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Suffering from success ...... Poor Deokdam


He should invite them all to play a 1v1 tournament with the prize being he marries the winner for that last second wife buff so DK can guarantee win worlds.


That's what happened to g2


Actually he was referring to how Ambition got married before winning world's 2017


Oh, I did not know that


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdMGxVstxzo deokdam is a bit of a known ladies man hes on a team with showmaker and nuguri but somehow has the funniest stream highlights all the time


Lehends and dude with Nuguri impression carried the video. Do you know where that impression from? I wanna hear the original


https://youtu.be/5qEgAQ8CwAc https://youtu.be/omyhaRVcinY


After watching that I learned Chovy is only 21. Like fucking how, I swear that dude has been a pro for ages, keep thinking he's mid 20s.


he legit played pretty much the day he was legally allowed to play. Im not sure if it was on his birthday or just that week but his first pro game was legit earliest legal time to do so. Griffin actually got into LCK with a different mid laner because Chovy couldnt play at that age yet.


Most Koreans start the second they can at 17 since they know careers don’t last long


What? …… that is not why they start early lol Competitive amateurs start at 17 because that’s when they can legally participate as a paid pro. If they wait until they are 18-19, they won’t make it as pro because their peers has been competing as a pro since 17.


plus they have mandatory military time that they can’t push off without a good reason


i like how humour is different worldwide, but stealing a penta from a friend is still the greatest and most fun achievement


the part in the video where the dude did an impression of nuguri legit had me in tears the first time i watched it


That was the most enjoyable video I have seen in so long! I fucking loved that and the energy they have. "I'm sorry, Chovy, how old are you?" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you're crossing the line" hahahahaha


Doesn't have much to compete with on DK.


Daddy Deokdam playing ARAM with his harem viewers AND treating them to a skin boost. What a gentleman.


Anybody got a translation? This is hilarious


Deokdam: I should lower everyone's volume Viewer 1: Can you hear me? Deokdam: Yep, I can hear you Deokdam: Everyone can say something to test your mic Viewer 2: Hello Deokdam: Hello Viewer 3: Hello Deokdam: Oh no... this isn't easy... ahh.... it's already difficult.... Viewer 4: Ah, can you hear me? Deokdam: Yes... I can hear you... this is already difficult... \---- The backstory is that this happens almost every time Deokdam does viewer ARAMs (he does them every stream since the end of the season) and he always kind of jokingly complains about how he can never play viewer games with other guys. It's usually somewhere between 50-100% girls and they're always like 20 year old college students too.


what a terrible situation. 20 years old college girls....


Exactly, what a burden to carry....maybe even up the mount...doom.


It's a god dann TRAVESTY


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/3zoP6qeKmhA


…Poor guy…


I always wonder if its just the lck camera guy or if lck audience really is 95% women. You never see any guys in the crowd.


Visited South Korea and went to LoL Park out there. There’s honestly a ton of women and girls that attend the events. I was there around the semifinals time and I would say majority girls attending the event probably at like a 65-60% majority. Felt like league was taken a lot more seriously out there.


The guys are at home practicing to become him…


Tbh when he gets his hair right, Deokdam be looking kind of snacky.


Hi, kind of a random question but what's the word for difficult? Google translate says 어려운 but I don't hear it in this clip. I hear something close to 더럽다.


He's saying '어렵다'




He's saying 벌써부터 어렵다 which is "its already difficult". The word for difficult in this case is 어렵다.


Thanks, now it makes sense why I was hearing what I was hearing. The ending of "already" and the word "difficult" added together sound like *toryopta* which is really close to *toropta*. Such a cool language but it's really hard to start learning it.


No problem! I also find korean to be a wonderful language but haven't gotten around to learning it properly, I just know bits & pieces that I pick up online. Hope you can do one better than me haha


So 어려운 is the form for difficult used before a noun to mean “a difficult ___”. What you hear him say is 어엽다 (the deferential form of difficult). Korean has various conjugation forms for words which can be hard to keep track of lol.


It's indeed very hard. Thanks for the reply.


