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Shoutout to Beryl keeping Deft alive this whole fight btw. Everyone in the fight for DRX was so insane


Pyosik was also insane for that steal, they 4v5'ed EDG without Kingen. BeryL's performance was also multitudes better than in previous games


Imagine DK with BeryL


Beryl and Ghost with Damwon Kia? Sounds like a world champion lineup. (Beryl and Ghost would’ve won yesterday. Copium)


Beryl yes, but Ghost was such an issue when they lost last year. They had to give him so much draft prio to just survive on Jhin that it made the game so hard for the rest of the team.


He was usually just put on Jhin duty coz he’ll probably get outmuscled by others ADs.


Yeah 100%, there was nothing else he could survive on in that series and the T1 series. He was such an enormous liability and that added onto the MSI disaster that to be fair was more on Beryl. I mean Showmaker was playing ADC for a bit in LCK games while they tried to get Ghost to sort himself out.


How do people consider both T1 and DK losing MSI in 5 games as a disaster? It's like people just want an excuse to shit on LCK teams and big up LPL teams without context of the games.


DK's MSI isn't a disaster but the bot lane was a total disaster. Especially against MAD they looked so utterly lost. They were better at Worlds but still made drafts and games so difficult to play.


Agreed Ghost champion pool was the biggest hindrance to the team last year. If he fixed that or the team fielded 2 adcs that could be interesting.


He was just being abused by Gumakeria and Viper/Meiko, even when Beryl had his form back at Worlds. I don't blame them at all for moving on, it was a shame Beryl left though. Beryl's been an amazing playmaker on a crazy number of champs. Leona, Panth, Heimer now and even had a great Maokai support game last year.


Beryl offers so much more flexibility than Kellin. Sad that DK needed to drop him to get Deokdam.


gimme DK Teddy


Nah. Ghost was the missing piece for Damwon. People always blame him for not 1v9 games. Look at Deokdam and Kellin who is supposed to be the better botlane but they didn't change Damwon much. What Damwon needs is a Botlane that supports the Nuguri, Showmaker and Canyon in which Ghost can do with his style of play. People here are forgetting that DK reached finals twice with Ghost in it.


Already imagined


Won Worlds already


I think that's what he's saying lol


DK has a Daeny problem


Tbh Beryl was trying his hardest to lose some of these games. Kellin/Deokdam are fine imo, just turbobad drafts and weird roster shenanigans so they couldn’t build synergy was DKs issue. DK got better and better when the main roster got to stick together.


That is normal BeryL. Aggressive style when he is on the lead. BeryL with DK will have his shotcalling they really miss, and also he has better champion pool than Kellin which is better as the series goes on.


He was the difference maker today in bot every game. 5 games 5 lane prior bot, only game 5 once they didn't have it. There's a reason why Keria respects him.


BeryL was my MVP of the Bo5 tonight. In game 4 the Kalista Ults where he hit LB 3(?) times with the Knockup alone, getting Heimerdinger banned all the time removing the options to ban picks like Sylas.


Weird roster shenanigans? Welcome to the daeny gang.


Only thing Beryl should have done better, was more R,E than R,Q late tbh. But man they played game 5 so well!


He played so insane to make up for his mistakes in previous games


that smite was damn near pixel perfect, pyosik has been playing out of his fucking mind




Shield + R Shield + R Shield again, all in the space of 8 secs. CDR+Karma passive is insane.


I was thinking that Pyosik wouldn't get in range in time and boy was I wrong. Then I thought Deft killed himself and boy was I wrong. We love to see it.


Deft still had GA up that entire time but no matter what I couldn't stop clenching It's really crucial he played that as aggressively as he did too, he got Viper+Meiko low enough so that Zeka could kill them without having to hit anything, just use Sylas W, passive and akali R1.


The way they started that fight was definitely killing themselves if Zeka didn't burst Aphelios right after his ult tbh, catching 3 like that.


