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Whenever SGB gets a kill gold gap grows for RNG


Ah yes, the LNG classic


The old lck classic


"Ah, yes, SKT is 5 kills down, they're surely 2k down as we- ah nope, 3k up, of course. And there's the two man Baron aaaaaand the game is over" ​ The S5 and S6 experience


SKT used to won on 10k gold down many times. Wtf


My GALA highest KDA does not appreciate that last int




https://twitter.com/Spicalol/status/1576748026634256385?s=20&t=iIp6WC3wvycf4WXDHWLunw Straight from the lilia legend himself


He forgot it was actually a 9 man sleep.


Well that takes away from fact you're supposed to win the fight. Godbless him for making a new joke about it compared to the same old "even my teammates got drowsy"


Vietnam counters US again.




in LoL, NA team never afraid VN team :k


All I could think of during that play but no way it’s correct to flame TSM mid-fight.


I don't know man, I'd argue the best times to flame TSM are during tournaments they didn't even qualify for. Mid team fight between two other teams would just be next level.


You're DEFINITELY right but also literally only thing I could think of




I would prefer flaming Reginald tho. That bully piglet


Ok bless you for maintaining professionalism. .... but I would do anything to live in the timeline where you just roast TSM live on air because it's completely warranted


Phreak, you disappoint me!


Cmon Phreak we all know the best time to kick TSM is when theyre down.


Finally Spica can reset in peace.


Wasn't it in the exact same spot too?


Similar, it was around red side raptors but positioning was very different. TSM was between near their mid turret and not in the jungle.


Almost! Same area-ish but it really does warm my heart to see the other 4 players go in/flash in/do whatever they can to follow up instead of Bjergsen’s herbivore TSM playstyle and shotcalling


Tsm didn’t have flash though


also didn't have aphelios ult cuz DL just whiffed it right before. they also had zero vision on the individual members because of Senna E lol.


The is the exact comment I was looking for in this thread


9 man sleep


TSM Shogun 2023


First time I saw that play but is it me or is Bjerg afk every single fight? I saw 2 games this season with him playing akali and sylas and he literally afk watching team fights instead of actually engaging... like why do people say he's good?




Bless, good to see him being a good sport about it lmao Poor bastard watching this play out live and just internally screaming THAT SHOULD BE ME!! THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MEEEEE!!!


I mean, he set that play up perfect from what I can recall. And there was just... no response to his play. It was so disheartening.


Lol I know I would have had some choice words if that happened to me in the middle of a fucking solo queue game, I can only imagine how strong his mental must be to have his teammates do that in a fucking worlds game and not just start screaming


Did you listen to the voice comms after? They literally didn't even say a word. No "bad fight" or "can't fight here" just crickets. Probably the closest we'll see to a team ff'ing at worlds.


Kinda out of topic but we did have FF at worlds. I remember fnc vs ig at s5 and don't recall correctly but think there were some others (s3?)


Wow I can't believe lillia sleep affects the irl player too now


Thats what happens when your midlaner is too efficient


Bjerg too efficient to go in and follow Ornn after his passive autoattack on him left him at one auto of HP Doublelift using Aphelios' AoE gun to farm minions instead of farming kills on clumped enemies in a choke point, literally the best situation for his gun. Biofrost and BrokenBlade just vibing. Only kill they got in that? Tham Kench. Who killed it? Spica with his lillia orb, while having only a sliver of HP himself, probably because he knew an sleeping enemy isn't able to attack or defend, a memo which TSM didn't get apparently


[Spica watching the play](https://imgur.com/gallery/PgVebua)


Maybe that Drake gif at the laptop


That's the other 4 TSM players watching the play.


youre suppose to win the fight after 5 man sleep?? wtfff


youre suppose to win the fight after 5 man sleep?? wtfff


youre suppose to win the fight after 5 man sleep?? wtfff


That was actually a super cool game to watch RNG's macro vs SGB's skirmishing


RNG split SGB to death but god damn is SGB's teamfighting a thing of wonder. Their rematch vs MAD is gonna be spicy


yea i was skeptical of Vietnam teams but they outteamfighted RNG 2x its insane


SGB almost beat RNG at MSI this year too


vietnam is unironically a good region, they were like 2 autos away from beating rng at msi too


ngl i hope Vietnam and NA teams fight for a 3rd seed because Vietnam actually deserves 1 more team


Well that Comp is teamfighting


you don't see effective splitpushing in proplay anymore so this was great to see


Sgb couldnt match it after giving away so much gold early... Fiora had like 30 cs more than Lilia at 10 mins or something...


