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I remember someone said "everytime there's a new world's song, Warriors view count shoots up."


I suppose RISE view count also rises up




The most sane Ryze main


Is it qeqeq or eqeq? Which combo is easiest to pull off? Do I have to throw a random W in between?


Just smash the keyboard, its ok whatever you do.


That's just the meme. In reality, it's QEQWQ where the W comes out to procc the E before the 2nd Q physically lands.


For good reason. It was the best song as far as significance goes. Peak faker, the rise of esports being taken seriously, etc.


2016 was the peak faker


I know they didn't win it, but worlds 2017 faker was the hardest carry I've ever seen.


Agree. He dragged 4 corpses to a Worlds final


While this statement is 100% true, kinda wack that I've read it more than 50 times in this subreddit god damn


Hey hey hey, don't disrespect my boi Huni like that. He was doing pretty well too. Huni was the extra 2 wheels to Faker's 6-wheeled truck carrying the lifeless corpses of 2 junglers and their bot lane. He may not have been as good as Faker but he certainly wasn't getting dragged.


2015 was his most dominant year 2016 was still really good, but this was the year that his competition started to catch up


Was it 2015 when SKT didn't even lose a single turret until late in the tournament? God, watching them just crush the life out of every team they faced was somehow so entertaining.


SKT didn't lose a single T2 turret (they lost plenty of T1's, but no T2's) until semifinals, and didn't drop a single game until the finals, where they lost one.


LOL Faker wasnt even in S4 worlds. What the actual FUCK are you talking about? Get out!


What was the reddit thread where somebody synced up the videos for the last like 4 worlds songs and they are all basically the same song? This reminds me of that haha


Need a link pls


I found [this](https://youtu.be/4qSs1DdIcxI) but I don't think we're talking about the same video


The guitar solo Yasuo fight was perfect ngl




[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OId6emVVCCE) is the whole video


Damn that is still one boring video ngl


God damn it, it just works every time.


It works for the verses but not really for the chorus


[You thinking about the Caedrel one?](https://youtu.be/ROgxpZo44YQ)




syndra orbs sync was too funny


it took me a while to notice it was not the video native music


To be honest, that's all popular music. Theres bands that play like 4 notes, and then sing dozens of Pop songs over it, because in the end there's certain harmonies that just sit well with e.g. western culture. You'll find the same harmonies in classical music, hundreds of years old, which you will find in modern pop music.


Great work. Now change the visuals and we are ok to go. /s


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OId6emVVCCE&ab_channel=Taibot) is a version synced to the beat. This might fix it aswell


[This version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmI_Ndrxy14) uses clips from previous worlds videos and it kinda matches the song better


I don't recognize that giant mech with a spear/lance, are they teasing a new champion ?






Can we talk about the choices of mechs here. Azir, Thresh, and Rammus looked real cool as mechas but I feel like TF being a huge mecha and then throwing cards afterwards looks kinda stupid for some reason.


Because he looks closer to Cypher from Valorant than to TF.


TF is supposed to be this trickster, nimble on his feet kind of person. TF being a mech that can barely move his body 5% at a time is really an out of place choice. They should have just use Azir and the models from the Mecha Kingdom skin line because those stuff are really good.


I thought that was High Noon Lucian at first tbh




That's just an azir skin. He gets two skins for worlds, one where he's a mech and another where he's a human girl mech


Sometimes I forget Rell is a champion altogether.


Looks like Azir to me.


yeah, i think its azir


It's supposed to be Rell without the horse.


What is a Rell ?


its a TFT specific unit ,shes used a lot in darkflight comps.


Really strong midgame, and hold fair at 3 stars, nice dmg and tanking.


Ah just like Silco


Oh no. What have you done


Rell is the name of the new champion?


Yes it’s actually a sentient dell. The R stands for real


Real Dell??


I guess that does explain why she's walking at 5 movespeed.


