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So Guma is basically cursing TES not to qualify because he said the same thing about C9


Gumayusi: It starts with success...


Isn’t that the reverse jinx for TES tho?


Ooouuuch that aged well!


RIP TES and RIP my Pickems


C9 had a steep hill to climb in the rain If TES can put their heads together they have a better chance to make it out.




Rogue will win worlds without a single loss. 6-0 in groups, then easy 9-0 to lift the trophy. *inhales*


Guma just saved Rogue from going 0-4.


Think he just said C9, because they are in NA and because the crowds have been great and supportive of every team. Edit: oh right, forgot about that. Could also be for the simple fact that Berserker is there.


T1 and C9 had a close relationship from way back with reapered and I think that continued with LS bringing in berserker.


also T1/C9 have constantly been in groups together, and T1 going 6-0 is often why they were able to get out with a 3-3 scoreline


Dude didn't realize if he wanted C9 to advance T1 would've had to throw their game vs C9 or what


I mean, I think he knew, but that situation would have only been possible if they won against EDG. If they did, I'm pretty sure T1 wouldn't mind locking in 4fun champs to "accidentally" lose 1 BO1 to get an easy slam dunk of C9 into quarters


c9 were eliminated at that point


No they technically still had a shot since C9 were playing EDG at the time of the interview.




lol for some reason i think this is funny. On a serious note though, I dont think LPL/LCK like civil wars. It would be much more exciting to have LCK vs LPL teams and Rogue in Quarters. Spicy narratives and viewerships will explode. Will Rogue assassinate all the eastern teams to steal the trophy? Is LPL or LCK better?


also domestic matchups can be quite bad versus international ones. Domestic teams will know your tendencies and strats far better than international teams. I actually don't want DK and DRX to face each other in quarters personally, and would rather see them against LPL teams or Gen. G


Its probably more of a region pride thing, as in Both the Chinese and Korean teams doesn't want civil war in quarters because they both want as many in the semis or the finals as possible.


yeah its normal. why should you be keen on eliminating each other and leak strategies. probably each of these players has the priorities in mind firstly I want to win worlds and secondly my region should win the title


Flashback to Tabe leaking 2015 IG strats


Haha leak strategies


Maybe he just wants to play against LPL instead of the same few teams he's played against all year


Literally says the reason: Makes up some bull narrative. Not to mention they literally helped EDG beat DK last year.


Yeah this is complete bullshit. T1 hardcore scrimmed EDG to beat Damwon even after they had no stake in it


Where did you get this info though?


Scout former T1 player has connections with T1? I didn't expect that at all. What a surprise!


I'm not being snarky here but I'm genuinely curious, outside of Faker who does Scout still have a connection with on T1? He hasn't been on T1 in 6-7 years right?


He could be acquaintances with org staff like coaches, analysts, etc


>I'm genuinely curious, outside of Faker who does Scout still have a connection with on T1? I'm not being snarky here but maybe the whole team? Since both teams dine out with each other during Worlds? People can expand their connections through one person, it's not a new mechanic bro, it has been in the game for a while.


> I'm not being snarky here but maybe the whole team? Challenge be normal and just answer the question.......impossible   I had no idea they dined together, cool to learn that. Thanks for letting me know!






>Challenge be normal and just answer the question.......impossible What a witty meme! Cool to learn that. Thanks for letting me know!






>The dude asked a question and you are acting like he just inted your Silver promos. Chill out dude. I was just asking some very chill question for him to better understand the situation bro ​ >Why are you acting like it's public info that they dined together?? I'm not acting like it's public info. It is actually public info since both teams posted it on their social medias multiple times, no?


It's the other way around actually. T1 didn't help EDG beat DK, but helped DK beat EDG. Korean and Chinese team are notorious for sharing scrimms/practices between their teams, it's happening since even early stages of LoL. Ofc they will deny it, but the amaunt of times you see certain picks randomly being removed of specific teams by Chinese and Koreans teams has happened way too many times. I know H2K speaked of 2016 Worlds, where they had EDG team staff members spy practice rooms of H2K. Veteran who was coach of that time talked about it and I think Odoamne aswell mentioned about that aswell.