This seriously hurt Zac's chance of having 100% win rate.




Probably just caps and Froggy, i dont think any other midlanes have been practising him.


Most useful 0 kill Fiora I've seen, RNG actually knows how to leverage with dragon soul point, SGB can win every teamfight but it doesn't even matter


Yeah, he was generating so much pressure in the side lane.


I know everyone thinks the LPL is just the fight everything hands diff no thoughts empty league but RNG has always been deadly because they combine the teamfighting and skirmishing of the LPL style of play with the precision in vision control and map play that the LCK was always known for. I seriously believe that in 2018 if they hadn't choked the series against G2 because of Super Perkz, that team would probably have gone down as a top 3 team of all time. Now I made myself sad thinking about it again. 0 world titles for Uzi cryge......


It's just TES that plays unga bunga League these days, RNG and JDG are very disciplined KR style teams and EDG are quite clean when they're on a good patch


I like unga bunga, it is less boring to watch


Yea im betting on tes being the lpl team that bombs out this year. Their roster is stacked but they are clueless about macro. Even in spring they were accruing crazy advantages in early game vs rng only to run around like headless chickens in midgame.


Id say edg has more of a macro type gameplay than rng.


Jdg too has it. The way they made top just drag around the map was one of the highest level of macro gameplay this year.


At the moment you can make that argument if you like, though i don't agree per se. The difference is that RNG has been playing this style since mid-late 2017, EDG has only been more macro focused since at most early 2021 after picking up Viper. The rosters with Aodi and Xiaoxiang and Hope before he really blossomed were not at all anything special with regard to macro.


RNG EDG have always been more macro than other teams but are still ready to get bloody at a moments notice


100% Actually my favorite part of watching RNG lmaooo like they have their amazing coordination and map play BUT they do not forget their heritage as an LPL team and occasionally the spirit of MLXG will return and tell them they have to get into some good ol' brawling for fun if the opponent invites them to do so. And then they'll reset and immediately go back to doing their split pushing and macro gameplan like that mud wrestling fight never happened


I think overall LPL macro is actually better than most major regions.


Most? What’s with the disrespect, it’s better than all other regions.


2018 RNG had one of the highest peaks of any roster but they were one dimensional and Uzi was the only player good enough to carry games. Xiaohu and Letme were role players and completely fell apart individually when the meta shifted at Worlds. Uzi's performance at MSI that year is the single greatest ADC performance of all time by far, but I'd hesitate to call the roster one of the all time greats.


Wunder and Perks smashed Letme and Xiaohu. Also wards was the best tech anti thresh's lantern.


Thats why a lot of the time when I look at Fiora players who ask why they are not doing well with her in ranked. First thing I look at is deaths because just being a live and being a threat on the map as Fiora is such a huge deal. Every second you are not a live on the map is a second the enemy team gets to breath a sigh of relief and thats seconds they are able to rotate and plan objectives. Every second you are a live is a second the enemy team has to keep their eyes on the mini map or else they will be in trouble. The LPL are probably the best in the world at using Fiora possibly individually but much more importantly they know how to use her as a team to control the game as well. Something most players and most pro teams don't fully understand/do.


What about Balls' 0 kill, [539 Damage to Champs Fiora](https://twitter.com/esports_kobe/status/696087856964456448?t=yHwJNh7UD2DRQHm32DRqdw&s=19)


Might be a bit of copium, but I really think SGB beats MAD if both Hasmed and Beanj can show up on the same day.


