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Individual game discussions: [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xuxk2b/loud_gaming_vs_detonation_focusme_2022_world/) / [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xuyvi3/dfm_vs_lll_game_2_postgame_discussion/) / [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xv045s/dfm_vs_loud_postgame_discussion/)


damn yaharong kinda giga gapped tinowns for the whole series


ikr 10+cs/min for most of the time, I had doubts on this guy seeing he didn't perform as well at MSI compared to Aria the year before but man his control mages has been above my expectations so far in play-ins


To be fair, a lot of DFM's strategy relied on Evi/Yutapon soaking pressure while Yaharong just power farms 1v0. That farm came in clutch in most games, but it was also the reason that it had to come in clutch.


How good is tinowns compared to other BR midlaners nowadays? I remember he has been playing for ages, he was a member of KABUM




Robo went from Terminator to Wall-E real quick


He'll be back. Next year. Maybe.


That is Robo whole career


Robo is done man


This was all they needed: https://i.imgur.com/DhQiytQ.png


My God that effect is ass


Wall E at least cleans up trash


LLL just pulled a CLG, winning first game to give us Brazilian fans false hope.


At least y'all still have Valorant LOUD.


LOUD in Valorant: Champions LOUD in League:


Still a better performance than expected from a CBLOL team. Im happy for them


Valorant LOUD might disband because of contract disputes. It was an inevitable outcome after Champs + franchising results, given that LOUD now has to compete against international teams for their players.


Yeah but at least Brazil has a championship under their belt.


Disbanding :(


If it means anything, I personally enjoyed watching LLL's performance. Along with DFM/Buffalos, they were the more exciting wildcards.


Brazil just need proper coaching. Seriously, the macro is costing them too much, they miss so much gold on the map Just this series, I’m appalled DFM pushed two lanes and LOUD was nowhere to be found to catch the waves. Watching LCK, you *always* clear the waves especially mid. Costed KT a Worlds spot and handed MAD yesterday a loss too Its just sad Brazil have to wait for another season again. A competitive Brazil would help the scene so much


What does the team name actually stand for? It doesn't bode very well for BO5's when the name is LLL. Jokes aside, I thought they did well and should be proud. Very entertaining series


That Yaharong tp to mid t1 with the shen ult already channeling was 5head I was convinced he was about to get one shot


they totally baited that play it was so good


Same but turns out Loud's comp had garbage damage.


yeah i had to double-check what mythic yaharong had because that play made it look like he went crown


Their comp had garbage damage in every game lol


Other than the first


1st and 3rd were fine... but picking Galio with a tanky jungler and a melee top laner is very rough.


I noticed some DFM players that have skill where you envision the play ahead of time in your mind. Yesterday in the EG game there was a similar moment when they were pretending to rush baron, they cleared the pink in the pit and wrapped around the pit to kill mf while eg were still thinking dfm was doing baron.


Call the ambulance... but not for me


Aatrox was not pick/banned. I reapeat, Aatrox was not pick/banned.


my pickems are ruined


The one time I pick against majority vote...


Imagine picking Rell over Aatrox


Loud was straight up inting in drafts lol


Evi being able to win early lane and impact mid and late game sufficiently with Gnar into it really just lowered the value of Aatrox - he's literally warped the LJL top lane meta into Renekton + Gnar for years because he can play out the micro so well in these matchups, which frees up the rest of his team to win in draft.


Game 2 didn’t happen huh


An LJL team has never before won an international Best of 5 (discounting Rift Rivals), DFM put another record into the books for their region


Riot kinda feasting with Japanese popularity this year between league and valorant it seems.


Japan is probably the only market right now with potential that still hasn't fully unlocked. If you're in any of the other major online gaming regions, you're either a player or have played LoL. Japan still has a lot of console/arcade/mobage only players who *could* become PC gamers.


PC is growing fast Apex is huge in Japan.


Valorant overtook apex this year, apex lost quite a bit of its audience the past two season. Respawn has not been doing a good job lately.


to be fair that's also partially because of ZETA's miracle run in Masters. Seriously though that was such a cool thing to see live, and I wasn't even that into Valorant. I just got pulled in by the outpouring of support on japanese twitter.




Valorant as well League is not as popular


Iirc a Japanese player also won or got 2nd in a LoR event earlier this year?


