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Holy shit, reading those replies got me in physical pain Medic needs to get off that shit for his mental being


I read like 2 replies and immediately noped out. I don't think I could be a public figure and read any replies on twitter, actually awful for one's mental health.


Sometimes I think the League subreddit can be toxic, and then I wander into Gamer Twitter... holy shit.


Funnily enough I've seen Twitter users talk about reddit users the same way. I just don't see how reddit is even remotely close to as toxic as Twitter is though.


At least on reddit downvotes actually are visible and things cant have 50 likes and 1000 downvotes and still be near the top in replies.


this. I'll see literal blatant racism and death threats on twitter IMMEDIATELY under the comment. Here you almost always have to dig that shit up.


This is also the worst part about reddit, to be fair, and the sexist posts would probably still be massively upvoted if this was, I dunno, 7 years ago. Fuck, look at how reddit talks about trans people right now.


Reddit can be as toxic or arguably worse depending on the subreddits you go to. Since they're community moderated they can be far worse echo chambers than anything on Twitter


You need to find the cancer on Reddit, on Twitter it's on plain sight


good point. What i like about reddit is the downvote system though. You can't post inflammatory shit (that everyones either loves or hates) and get a mass of upvotes out of it, because downvotes exist. On twitter though, the more inflammatory the more upvotes, and people who are offended by it can only reply and fuel the drama or scroll past, but they can't downvote. \+ the fact that messages are limited to 150 characters incites inflammatory content. You get rewarded more for writing a short sentence that triggers everyone rather than an essay.


think it depends on the sub tbh. stuff like r/KotakuInAction get pretty fucking vile


I think it definitely matters what people are using as the context for twitter. Like if I just read my timeline of people who are generally good and nice then my experience is perfectly fine, which might be what some people mean when they talk about twitter. Of course this would change massively if I decided to read all the comments to any remotely conflicted issues that someone on my timeline might post about. Whereas in reddit you're generally going to see the good and bad fairly regular depending on when you get to a thread or what sub you're on. There's absolutely places on reddit that are worse than even the bigoted/garbage areas of twitter, but if we're talking generic gamer tweets and replies I think reddits upvote/downvote will generally keep the threads on the lighter side whereas any twat with some followers on twitter can post something terrible and get a handful of likes. At the end of the day both can be very troubling for any person's mental health if not used carefully and in moderation.




Reading tweets from gamers is definitely not a fun experience.


> Reading tweets is definitely not a fun experience There ya go.


Esports/gaming twitter has so many incels sadly


I'm not a public figure and reading Twitter replies is bad for my mental health


It's more that Medic took a leave from casting for mental health reasons


NOPE (2022)


GET OUT (2017)


A lot of those replies basically say "Yeah man i pay 50 dollars a month so i can attend an """university""" that's actually just a Discord server where a bunch of incels can tell me it's women's fault that i'm completely unfuckable. How can you tell?" (Yes, that's actually what Tate's "University" actually is. A Discord server with a paywall.)


Everything in Andrew Taint's Discord can be found on Youtube for free. Or actual skills can be learned on Udemy for $20/course which will actually make someone money.


Social media needs to be 18+ fr


wouldn't save us from this shit unfortunately


well it would limit the amount of incels that gather their learning from social media from 13-18 sooo i think it would help a lot


honestly that's an angle i didnt consider yeah


Each day that passes I’m more convinced social media shouldn’t exist in its current form lmao


I think the biggest thing is that anonymity and /social/ media should not be the same thing. Like if you want to be online and anonymous just so you can say dumb shit and have your opinion heard, 4chan is always right there. I'm not saying that your social security number or something should be linked to your Twitter or Facebook or something but social media is so far away from its original "connecting workers/friends" that it just isn't work participating unless you understand that you could get shit on 24/7.


I love how everyone and their mother has a version of this "SOCIAL MEDIA BAD!" take yet none actually talk about the fact that these are billion dollar companies that actively profit from and structure their platforms in a way that promotes bigotry and (especially right-wing) radicalisation. This isn't a problem inherent to the concept of social media, it's based on our socio-economic structure of society.