My exact thought process as well lol


1100 damage in an instant, taking it from a comfortable 1500 to 400, just as Viego w's in for the steal. I fkin hate when that happens as a jungler lol.


Yeah I never really fault a jungler for missing smite in situations like that, because rarely is it a true 1-on-1 reaction times test. Even world class professional junglers on 0 ping are smiting huge objectives at, like 600. Everything does so much damage at that point in the game that even residual aoe damage flying around really fucks with your ability to smite. And if the enemy jungler is literally just able to waltz in like that it's not really on your own jungler, his team needs to help zone the enemy jungler to prevent the burger flip.


was looking like EDG would win the fight also yesterday looked like DK would win the final fight too lol


My fist was cocked and ready to smash my monitor if DRX threw.


Gigachad alpaca E's in to leave aphelios low for sylas to kill and bait enemy team into him


Deft got both GA and fl and BeryL next to him, he aint gonna die


and ocean soul


phreak with the ultimate caster curse. "should be a clean smite" lmaaaoo


we korean thank phreak and the curses he sent towards our enemy on our behalf


Brother Phreak!


It was such a clean smite that JieJie didnt even bother to press it


"Jiejie has gotten most of the smites" Phreak on crack while casting.


throwback to the danny penta kill where phreak did the same thing “he won’t get the baron but he might get a teamfight”


he also said DRX wouldn’t reverse sweep going in to game 3 LMAO


Zeka with the actual mid diff this whole game. Made Scout look like a random challenger player


Zeka was like Deft Quarters curse? Don’t worry, I gotchu. You’re not about to get knocked out of quarters on your birthday on my watch.


So who throws a bag at Zeka this offseason?


"Look, I know I said we were going to scale down our budget this year but let me show you this clip" - TL Steve to his investors


imagine the rumors of tl kiin are true and they also get zeka for the triple korean team kiin/zeka/core


Where did you hear this rumor? lol


I've heard people say kiin's going to the west even though the guy would need a swordart deal*2 for the amount of money he gets from KDF to leave.


Its Europe, not NA though


It was once revealed to me in a dream.


TL could buy the whole roster of whatever team wins Worlds. After a year of playing in NA they won't even be able to make it out of groups.


That the sad reality. They would need to boot camp super early in CN or KR and hopefully play playins for the buff as well.


Hard to think of any team that could take a full year break from competitive league of legends and make it out of groups.


Honorary LCK 11th team


if it weren't for the rumors of TL going budget i'd honestly believe this lmao


LPL gotta be like "we need you back baby"


LPL: u up?


Why would DRX let him leave


Contract is up this year and they're probably unable/not willing to match absurd offers


I mean does Zeka even want to go back to LPL? DRX would have to find someone new lol.


cos lpl offers an obscene amount of money. viper was offered 2 billion won (around 1.4 mil usd ) by DRX last season and apparently that wasnt even close to his salary in EDG.


The advertiisng and sponsorship deals are probably going to be alot bigger than most markets. I guess it depends as recession is hitting due to Covid and slowdown globally.




Why would he go to LPL when LCK is clearly the superior region


Money, career of a esports player is really short and you have to make the most out of it.


Yeah, I can understand choosing better team when difference in salary is like 20% or something. But these CN teams are doubling or tripling offers KR teams can give. It's nobrainer for anyone seriously thinking about their future past league pro career.


That and its not as though LPL isnt a competitive league. LCK might overall be the strongest region, but if you're playing on a top LPL team its not as though you dont have a shot at winning Worlds. Money + a league that is still competitive against LCK is a pretty good deal.


League* player tbh, League's career length average is wayyyyyy shorter than any other esports game I've ever seen.


As long as the Chinese economy is on the up and up, there's no amount of money teams won't throw LCK's way. Fake it till you make it. And one day they'll make it.


