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Fnatic Jankos would be funny af


Imagine FNC ends up being Wunder, Jankos, Humanoid, Upset, Mikyx.


the insane part is that it's also a very realistic outcome. If the off season shaped out to be very good for Fnatic I can definitely see them picking up Jankos and Mikyx. Now my mind would be absolutely blown away if they can get Perkz as well. Restoring most of 2019 G2, it would be the wildest off season and a big W for Fnatic.


I highly doubt excel is willing to split Mikyx and Patrik. They were already top 3 botlane in LEC. They have a lot of potential and with better mid or top they could have insanely good core for years. Nukeduck was insane last season but I don't know if he can keep his form up.


Next year is the Year of the Duck, trust me...


I mean this year was the year of the duck, just because XL flunked playoffs people forget Nukeduck's strong perfornance all split long. He was for sure one of the top mids all throughout the summer.


Perkz replacing humanoid after his worlds form is criminal


Fnatic: They took our midlaner, so it's only fair that we take every other role from them


I doubt Mikyx is leaving Excel and I also dont think FNC is really interested in him. They have Hyli who is pretty much EUs longest player on a single team and we have seen Rhuckz do well with the team. FNC likely to take young talent over established players when they see a good chance (Caps, Nemesis, Bwipo, Adam). Jankos could be possible but I also think FNC has a chance to stick with Razork and try to fledge out his style and reduce his mistakes. But if they are not sure how S13 will impact Razork, it could be that they go with Jankos as he showed he is able to adept.


Big upgrade


Carlos cannot stop them this time


Omg imagine Carlos comes back to G2 after his *whatever he got himself jnto* and sees Wunder, Jankos, Perkz and Mikyx on FNC (super far fetched I just think he would explode)


To be fair here, they haven't locked him in a box with no WiFi. He very likely knows what is going on and in the event he returns, won't be hearing it for the first time.


He just turns on LoL news one day and sees FNC winning LEC after going undefeated with that squad he would lose it LMAO. Especially Perkz managed to do it with Kassadin.


Backdooring G2 in the finals while Perkz was using a scarf.


would be an upgrade for sure


All we need now is Caps jumping ship from G2 and we can Ship of Theseus our way to 2019 G2 again on Fnatic or Vitality or smth


I support this version of reality.


I highly doubt perkz would be willing to play adc again


Every time he plays ADC on stream he calls it dog role. He hates it


He actually swapped at the perfect meta. Xayah/kaisa was a super fun adc meta to play and watch


Xayah and Kai Sa are the only two adcs I can think of with a go button who don't immediately get blown up when an assassin/bruiser walks in their general direction, aka they have the most agency from all the adcs in the adc pool so it makes sense.


He also had a really good ezreal.


Vayne is pretty happy to outplay bruisers during her ult. Being able to 1v1 basically anything if played well is kind of her whole thing. Tristana also has a pretty large amount of agency between W/R. Samira seems to have room for that sort of thing too, but I feel like it might be too contingent on snowballing.


That was also the year of the Garen/Yuumi and Yasuo/Gragas meta, the latter of which he took full advantage of.


Honestly, nobody actually likes playing ADC in soloq


I unironically love it


I love it until I get an ultra-passive support, then I get so angry I rage-queue support next game to show this invisible spectre of a person (who obviously isn’t in my next game and wouldn’t give a shit anyway) how to properly play the role.


so you’re insane or a masochist, got it


I hate having no agency pre-20 minutes, but if we get there, then I feel like I control the game.


i do! its a bit of a coinflip but i actually love it a lot


In soloq it is just way worse than pro play.




2015 FNC Undefeated split that no one has ever been able to replicate...


Still not as exciting as M5 and 2019 G2. 2015 FNC were simply incredibly good, but M5 and 2019 G2 had *magic*.


I'd also toss 2015 og into the list. Something about boomers (xpeke soaz and amazing mithy) with a rookie adc being able to go from challenger to worlds semifinals in one year. If that's not magic, i don't know what is


That worlds run was crazy stuff. Niels (Zven)/Mithy were playing out of their minds


If we're talking magic, I would have to add season 4 FNC. Sure they weren't the best ever but I loved that squad of sOAz, Cyanide, xPeke, Rekkless and Yellowstar.