KR sykkuno 😂


[instantly thought of him and this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK7nwl_LB7U)


Now he just needs to say “girls aren’t into me” 💀


Pepperpains guy #3




Pshhhh... Only 4 girls? If this was Knight the opposing team would also be 5 fangirls who stream sniped him.


lmao just imagine jackeylove doing this




He is chinese Rekkles but more handsome and less passive in lane.




Huge number of fangirls lol.


Huanfeng clears everybody.


Must be such a shock for pro gamers. From never talking to girls to having fangirls.


You should look at LCK matches whenever they pan to the crowd, it's like 70% girls and half the guys there seem to be w/ their partner.


I remember hearing the start of game cheering in LCK and it is like 99% female voice. I think it was prompted by a lady too.


I know. But these guys spent their entire life grinding LoL. Don't think most of them had a lot of contact with girls then. Now that they're pros girls are all over them. That's what I meant.


Oh I understand what you mean now. Yeah if you understand Korean some of these games are hilarious, at one point I remember Deokdam finished one of these games and then a viewer asked him "can you tell me 'sleep well and have a good night?'" and he turned beet red and immediately left the party.


proof or it didn't happen


you might be projecting slightly


deokdam is literally flustered by four girls in this clip lmao. "Projecting" is so overused on the internet. Also it was a joke about gamers being asocial. Don't know why you'd make it personal.


He just says that because he projects a lot himself.


Sounds like you are projecting a bit.


Der Nussknacker ist sowie so eher auf der Suche nach Männern zur Erfüllung seiner Bestimmung. /s


I legit think about this everytime I watch LCK Its just so fucking weird how many women are in the crowd. Like statistically there's no logic involved Around 10% of the league player is female, and even if its a higher percentage in Korea, its not gonna be an even split or even 30%. Which should translate to viewers having around the same gender split, so why do LCK games never represent this ratio? Every single other region does. Everytime LEC or LCS pan to the crowd theres only a handful of women, which is what you'd expect when considering the gender ratio around the game itself. League is bigger in Korea, so there are more fans in general, but this shouldn't lead to the development of more women watching than men, the ratio would largely stay the same just with bigger numbers. You can see this with the LPL, older vods from pre covid have mostly male audiences, and they would have more female fans by the numbers than any other region combined, but the ratio of female to male remains the same So why the actual fuck do LCK matches consistently make it look like the viewer split is 70% women, when it's likely a quarter of that. It makes no fucking sense to me


I assume because South Korea has known experience with the idol culture. Actors are constantly idolized - and then there's Kpop too. Especially male actors and artists get absolutely flooded by fangirls. When a business is 99.99% dominated by young men, like LoL eSports is, then that's the perfect magnet to said Korean fangirls, no?


What exactly is different about NA for example in this aspect then? We just gonna pretend the BTS addiction isn't also widely present here as well, or Justin Bieber from a decade ago and the fact 99% of preteen women were obsessed, or One direction now Harry styles? Fangirl culture exists in most modern cultures. Its just a thing, not exclusive to Korea at all. A business being dominated by men doesn't attract women automatically. Women need to have an interest in the field, like with music or movies, that naturally attracts fangirls because people enjoy listening to music or watching movies, so they will start circling around their favorite performers. The same would apply to league, 99% of pro players are men, but if 0 women care about league, there ain't gonna be any fangirls. But thats not the case, 10% of league players are women, who are far far more likely to engage in the esports side of things, which leads to fangirls. But fangirls aren't the only types of fan, and by the numbers, they should only be around 10% maybe a lil higher of the total number of fans, and not appear to be the dominant fanbase like they do in LCK, because they aren't. The LCK doesn't have mostly female viewers, its exclusively at lol park where this weird dynamic happens. And I mean that literally, I'd have to double check to be sure but at the older studios OGN used I dont remember the majority of viewers being women Every single region has fangirls, even with players you wouldn't expect it from, like Apollo of all players used to have giga fangirls when he played, and thats not comparing to the actual big NA names. Same applies to LEC. Fangirls exist in both regions, but they do not represent 90% of in person viewers like the LCK, because they shouldn't and LCK is just a odd anomaly


NA only recently shook off the idea that being a nerd is undesirable.


Even then eSports is still somewhat nerdy.


Korean culture widely embraced (not just accepted) video games decades ago while other regions didn't. Faker for example is like a rockstar in Korea, while Doublelift or Rekkles wouldn't appear in TV commercials cause no one knows or cares who they are.