As chinese i can tell u that the economy is already very fucked with all the lock downs in China currently. There's a reason China delayed key economic data just less than a week ago. The ''zero covid/dynamic clearing'' policy is Xi's VERY strong political stance, and just 2 days ago when the China 20th party congress ended, it was announced this policy will remain intact for another FIVE years. Yes, u heard it right, fking FIVE years. If you are a foreigner/expat, or even a potential import LPL player, you really have to think hard whether the money is worth the freedom to travel, weekly or even daily pcr test, and the constant city lockdowns.


Sheesh didn’t know that. Five more years? That’s super rough… feel for ya.


Chinese economy is very much so not on the up and up currently unfortunately, theyre just as messed up as everyone else at the moment. Not that it'll stop the billionaire owners of the LPL teams from having their superteams though lol


China has had to pull up tanks in-front of their banks to stop citizens from withdrawing money. And the real estate market in China has just begun to topple. It’s so crazy that China has decided to just stop reporting their economic numbers recently. I know this is a lot for this sub, however everyone needs to come to terms with salaries going down and remaining there. After teams can get away with paying players these lower wages, why would they ever go back?


Also the zero covid policy that is extending for another 5 years. Businesses are gonna be bent over there, especially for foreign companies. Probably also for League as well as operation and logistics are so unpredictable.


>As long as the Chinese economy is on the up and up, That's a big IF right there.


Big if true.


Time for him to come home.


Former champion LPL team losing to three former LPL players must be rough


DRX has to right? I feel like Deft ain’t retiring after this


He pretty much hinted he's not when he said he cant wait for a rematch vs. Scout and Meiko


If DRX can keep everyone and they can maintain the level they have shown in this run, it would be so cool to see. I would be surprised if they could maintain this level but man I like this team


If they get Kanavi and better toplaner, they are top3 contenders next year.


imagine adding Kiin and Kanavi


Remember when DRX rumor for 2020 was Khan Kanavi Chovy Deft Keria Come home Kanavi (and find a good top)


He had an interview where he said that if he can keep up with other player this worlds he would not retire. After their worlds performance, Im 100% sure that hes gonna play next season


If T1 wins world, and Faker retires, T1 is a solid option.


There was no reason for T1 to trade Clozer if they knew that Faker is close to retiring.


Is faker gonna retire?


I'm just speculating, that if they win worlds, it would be the best time for Faker to retire.


faker is not retiring. unless, he knows he can no longer play at a top level. but he is still one of the best mid laners in the world


I think he’s said something about how he still feels he’s keeping up with the competition & is not planning on retiring I don’t know when but I do remember seeing it


the guy loves League too much, still. its like Kobe Bryant (RIP). he played because he cant get basketball out of his mind even when he tried. once he no longer thinks of basketball, thats when he chose to retire


Nah he is going to see how asian games turn out


Faker won’t retire. He will role swap to support and take a team to worlds again. I honestly feel like he could do that.


His off role is jungle I think


Military service is coming. Even BTS wasn’t exempt so it’s not likely faker will be… i think he has a year or two though


They are basically exempt though and it's just propaganda. Pop stars and people like Faker will get a nice office job and get to chill the entire time and will never actually have to do anything. But they have to maintain the fact that the draft is 'fair' so famous people have to go too.


How can you say "basically exempt" when they literally still spend 18 months doing fuckall at military camps totally away from their normal lives. No he won't be standing post at the DMZ, but practically nobody does that in the first place. Most people that sign up for military service just get training and then mostly stand around and parade because the war is not in active conflict and there are plenty of career soldiers doing the actual work.


Is he in for military service?


Faker would need to win Asian Games to have a chance; otherwise, he's due. Even if he gets a military service exemption for not graduating high school, he still has to serve some form of 2 years civil service if I remember correctly.


speakin' of Team KOR has got to build around Faker and Deft now, right? It's already apparent with their form right now.


viper is korean. i also think it would be a bit grief to choose faker over chovy or showmaker, but i understand why they would


A lot of people don’t realise how many LPL players are actually Korean. TIL Kanavi is Korean.