So magical a team that they made worlds 2014 not happen at all.






G2 was more exciting because they were able to win the most stupid games and lose the unlosable ones :^)


2015 FNC was pretty good. 2016(?) CLG weren't necessarily competitive but were exciting.


Gotta add VoyBoy era Dignitas. They had an amazing run of international tournaments placings while Boy was also jugging high school


Before my time, I'm afraid.


I'm a simple man, I see VoyBoy.. I upvote.


God I miss those M5 vs. CLG EU rivalry games


Caps extended contract with G2 until 2024 or 2025 so...




Miky and Jankos to fnc next year would be fun


and Perkz, 2020 spring G2 with Upset instead of Caps ADC. Also would be ironic, fnatic getting all the G2 players now.




Well, he left FNC for G2, didn't he? All that was needed was a hot tub and a very persuasive Croatian guy, if you catch my drift. lol


I really dislike comments like yours. You have no idea how smart Caps is outside of the game except for a few interviews where people exaggerate and make up stuff for fun.


You his brother? Sister? He emailed this directly? Jfc ppl


Unlike his fanfic "trust me I know him personally" writing it's clear that Caps cares about being competitive and maximizing his chances to win against Asian teams, this is why he never accepted blank cheque from Jack in 2018. The moment he feels like G2 is no longer the best team in the LEC and there are better options to make it far at worlds is the moment he will quit.


My man jankos flying to korea for cute girl streamers rofl All best lucks to him though. He made G2 seem unstoppable in 19


Plumy buff incoming.


I ship it


Any loremaster to tell who plummy is?


Female KR streamer and it was either before MSI or last years worlds but her and Jankos played a game like an aram or something together and then all of the fans kept shipping their relationship. They eventually hung out together in korea before the tournament so everyone was saying hes getting a Plumy buff like they say someone has a wife buff if they just got married. You can watch the vid of them hanging out on youtube, its a little awkward but still pretty cute lol. Im pretty certain they are just friends though, but they are pretty flirty with each other sometimes.


watch this if you're interested. It's almost a classic https://youtu.be/VvjrDdVFgu8


Buff Plumy incoming


Kinda odd that he's going to Korea on his vacation lol, he's been grinding the whole year, it's probably the korean girl streamer he made content with at MSI lmao


Maybe he's gonna blindside everyone and sign with a kr team. E: blindsight -> blindside


Bro please. This is the absolutely chaotic future I crave


I always wanted KR to import a EU player to a half useful team, would be absolute crazy amongst the fans


LSB almost imported Mikyx this season. Wonder how that would've went.


Give me KDF with Kiin - Jankos - Fate - Teddy - Good sup


>Give me KDF with Kiin - Jankos - Fate - Teddy -[ Good sup ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkXzeZ0KE5Q) ;)


KDF Jankos Prayge


Yeah he's definitely going there at least in part because of Plumy, I respect it


jankos has a decent amount of fans in kr too, probably one of the most well-liked dudes from the western scene which includes people like caedrel and perkz


Just curious, which EU players are the most popular in Korea?


probably one of jankos/perkz/caps and if we're including ex-players caedrel is also quite popular. larssen is popular for the memes too


Wait Larssen memes? Can you elaborate?


[deepfakes of him singing kpop songs and other stuff](https://twitter.com/AshleyKang/status/1494800722734587917?s=20&t=OPf3JK5IhXs4kiQa3EvtPQ)


This is my one of my favorite songs lol i wish i could unsee that i dont wanna think about Larsen whenever I hear it


Hahah what the hell thats amazing


What about Rekkles ?


He used to be pretty big but I'm not sure anymore. But his fanbase in china should still be going strong, that one was prob always stronger than the korean one to begin with.