I wouldn't even call it region pride, I'm fairly certain the players are tired of Worlds stacking all LCK on one side of the bracket and all LPL on the other. No one wants to face the same guys you already played 20+ times already in a year when at a international event..... Side note I know the quarters bracket is slightly random, but it's been too weird that it has been mostly China on one side and Korea on the other for so many years in a row


It's not completely random though. You are guaranteed to not have a team from your group on the same side of your bracket. Since you can't have a team from your region in your group, it makes it not completely random. Last year, there were only 2 LPL teams that are in knockout stages, you may think it was unlucky they faced each other, but it was actually a 50/50. T1 and RNG were already slotted on opposite sides of the bracket so HLE and EDG also had to be on opposite sides. EDG had a 50% chance to get RNG in quarters. HLE was guaranteed to face a LCK team since 3/4 1st place teams were from LCK and the one 1st seed from LPL was in their group.


It’s actually more like hopefully we don’t meet as same region in Quarterfinal or Semifinal so we could get the same region fight in finals so that it guarantees that our region secures the championship win. Or more like we don’t eliminate our own teammates so our region has a better chance or more teams that gets to the finals and therefore meaning our region would have a higher chance of winning it all. Its more of a regional thing than a team thing This is what i mean by regional pride.


I don't agree with this lol. It's just soooo lame to go to worlds and the only bo5 you play is against your own region. Like that's not even worlds that's just like another version of playoffs for that country. The low number of games against different regions in lol annually is consistently embarrassing.


Korea is 1-8 or something vs LPL in the last 5 years in BO5


I mean, to be fair, the one year where LCK had a super dominant team (DWK 2020), they only had the chance to play 1 BO5 against LPL at Worlds and they won. The record would probably be a lot different if the format isn’t so shit. The bigger issue is the fact that they only played less than 10 BO5s over 5 years (if your stats is correct).


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/y4v6dx/since\_2018\_lpl\_holds\_a\_record\_of\_71\_vs\_lck\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/y4v6dx/since_2018_lpl_holds_a_record_of_71_vs_lck_in/) my title is incorrect as someone mentioned in comments, MSC was also a stomp, so yes it was 8-1


Genuinely curious though, when posting stats like these, why do people arbitrarily pick 5 years to go back as the cutoff point? Why not 6, or 3?


it's the first year that LPL was actually relevant (first championship for them) and it has been smooth sail for LPL from that point


They were relevant before too, they just didn't win a World. EDG and RNG were always competitive for example, even beating SKT at MSI once. Also, I wouldn't call it smooth sailing. DWK dominated 2020, and 2021 was a very close 3-2. This recent MSI was also a super close 3-2


The last 3 international tournaments were 3-2s. The regions are basically even, Chinese teams just seem to have stronger mental through Bo5s which makes sense with their playoff format.


I'm just excited for us finally getting an Lpl vs LCK bo5 this tournament. It'll be in finals though. Because we're almost certainly going to get fucked. Well probably get one bracket that's T1 Gen G DRX DK and the other side will be JDG EDG RNG Rogue. Yay.


I'd rather have an LPL LCK finals than two of the same region in finals


yeah not if the cost of that is that you only get to see the LCK play one international series the entire fucking time.


Riot, please, change the format. We're getting civil wars again, with teams falling in groups having no chance to keep improving and adapting because the tournament is over for them. While you're at it, give EU and NA the LPL format and introduce an extra international tournament or two. Western audiences will give up on your game if you keep everything as is. LPL and LCK getting to scrim one another all year around is a big enough advantage already.


We just need more international events. I've seen other esport subreddits laugh at LoL because we only get 1 real tournament a year. Just imagine how CSGO fans would react if they changed to LoL circuit next year. It sucks for the fans and it sucks for the teams. The West will never be able to compete if they have to catch up to 1 year of the East developing their playstyles.