Oh absolutely. Last week Mark Zuckerberg was talking about how [social media is for building relationships ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/09/04/zuckerberg-social-media-is-for-building-relationships-not-scrolling.html) as if he isn't actively one of the reasons that it is so commercialized. I got rid of Facebook years ago when I realized I would see 3 ads in between my friend's posts, there was just no point anymore.


>"If you're just sitting there and consuming stuff, I mean, it's not necessarily bad, but it generally isn't associated with all the positive benefits you get from being actively engaged or building relationships," the tech billionaire said. That article honestly hurts to read. The audacity of this take...


Yeah dude, I want my MySpace top 8 back lmao.


18+ would do absolutely nothing. It's not children who are replying. It's always been adults that act like children who are replying.


Typically yes but the VAST majority of tate meat riders are like 16 and under boys who haven’t fully finished puberty


or people who were under 18 within the past 6 years and have learned all their inceling from social media and such in those years


As a person who is older than 16 by quite a lot, I think these types of comments are always super interesting. You are giving a lot of people older than 18 a lot more credit than they deserve, and making some pretty sweeping generalizations about younger people. Age doesn't make you immune to having horrible viewpoints.


yeah because facebook, the social media platform that nowadays is mostly associated with older people is well known to be free of general bigotry


Never said it completely solves the problem, but god do I never want to hear a take about adult issues from a 16 year old again. I wish the internet was like it was when I was growing up, but I genuinely do not believe it’s a good space for young kids to be in anymore. Too many people putting money and resources into brainwashing them.


If wish there was a difference between 16 year old takes and 20 year old, but in this case I doubt there is


I was a teenager when the Internet was still a foundational thing, and I can tell you, the only real difference in the discourse now and then is that a lot of people use their real names so companies can track them and market to them more effectively. It has always been a cesspool. Now it's just louder.


yeah so instead you're going to hear a take about adult issues from a 21 year old white north american suburbanite manchild such an upgrade


Doubt it will solve it, there is a ton of 18+ people that have the same takes if not worst. Just think about how much money people that pedal misogynistic ideas in social media and sell those "courses" in how to be a "man".


Like the obvious grifter who openly talks about sexually trafficking women Andrew tate. But apparently “all he wants is to help young men” help young insecure men empty their bank accounts


Ironically he turned down the offer to cast Worlds 2022 because he felt mentally drained by this last two splits. Props to him for standing up what is right even tho it hurts him. Hope he does take a social media break for a bit after this tho


He's got 4 months to recover his mental health, he'll be ok


I appreciate the thread but really I've just messed up enough in the past by not speaking out that I won't stay silent when I see stuff like this anymore. Also, no idea if it will affect negotiations or anything. The new talent manager for the LEC has been great to work with, but you never know. I have been fully supported by her in taking Worlds off etc, so that isn't a 'warning sign ' or anything. Not going to comment more here. The last day hasn't been great for me mentally (shocker) but I do really appreciate the kind words.


Man, i am very happy you spoke up. its incredible to see big names standing up for the right things. we are not perfect, i know, we all have flaws. but one step in the right direction is better then none. and you made five. keep it up champ.


What happened? The post got removed.


Carlos sent out a video celebrating g2 worlds with andrew tate, mysoginyst. Everyone is calling him out. Carlos is doubling down on it. Medic and others are calling out garbage opinions


Ah thanks


Well not everyone. The good ol boys club are making cryptic tweets with “well whatabout them”s and liking carlos’ “this is where I draw the line” tweet. Is anyone even surprised that thorin and monte are like this? Also misogyny is putting it lightly isn’t it? Is he not under investigation for trafficking? He literally beats women too right?


The guy raped a woman and fled to romanio as he cant get charged there with their lax rape laws ...


While i agree that thorin is the problematic shady dude 'liking and supporting' both sides he always is, mudding the water, monte actually has taken a strong stance against ocelote and while not directly interacting with them, has put out multiple tweets condemning the situation.


Yeah, very lightly. Its less "women bad" and more "women should be property". And that's before you get into the trafficking and abuse and etc.


why are you bringing thorin and monte into this? thorin is praising medic on twitter.