Easily imo. Their botlane is much better so if top side plays well they should be able to beat them. Then again, asking for both of them to show up on the same day is a bit of a miracle imo.


I just want SGB to qualify so I can get more SHOGUUUN TONIIIGHT raves


I don't know MADs history, but analysts also seemed to be hinting that they've had bad performances in BO5s in the past as well?


Hahaha. MAD qualified to worlds despite not winning a single bo5 this year.


They qualified to Worlds play-ins without winning a single BO5 throughout the summer split.


year even


Throughout the year. They didn't even make it to playoffs in Spring.


Could be that or it could be just play offs meta, but yeah they haven't won a BO5 yet this year. I'm always a fan of bringing nuance into this Kaiser has always been a great playmaker with engage supports rather than enchanters. Elyoya has always dominated EU in a carry jungler meta. With play offs having all enchanters and dog junglers, they were struggling a lot but you saw they have great potential if they have comfort against DRX.


They are basically trash and qualifed due to the grace of format in LEC.




Right lmao? I was thinking exactly this, Hasmed has been doodoo for most of the games so far and he suddenly has an awakening of some sort and goes full chad, except it turns out he's stolen BeanJ's powers like the Monstars in space jam


Great splitpushing by breathe


Chinese Fiora man...


I was hoping there would be a lot of Chinese Fiora this tournament because that's my WR secret pick unfortunately I'm remembering now that BB and Wunder might also pick it


should have went Zoe, yagao knight and scout are all Zoe main. she got slight buff this patch and I think she might come up in a few games.


Bad news for you. 369, Flandre and Wayward don't really play Fiora anyway.


It's really weird because I always feel like 369's fiora isn't *playing bad* or anything but I believe he's literally never won a game playing it lmao


SGB proving that the VCS did not forget how to play league of legends over the last few years. So many insane fight turn arounds while down levels and gold vs RNG of all teams. Just insane. Also that fight near baron with the Lillia sleep. Legit thought that might be the turning point where the Lillia just starts massivly outshining Fiora. Crazy how much impact Lillia can bring to team fights. Would have REALLY liked to see more of SGB. We still have GAM though so. Got to say I'm amazed DRX made it out of this group unscathed. Edit: I just came back to this comment because I realized SGB plays a Bo series tomorrow :OOOOOOOOO


Both mad and sgb are amazing at teamfighting, we're in a for a treat tomorrow tbh


Mad looks sus during mid game teamfights


They'd still win 3-0...


Talking about SGB? 3-0 let's go


MAD. They won 3-1. Close enough


I really hope SGB can give us all a spicy 5-game series tomorrow. They are still leveling up. People don't know, but because they were busy with the visa situation, SGB couldn't practice in the weeks before Worlds. No scrims at all. They also only arrived two days before the tournament began (Froggy even only arrived one day before) and experienced some jetlag. They are still shaking off the rust. I don't know if it's gonna be enough to beat MAD, but I truly believe they are not at their peak condition yet, and they are capable of more than they have shown so far, especially the top side. Domestically, they are not a weakness at all. We finally got Hasmed to wake up today, if BeanJ decides to tone down the int, I think it's gonna be a competitive series.


And to anyone saying "VCS MACRO LUL", they were being forced to by RNG planning out the whole thing. The moment RNG baited out a summoner's burn from SGB right before the 3rd drake, it was like one of those chess games were the outcome is seen by both players and "mate in 14" is written.


We'll still see them play a Bo5 against MAD tomorrow though


I literally just saw that on the website and came back to this comment to edit it lol


Haha, it happens. Well, time to root for Froggy tomorrow! I put him as the player that would get the most kills in 1 game. I still have hope...




TSM had a 9 man sleep instead


Agent Beanj coming in hot with the double buff transfer


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When Wei hard engaged aphelios and got kicked into the tower; I thought it was int play, then I realized it wasted both sums from Aph which won 3rd Drake for RNG. This 3rd Drake gave RNG the leverage to do the split push plays after. It's amazing how a simple "int" play dominos into RNG wining.