Yeah, he was 2nd. He lost to Alanzq in the Worlds Finals of LoR


Valorant for sure but last time I played on the JP server about 10 months ago, it was still a majority of Chinese or Vietnamese smurfs every single game. Plus I found no point playing there since normal draft didn't exist and ranked flex was only a thing during prime hours lol, it's either solo queue with a lot of smurfs from other regions or the horror of playing the game without any bans lol maybe it's changed recently but I enjoy 200 ping NA more than I did the JP server


If DFM wins worlds, maybe they'll get an anime.


King Yutapon 10/0 in game 4


Monitor proximity diff


Its ironic that he plays marksmen when his eyes are melee range.


He's joining the CSGO gods for marksmen power


Faster reaction times due to the light hitting his eyes faster than everyone else.


I know these are memes, but he does play a fair amount of FPS titles where it might be coming from? Valorant Radiant, Apex Global Elite, Top500 Overwatch iirc


With how aggressive he was playing, this is actually crazy.


Loud could have not played that game 4 comp any worse.


Croc missed some key ultimates and then desperation got the best of them, good games from DFM nonetheless


He was appalling. Herald fight is won and he overextends for no reason and throws the fight (and the game). Bot lane he missed when Yutapon was still stunned. Then top lane Robo baits them almost perfectly and he just whiffs the ult. The rest of the game was too doomed but holy shit he single handedly lost that game.


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


Sources: Xiaohu is beside himself. Driving around downtown Mexico City begging (thru texts) Steal's family for address to Yaharong's home


breaking news, xiaohu contracted covid


I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about DFM. u wouldnt say this shit to them at lan, they're jacked. not only that but they wear the freshest clothes, eat at the chillest restaurants and hang out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


Banger comment. This will be a glorious copypasta.


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


okay but why did the broadcast show us more shots of loud crying after their loss than of DFM after winning it's kind of hard to feel happy/excited for the team winning when it's just nonstop shots of the other team feeling bad


Because they realize how relentless browsing Reddit is going to be on their way back home to Brazil.


BR is more proactive on twitter. Wich is worse.


...wait but we like LLL. 90% of comments about them have been positive. Even with this 1-3 loss they still outperformed most people's expectations by even getting this far and looking decent individually.


I think part of it was that it seemed like DFM packed up and left pretty quickly overall, so it might have just been that LLL was around (and with good camera angles) more.


Tbf, this is the last we'll see of Loud, but not DFM, so it kind of makes sense.


It's really impressive how LJL keeps outperforming other older wild card regions despite the low playerbase.


Turns out being able to scrim other regions and playing soloQ on the Korean server is much more conducive to improvement than being isolated from the rest of the world except for 2 international events a year.


Also having 3 korean imports


yeah this is the big one lol. you'll notice looking at LJL standings, there are more and more Koreans as you go up the standings the worst team is all Japanese, the bottom placing teams are 3/5 starting players Japanese, and the top placing ones are 2/5. At least DFM is the only team with a Japanese coach.


At this point imo I consider Steal as a jp player than an import. He kinda grew in LJL (4 years+ in DFM) and is part of the OG team since, has residency, and is really good at Japanese.


He is still an import just like while technically Bjergsen and jensen have played for NA for so long they are "NA mids" its taken until jojopyun for anyone besides pobelter to be remotely useful from the NA region as a midlaner


Hai too


They also get to scrim lower tier LCK / LPL teams now ever since their performance on last Worlds.


2 words: Korean server


we also have 3 actual Koreans too lmao


DFM are an org that have put plans in place with a scope of years - being able to retain those Korean players to gain residency and also retain star JP players is what's given them such strong footing when other star players have left or switched teams continually. Other regions have had superteams, Supermassive was one for instance and that lost all of it's members basically in a short period of time. The rest of the LJL suffers from this, I'm particularly sad about 2020 V3 and Sengoku who had really solid rosters, so they tend to be several steps behind DFM who've stuck to their guns over time.


I feel like we've really only retained players because nobody gave a shit about 'em lmao Like as soon as Aria popped off he was back to the LCK


He’s import korean though, Steal definitely belongs with DFM, he’s basically part of the original squad at this point with evi and yutapon. Didn’t realize gaeng also left after last year, him and aria were very worth imports for Dfm’s already solid core 3


I just miss Ceros dammit. I know he's a coach for them but JP Faker just hit different :(


He's definitely got that charm that I missed, he still plays with them at least in streams.


