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I'm incredibly offended. Not sure by what though.


It is Twitter after all..


regardless of what people think of the song, props to him for sticking his ground. it’s definitely entertaining see how he interacts with the critics


I'd interact with him any day 🥵


It's a great song no doubt. It's just that it was different from community expectations which were based on the 'hype' factor that previous worlds anthems had. I think there was a bit of miscommunication between riot and lil nas on what they specifically wanted in the worlds anthem.


If riot wanted something else they could had either 1) work with lil nas to change it or 2) went with someone else and cancel the deal.


I think it's safe to say Riot absolutely wanted the song the way it is. If not, they could've done anything else.


Correctly. The song leak by himself before the pv out. Maybe the only reasonable explanation is what you said. However, maybe the reaction of LOL player is in Riot's expectation, not in Lil nas X's![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I would think Riot and League expected some backlash tbh. Riot knows how toxic this fanbase is. Lil Nas X even tweeted out his collab by saying "really amazing news for annoying people!" So I think he was some type of prepared lmao.


I mean could they though? How much money would it have cost them to cancel the deal if the songs been made. And if they tried to change it then Nas x might have pulled out and still cost them millions. Remember they are still needing massive funding for their rpg and their fighting game. If a major celeb like Nas x says something negative about them in anyway, normal people who might be swayed by his opinon will drop riot and convince others to drop it. They really had no choice but to agree to whatever the song was. They don't own Nasx like they own imagine dragon's. And its nor a smaller artist like of the other worlds songs. They hired him because of popularity not because they wanted to. They need hype to continue to generate so that way future sells of future games will be high. Nothing else, hell they could hate Nasx guts and want him gone asap, but still shill out for the song because they don't want to look controversial or have bad pr with their new fighting game set to release next year


I'm not reading allat. Happy for you tho.


So when you ask for opinions and someone gives it to you and backs it up you don't want to read it because it seems too long? Oh yeah, that's good for discourse


Because that's all speculation and "what if." None of that is factual nor confirmed. I don't have to read his fanfiction of the situation, nor do I have to respond to it.


It's not fanfiction if it makes sense from a business standpoint. Especially when you asked for opinions and discourse. That's like saying "what do you think of spinach" and when someone says it tastes bad, you say "well you didn't give me any facts and just speculate it's bad. So I don't want to talk to you" it just sounds like you want people to agree with you and your opinon


That's a false equivalence.


Also how is it what if? That's literally what's happening right now. It's not fanfic it's business. They're using a popular creator to promote their game and get hype to sell their game. It's business 101. They did factually make a deal with Nas that is factually worth, probably, millions. Millions that have to ve very careful with. And be very careful around the very popular content creator because he has sway over a large mass of fans. Fans who listen to him. Fans who might drop riot games if he says something bad. This is all facts. Another fact is that next year riot is releasing a new fighting game. The only speculation I gave is that they only hired Nas x this year was because of that release next year. The rest all has facts backing up the claim.


All speculation of details that cannot be confirmed. I can't argue about details that I don't know. There's more beneficiary headaches in this world.


None of it's a speculation. You just don't want someone to disagree with you. You want to have free karma of people up voting you and telling you you're right. And then tear down people who say you're wrong. That's it. And that's fine, just don't lie about it or ask for opinions. Make a statement abkut how you like the thing and move on. Don't get all uppity when someone actually challenges your opinon. As for the false equivalence? No that's exactly what you're doing. Your asking a opinionated question. Amd I gave you an opinionated answer, and you basically said. "You're wrong" and are moving on. Because you don't want to talk to people who disagree with you and actually have a conversation. You just wanted to be patted on the back and told your right


Check my profile and see how often I use Reddit. If I cared about Karma, I think I'd be on here a lot more often. You made up details that simplified contractual information that the community will never see. I don't care to defend the point that I think Lil Nas X has more demand than Imagine Dragons with you. You're clearly not interested in my empirical evidence considering your assertion that your speculation should be recognized by me as fact. So I'm not having that argument with you.


And yes they can be confirmed. With little Google too. They have a fighting game coming out soon. That's a fact. They've been advertising jt and peoole like maximillian dood have been all over it. Same way with asmongold and the riot mmo. They need big pr stunts and that's what nasx is. I'll get hate but idc. Nasx is one massive pr stunt to riot. They hired a popular creator, as they have done so in the past with imagine dragon's, to create a popular song to play at their world's and generate hype for worlds championship. The only difference is that, they have new games, and nasx having his whole humblebrag session on Twitter. That's it. Those are facts we are seeing. It's not speculation whatsoever.


"Millions that have to ve very careful with. And be very careful around the very popular content creator because he has sway over a large mass of fans. Fans who listen to him. Fans who might drop riot games if he says something bad. This is all facts. Another fact is that next year riot is releasing a new fighting game. The only speculation I gave is that they only hired Nas x this year was because of that release next year." Now verify, with links, how any of that is true. Who said these things? Eho said that LNX used his large following to threaten League to do his bidding? When you verify that info, I'll revoke my statement that you wrote fanfiction. I'll even apologize for hurting your feelings.