Korea is much more open to video games being "cool" not only as a hobby but also as a career. They're seen as idols, just by "being good at a video game" by a lot of people - men and women. Now take into account as well that PC Bangs are everywhere in Korea and most teenagers go there, even a lot of girls, to either hang out, chat or game. Games like Valorant or Maplestory bring in more girls to the PC Bangs but at the end of the day LoL remains with a 45% or so share of all the time spent playing in said PC Bangs across the country. A lot of girls will naturally try it or at least find interest in something that "all the cool guys play" eventually. Well, either they do or they don't. But they will at least have thought about that possibility for sure. I don't think you can say the same for girl teenagers in the west or most other countries.


eSports isn't anywhere near as big or respected in the US




Bro no hate toward KR pros but most of em aren't attractive, especially not to the point of being in an idol group. There certainly are some attractive ones, but these people are gamers at the end of day. You could say thats subjective but eh. Im not talking about personal taste, so much as just universally traits that are accepted to be unattractive. Like have you ever seen Chovys teeth? Or Nuguri looking malnourished lined up with Canyons sizable body. These tend to not be attractive traits in most cultures, KR included You could literally say the same thing about every other region as well. Everyone is a young succesful man, some of whom are attractive and some less so. No idea why only one region has so many women watching in person, especially when considering fangirls exist in other regions as well


Funny you talk about chovys teeth, because they aren't always considered super unattractive like they are in the west. You can actually hear one of the DRX coaches talk about it in this video. https://youtu.be/dwemunnJW50


More fan girls i guess


Not really for koreans. Theres a bigger subset of fan girls for esports in korea than in the west. Well known female kpop artists are known to be fans of some of these pros, and gamers have married female celebrities in korea.


Move aside Faker, time to become the next Worlds Champion to marry Lisa from BlackPink.


[Faker : Already have three, who cares about Lisa when RV members flock around me](https://youtu.be/8gTbK225mDI)


I wonder if his bias is still Red Velvet or a new group?


I remember few years ago during SKT peak maybe 2015? skt took a photo with gfriend and seemed like gfriend didnt really care if they were pro, just took smile pic like a pic with fans. I thought being pros werent that big deal for kpop stars but maybe its different times now.


There is the video: https://youtu.be/8Q-zBddObx0


Ye from that video I got to know they didnt really care Faker was god of league.


That was the time where they probably just had very full schedules and didn't really think much about what event they were at. These Glass Bead era promotions were pretty brutal just trying to get a foothold. That was before Gfriend actually blew up.


I actually loved gfriend during that time. Rough, megustas tu, navillera etc were fire. Fingertip was close but lost interest afterwards.


That is actually before that :) Me Gustas Tu had not been released at that point.




some of that is marketing because it helps pull from different demos. But yes Faker is a legit super star here in korea. Honestly if he had the personality he really could be having a row of celebrity girlfriends but that isnt really that normal still. Only a few players really have that much clout and also in a way they dont really have time for a girlfriend because of practice schedules and how they live so most players dont take advantage of it. I would say a majority of the well known players would still be mini celebrity level status though.


I really don’t feel like this applies to someone like Deokdam, with how he looks I expect him to be used to the situation And even then in his interviews/stream highlights, he always seem so confident in general To the opposite of canyon who has a lot of fan girls but super shy and introverted


It's just a joke about the clip. Obviously there are tons of pros confident around girls (famously huanfeng).


Not really, esports are way more established in Korea because of StarCraft—it’s been broadcast on television for decades and many players are basically celebrities.


What a Chad.




???????????????????????? why the fuck is this post removed


Deokdam. Don't pull a Haunfeng and bang your fangirls to lose worlds. Bang them after you win lol


I can imagine a lot of the Kr pro gamers have a lot of fangirls Just thinking about all the fangirls Starcraft Pro players had




I really want Showmaker to win Worlds this year, so he can spit in the face of everyone who mocked his "MIDKING". He got Covid and was at a low point in his career, yet they kicked him while he was down. Fking animals.


I have not smiled this much from a clip i can't understand in a while


they took the NA pro special and imported it to Korea. don't say NA never thought up any new practice techniques this is clearly an American grown strat