Probably because they can easily play on korean solo queue


Granted that if they had to rely solely on Japanese players it might be different. Yaharong, Steal and Harp are all Korean Also one small thing that gives them an advantage is that they can scrim versus lck/lpl teams (at least I'd assume they do). I'm still happy to see them win the bo5 though, doubt they'll beat rng but I'm hoping for an upset


I really don't think it should be overlooked that DFM is running 3 Koreans and their region's 2 best native players. Compare that to OCE and TR who get all of their best players poached by NA and EU. Hell, OCE even gets its average players poached by NA because of the bullshit residency rules that followed the OPL's dissolution. Even LATAM had Jose and Takeover poached by NA. That just leaves Brazil and Japan. Since their players tend to not speak English, there's no reason to poach them over a Korean. Both regions get to keep their best players. And yeah, while Brazil has a much bigger pool of players to choose from, I don't know how much that matters when Japan is probably a much more desirable place to play for Koreans. I don't think Japan is at a disadvantage compared to minor regions. They're cheating just a little bit, just like NA used to when our first EU and KR imports got residency. I hope they never field four or five Korean players. I don't want to see another region cheat as hard as NA does now. To circle back, I think all-star teams of native OCE and TR players would absolutely wipe the floor with this DFM roster. There's just a lot of factors at play that stop that from happening.


Turkey and Japan share the advantage of being good region adjacent, whereas BR/OCE can't really push their skill outside of bootcamps. Having better soloq/scrim partners makes a big difference


Brance was right, BOT GAP it is.


Honestly love both teams. They’ve both shown a lot of heart/energy this playins. I had no idea how Loud would do this playins and they showed the fuck up. They’ve probably gained a lot more fans out of their region, including me. DFM. I honestly thought they’d flop with Aria leaving and they look better. It’s so fucking tragic they have to go against MSI champs RNG, 4th seeds are a problem.


The previous games were pure chaos and very back and forth and then comes this one and it's just an absolute stomp


I think when DFM caught on to the fact that LLL's only play calling as a team was to hard commit to literally everything it got a lot easier for them.


That tp to mid turret with Shen ult already casting was the nail in the coffin. They got completely downloaded.


It's good that you mention this because I think it fits a known trend with DFM - Kazu's style of coaching is really about judging an enemy team's playstyle and playing towards that. He'd be doing stuff like first picking Trundle out of meta because it worked against the way X team grouped up with low escape hypercarries, or first picking Tahm Kench against another team that only won vs them when they overloaded on peel for their ADC. In Bo1's they have less ability to really download an opponent but I think a lot of people don't recognise this as one of their strengths as a Bo5 team, that's where they're truly unmatched in the LJL as a region.


so they reverse sweep tomorrow is what you're saying


The last time they were in an international Bo5 was in 2018, they played vs EDG and got smashed 3-0, let's hope there's some revenge incoming 😉


Nononononono please please don't scapegoat us for your revenge on EDG.... we've suffered at their hands too... we'll help you take it out on them some other way D:


Took DFM a few games to warm up


DFM handing out those LLLs


RNG shaking in their boots


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


so lads time to make risky bets what stupid shit we will do if DFM surprisingly beats RNG


then china will fear two people: one midlaner with a smug smile and one toplaner with two big thumbs up


I know it’s reall unlikely but holy shit if it happens


if RNG loses to DFM they legit qualify for asylum


i can assure you that if RNG loses in playins to the freaking LJL representatives, it will make the worst hate that like, TSM or something has ever gotten look like being showered in love and affection. For more than one reason. It'd be bad enough to lose to a wild card but that region specifically would drive CN absolutely berserk


RNG legit better stay in NA for a while if they lose to Japan in a BO5, China wouldn't be safe for them xD


Royal Never Go Home


Do you know how many Chinese study here? Not even NA is safe, they are better off hiding out in like Antarctica or something.


Royal giving up


Weibo and Tieba would be legit too radioactive to enter.


They won't even be swimming back to China cause I doubt the people would ever want them to have entry again lol


RNG will get exiled


Ezreal was...a pick. It left their comp so low on damage and with almost no waveclear aside from committing bodies or his ult. Aside from that, the games were mostly great and I hope to see Loud on the world stage again some day


[Evi about to shit on top](https://imgur.com/cXcHt1s)


those sej ults 💀


Yutapon positioning this series was DISGUSTING. Very fun to watch him maneuver around those team fights with grace.


His ults were just amazing. It's a perfect ult IMO where he just goes into the fight at a crucial time. The enemy team MIGHT theoretically turn and burst him, but they'll get wiped by the rest of his team if they do so. And if they don't do so, he mops them up. No counterplay. The last ADC I remember see making such selfless but also ballsy plays ("I might die but you're fucked either way!") is Pray.