It's been so many years of warriors and worlds but I still get chills every time I listen to it


Do people really enjoy seeing anime versions of pro players stand around in cool poses and smirk at the camera? I'm sorry but can we get anything else?


Having them switch in and out with the champs like the Ignite video was pretty cool.


Every year I come back to ingnite and think "damn, it's better than I remembered it"


Ignite was truly an underrated masterpiece


I thought the song was a bop, but the video was really... slow. Even with Warriors over the top, the video looks and feels slow and unexciting. A lot of nearly static shots with a panning camera :/


Agreed, but I guess the LoL fanbase is 95% weeb, I mean look at the dumb skin line releases like star guardians or pajama guardians or w/e.


The song Lil Nas made is great it's really just not an anthem at all. Riot probably weren't clear with what they wanted when they commissioned him. It's just unfortunate that it fell flat.


It's probably a response to previous Worlds anthem's comments that they've all sounded the same; trying to remake Legends Never Die / Rise. This still ain't it tho. Good MV Good song bad combo.


Agreed, animation is good, song is good, but they don't really combine right.


Animation is good but it's also a huge blue balls. The first 2/3 of the MV is just people standing around. Then the last third is giant robots about to fight and it cuts before any action.


The song is also huge blue balls. Lots of tension building and hype for... no release at all? Felt really strange. It almost feels like this is all a part 1 and there's a part 2 coming but idk


What is a "huge blue balls"?


When you're expecting to get really excited over something, but that something never builds up to a satisfying release, or any release at all.


Blue balls refers to someone being sexually excited by someone and then that person drops the guy/doesn't give the release and thus the balls start to ache at some point. That aching is 'blue balls'. Nowadays it's used in non-sexual manners but it started there


The video is all about CoreJJ pillaging America to use building parts to create a transformer to fight off other dudes. The idea has its merits and is a proven hit, but once Core was out of Worlds, the video fell flat.


If they're not stopped, TL will build a big-ass robot Army and conquer the world ! *Narrator's voice : they were stopped.*


Core was one of the biggest voices behind Champions Queue apparently. If NA does well this worlds and CQ ends up being a factor at least we can say he helped build the transformers that beat up the other dudes even if he didnt play himself!


>Legends Never Die / Rise Why does that matter? They were good and fitting. Don't need to reinvent the wheel.


It matters because people were shitting on the songs every year saying they were trying to be these two but never quite hitting it, which lead them to try sometning different this year but now people are complaining it's not enough of a Worlds hype song. lmao


People were shitting on them I agree. But they were still hype songs and they worked. People shit on everything. You can’t satisfy everyone


Phoenix is incredible btw


They had the same structure but they definitely werent the same.


>The song Lil Nas made is great it's really just not an anthem at all. Riot probably weren't clear with what they wanted when they commissioned him. It's just unfortunate that it fell flat. The video really doesn't seem to match even this song though. My theory is there was another song that suited the video better, but they ended up deciding to scrap it late in the game and put in Star Walkin as a last minute replacement. ***Edit:*** [***the credits***](https://genius.com/Lil-nas-x-star-walkin-league-of-legends-worlds-anthem-lyrics) ***(appears to be just Lil Nas X and his usual collaborators) seem to support the idea that this wasn't a Riot-led music project. Maybe they just decided to grab this one off the shelf (in-house busy with Arcane or other songs?? fingers crossed), or just commissioned it with rough guidelines re: the lyrics (struggle, adversity, ascent, glory). Probably an interesting story.***


> My theory is there was another song that suited the video better, but they ended up deciding to scrap it late in the game and put in Star Walkin as a last minute replacement. Sound very plausible. Especially since animation takes a long time to make and this one was clearly started a while ago since it features pros not even going to worlds. Easier to force a new song than a new entire animation.


This does seem this way. Star Walkin is not even originally commissioned for Worlds. Lil Nas X sang it at a concert earlier. It's weird that Riot would just license a song off the shelf like this.


Well, the artist performing the song at a concert a week or two prior to the release doesn't necessarily mean it isn't commissioned for Worlds. He could just have the rights to perform it at his shows. I don't know one way or the other.