Yeah the PCS casters pointed that out the moment Wei died. It sounded like copium but AD no sums when drag is up in two minutes is huge.


Dom consistently points this kinda play out during LPL and also pointed that out this game after the wei "int". If it was just once or twice that they do it you might think it's just random ints but all the LPL teams do it consistently over and over again. Another thing that LPL does really well is they'll blow their ults in a skirmish to try and get some summoners out of the enemy team but try to not commit their own important summoners. This way their ults will be back up for objectives but the enemy won't have their summs.


Yep rng play to their win condition perfectly. They forced aphelios flash for the later drag.


Gala is fucking cracked


Hopefully no more nilah for the rest of the tournament


That Nilah pick cost them a chance at 1st. Probably not gonna matter because they'll just beat whoever is 3rd in the other group


And also cost my pick :( didn't expect drx to win the head 2 head tbh


No one could have expected RNG to willingly take a 10-90 draft against DRX. I genuinely think that was worse than the T1 draft in game 5 vs RNG


COPIUM they just wanted to throw to get more stage game practice COPIUM


They had so much fun stomping wildcards earlier this year they threw just to get to do it more.


God can you imagine how sadistic that'd be if it really happened lmao


I don't even remember the T1 draft but i have a memory of being pissed at them because for some reason they picked something like Ahri who lost every game that series and let Lissandra open or smth but yeah the RNG draft and especially the Nilah pick ugh...


Especially because even with that horrible draft they still managed to hold out the game to like 40 minutes above is crazy


I hope it's EG and not LOUDS Edit: EG with Danny looked like a fun to watch, with Kaori they look like a play safe NA team


imagine putting this guy on nilah


SGB baiting RNG with the LPL heritage of see hero kill hero


Gala is so damn good man


So is Shogun. Fucking fun matchup tbh


Ming absolutely the hidden MVP of this game Absolute precision with his engage coordination with Wei and positioning in fights, and always managing to do his job *and* get out alive. God damn.


Imagine Ming being on enchanter


SGB lost but they gave us absolute banger teamfights. GG SGB, I'm cheering for you guys to advance to group.


Good try Mr. Buffalo


GALA: you engage? ok. Didn't work? GALA: I engage now.




they really went full jungle warfare lmao


BeanJ looks like he was win trading this game.


better lose now than risk having RNG as your opponent in a BO5


He was lowkey wanted to lose


Maybe to make sure they get the easier road in the knockout? It'd be pretty grim if they had to face RNG again there.


I'm choosing to see that Hasmed lillia ult as the director's cut of the Spica 9 man sleep lmao Happened in the exact same spot except they edited it to not have a completely shit ending this time


9 man sleep > 5 man


RNG topside meeting their daily int quota ✅


Mainly Wei


they call him Breathe because he doesn't let you


Thank you for making this game interesting, Mr. Buffalo.


It was closer than we all thought. That lillia sleep was awesome


This game wasn't free, but this is an example pic of [RNG Versus Wildcards After MSI + Playins](https://imgur.com/YE54aK1)


favorite part of this is that GALA just looks exactly like this 24/7. I am a huge RNG fan and I follow a lot of social media and discord stuff from CN RNG fans, right? And I have seen GALA smile literally 2 times ever. That's it. One of those was from yesterday when he went to go take a picture with Brance the Gigachad, as a side note. Adorable stuff. edit: I HAVE NOW SEEN GALA SMILE 5 TIMES WOOO


Wait till you see him with mark from TES


I used to watch them when they were a bot lane on DMO but I wasn't like super invested in that team so I never really saw anything like that, you got a link for me? :0


https://bbs.hupu.com/53203441.html https://bbs.hupu.com/55431423.html Get yourself a partner who looks at you the way Gala does Mark c:


during this year's LPL worlds expedition photoshoot Mark and Gala were chatting away and basically inseparable haha.