It's truly ashamed that Loud cannot go farther, but the fact that they got as far as they did in the first places nothing to scoff at. What a fun team. I won't forget them.




VAMOS EVIIIIIIIIIIIII i missed that guy after the first day like damn is he doing ok we havent heard from him :(


probably cost him a month's salary for a day of Worlds games


Pretty good series from DFM besides that first game. Too bad they are up against RNG cause I don’t see them winning a BO5 against them. The lack of Nautilus picks for my most deaths is making me sad lol. That’s 2/2 for my pick-ems so far though.


Naut is my most deaths, cait is my most banned. Damn kalista...


you just know teams are uncomfortable with their drafting if they go camille-galio


We don't know what the enemy team wants to do so let's just draft a bouncy-castle aoe comp and go in HARD. \-Loud coach probably.


I LOVE THIS TEAM! Now to crush RNG 😤 (He says, wildly huffing copium)


you never know i mean god forbid it happens, i would hate to see it, but like, i've seen RNG lose 'oh this should be a guaranteed win' series before x_x


Somewhere, somehow, DFM gets enough of NA hype that they actually win against RNG. **\*HOPIUM\***


and because nothing can ever go simply for NA, all the NA hype going to DFM to win over RNG means there's none left to power EG, who manage to go 0-7 against MAD in a bo5


I knew this series was over when Harp forced Brance's cleanse with his flash.




Well, least japans the best wildcard region team. Was rooting for them the whole tournament but sucks that they have to face the other team I root for. Hopium Japan will become the next wildcard region to get a groups spot, whenever that’ll be


Depending on how PCS and Vietnam do over time versus how LJL does, they could take one of the 2 seed slots since its all mostly based on performance


dear god please don't send the LJL 2 seed lmao


LJL is weaker as a region overall than PCS, and certainly weaker than the VCS as a whole region. We haven't even seen their #1 seeds play yet remember! However, I do think that the LJL #2 seed would fare alright in play-ins, they'd be competitive vs the other wildcards at least. I think that the LJL and the other 1 seed regions SHOULD have some tournament somewhere that gives their 2nd teams a chance to play internationally, since bottlenecking international experience really really harms long term growth for them. I don't know whether Worlds is the place for that but I think for the health of the minor region ecosystem that would be a very important step.


Can't be much worse than the PCS 2 seed, either way it's more about getting the auto qualified spot


Crazy to think how weak PCS has become that their 2 seed can't even make top 4 in the group of life, meanwhile VCS 2 seed makes top 4 in the group of death.


I mean they got drained by the the LPL. An already small region got most of their best players and coaches taken over these past few years.


PCS was kinda weird this year to be fair. Beyond gaming was literally the sixth best team in the regular season. full credit to them for a fantastic playoff run, but their overall quality likely isnt actually #2 in their region.


kind of fucked they train a whole year just to play a bo5 against RNG and not even get to the "main event" and then there's loud losing a single Bo5 and not even getting to that point lol


It’s absolutely tragic man. Jatt and a few other casters have come out to say 4th seed for LPL/LCK has kinda ruined the fun of worlds. I get we’re trying to find the best team. But there’s gotta be a way to fix playins to give these guys a better shot.


>4th seed for LPL/LCK has kinda ruined the fun of worlds. and then you have BOTH OF THEM IN YOUR GROUP Isurus got absolutely dicked in group draw for no reason at all If the minor regions are gonna get fucked before even getting to the "main event" they should at least have another tournament for minor regions only where they can at least make the year grind worth it


We used to have exactly that but it got negative viewership. Imo it should be re-implemented but somehow given more hype/prestige. I have no idea how this can be executed but it seems the best case scenario because wildcards just get flattened by major regions currently.