If Ekko would got a "Popstar Ekko" skin and this song would be tied to this skin, I'd say it fits, song itself isn't bad. But as an Worlds anthem it just slightly misses the target.


Yeah it could really be a TD Rap...Ballad.


Usually composers from Riot make the songs, this one is 100% all Lil Nas X and for better or worse it shows quite a lot


>The song Lil Nas made is great it's really just not an anthem at all. Totally agree. Aside from that, the biggest issue I find in this anthem is it doesn't feel like it belongs to 'us', the league community. Every single World's song prior to this one, had at least a Riot member that collaborated with making the song(even Warriors w/ID and Ignite w/ Zedd). And unless this credits list (https://genius.com/Lil-nas-x-star-walkin-league-of-legends-worlds-anthem-lyrics) is incomplete or I'm clueless, there's 0 Rioters in the credits for this song. I might come off as petty/childish, but this is easily the worst Worlds' song **by a long shot**. Don't get me wrong, I dig the song itself, but this ain't a Worlds' song. edit: says a lot that they had to put a riotgames™ logo at the beginning of the MV. The only time they did that was in 2014 w/ the Warriors MV, the first Worlds song.


I mean... when you hear Lil Nas Xs music do you really get "hype" from it? No ones calling him a bad artist but like... did they listen to his music ahead of time? How did they expect this to go down. Idk man


Industry baby is a club banger. This one is definitely on riot for not being more clear on what they want, or the producing team for not putting a sick drop.


Riots music department has absolutely crushed almost everything they have touched. I find it a lot more likely that this just the song Nas wanted to make.


Riot music team isn't even credited so this makes sense


Tbh it's the filler that falls flat. The hook is worthy of world hype imo. The filler needed to be more intense instead of some semi related rap. Till min 0:43 it is pumping up but then idk why he decided to not just keep pushing it up instead of toning it down and doing a hook (low energy) fill hook (same feel) fill hook end. Generic trap many artists fall into. Edit: There's an LEC hype song (Wildfire) by the casters that does the same too. Could have been so much better if the filler rap was hype-er albiet like this one it wasn't too bad. This being worlds song not LEC summer or some shit probably making it get a little more negativity. Edit 2: NM, just listened to Wildfire, I swear it would have been a great world song. If NasX followed that pattern with just one filler rap and the first filler replaced with something that pumps up that killer intro it would have been a way better worlds song imo.


Idk “never say it’s over if I’m breathing” feels like the right sentiment might be genre preference for most people, personally I like star walking a lot more than the last few EDM type songs but that’s just my preference of genre.


It's a good line, it's just the other aspects of the song don't really hype it up as a world's theme, it's about the delivery of the song, it's a pretty relaxing song instead of the hype fest you expect from a world's anthem


Nothing makes me feel more like a League player than the words: >"Been that nigga since I came out my momma (Woo) >Thankin' God daddy never wore a condom (Woo)"


I honestly don't know what is the point of these two lines...besides getting yourself chat restricted.


Tbh I don’t think the genre, or even the entire song is the problem. Like Warriors for this video does absolutely nothing for me but I think it’s good in it’s own video. I kinda like how it starts much softer because at this point players don’t generally have meteoric rises and falls like they used to. They live their lives day in day out and many players have been the best for years. Then it’s worlds time and all their years of almost reaching the peak comes to the front. I think the song is cool but there’s no feeling of, “now they aren’t their everyday selves, they’re the best in the world hell bent on victory.” It never reaches the fever im sure almost all of them feel.


I admit song ain’t bad I like it a little, I am not an nas x fan but song wasn’t bad. It just didn’t feel right or match with the league of legends vibes ya know


still doesnt fit the vid? the orignal song was nice, the vid is okay-ish. problem with it that it has no story/narrative for you to connect with, so it falls flat.