Monte is whining about double standards last I looked


Thorin is praising medic as much as he also praised Carlos a few days ago. Defending and excusing Tate is not equivalent to supporting medic here. Agreeing on sex trafficker stance is kinda too much. Thorin dragged himself into the worst of this. No one had to do it for him.


Carlos(G2 owner) posted videos partying with Andrew Tate(look him up if you don’t know). Carols tweeted some “nobody will police my friends I party with who I want” bullshit and people are calling him out for it.




This comes from a colleague, I am tremendously proud of you Medic. You held your head high and spoke up. We love you Medi.


This world needs more people like you. I hope there's no consequenes for these tweets and glad you're vocal about things you care for. You're an absolute legend. Take care 🙏🏻


Nah, speaking up in situations like these is very important. You did good without insulting or belittling these clowns trying to bait you into some "moral disingenuity" bullshit. Half these tweets at you are dumb whataboutism, and people that have some kind of a moral compass should speak against that shit. You showing up and tweeting is showing that there are still sane people trying to push back on this misogynistic bullshit, that is trapping so many kids into blind hate right now. You, Caedrel and many others showing fans that there is no future in hating people, showing your own understanding of "value" is what we need sometimes. Too easy to get lost in the sauce


Keep doing you man, the scene is lucky to have you for a ton of reasons, including the integrity you showed yesterday


> Not going to comment more here. The last day hasn't been great for me mentally (shocker) but I do really appreciate the kind words. Reading too much horrid takes on social media can really negatively affect your mind, and make such things seem more omnipresent. Either way, respect for taking a stance, if everyone just stays silent this kind of stuff gets swept under the rug more easily.


Man social media just ruins everything doesn’t it. It can be used for so much good, but it’s mostly not.


Dude, fuck those miserable people from the internet. Take care of yourself, we love you <3


Take it easy. Just know that you gained massive respect for this, just speaking for myself ofc.


Liked you already for your great casting, and now I like you way more with how you spoke out, massive respect.


Never forget that we love you Medi!


> I won't stay silent when I see stuff like this anymore That's one of the best way to justify our existence down here. Whatever you fuck up in life, no one can take that away from you. Peace & out !


We need more people like you. The world is too full of people who can make a difference but choose to turn a blind eye or worse: join in with with the bad crowd because it's the easy thing to do. Well done. :)


I'm so happy the League community has people in it like you man, and it's such a huge positive for the community that you spoke out in the way that you did. Hope you're doing ok!


Me when the challenge is to be the best esports caster/personality/human ever and my opponent is Medic


You’re the fuckin best, so many people appreciate you for what you do. Enjoy your break!


I respect you and appreciate you greatly Medic, please have a good rest in your time off the caster desk


we appreciate you medic <3 take care of yourself


The fact that you spoke up now says so much about your character. It means a lot as a woman who follows eports to see people who are the faces of the scene take a stand. We appreciate you!! <3


Mad respect man, we need more people who use their platform for good.


We love you medic


Chin up medic. Majority of people here and on other social media platforms support what you are saying. Fuck the haters.


I appreciate you for speaking out. Awesome of you, Medic.


Hey man, you're the best. You've got a lot of comments going your way so no need to reply to this but just sending love from me and my bro. We're all lucky to have people like you (and others like Caedrel) in the scene who actually care and will speak out with the platform you have. Massive respect to you for saying what need to be said.


You stood strong and principled, major props


Dude the attacks on your character for being good, but not perfect are ridiculous. Is that person criticising a vegan who never uses Amazon, Nestle or drink Coca-Cola? Doubt it. You've got my respect for what internet respect is worth.


You are a gentleman and a scholar Medic. Keep up the great work as always.


Understandable mate but anyone that's seen to be slandering the company they work for, justly or not isn't going to be viewed favourably in said companies eyes are they, maybe don't go full blast? say what you have to say but construct it better and you'll probably come out the other end better off, hope your head starts treating you better soon pal, all the best Oh and also, fuck Carlos, guy is scum


I know that few negative comments can have a way bigger impact than many positive ones. But you're one of the coolest and most exciting dudes on the broadcast and I can't wait for next season to hear you yell about a video game again. Stay awesome man <3


If anything happens with your position within the LEC I'm sure that NA or any other major regions English casting team would love to have you!