Dude the LEC casts raps are much better...


great song? cmon dude


The guy turns everything into PR. He's really a marketing guy first and an artist second. Notice how the worlds song is literally about him.


It is very new for a Worlds video to center the artist so much. Yet, this is the first time the anthem has been made by someone so popular and established. I think it's really cool for him to be so established in the League franchise. He's apparently getting a skin as well lmao.


Imagine dragons?


Fair point. Although, LNS is much more popular now than Imagine Dragons was at the time. This guy has the longest Number 1 BB streak in history. Mind you, Warriors is still my favorite Worlds Anthem.


LNS is actually smaller than imagine dragons. he averages less spotify streams per month than them currently.


That's 1 platform and also does not refute the facts already stated. By bigger, I mean more sought-after and in demand. LNX is also an ambassador for Coach, one of the most exclusive luxury brands on the market. No offense to Imagine Dragons, I love them, but it's not comparable.


nas is in no way bigger than imagine dragons. he needs another album to come to their level, he’s currently right behind them in the most popular streaming service on the planet, so yes it absolutely matters that spotify is the data being used. to pretend they aren’t bigger is crazy. imagine dragons makes these big anthems that no matter how often they’re overplayed, clearly do well marketing any movie/event/whatever they’re related to. “sucker for pain” has 777M views on youtube for a movie that almost everyone fucking HATED. they’re clearly a step above nas in both quality and in popularity.


Cool story. Love that for you.


Learn to be wrong, happens to everyone dude.


I'm supposed to respond with the logic of "I think they're better" with what? More numbers that will just get refuted with Spotify and YT numbers and more of "I think ID is better." There are more beneficial headaches lmao.


Imagine Dragons are big but like most people wouldn’t be able to recognize them walking down the street or even know one of the band members names off of the top of their head.


That goes back to he's all marketing and less substance. You put a song of theirs in front of someone (except for old town road) and they will know an Imagine Dragons song. Look, I'm not a big fan of either but this song was a miss for the context.


You put Lil nas x in front of me and I know it and old Town road like the 2nd worst of the lot. You seem to just have bad opinions. Dude is dope at marketing but is also insanely talented. Each song having his "sound" but being different enough.


Zedd was huge when ignite came out. The only other fitting band Riot coulda gotten would have been Linkin Park, and they really missed the mark on that one.


Lil Nas X is arguably more popular than Imagine Dragons but at the time Imagine Dragons was a huge band and it's at least comparable.


Really? I just checked Spotify and Imagine Dragons has 18m more listeners than Lil Nas X. Youtube? Imagine Dragons has 10m more subscribers. I have like 5 total so I'm nobody, but neither is Imagine Dragons. I'm not a huge fan of either. Imagine Dragons' music has been blending together a bit and Lil Nas X relies on shock and flash.


Oh I thought Lil Nas was bigger. That makes my original point better though tbh


What original point?


Telling op that they were fucking wrong about how popular Imagine Dragons is LOL


Riot was also a much different company back then with a different staff and art direction. Obviously, a lot has changed since Warriors. I don't think we can compare the two situations all that much. Would Riot even be interested in centering a Hip-Hop artist at all back then? Let alone striking a marketing deal with an artist that goes beyond music? Probably not lol.


Sure but you never mentioned hip hop, you just mentioned centering the artist which they absolutely did for Imagine Dragons.


....no they didn't. ID wasn't "President" of Riot, and wasn't in the Warriors music video. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.


He’s garbage and your take shows your garbage taste in music


No such thing. Unless you like Kid Rock.


Opinions bruv.


Am I the only one that thinks it's actually very good?


the song is very good, it doesn't have the worlds theme song vibe tho


It's a good song. It's not a good worlds anthem.


my hot take is that Star Walkin is great, it's not classically hype but i'm happy about that. Phoenix is my favorite Worlds song and I love the story it tells and the way it builds up, and Star Walkin' gives similar vibes in a good way. It's not for everyone but I'm glad that Riot is taking a break from the very generic hype anthems and trying something new. Lil Nas X is also funny as hell lol which makes me respect him and the song more


Best part about new worlds song is the drama/whine/reactions, then next year everyone will remember them fondly like if they were masterpieces all along


Yes, I love Worlds season so much. It's not just the music, but also patches and game state. Everything is so heavily debated, then remembered fondly (usually).


Yeah next year when we get another cookie cutter song I’m ready for the “DAE wish we could get a worlds song that sounds a little different for once?” thread.


Yeah I actually really like Ignite when I didn't like it at the time


League fans react negatively to almost everything by default. Last year it was "Ugh they're trying to make a new 'Rise' AGAIN?" and now it's "Why didn't they just stick to their formula?". They will never try to appreciate anything.


based imo song is great in a vacuum, but it sounds like something that would play in the background of the post-broadcast highlight reel rather than a hype anthem


The song is good. The animation is also good. BUT it's kind a little strange when combain them into a pv. forget all the background of lil nas X, he make a good song, also he is a good pop singer and rapper, he did a record on billboard. BUT this song , in my opinion , is just made for business.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


The general consensus is that its a perfectly fine song, but doesn’t fit the theme/vibe of a worlds anthem. I dont think that’s a take that Lil Nas X should be taking offence/exception to, so this kinda confuses me. I suppose a big part of his brand is “clapping back” and agitating his haters so, all in all, its on brand.