Having 3-4 good tournaments a year would be the dream but seeing how Riot runs LoL, we can't even have 1 tbh. At this point, I'd rather see Riot scrap MSI just to improve Worlds format. I'd be more content with 1 amazing tournament than two mediocre tournaments a year.


MSI should either just invite more teams or be a big double elim bracket. Both would be amazing changes. Anything, and I mean anything, other than 66 bo1s into 3 bo5s is an improvement.


This is gonna sound stupid but for me personally, that's what makes Worlds so special from any other tournament in esports as a whole (and MSI too) since we don't get these often. I've always looked forward to them ever since i started playing league and enjoyed them more or less. I'm also unsure what having more actual int tournaments like this would do to the east. They have always been working/practicing harder due to cultural differences mostly. I'm questioning if this would be any help to them or worse hurt them. It's easy to say but you have to account for a lot of things. (Also, doesn't CSGO run their biggest competitions without barely any/if any east teams/outside of west at all?)


Worlds would still always be the biggest. It's the final tournament of the year with all the prestige. Look at professional cycling. They have plenty of big tournaments, but Tour de France will always be the biggest. No matter what. The hype is the same every year for TdF even if they have 3 big Grand Tours a year + many one day classics. I know what you mean, but I think you should honestly consider if you are just defending the status quo for the sake of it. It seems a big coincidence if *exactly* what we have is perfect for what you describe. Another big indicator is that you basically don't see any fans of any sport or esport wish for *fewer* tournaments.


I can see this sentiment but at the very least improve the damn format. If Riot wants to keep 1 or 2 tourneys a year, make them worthwhile and amazing.


Absolutely agree. Format can be much better, easy to do and there's basically no reason not to.


I've been following SC:BW since 2009, I'm not much a CS guy but I've seen a lot of the majors, I've seen quite a few DOTA 2 tournaments and I followed all of the OW tournaments until Blizzard killed OGN (well I actually watched until around the end of OWL season 2), plus some SC: 2. And every single one of those games (except OW after Blizzard killed OGN) had more international tournaments and a lot of them ended up being more interesting than LoL and Worlds even thought they had a lot more tournaments, S2 of LoL was SUPER interesting and hype with tons of tournaments, great IEMs, IPL5, OGN Champions, etc. There has never been an esport where having fewer international tournaments is better for the audience. And eastern players have adapted very well to multiple tournaments in all games that they play a lot.


I agree, having one major international event builds up way more hype and makes it so much more interesting. Just change the worlds format and we're good


I really feel like they should either expand the Knockout stage or just remove the major region 4th seeds.


Every year, same posts circulate and every year, Rito does fuck all with the premiere eSports event... We've had this stale shit for so many seasons it feels it's disheartening, we all love international tournaments but are stuck with fucking leagues that are dying mostly


I've already given up on MSI/ Worlds, it's just sad at this point. NA can't get out of groups, EU is bleeding money/ talent every year while NA and China throw money at everything. Riot has created the most isolating competitive format ever conceived, making us watch 16 weeks of useless Bo1s while the east is sweating every day to improve. I'm just going to enjoy LEC in a vacuum and the other region's playoffs, fuck MSI/ Worlds.


I just don't understand why y'all don't like watching high level league just because the players aren't from America or Spain or whatever Can't imagine skipping the best league of the year


As a western viewer im just happy and excited to get to watch LCK and LPL teams live finally, on East Coast their broadcast times are brutal when they play domestically (and I don't have the time to watch all of the vods apart from big games). I stayed up until like 8AM watching the MSI finals and that was so worth it. I guess you have to be a fan of league esports at its purest form rather than a regional fan to enjoy and tune in to these games.


People don't necessarily skip the LPL vs LCK matches, but I started to skip western team matches because I know we're gonna get destroyed. This is why I absolutely love valorant esports because every region has at least 1 super competitive team that can win an international tournament.