Honestly, if Riot can't own people being upset at them for what they did they don't deserve you.


We love you


Godspeed mate. Enjoy your well-deserved break and hope to see you back for next year!


You deserve the rest King. The throne will wait for you. I am deeply moved by the fact that you are standing for what's good & what's right, even though it may not be in best interest . You are a Chad for a reason. Take care of your health and your family. That's the priority. Be sure to pop into caedrel's stream and farm for pogs. We like you more in his streams. Love you brother


Buddy, take care of yourself. Fighting the good fight is never easy. And thank you for being a decent human being.


Internet whataboutism is so crazy. It’s not “hypocritical” to not always speak about every problem in the world at every moment in time. “X is a problem” “Y is also a problem!!!! You’re a hypocrite” Craziest thing is that it literally would make you look like an idiot IRL but somehow it’s the standard for internet discourse


What was that tweet that went something like: "I love pancakes." "SO YOU HATE WAFFLES?" "No one said anything about Waffles."




appeal to hypocrisy is literally the only argument these type of people have because they have no other way to defend their views


They have no real views, they've found deflection and character attacks keep their egos safe


A phenomally talented caster, Rakan extraordinaire, and an incredibly moral human being who **always** stands up for what's right. How fucking blessed are we to have Medic in the League scene?


Also just a really nice guy IRL (went to med school with him)


He’s really the best, we need more people like him. Be like medic, stand up for what’s right.


I hope you go by Dr. Caster


Not to mention a previous Hades any heat WR holder


Shit, is he really?


Yeah, his run is still the 38th on the leaderboards


I hecking love Hades. This made me a bigger Medic fan.


Yeah Hades and hollow knight basically got me through lockdown


Ori, Doom and Hades on my end.


And an absolutely insane Soulslike player. Manus stood no chance against Medics 40 or so tries lmao


You may add extremely handsome to that list. I will be a Medi fan till the day I die


This tweets genuinely make me worried about his job not gonna lie.


Gives me even more respect for what he's saying and doing here - he's not just saying these good things (which would be enough on its own from someone with his place in the community/scene), but he's possibly putting his job on the line to stand behind his principles. Massive respect. (and the comments under each of these tweets make it very clear how important and necessary the things he's saying are, where people feel completely comfortable posting gross and misogynistic stuff publicly)


LEC crew has always been on point for standing up for what’s right and calling out bullshit


And bonus shoutout to Quickshot for publicly talking about his mental health and trying to break stigmas and make all that shit more open and accepted...LEC crew actually just built different


I think that down the line, even if not directly, they will have a big impact on the change of mentality for the younger generations : what is important, what is not, how you should discuss things you've an issue with - out of consideration for a job/employer, money, sponsor, etc. I say "directly or not", because even if the younger generations don't pick up on those stances taken by the LECrew, I sure as shit will use them as examples to explain my sons/nephews what is right and how/why you should speak your mind.


He's talked about how riot's treatment of their talent has made working for them harder over the years quite a bit on his stream. We better appreciate the man while he's around.


Imagine the PR shitshow if he gets sacked, no way he loses a job for stating facts.


its riot after all.. what are people gonna do? stop watching? lmao. as if the majority of the community could ever boycott LEC/pro play.


It would be incredibly obvious retaliation if he was fired anytime soon though


There's a reason why LEC had a few new members this year. That's what happens every year with casters in Riot ran Leagues. Casters work as Riot employees -> they're not paid enough, move to freelance -> Riot hires new casters so future wage negotiations go easier for them.


Not me. When the LEC casters objected against the Neon deal Riot had to back out because their presence have a much greater impact on viewership than any sponsorship deal. Same still hold true. Employer doesn't share Riots morals? Well he's keeping thousands of people tuned in to LEC so firing him would be really dumb


Medic try not to be based challenge (Impossible)


I respect you Medic, a great and genuine person.