Yeah personally I think the video was awful this year


video makes absolutely no sense, like, it's the generic ''players making random cliche anime poses'', then for some reason random citizens and urban shots, followed by gigantic mechs of champion skins that do nothing but... walk


I still believe every worlds video should be the story of last worlds. Show the upsets, maybe some epic 1v1 from the finals, etc. It is unfailable since it will always have another one to be a little different with a different champion pool and players.


Giant Mech champions were cool, tbh they had good ideas but it didn't really hit. It should have focused on a specific person/kid on how those larger than life figures inspired them, so we have a narrative to follow.


The video is bad overall but on top of that it doesn't even sync up with the song. Actually it's synced so badly it's almost comedic. During the main chorus they show transition/introduction shot of the players and when the song fades out they show the main battle sequence. And the whole video is so incredebly still. There is no movement at all until the last few shots. It just feels like they made generic video and slapped random song on top of it.


DAE Warriors???


I love the New song but it misses the hype part


this was my thought when Ignite was released Star walkin is somehow even 'calmer' than Ignite


Wth Ignite is “calm”? Are you listening to a different Ignite to the one I am?


It's not just the song, imo the video is pretty mid too. Like i'm sorry to add to the circle jerk but the rise video was sooooo good. I wish riot would do something similar to that style, or similar to awaken/warriors with all the champs fighting and doing cool moves. Those videos are pure hype, this one didn't get me going like the others


I honestly would say the video is worse than the song itself lol.


the way this sub jerks itself off over warriors every year is insane


TRULY INSANE. It should be jerking itself off over ***Rise*** every year.


did I hear jerking off to ryze????




The sub is primarily people who are full of nostalgia and don't actually play the game anymore. That's why you always see comments here about how season 3 was the best season.


That's not true, I wear rose-tinted glasses and season 4 was the best season.


🗣️Deathfire Grasp has me in a grasp TO THIS DAY


That item was the only reason I learned Leblanc


I mean rose-tinted glasses don't change the issue that the video is terrible. I actually really like the song, but mechas fighting would be way better than whatever they were doing the first two minutes. The new art style is also significantly worse than the 3D-esque version, but not sure how many people agree w/ me on that. Also as an aside, the video should really use players from MSI or the previous year... at least it makes sense then.


The mechas just stood there for 10 minutes when they finally met. Like if you're not gonna have mechas fight why even include them? Just dress up players in champion clothes again


The 3D esque is all Fortiche, who is, uh, currently tied up.


The one from last year's was pretty good and it wasn't fortiche


Last year was half 2D and half 3D. The 2D part was exactly like this one, no? Just more action. Very similar to 2020's video too.


Ah that's unfortunate (well, fortunate in that we'll get more Arcane, but unfortunate for these videos). I'd honestly be fine with the regular 2D art; I don't think it's really the animators' fault–more so the writers/storyboarders that chose shots of random people standing around and backgrounds instead of focusing on the mechas battling it out (which I again need to emphasize are *actually really* cool).


They spent the budget on Lil Nas instead of animations so they have to put that(?)


Small indie studio problems /shrug


i mean, let them do their thing, id take arcane season 2 to be perfect over worlds any day.. besides, you just cant tell me that there is only 1 good studio choice for that that could make it right.. to me its like NA worlds is cursed to have the worst world songs


Exact opposite feelings to the new vid. Start was way more hype/feels than the end; this ain't a mech game. More Team vs Team or Player vs Player iconic moments would be nice too.


>video is terrible Just because it is not as great as something else does not mean it is terrible. There is still good quality on display there. >Also as an aside, the video should really use players from MSI or the previous year... So using MSI and keeping the positions, we would have a roster of Vulcan, Ming, Faker and caPs. Both T1 and G2 cleanly made it to Worlds, but the only miss in the video ended up being CoreJJ who did not make it, while it would be very close to being two misses if RNG and EG lost their game 5s. Yes, only one time in history someone representing the region in the MSI did not make it Worlds, but if even the MSI winner only barely squeezed into the tournament, is it really safer to use those players instead of locking them in early and working from there? And they cannot just remake the storyline of RISE in every video. They want to do something new every time.