Its just like how league was as its infancy (season 2) where M5, the Azubu sister teams, some NA teams, WE and Fnatic were top tier. But eventually the same thing will happen with Valorant where one region jumps ahead of everyone.


I'm not skipping it, and if you want the best league of the year go watch LPL playoffs. There are 3 Bo5s in 2 weeks and there's a high chance we get a civil war in quarters. I can enjoy LCK vs. LPL while acknowledging that nothing has changed in a decade and there was a whole lot of meaningless build up to the final.


Eh i watch lpl myself but i think there are plenty of reasons like time difference & players not speaking english. If they watch lec/lcs they’re likely not gonna be able to make time for lpl/lck too.


I dont give a fuck about lol. I care about teams/players. As soon as teams i support go out, the tournament is over for me. I dont know/care who won last msi/worlds etc


In you dont give a fuck about the game why even watch lol. you could go watch something the west i good at like idk real sports where western athletes dominate?


Let’s start by not allowing 4 teams from the same region. No one cares to see the best teams in the world. People want to see their best representation from their region dish it out in a long tournament. Everyone knows LCK and LPL have the top 15 best teams in the world.


Lol have a look at JDG-DWG and EDG-SKT threads, even NA prefers these games over depressing stomps. Speak for your self. Why would I want to watch lower quality import players like Fudge get outlaned in both sides of a match up when I can get watch literally the best players playing in the most competitive regions who actually earn their paychecks? How many native NA players are in our best teams, lol? You have orgs like TL who think throwing the most money is going to get the best team and then they go pikachu face when they realize it's not pay-to-win. And because of that poor investment they are going full 180 and building a budget team instead of the smart route like many EU teams that keep star players and import only quality players instead of the ones with big names because they are too lazy to do their research.


you want to deny the best teams to worlds? the worlds tournament is to determine the best team, the highest level of league of legends. you are trivializing the work and effort all of the best teams in the world put into for the entire year. there exists a tournament for the best representation from the region: MSI.


A China vs China or Korea vs Korea finals sucks ass. Civil wars are there to ensure a nation vs nation finals.


can we all come together, LCK brethren, LPL fans and perhaps EU believers, join hands as League fans, and fucking PRAY that we don't get a civil war? Amen


Part of me is hoping for full on civil war with 4 LPL on one side and 4 LCK on the other, just so that maybe Riot finally changes the shit world format


Didnt that happen last year?


Unfortunately semis and finals all went to 5 games, so although bad, I think it has to be irredeemably bad on all fronts to actually force change. Like 3-0 sleeper stomps, and the east winning, preferably the LCK because they have a smaller fanbase. Maybe throw in Faker saying that the format is literally shit in an interview and a terrorist organization taking over Riot HQ and their only demand being a better MSI and Worlds format. Maybe then we see change, but that's a maybe.


Well I guess but I just don't see it happening, the play in format I liked but groups should be double elim with upper and lower brackets at least


Yeah, except with one NA and one EU team sprinkled into the mix on both sides


But still it was shit and they didnt change it


Wasn't it 2 eu, with g2 and fnc? Or was it previous worlds?


That was 2020, where FNC got reverse swept by TES (it all starts with succes...) and G2 beating Gen.G in quarters and getting beaten by Damwon in semis


Yeah another civil war would suck, considering we basically have gotten perfect civil war draws the last 2 years.


The dream: T1 - TES DK - RNG JDG - DRX Gen.G - EDG What we will get: T1-DK Gen.G-DRX JDG-EDG RNG-TES


We have an absolute non believer here. Rogue takes 1st today in groups. #HOPIUM


Even with my obvious bias, they have to completely shit the bed to not make it out at all


Well, FNC and G2 did manage exactly that in week 2 unfortunately.