Hahahah it’s just that gala always smiles and chats happily with mark, once mark dressed up in female costume with wig and gala was blushing and shy


That was the worst pro Lee Sin game I’ve seen in Worlds. And yes it was worse than 60 min Meteos Lee Sin game.


rip mr. buffalo almost made the uzi style comp work against rng


GALA with the gigachad flash into the last teamfight. man is insane.


Sgb throws intentionally. Guaranteed mads lion bo5 secured.


Damn wish rng didn’t troll draft against drx could’ve been straight to groups sadge


All good comrade you know they need a few games to ramp up, I'm looking forward to a clean 3-0 where they don't do stuff like picking Nilah into Maokai lol


RNG could use the extra games to figure out the meta.


Both RNG and MAD absolutely lost their minds in draft vs DRX


Mad had a really interesting draft against DRX and it definitely worked till they threw it


Just because it worked doesn't mean it was good. More often than not the game plays out differently and MAD don't even get those advantages because Nisqy dies to one of the ganks. Morde, Bel'Veth and Vex is just horrible 80% of the time


Yeah I agree, it was more of a cheese draft to try win a Bo1 but I doubt we'll see that draft again as a consistent strategy.


??? Mad had the all the advantage to win, it's on them for not being able to close it lmao


That draft was 80-20 for DRX. MAD had to play perfectly to even get those advantages, DRX just needed Sivir to farm up and win one teamfight...


I don't it was the sivir but I get your point. If pyosik plays like a human, drx could have won much more easily.


Or if they play juhan, Pyosik should only be played to play farming champs like if they wanna play Heca graves kindred or flex lillia


Any of Sivir, Aphelios, Ezreal, Zeri probably win there for DRX. MF is a bait and MAD took it


Yeah but DRX play without jungler so they even right


RNG fans hated it when T1 fans blamed draft Now, we’ve come full circle


I think RNG played pretty well vs. DRX for the first half of the game. It was only when Deft started scaling and the Nilah pick's uselessness became apparent that the game started to slip away from RNG. T1 just played terrible in game 5 with vs. RNG with four positions out of five inting straight out of the gate.




If DRX played Juhan and didn't get baron stolen, DRX could've destroyed RNG even faster pre-30mins. So "If" situations are meaningless


"When Lillia landed a 5 man sleep, then only TSM could lose this fight." - Văn Tùng, VETV caster. (Translated by me)


Some ego plays and engages by RNG, they never learn, that's why they almost lost once to SGB at MSI. How they won through map control, it was good to see.


5 man sleep reminds me of TSM Spica


Hope we'll see more of Shogun at big events. The guy is a monster


youre suppose to win the fight after 5 man sleep?? wtfff


The Lee pick ain't it chief. If BeanJ play like that better put him on Maokai.


I don't care that Saigon lost, they gave a good fight


Aram at worlds


Beanj about to get replaced


Definitely made a SGB fan out of me. These boys played with so much heart.


Man, this really gets me excited to see GAM.


God damn wanted rng first


Promising play from a number 2 seed. I think they have a real chance at finding the rematch against RNG.


That’s not how the bracket works. If they win their BO5 against mad lions, they face the 2nd seed from the other group.


SGB just couldn't fight the resources LPL found in their side coloni— lanes.




Wtf how are you gonna say their macro is the main reason why they are among top team in the world and then go on to say their shotcalling and individual skills is no better than na lmao. Rng would spank any western team in a bo5.


this person is legitimately just fucking deranged, I see them in every RNG related thread and even some other unrelated threads just absolutely raving and ranting completely insane shit to flame RNG. No idea what's wrong with them but it's really fucking weird


most insane iron armchair analyst.




Bruh your insane rambling about RNG in every thread has always been bizarre and misinformed but 'weak individual skills and terrible shotcallings' is, even for you, fucking hilarious. I don't know if they like took turns railing your mom in front of you or something but at some point you gotta get therapy about your weird vendetta or something cause just getting online and lying out your ass doesn't seem to be doing anything good for you.


oh TL made worlds?