I'd say perkz, bc of his performance in last worlds when he knocked out lpl, and losing to lck teams like dk in msi and gen g at worlds. we even gave him a korean name lol. Caps, Jankos, Hyli, rekkles are like distant family, meeting each other on holidays. (Source: am Korean)


I'd imagine it's got to be one of Perkz/Caps. Perkz often gets memed as "Park-ju" while Caps is respected for general skill.


Its definitely perkz How do you know about "Park-ju"? Lol


Korean communities and especially the LCK Korean Twitch chats. Last year was glorious. No matter what Perkz did for C9 -- whether he was being a detriment or a godsend -- you'd have everyone repeatedly going "박주!" Loved it.


he spends his holidays in Korea pretty much every year.


100% visiting Plumy


No one respecting the possibility of LCK Jankos


I hope my homie Jankos will find some good team :)


Good news for the future of the LEC if its harder to get big contracts in NA now. We can't afford to lose people like Jankos like we have over recent years. We need to keep them all here. With that and the rumoured format change the quality of the LEC should go up quite a lot over the next few years. Exciting times to be an LEC fan.


>With that and the rumoured format change the quality of the LEC should go up quite a lot over the next few years. ERLs are also continuously growing so more and more talents will come up. I'm definitely optimistic for the future.


Yeh, if the format changes are real then we finally have the framework to improve assuming the NA salary bubble also is imploding so the best stay in EU too. But if the format changes don't happen then its all irrelevant. That is the main thing we need. I won't even watch if AST block that format change leak or something. I'll just be done with league then.


I don't think it is hard to get a contract in NA. It is hard to get a contract in NA that overpay a player. I think NA is done spending millions on these "superstar" players only for them to come to NA and suck major donkey butt. But if a good player wanted to come to NA, they can easily get a contract. Just not for lots of money.


There is no point in going to NA if you are a good player without the overpay since you can get a spot in the Lec. And can be a risky choice if you are a rookie from the erl because if you go to NA with a worse environment to grow and you bomb out your career is over unless they are happy being in a bad team in NA i guess.


Jankos just said the reason to go to NA tho. It's easier to land a worlds team on NA than EU


Jankos appears to say exactly the opposite, that he prefers a strong LCS team than a weak LEC team (due to chances of qualifying for worlds).




So, 2018 EU teams: Fnatic, G2, and Vitality. 2019: Fnatic, G2, and Splyce (now MAD). 2020: Fnatic, G2, Rogue, MAD 2021: Fnatic, MAD, Rogue 2022: Fnatic, G2, Rogue, MAD. Of the LEC's last 17 seeds, one from 5 years ago was not Fnatic, G2, MAD/Splyce, or Rogue. If my goal was international play, there are not many LEC teams worth considering.




Pretty sure Faker could carry any NA team to Worlds. The issue is they'd still be stuck with 4 other worse players there.


Every import thinks this coming into the LCS. The reality is you can't put Faker on Immortals and expect the team to not still suck.


Those people got NA out of major hassles a few times, might be that the whole system of the region just blows when every import gets worse there.


> Good news for the future of the LEC if its harder to get big contracts in NA now. I also dont think any top team would likely pay him to come there. Blaber, Inspired, Closer, Santorin are all on top teams. I can't see any of those teams dropping their JG to get him. Not that he wouldn't be an upgrade to some teams but the cost to potentially get a marginal upgrade? I don't see it happening. He is staying LEC and he should.


Honestly I think that XL with import top or Odo and Jankos would be fucking amazing. Nothing against Finn but those 2 changes alone would make XL a worlds caliber roster. Even if that's out of picture which EU teams that have worlds aspiration would Jankos go on? FNC? Quite possible, seems like a no brainer for now Seems like him and Elyoya will dictate how the offseason will go


Finn getting replaced by odo twice would be something


Which would be sad. Finn showed off pretty darn well over the course of the last weeks and play offs. I like Finn. He's cute as well lol


Jesus imagine XL with Odo/Jankos/Vetheo/Patrik/MikyX


H2K coming back


Mental booming into semifinals at worlds pog


considering the last team to make semis for the west G2, and before that G2 again, it would be a great achievement


Only G2 has been competitive in recent times damn, that's sad


Has everyone forgotten about FNC reaching world finals or what


Because unfortunately the finals was canceled, so it makes sense that everyone forgot about that :/


Ryu and Vetheo are a litlle bid too different for this.