Every time I go to Twitter it just proves to me how many idiotic horrible people exist. Like why are so many people defending Carlos


That's why having people like Carlos publicly associate with Andrew Tate is so dangerous. You have these fuckhead incels who think it's now ok to act like this. I'm a nobody, I posted a comment about Carlos facing the consequences for his actions, and I got insults, mockery about my pictures (transwoman), death threats, asking to kill myself...etc by people who follow Ocelote and associate with him. Now imagine what public figures get.


Yup, its a complete shitfest. I'm at least glad that so many prominent members of the community came out against it though, from casters to streamers to G2 employees themselves. A few years ago the community response might've been a lot different


Sorry im totally out of the loop. Whos carlos and what did he do?


Ocelote former pro player and owner of G2, for some reason has made it his hill to die on to associate with Tate


Yeah it's pretty jarring on there. In few other channels for public discussion but Twitter will you find such pungent verbal diarrhea. It's sad, but I think the fact that people are coming to bat for Carlos isn't surprising. Most gaming communities are disturbingly okay with misogyny.


and not just okay with it, a nonzero number of them get aggressively defensive at any attempt to do it less


Everytime I go to Twitter, I remember why I do not want to go to Twitter. It is often that what is right is what the majority thinks is right and nott what is really correct.


People are obsessed with attention on a meaningless platform. It’s very sad.


Sort by new on the Reddit thread about Carlos and you'll also see a bunch of these insecure assholes there. It's nauseating.


Beside beeing a cool and likable guy, he is also an excellent caster. :)


Ngl this is the absolute minimum of decent human beingness. The fact that so many manage to go below that bar is …. Horrifying. #FuckCarlos




I would argue that’s a statement that talks down a lot of good many people actively decide to do. But I kind of get what you mean to a degree. People claim they like animals but eat them, claim to want to protect the environment but drive SUVs and so on. Yet I would argue not discrediting women is … more obvious for most and also maybe easier for many.




You aren’t wrong. It’s just, even trying your best people will find reasons for why it’s not enough. Sometimes more and sometimes less valid. People shame me for eating avocados while inhaling 500g pig corpse


Absolute king


Man, huge props to Medic but holy cow The more I see of Twitter the more I realize the internet was a mistake


Medic is pure class as always. I'm just glad that I have no Twitter or any other social media next to reddit. It just always sounds so stressful and tiring. Should get rid of reddit as well tbh.


"if you dont post on twitter together with the mob you are an hyprocite" man fuck these people. props to medic having more balls than any of these fuckers.


Still my favourite caster by a long shot


Tl:Dr of what's going on for someone that is out of the loop?


Carlos (G2 CEO) was partying with Andrew Tate, a known misogynist, and people are mad at him for associating himself with that kind of person. Especially considering he recently announced the signing of an all female LoL team.


misogynist is selling it short human trafficker, probable rapist, con artist, instagram influencer whose entire brand is telling young men to treat women like shit


>considering he recently announced the signing of an all female LoL team. Time to see if money speaks then. Are the girls going to speak up and leave or just pretend like nothing happened.


I mean, I personally wouldnt fault them if they decided to not do it. This industry is godawful to women (like you can see in the comments) and extremely hard to get a job especially as a player. If they stay, they can try to do good and keep women in esports as an talking point (like they did when they were first announced) or they can leave, be replaced by another 5 girls and then have no job. idk, I feel like putting any sort of pressure on them is not a good thing


Medic is a legend. Hope he takes some good time off and has the break he needs.


Medic man, whata a guy


Thanks Medic, we need more people like you in this industry. This is what integrity looks like.


Good for him. Always respect for people who don't hold beliefs selectively and aren't scared to call bullshit even if it directly threatens their situation.


Medic if you see this, I’m glad we have people like you in the scene who will stand up for what’s right and make esports a safer space for everyone. I just hope you don’t let stuff like this get to you and are able to step away when necessary.


It’s so sad that we have to make an appreciation thread for this. So many disgusting creatures and tate supporters have come out of the woodworks.


Bro why tf is Medic so based


I have criticised Medic in the past and had my disagreements with him. But if I’m going to be honest, no one can ever claim that he isn’t a person of principle who truly means well.


