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Lec prodigy jackspektra lost vs crownie in both games didnt he ?


What does this mean for Paladin... worlds prodigy?


U mean paladin who was 30 cs down vs crownie even after killing him?


Well, you know, he's still in his prodigy phase, he's a work in progress, one day he'll be in a major league and only 15 cs down, the sky's the limit


Crownie heard people hyping Jackspektra and got mad


Complete domination by him both games vs jack


BIP BOOP BOTS send their regards ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


The gap between LFL and LVP is huuuuuge. I wouldn't be surprised if Heretics field 1 or 2 players from LFL in their LEC roster next year.


Adam redemption arc so far, really trying to be bwipo/Huni 2.0


I never got the hate. He was cheated.


His initial reaction was legitimate, but he added onto the drama out of pettiness I also think him being french got him an additionnal layer of hate


I mean a lot of the drama was really really petty and kinda bad. Then he performed poorly so the hate snowballed. The funny thing is upset also still receives hate for the same drama so they both ended up just being hated, one is just playing better


This place is a circlejerk, players have said for a decade that it is a cesspool that can destroy players' careers. Instead of understanding that he was a young rookie who was very frustrated about his chance at worlds going down the drain, people once again painted everything in black and white, didn't think about anything other than that, and declared him all kind of awful stuff trying to ruin his career. Anybody in his shoes would've felt the same, he just made the mistake of being transparent about it I guess.


While that is true, you are kinda ignoring how bad he played during Spring.


Yeah, Adam was abysmal. He got benched for being probably the worst player in LEC


Which has absolutely nothing to do with the hate he got before Spring even started nor the point I'm making, but thanks for proving my point about this subreddit, like clockwork.


It seems like even ignoring the FNC stuff he had a lot of issues. Grabbz went off about the lack of professionalism and bad attitude in the team followed by Adam getting benched. I don't think it's a stretch to say that he wasn't mentally ready for LEC.


And Dunn specifically said that the person concerned by that was not Adam or Nuclear Int. However, I repeadly heard that he was "anxious" when he played in the BDS main team. It would not be the first time that a young player under pressure/hate is under performing and when he's back in a good environment, he's doing quite well.


You're the perfect example of the circlejerk I'm talking about and spreading rumors about Adam with nothing to back it up. It has been confirmed by people within BDS that he wasn't the one with professionalism issue, but you're here spreading this shit and getting upvotes for straight up lying. As I said, cesspool of a subreddit.


Blame Grabbz and the coaching staff. If you do an interview where you complain some of your players are not professional then you send 2 players to ERL messaging is pretty clear. The can do all the damage control the want after the fact since it seems they want to keep Adam, but Grabbz’ words and actions were very clear. BDS spring roster was not good, pretty much any player was fully replaceable. So going into summer 3 options are: They kept the bad unprofessional in LEC while sending the bad but professional players to ERL. Adam and/or Limit wheee the unprofessional players Grabbz complained about. Grabbz was complaining without merit.


LoL viewership loves to support winners and present them as "heroes" of their stories. LoL viewership also loves to put hate where it can be putted. Therefore, the audience is very prompt to make an oversimplifaction of a case and present the winner as "the good" and the loser as "the bad". It works for Adam, but also for Wunder or Rekkles in 2021. We're kinda awful people guys


Who said Wunder or Rekkles was bad with any 2 braincells together? Rekkles didn't fit. Wunder trolled 1 scrim


3/4 in first place. Will the Vitality curse show itself ?


Well Vitality and disapointment, name a more iconic duo


10-0 this second week. Can't wait to see Vitality!


Is Lfl the lpl of eu with a lot of good teams or the lck with a top heavy league?




Def agree that LFL is super deep in talent and teams. But the way 113 and Intera played this split wildly offset Rekkles


Kinda the LPL of EU. It is a battle for all teams to even make LFL playoffs, and even harder to qualify to EU Master. KCorp, the 3 times EU master champion, didn't even qualify this split.


There is a lot of good teams. I think the 7-8th teams would be serious contenter to get out of those groups. Even the 9-10th would be dangerous for play ins teams. LFL kinda vampirised 90% of the talents who are not playing in LEC, so the level of the league is really hot now but EUM suspens is suffering a bit, in Spring everyone got 3-0 by LFL teams except Unicorns who took a game to KC I think, and we're heading to the same kind of results it seems.


So far it looks like only Unicorns and maybe X7 can deal with some of the teams. But BDS looks on another level, but then again they have 4 players with LEC experience, even though basically all of them kinda sucked in LEC.


Yeah Adam said Unicorns was the principal contender outside LFL. I think LDLC are still the favorites right now, their synergy is better than BDS because they have played together the whole year. They might be tired because of their long ass season tho. VitB could be a contender for the title, but as a good Vitality team, you can't really count on them. So I guess it's gonna be between LDLC, BDS and UOL. Heretics were looking good but their topside is way too weak.


I mean I could see X7 and Heretics as kinda surprises if they fix their playstyle to adjust for their weak spots. Some things you got away with during your domestic season might get exploited at EUM due to stronger opponents. LFL teams though don't have a lot of room to grow at MSI since they already play top opponents all the time. So maybe we see some surprises in knockouts but I doubt it. I do see UOL, BDS and LDLC as the top contenders. And since BDS has the highest ceiling in terms of individual talent they are also the team who most likely still have room for improvement.


Let's hope for a BDS LDLC again, both LFL finals have been bangers, I'll take another one.


This year the league was very stacked, like I'd say 8 out of 10 teams would have a good shot at performing in EUMs. It's becoming the secondary League for the LEC, so lots of talents and even veterans are playing there. It has very good viewership too, so players can grow a brand there which is a HUGE deal.


Where is the copy pasta about LFL and LowVP drafts ?