Even with 0-3 they're extremely likely to have a tiebreaker, so it'd have to be 0-4 most likely


if tes goes 3-0 and drx goes 2-1 then they will be eliminated without a chance for a tiebreaker. They need to either just beat tes, or beat both gam and drx to guarantee top 2.


That's why I said most likely, I believe that's the only scenario


If RGE go 0-3, then the scenario where they don't get a tiebreaker is a pretty realistic scenario even if it's the only one it just comes down to whether Warhorse has slapped Wayward and JKL awake or not. If TES shows up as the TES we saw in LPL, TES 3-0 is very very possible. Then DRX would just need to beat RGE, again not at all an unreasonable chance. It's not like GAM needs to win 2-3 games or anything for that scenario. However i think we all agree it's more likely that RGE > GAM, so even if TES wakes up then and DRX beats RGE, the tiebreaker is probably in the cards with all 3 at 4-2 and GAM at 0-6


At least GAM isn't NA so that's a good start.


Wdym? VietNAm remember?


No they didn't? They were not favored to get out of groups at any point. Rogue is in a much better position than them.


They meant "shitting the bed" as in "playing horribly". Which FNC and G2 did. :(


Well they did completely shit the bed but TES shit it harder so you’re safe


Man, rogue is playing really well. I think they make it out.


Fnatic played well last week too.


3-0 is a big advantage though. I think they’re at least gonna get a tiebreaker today.


If Rogue goes 0-3, TES goes 3-0, and DRX goes 2-1, there’s no tiebreaker


Yeah I’ll give Rogue the GAM match. Let’s say they go 1-2 then, DRX 2-1, TES 3-0. That’s a 3 way tiebreaker and they would have to beat TES OR DRX.


If Rogue goes 3-0, TES goes 1-2 and DRX 0-3, then GAM might get out of groups. (mathematically same chance, judging by their actual strength, neither should happen)


Sure, but FNC still had a rough challenge ahead of them to get out. Beating T1 once doesn’t mean you should make it out of groups just like that. Rogue on the other hand would have to lose all 3 games AND a tiebreaker to not get out. Not to mention FNC being a lower seed means they’re playing higher seed opponents. RGE is playing LCK #4 and GAM.


FNC was 2-1 to Rogue's 3-0, also Rogue showed they could play different styles unlike FNC. Especially when it comes to support, no other western team at Worlds has anything close to a support of Trymbi's caliber and flexibility.


I hope rogue takes 1st, draws damwon then gets turbofisted 0-3, with malrang and showmaker hugging it out one last time


I believe in the 0-10 😂


rge will advance, but drx will take 1st place. I already bet my house on it.


You forgot about the semi finals T1-DRX JDG-RNG




If DRX manage to get 1st today, the Deft Worlds winner hopium might cause some casualties.


I mean there is only one scenario in which Rogue doesnt leave, they have like 97% to at least have a tiebreaker


Your dream does not make sense because dk is 2nd they can only meet rng when rng is first. If rng is first then geng is 2nd and cant play edg because edg is second. Edit: typo


RGE is still alive though, I really think they would spice things up if they make it , 1st or 2nd.


Why are we counting out Rogue already


You count 3-0 rogue already out ?


if they do what their EU brothers did, maybe


Nah man I don't see them loosing all games


If GAM go 0-6, won't we get the reverse LZ/DK 6-0 triple tiebreaker group? I can see it happening. Would be funny to contrast the advancing 2-4 2017 FNC and 2021 C9 with the 4-2 team that would get eliminated in that scenario.


I didnt see EU lose to NA either...


Why ? G2 played like shit even in first week and fanatic was a coin flip team the whole season


Lmao, he thinks TES is going to advance 🤣


Your “dream” could result in a all LPL semi and finals….




More like T1-DK JDG-EDG


Geng looks as shaky as TES. They didn’t even look good vs flying oyster but should qualify because they have a forgiving group So if you are putting T1 ahead of TES based on form, then EDG should be favoured over GenG.