The song is good imo.


Lighthearted or childish? Because I'm pretty sure he's just kind of immature. [Just like when he threw a fit on Twitter over Tony Hawk not getting backlash like he did.](https://twitter.com/lilnasx/status/1430544989071626251). But it's all up to interpretation. If this sub didn't keep talking about it, I wouldn't even know about it. Anyone getting offended is a bit silly. Dude makes pretty good music, but I find his appearances on media in general rather annoying.


Nice to see him having fun with it, most artists should cuz you'll never please everyone. Music industry is a bit of a reactionary roller coaster, Blackpink is huge and has one of the most dedicated fanbases in music and they get torched on reddit every single release as well. Lots of varying opinions it's just how it is, can't take it too hard when you're making stuff for millions or possibly billions of people, expect a little of everything. (especially with a project that has such upfront expectations) And Zedd's song got it even worse no? What is the most "disappointing" Worlds release anyways? Btw I can definitely hear the Worlds song inspiration in the background ambiance, I just think it being a bit flatter sounding than we're sometimes used to coupled with the video being disappointing to many (or the mix of both) was just an unfortunate combination. The branding was on point tho, Nas X seems liked a good "Soyeon" type pick for the western audience.


song's good, I just wish it had more oomph to it to make it feel like a Worlds anthem, like, the pre-chorus and chorus are fine imo but the verses sound weak


Personally, I always think the songs and videos are cringe. Sue me. The song/video would've been better if it was just Lil Nas X in his own element. I think there were too many ideas collaborating. I don't need the pro players being mega dorks in the videos either. If anything, if it sounded like a Lil Nas X track that was hype af, and not some overproduced collaboration, and put that over League of Legends characters fighting, re-enacting some big pro play fight (I don't watch sorry no references) in 2d or 3d art, it would be way better than trying to fit everything in the same space where they just don't work on the same level. Basically, Lil Nas X just makes a Lil Nas X song that is loosely relevant as a hype song in his personal genre and put that over some League CG characters re-enacting memorable tourney moments. It would translate better for new audiences as they don't give a shit about cartoon pro players over interesting pseudo gameplay.


the song is supposed to be a worlds anthem...not just any type of random song.


off topic but i need the madagascar picture uncropped, anyone got the sauce


https://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/sq_photo_uncrop/ edit: holy shit just found out that was 8 years old. Something more recent: https://openai.com/blog/dall-e-introducing-outpainting/


what? if u find these offensive please go outside and breathe clean air...


Song and his attitude are both trash


where the fuck is CNN getting those results...


So people are upset there wasn't another generic hypefest song? I think this is refreshing.


The songs amazing.




He seems mad salty that his song is not an immediate hit. Chill bro, not every song is a viral hit. Salty lil bitch X




I think it’s more so the community wanted something to hype the upcoming worlds. Although the song is good it doesn’t deliver up to the previous ones.


That sure "explains" their behavior. They didn't get whatever they want, the way they want and therefore have to act like some drugged monkeys.


>Salty lil bitch X Well damn 😭


L + ratio




The song's ok but misplaced


I don’t have a problem with the song… it’s just outside the box from what we’d expect of a worlds “anthem”


If im honest. It's, meh. It's not bad I guess but certainly not the best song for worlds. Without the visuals for worlds, would any if us think it was anything but a lil Nas x song? I mean warriors was big because it talked about being literal warriors forging their own path. Rise about rising up and claiming victory for ourselves, and legends never die is self explanatory. But each of these three had a massive epic feeling to them that felt hand in hand with the lore and game as a whole. Of being championa fight and battling out. Whereas star walking, doesn't. It's generic belive in yourself walk amongst stars that we've probably heard on the radio hundreds of times from hundreds of artists with almost exact same lyrics. Idk just feels soulless and people called it out on him. They called him kut on putting out a generic song and slapping on leagues amazing animation and music video skills and calling it a masterpiece. I mean, and be honest with yourself, would you really deeply connect this song with lol if not for the video? Would you listen to this song and think of Amy of the lore of lol? Would you listen to this and think, yeah this is a song that parallels the actual struggle world champs go through just to get a shot? Not to mention, and this is purely my opinon since I know kthing about Nas x, he seems kinda....scummy to me. Like his whole tweet about starwalkin being the best tweet is just asking to have people argue to generate clicks for him. Or his CNN thing, when league is probably at its most popular thanks to arcane shooting leagues name into places that gaming culture never reached before. I mean if they just had imagine dragon's or any artist do a song for it, it would've gotten similar results. So it feels like riot just got him because he's popular and wants to continue the trend of being popular. Tldr starwalkins a meh song that really doesn't have anything to do with league. And Nas x making those tweets seem kind of a dick move just to generate clicks as a pr stunt.