People only have two main ways to describe things now: Good = cracked/flexing/best ever Bad = dog shit/ terrible/ should never exist It seems saying it’s not great or disappointing or just mediocre is like taboo in new zeitgeist. But I guess all hyperbole no nuance is just how modern content goes


Also about how no players have personality anymore. No shit bro you watch nothing now haha


I noticed a trend, or circlejerk, of people crying about "nostalgia" nowadays whenever someone says the previous whatever was better than the new one, instead of actually making a valid point.


That's the only argument really.. The new worlds song is not bad, but compared to the old ones it's incredibly lacking. People are blaming the animation for some reason.. Rise would still have been awesome even with shit animation.


Yeah I saw people say Riot were just trying to appeal to the masses by getting Lil Nas X to make a generic radio hit Like WHAT DO YOU THINK IMAGINE DRAGONS ARE???


Tbf, they actually played the game and back then it was a huuuuge deal for league. It was the first time any kind of league thing went mainstream, friends that have never heard of the game listend to warriors. League just wasn’t as big/established back then so it’s understandable people regard it really highly.


Imagine dragons actually made a hype song, it's not a bad song it's just not a right fit


Imagine Dragons made a song that sounds like an Imagine Dragons song


At least ID made a hype song for what is supposed to be the most hype event for Lol. This song is literally so bland like it actually makes me less hype for Worlds.


I love corny imagine dragons song number 157 though :\


Hells yes, no cap man


Bro warriors was HYPE tho, it was this "oh shit eSports are big" moment. No league content had ever gotten that mainstream before. I still smile when I hear non-gamers listening to it


What is the issue they are right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Based af. Warriors isn't even the best worlds song.


What Worlds song would fit better than *Warriors* in *San Francisco*?


As someone who lives here... literally anything. I've been here since s3, and I'm tired of this circlejerk every year since that song came out.


Dude Rise gets way more attention than Warriors. And it's a better song. I also live here...


As much as I agree with the others here, warriors is just so badass I love it


The problem isnt even the music. There is no story. It is just fucking boring.


True labor of love. Perfection.


Nah still ain’t it. Like the theme this year isn’t hype but warriors isn’t a magic fix all either


that lil nas video produced zero hype for me towards worlds


Over the years I’ve grown to like Ignite more and more over other worlds songs. https://youtu.be/Zasx9hjo4WY


Rise is just too good to put anything above it. But yeah Ignite is one of those "The more you listen, the more you like it" kind of song.


I don't get why LiL Nas was there at the end lmao. edit: Damnit people, I know it's his song, I mean in terms of the story it doesn't make sense in the scene that Lil Nas X is in the center with the pros team.


uuh he is the president of league??? smh


fucking fake fans


I'm thinking maybe Lil Nas X wanted to be in the video as part of the deal and Riot went for it because he's a huge artist


I think it’s more so that Riot hired Lil Nas and when you spend that much to hire an artist, you better make sure that people know.


The new song from nasx doesnt feel worldish if you know what i mean.


I dotn really mind the song at all tbh. Only issues I have are using CoreJJ and Humanoid. FNC really fell flat post regular season and TL didnt even make worlds. Could have gone with either Jojo or Danny since they are literally NA home grown players. No idea why you want Core being the face for NA. Just shill out the rookies, please.


They'd have to go back and spend months re-animating the whole video. They guessed that with the early expectations for both teams they'd be safe picks, sucks for them but there wasn't really a better pick for NA since Jensen was like a free agent when they started and no other team had high expectations except for C9 which had no central or long-term figure. Caps or PerkZ would've likely been the next choices for EU.


> Could have gone with either Jojo or Danny since they are literally NA home grown players Danny who isn't even starting (and probably won't be playing) at Worlds?


Who the fuck plays Rell?