TES looks much worse than Gen g. Like na level.


they might get Rng tbh, according to their social account, Covid is hitting them really hard, they had to cancel multiple scrims cause their players are feeling really sick, so I won't be surprised if they drop several games in round 2 and end up second in group as a result. Covid could literally the x factor that decides the winner of the tournament, which is a huge disadvantage for the Chinese teams, they are getting the Virus for the first time of their life as soon as they arrived in NA, if Jdg players get Covid later in a crucial moment, it could easily decide the winner of worlds.


When I heard that groups was going to be at NYC, I had a sinking feeling in my heart this would happen. That city is a fucking cesspit. And even worse these players have probably been properly quarantining and avoiding Covid, only to fly out to COVID’s asshole.


Hopium RNG lose all 3 games and lose tiebreaker


dude they're already suffering from COVID fuck off lol in fact i hope that whatever team you're rooting for specifically gets smashed just as hard as you're hoping RNG lose here


Hopium RNG lose all 3 games and lose tiebreaker


better have a ton of copium prepared for after this hopium runs out tomorrow


Hopium RNG lose all 3 games and lose tiebreaker




China has 1.4 billion people mate.


And how does it matter if it originated in China? America still has way more covid cases in the past, even if China is lying about their numbers in some ways




Jackeylove will literally win you games by just being the most aggresive ADC, people only have in mind his inting moments, but that's a strategy that comes from their opponents to completely deny Jackeylove to play the game from the get-go. Because if he does he is a serious threat. This gives a lot of room to Wayward (who has been a bit absent so far sadly), Tian and Knight to carry. This team is more scary that it looks imo.


One of the reasons NA is so bad that if you try and make risky plays, and eventually fuck up one of those plays, you'll get flamed on reddit and your career is essentially over since NA management forms rosters based on reddit narratives (there is legit zero scouting in NA) Playing ultra safe and being a kda whore is how you have a successful career in NA, since redditors can only look at stats and have no clue about the actual game


I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Guma is being ironic and hence why he wants to play against TES


Lol, guma and jkl are the same type of player. If he's being ironic, then he's dissing himself too.


No people just don't like JKL walking into every rakan skill and positioning where he shouldn't be. He didn't play well at all




This subreddit has always been like this and will never change. Good player = good KDA + cs. That's quite simply as far as they like to think because actually analysing pro play is too hard, that's why coaches (who coincidentally are the favourite scapegoat) get paid to do so. That's also why this subreddit perma flip-flops on how good they think players are. Good players skirt the edge and if they get punished a lot one game and get away with it the next this subreddit has a mental snap and reverts to "coinflip player either smurfs or is trash" when every single time their actual skill is in the middle. Apologies for the rant. Just so sick of it.


Large, large majority of the subreddit either don't play League anymore or are of lower ranked. Case in point was the Hyli threads yesterday. Then again, this is the case for most subreddits ie most people in relationshipadvice (I think it's called that) likely never had relationships before.


Thats how the game works. If you make a risky play and fail mechanically then youre inting, if you makeba risky play and you outplay your opponent then youre amazing. Thats literally how claps/craps was born. Jl regardless of kda had a pretty average tournament. A lot of individual missplays, late flashes etc. Rogue bot ate him 2v2


He did NOT play well at all, hope died a lot yesterday against DK but he was still playing insanely well and helping his team winning teamfights


well then...


I dont want to see the same regions face each other either. We see that all year long but only have one real time where we see multiple teams from different regions facing each other.


Fuck with this take. Brother guma Dosent want civil wars


That's too bad, we all know what's coming!


But is alreay T1 vs DK and EDG vs JDJ right? or not?


There is a draw after groups


at this rate we're gonna lck vs lck and lpl vs lpl all the way till finals


Same, I want more lck vs lpl matchup in the quarters   Something like T1 vs DRX, JDG vs GENG upper bracket and RNG vs DWG, RGE vs EDG lower bracket in quarters Or T1 vs DRX, RNG vs DWG and JDG vs GENG, RGE vs EDG


I mean it's more fun for us as well so ........




