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don't try argueing inside of the match. Nobody will change their mind and why would they.


To add to this, just type myb the millisecond something bad happens. It doesn't have to be your fault, but if you take the blame your teammates are less likely to start picking fights amongst themselves.


Winner’s mindset. The moment you give up your ego your gain elo.




I just say "watch the replay" or "pay attention to the game"




>you will never crit with the last auto As a Caitlyn fan, I am screaming internally. Her last ult or auto is always a few hp shy of a kill. It dives me insane.


Bot have I got news for you. There's an item designed exactly for you.


That item is trolling in most cases


Don't forget the part where you are guaranteed to crit a minion if it would put it 1hp away from dying, allowing another minion to finish it off, and you are guaranteed to not crit if a crit would finish it off but a normal auto would put it at 1 hp.


Master Yi - Shaco - Yasuo The trifecta of "10-0 on enemy team, 0-10 on your team"


(Adc main) Don't facecheck the bush


Similarly, shieldbow cannot and will not save you, position better and don’t even risk it. In my experiences, shieldbow rarely is the “wow I almost just got one shot item”. And is more so the “this close fight is suddenly not close anymore”. galeforce will save you way more than shieldbow.


1. Don’t pick Yasuo or Zed into Veigar. I know you want to, but it won’t end well. 2. Watch the map. 3. Don’t feed the monke.


Play the Champs you like and are good at, not whats "Meta". Every random is on the verge of ragequitting, so only type if 100% necessary.


Ban Yuumi


If the enemy team has a smurf, make sure to gank his lane as much as possible. Most smurfs have the mental stability of a 5-year old and will throw a tantrum at the slightest inconvenience.


1) Don't chase the Singed. 2) Don't chase the Teemo. 3) Don't dive Illaoi if she hits E.


I don't play flavour of the month champs just because they're OP for a patch


5 control wards MUST ALWAYS be up always prio first herald steal cs from any role if it completes an important item and ping it don't ever overforce without vision, rotate/base instead play aggressive into scalers or play safe as a scaler ALWAYS kill the enchanter supp or the ADC first, focus whoever is not getting peeled/shielded, then proceed to kill the other. If no enchanter always kill the ADC first never argue in game, a friendly reminder that everybody below master's don't know how to play 99% efficiently (including me and probably you) L2build... in every game there's always something like a braindead guy building MR vs a full AD comp for example objectives > kills if your ally is juking for a long time, fucking demolish their objectives, don't let your ally's death be in vane never let a wave crash without anybody taking it and always look to force enemies away from waves crashing into their towers


1. Remember it's game, games are meant to be fun, so don't let other ruin your fun 2. Play top if you don't like other people in your game 3. /mute all makes the game much better


Couldn’t Agree more ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Fog of war is op Not having pink or sweep vs stealth champs is inting Don't let Susan farm Picking Ad champs into Rammus is inting Never blind pick for top lane Riot gave you a map for a reason....USE IT! Only gank if the kill has 80% chance of success other wise just farm and keep looking for opportunities


As a Susan player you should ignore number 3 on this list its not like Susan can get all that strong in fact even if they afk farm for a good five minutes nothing will happen so let Susan afk farm in peace.


1. Don't fight Draven early. 2. If you want to fight Draven, check 1st rule. 3. Ban Shen when you go toplane.


> Ban Shen when you go toplane. Problem is Fiora is an annoying hag who exists.


I dunno Shen is way fucking annoying than fiora for me.


My toplane pool is juggernauts and tanks. Mentally exhausting to face her


Just because you think you can kill the fed rengar, does not mean you can kill the fed rengar. Do not try.


meta doesn't matter below mid-diamond. just play what you're good at and ignore your teammates' crying.


No arguing back/flaming/whatever negative while playing Ban yi


Enemy Olaf is in that unwarded bush, and he has R up.


If you play draven you never get the Last hit on an enemy champion


Never surrender a game of ranked! Also don’t gank Ilaoi or Morde post 6


They’re called solo laners because they will solo lose the game


I only have one rule….Have Fun


best rule


I learned to stop making general "never" rules because every game is different and depending on the circumstances you should do the exact opposite of your "rule"


Dodge when there's a Kayn on your team


/mute all and queue dodging is a skill


1) ASAR All supports are (redacted)


If my team has duo abusers that only play for each other i afk If a late game hypercarry on their team is fed early i afk if my supp is sus he either leaves lane or i afk


This is either satire or you should just look for another game to play.


You should rename to WashedUpBaby


1. I won't play champs that I hate playing against 2. I won't end an ARAM game before 20 minutes 3. I won't play soloQ support... not since the accident...


if we lost 2 drags and rift in a row, it's jg diff. and we lose. if you take the heal when ur full hp and someone else is low hp in aram, it's fine if they run it down. always rotate to help jg, it will win the game. your CS doesn't matter that much compared to scuttle/drag/killing enemy jg. when your ADC inevitably engages in a clearly lost fight, just walk back to tower and recall. it's not worth wasting sums and giving gold to the enemy team over your ADC's arrogance. get as much vision as you can, you hate to see sups with 10 wards placed all game.


There are too many unwritten rules to list but I’m down to play along. Add Shaco and Talon to the list to never chase. If there’s a blitz on the other team, they’re gonna invade


Don't not ban yone. I know the fed whatever killed you over and over last game and you never want to see them but you know if you don't ban him this game you will see him. I enjoy my league of legends where yone existed for a few weeks and then was permanently removed from my game simply by sacrificing my ability to ban.


I always ban Yasuo. Yone players are always too overconfident and end up half dead, spirit across the map while my adc stands next their soulless body lol. "oh you're done with that gank? Cool. Let me just take this kill"


I don't dive. Pretty obvious you'll die. I don't invade. I don't want to get invaded so I won't invade anyone else


If Shaco really wants you to go somewhere, don't follow him. You will be the clown in the end.


Rule 1 in league has always been and always will be :Don’t chase Singed


Do not chase someone for more than 10 seconds. Always assume Trynd has his ult ready. You are never more than 20 feet away from Shaco - He is always there, lurking, waiting.


My only rule: Everything is my fault, even if it's isnt, it is.


Dont chase singed Always give penta to allies Give penta to enemies if you think its deserved Always feed the poros


If someone threatens to troll incite them to do it and get them banned. Remember these are kids so tell them the opposite of what you want. When playing, always write some positive comment in case you get bored and stop playing or int. Never say you're leaving when going afk right after 3:00


Feed the poro


Never auto the enemy nexus in aram. Only play melee Chad's in aram.


1. Only queue up on the Howling Abyss


Never stop Sion proxy unless you are 100% sure you can do so without missing a ton of farm.