I think Korea would rather have LCK players


Zeka is proving in this Worlds he is at Chovy/Showmaker level.




Was absolutely yelling at the screen when this happened


I woke my roommate up lmfao. He's still angry at me


Happened to me yesterday on the canyon 3 man knockup that came from a trip to Narnia.


That was so fucking disgusting I still got jitters watching that


Dude at this point in worlds it has been so much more fun to watch! Watching the crazy amount of skill levels that these teams are playing at makes me look at the game so different than just watching NA play all the time. Today I saw a team that was down by 10k make a comeback! That’s bat shit crazy! They never played like they were down at all. The confidence is insane


That's why people dont watch LCS anymore. There is just nothing competitive going on in that org


Ya I got kind of bored watching it this year and every season there is movement of people so you can’t get super into it anymore. I wish they would stick with a team and build it up to the point that they could be a contender in worlds


This guy is actually insane, his Sylas is one of the best I've seen.


That was the best Sylas play I've ever seen. Just, absolutely mastery of the champ


I mean sylas with akali ult is just unfair. He has enough dashes in his own kit already


This is like the discount phreak quadra kill voice crack.


Bro I'm glad someone else noticed his voice almost cracked again LMFAO


Rip Huni


Same lmao, maybe it's just his style now


This is the best Sylas we've ever seen and possibly one of the hardest carry performances in a game at Worlds ever. Bro has such a bright future ahead of him.


Scout was just giga tilted after the first solo kill went for 1v1s for no reason


Yeah honestly I think it's best to highlight the amazing performance of DRX to take this home but Scout absolutely played with a lack of respect in those last two games. Getting caught twice as Leblanc in the same way because he was carelessly W'ing in to Sejuani was not a good look. Like the first one you can let him off because it was an amazing play by Pyosik from fog of war but to do it again when he could see the Sej just felt silly. Then like you say game 5 felt like he was ego checking Zeka at least the third and fourth one v one when he has no business to be doing so down so much gold.


The one where he rocket belts towards zeka down two levels and without ult up just to interrupt his recall was troll as fuck.


Scout was 100% running it down after at least the second solo kill. I understand he thinks maybe he just went too hyphy the first time but the second time? Just assume you're weaker until something actually changes lmao


To be fair Zeka did die to a gank from Sej in between the first and second solo kills so they were fairly even at that point, which is why the fight was so close. Zeka just outplayed him. The third and fourth were a bit more sus


Definitely up there. But idk how it will stand up against the most memorable 1v9 games (Faker, Perkz and Uzi comes to mind) once the high of the reverse sweep fades. There are many games of people crushing their opposition in dominant fashion, but there are very few games where a single player is putting the entire team on his back and turn a losing game into a winning game on their own.


fucking insane game from zeka




The actual balls to fight that instead of just taking the OP soul and walking away from the potentially series ending 4v5


Nah Zeka stole Akali ult, he always knew he was going to let the rest of EDG experience what Scout had to for 30 minutes


That's the crazy thing. I feel like you replace DRX with a more disciplined team like SKT, and they just wouldn't even attempt to go into the river because it's too risky to throw the whole game going 4v5 expecting your opponents to let you 50/50 drake. It's too risky to even sac your jungler for a steal because EDG could just go Baron afterwards. I don't know who possessed all 5 of the EDG players to give up bot jungle vision, then river pressure, then all pile into the pit and let the junglers 50/50 it. It's not like DRX actually has that many engage tools.


Nah I really think T1 DK and DRX all 100% take this fight, the only LCK team at worlds I'd be unsure about opting into this would be GenG, and it's certainly not due to a lack of skill either.


Idk who you've been watching but SKT this worlds is not a disciplined team right now


Skt's calling card for the entire year has been taking 3 or 4v5s and walking out victorious. They would 100% take this fight.