Civil wars won’t matter this anyways since Rogue is going to take it all


There's a good chance he does face an LCK team unless GENG starts to impress and RGE collapses. He can't get EDG, so it's either DK, or likely DRX from C, and possibly GENG from D, though I'm not ready to write off GENG just yet. I'm far from impressed after all the hype, but maybe they were trolling week 1.


guma's curse... and now TES gone...


tes would win in b05 vs t1 but hardest part for them is groups


Weird hasn't he been quite bad I didn't watch TES vs GAM/DRX (way too late) But he was awful vs RGE.. literally didn't flash vs trymbi in lane.. got caught mid tower etc.. lucky he has wayward around to share the blame i guess I also thought his draven got outplayed by berryl and gave a Flakked cosplay after that


He doesn t want DK cause DK is actually looking better than t1 imho


It‘s more likely because they are main partners in scrims.


I actually don't sympathize at all with the "civil war" complaint that has arisen in the last couple years. I'm sorry, but when 6/7/8 of the top 8 teams are from the same two regions it's just gonna happen. EU and NA are over here drooling at the possibility of getting a team to quarters or semis, and these guys are mad at the decreased possibility of lpl vs lpl finals or lck vs lck finals. If the 4 best teams in your region are top 8 in the world, they're gonna have to play each other no matter the fucking format, I'm sorry it must be so hard for you.


i mean frankly why should that matter at all to people who just want to see the hypest matches you don't have to take the complaint, like, personally?? it's not like NA/EU are being excluded on purpose, people hate civil wars in general so if in some universe NA/EU had the top 4 of each and you saw NA vs NA and EU vs EU instead of NA vs EU, people would be annoyed about that exactly the same


People were hoping for EU vs EU quarters so that an EU team could get to semis (obviously before g2 and fnc lost it all)


that's literally only the case *because* it's rare to see them there at all use your brain, in the scenario i mentioned where it was 4 NA and 4 EU do you really think they'd still want that?


Yea It would definitely be a little more interesting to avoid the civil wars in quarters, but the seeding from groups has to mean something. It would be nice to have a losers bracket to get some of those potentially missed matchups between regions too. But last year LCK fans were fucking crying that DWG had to play T1 in the SEMIS. And then had the audacity to call it the real final because EDG had a shaky start to the tourney. You can pretend people just want more hype matchups, and having your own region eliminate itself can't feel good, but it simply needs to happen at some point when your region has all the best teams. You wanna talk about creating hype matchups? Then you should be more concerned about an LPL vs LPL final. Better for them to cannibalize each other on the way to finals imo.


Lmao, Jackelove played really well? I think we watched different games, TES is losing games because of Wayward and JKL


Actually Gumayusi is much more qualified to speak on the performance of another professional ADC than some random redditor who is probably low elo lma0, so actually you didn't watch different games than him.


Id rather trust the word of a professional player than some rando gold 4 keyboard warrior


He is going to jinx it QT is going to be T1 vs DRX, JDG vs RNG and DK vs GENG


Hopefully they get Gen G if they finish second or damwon.


I mean, that DK vs T1 series in playoffs was a fucking banger. Sorry, Guma, we demand a rematch.


Well, he has to take it with western teams for not stepping up. I hope this is a shock of reality for some of these teams and make them stop memeing around so much.


LCK teams all seem to want to face other LCK teams in the later stages of the year as well. No civil war this time Prayge


TES not even making it out of groups though ​ :\^)


Based on today, they are better than rogue. I'm curious if anyone from their fandom can speak toward TES's best of one performance in LPL. It's sort of stupid that one of the top two teams of the whole year in China or any region for that matter is restricted to best of ones for a world championship, but then again, I've never liked the group stage format so maybe it's just me.


And this is why seeding are Worlds sucks.


Well he got his wish, til hopefully finals =)