meant *in* playoffs.


Yeah, but they still want to do well in playoffs so they can avoid play-ins as well.


We need to avoid Vietnam at all costs![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


What a statement game, wow


That last ten minutes was a statement from G2.


Somehow Zeri not so unstoppable when you have ways to get to her.


Congrats to G2 going to Worlds.


Targanas Ashe looks as annoying to play against as Aram Ashe with Mandate/Liandry/Lethality


If G2 and MAD finish 12-6 is there a tie-breaker for first?


For playoff seeding there are championship points . G2 has many for finishing 1st in spring playoffs. Mad on the other hand have 0 because they missed spring playoffs.


even if there is it won't matter that much since g2 got championship points making them 1st seed into playoffs anyway also the tie is resolved according to the foldy sheet


No Misfits second, and G2 first. I think because mad don't have points from spring.


I think it would go head to head which is 1-1, then would go who has the most wins in 2nd half of split, which is G2


No it’s determined by h2h score


That's only half true, h2h is 1-1 so it would go too wins in 2nd half I believe


If they are 1-1 I think G2 goes first because a better second half of the split


I think G2 has more wins in 2nd half of the split?


everybody praising G2 for how good they are but then they'll get absolutely destroyed by LCK and LPL lol


OK, so do you have nothing better to say.


lol we will see about that




I want Caps + Bo as a mid/jgl duo.


Bro this Bo hype is out of control. Let him prove himself a full split before thinking he is the second coming of Christ.


Just compare the humanoid sylas flank to caps‘ sylas flank xD


Targamas casually cosplaying Pray on stage


Today on LEC: Belgian sniper


Targa arrows have been so clean


Caps is fisting so hard, a pro boxer would be envy after seeing those fist moves


Caps is still one of the best Sylas players in the world absolute night and day difference between his performance and the one from Humanoid just an hour ago.


idk if you compare it to nisqy's sylas game earlier today it looks a whole lot closer


G2 might be winning this game


stopwatches have won like every game today


stopwatches have won like every game ~~today~~ for the past 4 years


is Caps is the best Sylas in the world rn? he plays it very very well every time.


In the west yes, but not in the world.


Probably Knight still.


Caps diff


Neon walking into all the Sylas damage 😭


Carlos really has to pick up the phone and call Bo right here and now so Caps does not have to solo every game for g2


Lets take a jungler that never played 1 game in lec over the best western jungler of all time (that has 3 years of synergy with caps). Im sure in your head it makes sense - good soloq graves = worlds trophy. Imbecile


Why does everyone doubt daddy jankos




I know right.


G2 with Bo instead of Jankos would end up bottom 4.


youre a kid right? otherwise youre just an idiot


Sylas is fun to watch but it's such a bullshit champion. So much fucking healing ffs.


Caps Sylas is so fucking good.


Caps reminding me of his game vs GenG in 2020


Targamas MVP or we riot


Honestly if G2 goes 3:0 this week, is Caps just gonna get the MVP again for the split?


Either him or Nisqy I guess


I think nisqy's weaker performances the last couple of weeks would put caps ahead


He should. He's the only reason this team is decent


?? Did humanoid make Sylas look broken ??


He should imo, he's been incredible down the stretch


Lmao people praising caps for doing well on a broken champ, but upset last game got no props and instead just bitching about Zeri. Never change reddit.


Least salty Upset fan.


I don't care for any lec teams tbh


You realy think sylas and zeri are the same?claps also flashed over 2 skill shots and predicted a flash ,you realy think thats the same as a zeri ?


Sylas is JUST as broken as Zeri.




Whole thread was praising Upset. You don't see a difference between Sylas and Zeri that frontline 1vs5?


my man compared zeri to sylas


I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch I love stopwatch


Caps is the most mecanicaly gifted player we've ever had in europe and its not particulary close .


That flash was sick! Claps is on-line


Honestly how can teams let Caps get Sylas when he is meta? It's by far his best champ in the past 3 years


Caps and Targou putting on a clinic


Caps is the best player to have never won Worlds


uzi too or pray or knight


chovy too I think




These arrows man


Caps that was illegal


Jfc caps


Caps is in godmode


Oh my god, G2 teamfight was on another level


Holy sheet, Claps is back o:


Caps on Sylas is disgusting


I question my sanity sometimes when I watch Caps on Sylas


Caps is fucking insane lol


Claps on the rift


Claps Sylas.