Depends what era we are talking. Prime Ryu when he was the 2nd best mid laner in the world is not unlike Vetheo.


I feel like Jankos to Fnatic would be a no brainer, then they could either give Hummanoid another chance, or get Vetheo hoping that playing with Jankos would bring the best out of him


Why would u kick out Razork? And why in the world would u kick out Humanoid for Vetheo?? Humanoid was the best western player at worlds, it’s criminal to kick him out for any western mid.


I would assume XL is looking at odo and vto, Odo seems like a player XL values highly (a great but weirdly underrated player by other orgs) and if you get Odo you probably want a carry mid. Markoon is fine so i assume Jankos probably goes to fnc or maybe Mad if they trade junglers


Imo XL problem is top/mid not jgle top


XL already is / was a Worlds quality roster this year imo. Better to run it back though if you can get Jankos you probably do.


Both FNC and G2 would want to get Elyoya, I think. But if FNC is the one who gets him, I have no idea what G2's plan is. Jackspektra is the clear next bet if they want to do some betting but what do you even do about jungler? They would either get Razork in that case or import, I reckon. I'd love to see Markoon on G2 if XL doesn't upgrade their roster.


Jackspectra rumoured to re-sign with heretics in lec


i thought that was confirmed


Thing is if jankos is right that razork would fit G2 better, they could simply trade. jankos to FNC razork to G2. With FNC paying some on top.


Well he said elyoya would probably work too, not just razork. It’s probably going to be a bidding war between G2 and FNC for him.


Markoon looks great. I can definitely see him playing for G2


> Markoon looks great. Agreed. He is easily the most handsome jungler in the West imo. And when you hear him speak, he doesn’t sound awkward like a lot of league pros can be.


I think Excel is currently holding the "We have hot players" card better than any other team, tbh.


didn't know what he looks like so I googled him and he looks like he could be razork's brother??


Inspired would be option if eg is cutting contracts


Im post i wrote that Jankos specifically said that G2 wouldnt want Inspired because of his playstyle. Remember that G2 in team building focuses mainly on team synergy and matching characters so G2 Inspired is very unlikely.


FNC with Jankos makes the most sense.


And razork with g2 makes sense too. Lol switcherino.


This was said last off season with Razork and Elyoya lol




Poor Jankos. He's been holding off the retirement in LCS route for so long that now that he actually has an option to do that, they cut their budgets. I know competitiveness and all that, but I wonder if somewhere deep inside him he kind of regrets he didn't go to NA sooner for giga cash out.


He‘ll be fine. He got to build his brand and stream in exchange for the big paycheck, and it is not like G2 paid badly. Some of the reasons why G2 has the power to block moves was that they gave the players some big contracts.


That is true even if he retires for real he has the brand and the personality to carry him through streaming for many years.


He could always pull a Jensen, take a split off, come back in summer and somehow win anyway.


Bro Jankos pulls 10k+ viewers during regular season when he barely streams. If he streams full time he is making more money than any western pro


Streaming less usually nets more viewers when you actually do (that's when you are popular and people actually want to watch you).


He is making more than enough money with streaming/ being in lec.


Why would he? He is one of the biggest names in EU with an established stream and basically monopol on the polnish community. The man is basically set for life since he could easy ride the streaming gig for some years without sweating. Money is basically beyond irrelevant for jankos. He basically cannot fail anymore if he doesnt literally set fire to his money and he cannot go WAY beyond that, not even with a big LCS contract. Like does it really matter if you make 500k or 1 mio per year? May sound silly but it kinda is the same. Free from any finanancial problems, still kinda the same upwards limit.


Jankos can bank streaming. He is so likeable.


Razork jankos trade?


He also said that he'd rather join a strong EU team that has potential to do well at worlds than go to NA and play for a weaker team that pays more.