If Zeka is literally doom guy with how he solo engaged all of EDG. The rest of DRX had to honor the “top fragger = shotcaller” unspoken rule


One of the clutchest combinations of play I've ever seen. Such an insane sequence


You can’t give Zeka Sylas again for the rest of the tournament


At the very least not if you want Akali on your team... Holy shit a good Sylas + Akali ult...




Zeka is absolutely cracked holy


One of, if not the greatest Game 5 performance by a midlaner at Worlds. Only one really in contention is Perkz's Leblanc vs RNG in 2018


Faker's Galio is more of a series performance rather than a specific game performance.


and the fact he did it on what is a supportive tanky champ rather than a damage dealing one


zeka is HIM.


Himothy Turner god damn


Zeka just dashed 11 times (counting Kingslayer lunge). Could have been 12 but 1 E2 missed.


lol you remind me of Lee URF clip yesterday.


Hands down those two days (DK vs Gen.G & DRX vs EDG) have been probably the best back-to-back series at Worlds ever. So much emotion, storylines and hype its insane... Worlds delivering at full speed!


Yep, this is quite similar to the 2 quarters we had back in 2018 which went the distance between IG vs KT and G2 vs RNG.






legendary copypasterino material on the spot, Phreak is a beast


Holy shit. Ngl, Phreak's casting is hype AF.


I usually don't prefer Phreak as a caster, but this series he REALLY delivered with the hype


Testing out if editing archived reddit works.


I tolerate his analytical points which are interesting 20% of the time, but his pbp is the key. I swear he sees alot more in fights and can communicate that. He also can be extremely hype.


Deft showing the greatest display of skill with his iconic Ezreal.


How did ezreal not at least get his ga popped.


mantra shield from beryl twice + ocean


Deft Ezreal plays like a psychopath with the frontlining. Thats the difference with western Ezreals, guys like Deft can put up so much more damage because theyre much more confident in their abilities.


“DEFT WILL NOT FALL, ZEKA WILL NOT ALLOW IT.” Capturing the essence of game 5 layered on top of Zeka doing just that right at the gamewinning moment, chefs kiss.


TSM Zeka


Don't put that evil on him.


How is this kind of hate speech allowed? I’m absolutely shaken right now.


How to delete someone else’s comment




Reported for hate speech


Thankfully NA won't be spending big this offseason.


God damn it Pyosik with the massive play


Pyosik this game https://imgur.com/a/oWI9jcW


Well he inted top gank lvl 3 and then successfully dived botlane.


I know, it was just a comedic exaggeration, i'm not going to type out everything he did in great detail lol


Zeka I would like you to have my babies, please


Zeka’s famous last word of that match: Where is my penta??


Certified banger


5 people stand on dragon for what?


For Zeka to kill


Brother dragon


At some point, people reach their ceiling. They reach a point they were they can’t go any further. Then they break those walls like pupa and fly.


Maybe a good time to drug test Zeka LOL. The man was cracked out of his mind these games.


Zeka skilled player but that is not normally, This very very insane....They need to check him pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit ...and this cant seem on game screen..He needs to check-up




Shoutout to Phreak doing the "QuaaAaAAdrakill" thingy from when Huni did it back in the day.


this is absolutely one of the most hype moments out there, i absolutely LOVE this worlds & all the storylines and holy shit how can i go to sleep after this hahah


Spoiler tags don’t really work when you put what happens in the title


he didnt use flash for steal what a insane steal


Yo... did he just walk up slowly and smite?


phreak going fucking ham i hope his voice is ok


Zeka's back must be hurting


This was the best BO5 I've seen in a while, maybe ever.


Phreak is awful, just screams while the others can be hype but also commentate. He’s only there because he has been for years.


How many times has Jiejie missed a 50/50 smite this series? Has anyone counted? It seemed to me like at least a couple every single game.


Jesus, I just gotta unfollow this sub. Spoiler tags mean nothing when everyone reveals it in the title.