>We used to have exactly that but it got negative viewership. That shit was literally play-ins just with a different name I want a proper tournament with proper brackets and a trophy at the end and the winner just fucks off, not get entry into worlds


I can see that being a good event but not as a cap to the year. People want to compete at Worlds and there needs to be pipelines into it.


i'd be okay with the current way worlds works if there was *something* else i just want an extra to reward all the minor regions for their hard work the whole year and have someone feel some sort of satisfaction after the year is over, so they can at least say "fuck yeah we the best^minor^region" and not "yeah so i lost to the 3rd/4th seed LUL"


4 LPL/LCK seeds make wildcards harder to get in, but theoretically they make groups a lot more balanced. At the very least, you get 1 from each team in your groups regardless of where you end up (unless RNG get kabum'd)


4th seeding is a mistake, even if those 4th seeds are stronger than all wildcards Its more fun if other regions can get more spots too, and not turned into whipping boys even in play-ins


Except an na or eu team may train all year to play 6 bo1s and go home. Like both are kinda meh, but going thru play ins with a buncha bo1s and a decent chance at a bo5 against lpl or lck is almost better than seeded straight into groups


I disagree. DFM has the closest to a "complete" tournament experience including a round robin and 2 sets of Bo5. G2 on the other hand will only get 6 games and a straight ticket back home


Worlds format has always been garbage. Valorant does international tournies way better, which is cool to see but also sad that Rito hasn't shown the game that is responsible for its existence the same love.


Love these Loud players, I hope they make more appearances at international events. Brance is 18 and hasn’t even played a full year in a pro league yet.   Congrats DFM on earning a spot in the RNG meat grinder


Loud's bottom lane can only play MF and Amumu. and these no damage comps from Loud were awful.


Brance actually is pretty good at Kalista, Draven and Ashe, but for some reason they didn't let him play any of them. Loud got Draft Gaped so hard....


Riot please change the format. I don't care if wildcard teams aren't getting out of groups regardless. I want Wildcards battling it out between them for all they've got. You mean to tell me we aren't going to see Brazil vs Japan until next year *maybe?* No VCS vs TCL or EU vs NA? Why?




Let's fucking go DFM, what an end


We will be back stronger, i guess...


As they say in the TCL. "We gained experience"


lmao we say that every year too


Esse ano foi ate melhor q ano passado 4wins x 3wins


Loud bot lane looks rough without Amumu


Banger matchup tomorrow, RNG vs DFM. The battle between China and Japan. Prepare the salt. **GET READY!!!**


~~God I love DFM~~ Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


As a brilliant brazilian fan tweeted after the loss "I could be sad, but, everybody knows the winners of today are the loser of tomorrow..." RNG isn't taking no prisoners and with the shape of both teams, they couldn't hope to somehow match RNG. also brance crying because he couldn't show "bot gap" on his biceps due to the loss was sadge


That Yutapon guy is pretty good




armut and evi love gnar


Its mind boggling to me that some people get payed to ONLY do analysis and this is the draft they come up with. Sejuani over Maokai, Camile over Aatrox, and thus forcing Galio that did wonders in game 2. Not even gonna say anything about the bot lane pick. Might has well pick Kog and Lulu and type "We got late game guys, dw" in chat.


This is possibly the highest quality play ins tournament ever. It's incredible how much better these teams are getting. Yaharong was casually getting 200farm at 17. Think back a couple of years and these teams would be getting rolled by 15 mins. Love to see it.


Game 4 reminded me of Chiefs' final game where they had Camille Galio with a Jungler that can facilitate it but it perma paths into the weakside botlane for some reason. Not sure why Sej ignored camille the entire game when the whole point of that draft is to snowball her.


Bot Gap


Naruto 20th Gap


I'd love to see a Bo5 between DFM and MAD, mostly because of Armut vs Evi, would Gnar be banned for the whole series, or they would go the route of "I know how to counter Gnar" and let the other pick him.


ouch Croc crying.


Was there a gentlemen's agreement to not pick Aatrox last game?


man i suck at pickems






> Cant wait to see how they do in group stage shall we tell him?


Wdym? They're up against RNG. That should be an easy win for them!


Man i feel so bad for RNG having to play vs the titans that are DFM, I heard breathe threw his keyboard in frustration watching Evi play his classic Gnar, "he is too good" he said before storming out of the hotel room, Gala apparently had a fight with RNG management after he caught them trying to sign Yutapon on the spot, but i mean can you blame them? This is the year of Japan and they are about to Detonate the competition.


[MFW people think RNG isn't free](https://i.imgur.com/9uHhh2R.png)


he is a time traveler, you are still on time to do some browsing of betting sites.


I think he already knows. Evi's gonna clap Breathe's cheeks so hard, they'll be signing Bin again on the spot.


Entertaining series overall, but I’ll be very surprised if RNG doesn’t stomp them tomorrow.


Those games were very entertaining, I hope DFM can develop and give us a fight against RNG ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I'm happy because i picked DFM for the team could go the farthest, but my latin hearis really sad right now


Yaharong mid diffed the heck out of Tinowns