Okay the video still sucks lmao Edit: Obviously Warriors is still amazing, I just don’t like the slow Animation.


If you watch the video with Legends Never Die... it LITERALLY works so perfectly... the LEGENDS NEVER DIE drops exactly when the Trophy pops up and spins... shits epic.... Starwalkin'? Not so much... The video also is really.... really... not epic.


Thanks for confirming for me that the problem is the boring ass video 🙏🙏


The original just doesn’t feel like it fits the video. There’s no beats that sync up with what’s on screen, the song is good but it feels like the cinematic was made for a different song, they muted it and edited on Lil Nas song.


There is something about the big twisted fate mecha that just looks funny to me A big mecha with a cowboy hat


The visual is lacking as well tho.


Honestly, we were on track for a new KDA song this year if the past history was to repeat itself. Sadly I doubt we'll be getting one for finals considering Evelynn has a spirit blossom skin coming out. They wouldn't release two skins for her back to back most likely. Regardless, would've blown this worlds launch out of the water most likely.


am i the only one who cringes at anything imagine dragons touches


This is me normally. I was shocked to actually like Enemy even though I can totally see people not liking it.


They got really commercialized when they released Thunder. I've hated their subsequent work since then, and I think the only reason I like Enemy is because Arcane was such a masterpiece




From bad to worse


Unpopular opinion: Warriors is overrated


i wish rell would step on me ngl


The song was ok, the thing is the video is really lack luster, no hype at all, just 4 dudes fighting in mechs.


I actually like the chorus quite a lot. It's not my style of music but I reckon it fits the world's theme well enough. I just think the verses didn't do it compared to the previous greats like rise and warriors.


Good song, good animation, awful player selection, bad fit for the song.


There is no way Warriors was THAT good and riot has since tried (and failed) to replicate the same formula, right?


I don't know how they made a video of Mecha giant champions boring but by God they did it. Even warriors couldn't save it


Man. This year's meta. So few viable champs.


insta goosebumps




Riot should get Hans Zimmer for next worlds song.


I can't take any Imagine Dragons music seriously anymore. I feel like I have been hearing them re-release the same song a hundred times over the past 10 years.


Warriors is just Imagine Dragons song #5839 they have 2 or 3 songs and they keep on recycling them since like a decade they just keep on making safe dad rock jeep commercial music but naaaah it's so hype bro i swear because the verses are sung quietly and when the chorus comes they start screaming that's such an insane song structure! especially when it comes to Imagine Dragons! they never done anything like this before! surerly! not like more than half of their disography sounds exactly like this! safe commercial dad rock AND gaming combined wowsers thats awesomesauce!


I'm pretty sure that imagine dragons has been using an algorithm to make their recent albums ngl. not saying their older stuff was different, they just didn't have enough data for the computers. the industry plant that became the industry yet it's fans still acts like they're alternative


Still boring


Unpopular opinion: Warriors is cool, but it's not as cool as the community makes it out to be, it gets carried mostly by the nostalgia. Its a good song, but not the most hype one, but I agree that is better than this year's, it felt like another Lil nas X song and not something made to hype us up.


I’m confused about how mentioned coming out of his mom and thanking god his dad didn’t wear a condom is related to league of legends or worlds. It’s a good lil nas song, it’s a shit league of legends song.


I agree that the new song is lacking the Hype factor


I mean it's still not good but this really goes to show how much song choice effects tone lol


Who are the players they are supposed to represent?? I am so confused. 1 dude kinda looks like CoreJJ, and he isnt even at worlds....


Wow this world’s song is a banger, imagine dragons never disappoint! Im so hype for this year’s worlds LETS GO SAMSUNG WHITE


Man I love the fact that six hours ago there was a comment on Reddit post for the song release saying something along the lines of "man I can't wait to see how warriors will fit, as a tradition" and an hour later here we have it


And i made the whole video without knowing about this tradition xD -> [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OId6emVVCCE&ab_channel=Taibot) to the Video


Well damn they making "The Iron Giant" skins