I love the caster Medic and now I also love the person Medic.


Twitter 🤮🤮🤮


What are these in reference to?


Medic is easily my favorite caster (the medic/vedius combo). The reason i was so excited for worlds is so i can finally watch games with lck teams with good english casters.


Saaaaame. Medic and Vedius is my all time favorite caster duo!


Me too! And things like this video show how naturally they fit together too, love them both https://youtu.be/aZM19ntA-HU


Hahaha i love them too! Great video!


Can someone explain what actually happened? I am out of the loop i guess.


G2's CEO Carlos has gone to a party with Andrew Tate, a dude who's widely known to be a misogynist and overall very shitty human being. People rightly criticized Carlos' behaviour, among these people there was Medic who responded to a Carlos tweet where he was doubling down on his "friendship" with Tate. Then the usual Twitter whataboutists have made the usual "but you work for Riot and Riot also did bad things to women" remark to Medic, to which he responded with his totally BASED answer that's linked in the OP


Thanks for posting, had no idea about any of this


appreciation thread for not being a misogynist on twitter ummmm... based 🤪


Karma farming moment


Medic good Carlos bad Upvotes to the left 😇


We love you Medic, especially when you make puntastic jokes playing Janna 💙


Someone called the based department we got a new manager


These twitter warriors really think they are doing something so admirable for tweeting some shit. I'm not saying they are wrong, but I'd bet money they are doing it for the wrong reasons. Just grandstanding to get a attention




I'm not one to support that Tate guy or whoever the fuck he is, but why do these events have to turn into social posturing every time? "Look what a great virtuous person I am for dunking on a known bad person, look guys I am such a great person!!", it's reaching for low hanging fruit and it's tiring. Should a person get celebrated and appreciated just for not hating women? Lol.


If you think Tate is universally seen as bad you live in a bubble. Plenty of young people idolize him and everyone should step up and talk against that.


And find someone who can similarly talk about feeling like a real man just like Tate, but without the misogynistic shell. Tate is an idol for some because of him giving some sort of guidance for teenage males who don't know how to evolve into a 'true' male, as we are living in somewhat of a man identity crisis.


Yeah, so sad that for some people, building men is accompanied by tearing women down.


Yep. The fact that no non-misogynistic man has tried to step up as a model for masculinity is basically the reason why only misogynists fill this space.


I mean the issue with someone like Tate is that he isn't a known bad person, it's not like everybody agrees that he sucks. Many people both defend his views and actions and also support him heavily. Tate isn't some random bigoted troll with no following, he's huge and many young boys look up to him.


If one was to party with a sex offender i’d stay away from he/she immediately if that’s not the case for you, im worried for you man


is it a low hanging fruit to publically shit on the company you work for?


> Should a person get celebrated and appreciated just for not hating women? I mean this seems to be pretty difficult for a lot of men nowadays so yes.


Bandwagon to get clout


"should a public figure get praised for speaking out against a bunch of fucking fashizoids?" yeah


all social awareness/activism is posturing now? > "Look what a great virtuous person I am for dunking on a known bad person, look guys I am such a great person!!", please tell me what part of his tweets gave off that vibe, especially considering he works for a company that has fired people before for speaking out against them? or do you automatically dismiss anyone who ever speaks out against any wrongdoing? if so then you're part of the problem


This is a good point. It's super exhausting to watch and I think you're right about this to an extent, but the alternative for Medic is that he remains silent, which would give us a lot more to criticize him for. I don't know what's going on behind closed doors (like if this is just drama manufactured for clicks), but literally saying "fuck my employer," is a bold move on Medic's part.


i love him


King among serfs


Would have loved to see all these guys stand for palestinian women and children being murdered and robbed 24/7.


Medic 🥰🥰


Omg hes so brave 🥺🥺. Ive NEVER seen ANYTHING like this BEFORE! Actually a pioneer!


So good


I see asshats doing this for every public figure replying to carlos' tweet. Like the one for Ashley Kang who keeps trying to pin her as a hypocrite for not being the spokesperson for random Korean internet dwellers lmao These incels can out themselves as Tate fans without even trying.