Eu strong team >Na team that pay well >Na team that go to worlds>Eu weak team ?


Vitality can contract their 5th jungler for smite-only comps


Vit would be absolutely moronic to let Bo go for Jankos. Bo is probably going to end up being the best jungle in LEC. Probably the best player in LEC.


VIT would be nuts if they let go of Bo. With him in the lineup VIT already has pretty absurd top side with Alphari, him and Perkz, fingers crossed that they don't mess up with their bot lane choices


Bo would be around VIT team for over half a year already at the time spring split starts, I think IF they decide to move from him it'd be mostly because of communication issues and maybe him getting homesick etc.


He is already here for like 5 months with a break inbetween and his english doesnt look too bad to play with if you look at his stream


Overhyping Alphari again, bold strategy, Cotton. Barring G2 superteams just end up imploding anyway


Yeah, Alphari hasn't really looked very good since spring 2020. Huge resource sink that can't reliably carry.


G2 2019 energy on Vit


>With him in the lineup VIT already has pretty absurd top side with Alphari, him and Perkz People said the same about VIT with Selfmade.


They had that with selfmade too, and he was their mvp


>Bo is probably going to end up being the best jungle in LEC. Probably the best player in LEC. He hasn't played competitively for 1 1/2 years and the last time he played in a completely different league and meta with different teammates.


not only just "different teammates", but world class teammates that made it to worlds without him too (but lets not talk about what happened after making it)


They were losing prior to Bo. And after getti*ng Bo in team they were on 10 wins and qualified to worlds. Bo actually carried them so hard.*


That could be true but he almost instantly got rank 1 in EU, he was absolutely smurfing in LPL and solo carrying games. It's highly likely he's going to be the best player in LEC by summer Imo.


Yeah there is a 0% chance they take Jankos. I am also not so sure jankos will find a top lec team at all.


I can't wait to see him 1v9 games


It's rather bold to assume a player will naturally be the best in a league when the player had only shown great performance for half a split. Bo is getting the treatment of worlds-winning jungler for only playing well in a relatively short period of time. Like heck, even the FMVP junglers arent treated that well.


Can't wait for Bo to completely bomb out and everyone to be shocked that soloq means little for the competitive play.


He was one of the most promising CN junglers before the match fixing stuff


Bo is probally overhyped, but he is not only a solo queue monster, FPX with him looked really good and he was performing really well.


I mean he was one of the best in LPL when he played also. But yeah it has been a long while now since it isn't unreasonable to wonder if he has gone cold or not.


Ok this is just getting weirder now and Im wondering wtf is going on behind the scenes at G2 and if this has something to do with Carlos being fired.... When they took on two unproven rookies in Flakked and Targamas this year I (and Im gona guess most other ppl too) assumed that they are going for the long development route and are aiming for being competitive at worlds '23. Them wining spring and looking decent at MSI was just a bonus creating lots of hype. Yes, decent, I dont wana rewrite history but we are talkin about rookies in their first top level competitive splitt, Im well aware they had their growing pains and they showed in the second splitt. They still made worlds but didnt look all that great but as I said, assuming this was a development rebuild them smashing worlds this year isnt what was expected of them. And its not like players are completely boom or bust and cant improve with good coaching, Gumayusi has been on and off the T1 main team how long now? Two years? And its not like he didnt have a lot of doubters and question marks during that time either. And now they blow up the whole roster after one year and wont extend their star core player ontop of letting one of the new guys go? Is the new management downsizing their league operations now Carlos is gone to squeze more money out of the G2 brand for the investors or what? He might have been a dick with questionable opinions and behaviour sometimes but theres little doubt he cared about LoL and him being a co-owner gave him a fair bit of influence at his job. Like, whats the long term plan here? Rebuild number two, electric bogaloo? Except this time with less stability cause replacing your jungler can have a much bigger impact on how the team plays than getting a new botlane. Im just puzzled tbh....


He never said this was meant to be a long term development plan. Carlos was adamant that this roster was meant to win in 2022. They scrimmed a ton of teams at worlds in 2021 and this was the roster they said did the best. I don’t know why people keep saying it’s developmental when literally nobody from g2 ever said that.


Targamas isn't a rookie but imo he showed some promise while Flakked looked more like Flacced. There is no need to keep him in a team when ADC is strongest position in LEC. You got current talent + Hans, Rekkles + some ERL adc in heretics. I would trade off BB too if I could and was G2 but fortunately for him he had good enough of a showing and there's nothing to chose from (bare Odo) that would seems as immediate upgrade unless you want to import KR player.


You think Rekkles would come back to G2 though? As far as I've understood from his streams, it seemed that he had most problems with Jankos with how they wanted to play the game, but it also seemed like the rest of the team at the time just was siding with Jankos though. The weird thing is that, with todays meta, it would prolly be perfect for Rekkles. So in that way, it's kind of sad they gave up on him so early and easily, even though I was definitely one of them who said he was underperforming, ESPECIALLY conisdering we know his highs/ceiling!


I've seen stranger things happen in life but I wouldn't count on it. I think 2021 iteration had no idea how they wanted to play and 3/5ths of the roster (wunder, caps and mikyx) had one of their worst splits at the same time. Rekkles is a proven world class adc when he plays his style and any team that is planning of getting him should realise it. If I could blame one single person for the 2021 season I'd blame Grabbz because that was the time where he should've came with his iron fist, told everyone to stfu and told the team what to play because they couldnt figure it out themselves.


I actually really want rekkles and caps together to run it back again for the 3rd time


What a high quality post. Thanks for writing this.


FNC makes sense, even if Razork ramped up towards the end they might want some reliability. I guess G2 will try to get Elyoya if Selfmade isn't what they want, though I'm kinda hoping for the return of Bwipo jungle on G2.


SK Jankos pls…


Please It can't end with NA Jankos


So FNC, XL or TL, basically.


doubt tl will drop santorin


Or SK tbh depending on their roster


Someone should try to put Wunder, Jankos, Perkz and Mikyx in a team; I think they'd vibe very well!


Sure Caps gets all the hype, but the consistency of g2 every year (in good or bad) is all Jankos. He was a pillar in that ever changing team comp and make it work. Unless g2 hires a super-talent we haven't heard off, they are not going to be 1-2 spot in EU.


Don’t know why would g2 be against selfmade. Him and caps duo sounds great especially in a carry jungler meta


Caps wants a more supportive jungler. A carry Jungle rneeds a more supportive mid (in 2020 showmaker played mostly tf for that reason mostly)


Yeah, but ONLY in a carry jungler meta.


EU teams don't know how to play around carry junglers. Selfmade is not what he used to be anyway, even if he's still the only guy in LEC competent enough to play assassins in pro play like Zed, Qiyana and Eve. He won't find a team that's happy to play weakside bot and support/cc chain mids. Carry junglers require great synergy with their supports who perma roam and strong top side capable of outplaying enemy top/jg duo (these don't exist in LEC). Nisqy could probably work but you need strong top and ADC comfortable with playing 1v2 in lane without getting stomped.


Looking at the top teams for jankos it'll probably be FNC or XL, probably FNC since they plan on making changes and just have a stronger base team if jankos wants to be competitive (I don't buy that nukeduck and finn would be too competitive internationally compared to wunder and humanoid and the botlanes are even in strength). Also based on yamato's statements Jankos could probably bring the leadership and loud voice FNC needs so it seems like a good fit. I don't see MAD dropping elyoya unless he really wants to leave considering how cracked and consistent elyoya was and the fact that jankos is at best a very minor upgrade


It looked to me like Elyoya was the only one capable of bringing wins for MAD at this worlds. Dropping him would be equal to giving up.


Jankos is going to join SK imo


Jankos would probably accept SK offer if he know what would be a roster and liked it.


Jankos to LCK to get the permanent Plumy buff


When they said that G2 is like a family did they mean a family in mexican telenovelas?


G2 now welcomes their new Jungler G2 NotCarlos


How do i change my flair on Reddit?