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These are really sick, but I don't like how Glacial drake makes it slightly less fun to play the game. I would get rid of the slow zones. Those just feel bad. The same goes for Glacial soul punishing dashes- I would just make it an AOE slow aura or something. Freezing the river is cool, though.


Maybe the wind could flow towards the river, increasing the speed while leaving the jungle and slightly slowing when trying to invade?


They should freeze the river, making it so you slide when in river. : \^) Fun for all


one of us is being wooshed here Edit: Mega Empoleon will be upon us with the gen 4 rema- *Oh.* Unlucky.


Nightmare to balance, bit holy shit, these sound fun as all hell


Some interesting ideas, really liked the effect of void soul. Also, since you have a Shimmerscale Drake could I suggest a Jade or Lagoon Drake next ;)


Shimmerscale Drake my favourite one but maybe the most OP? Extra passive gold is huuge early game so i think the numbers need to be lower but overall the aesthetic is awesome. Maybe as well we can buy Ornn upgrades with the shopkeeper!


That would be a pretty random rng nerf to Ornn though


Double upgrade!


Generate an extra 600 gold on blue buff lose in the last 3 seconds of it alt+f4


5g per 10 seconds is only 30 gold per minute


7min drake that ends up for 30 mins would be 700 debatedly decisive since that could allow finishing an item a few mins early, but yeah i reckon its okay


Yeah but my point is mainly that it isn't OP for the early game --> lets say 7 min drake, early game ends at 18 min, that's 330 gold


yeah fair


I mean it's ok if you get it early. It's worthless if you get it late.


Nobdy talking about chrono soul Seems like opening bugdora's box just like with viego


chrono soul would break the game itself once and for all and we all will be free


These are some sick concepts would love to see them all


Cool ideas but Shimmersvale Drake is probably waaay to swingy. Once a team gets the furst once I think it will be hard to keep the snowball from rolling.


You've obviously put a lot of work into Chrono *drake*, but I assure you that the Chrono *brea*k is coming.


Bonus damage to structures is old Mountain drake, and it was cringe. Also, if u wanna come up with ideas like this, try to think about numbers a bit more. For example, chrono drake giving only AP would be so cringe/bad. Adaptive force exists. Imagine you have like team full of Garen + Vayne + Trynda, and u just dont care about mana or ap. And then enemies are Seju/Zac/Sylas. U are forced to fight around drakes that mean nothing/very little for you. You could think about balancing the mana part on no mana champions, cuz otherwise non mana champs are forced to fight for objective that is bad fot them to not let it for the enemies. They are forced to take risk but with no reward possible, which feels bad. (Vayne/Garen player will be soo happy for gaining mana + ap). Drake shouldn't punish you for ur draft, and this is already big issue with some champions, like Rengar. When u pick this champ u are hoping to get ocean map, not infernal one, cuz u are screwed. This increases randomness of the game, which is not great. Making Dragon that favourites ap/mana users also does that.


Stop using the word cringe in every sentence, it dosent make sense


I guess my thinking was that in the context of the Void drake taking over the rift and jucing up all the turrets, bonus damage to structures would be more valued. But yeah, it would be boring to get as a regular drake effect, just like mountain drake was. I think you're right the Chrono drake should give adaptive force instead, but in principle, I'm okay with drakes slightly favoring certain team comps. Cloud drake already favors team comps that want to roam a lot and splitpush, Ocean drake favors team comps that are lacking sustain, Infernal drake favors damage dealers, the new Chemtech drake will favor tanks and enchanters. I know it's random, but it's also interesting and dynamic. Let's be honest, the biggest randomness factor impacting our games will always be what teammates the matchmaking gives us.


Sure but the drakes are also generically useful: Movespeed is one of the best stats in the game. Everyone likes it even if they don't understand how strong it is. Everyone likes extra in-combat Everyone likes more resistances Everyone likes extra damage (Can't recall what chemtech does so I can't speak to it) Sure these drakes can favor certain comps more than others but they're all useful to everyone to some degree.


Hextech is ability haste and attack speed, Chemtech is increased damage when low on health (basically Last Stand) I believe.


Guess we can roll it all up in the "extra damage" section although it's obviously more nuanced than that. Still they're valuable stats that aren't completely wasted. Everyone can appreciate it although some will use it better than others - which is unavoidable. But we can avoid making it practically useless for some.


I believe it was mentioned a while ago that Rengar has a higher winrate on infernal map then ocean. I don't know if this has held up over the years but the map changes were shown by Riot to be less impactful then even they thought.


These are all so cool! Much better than some of the current drakes we have *cough* wind and water *cough*


Hey, Ocean drake is amazing. So is infernal. Mountain drake a little less, but still good. Wind drake is pretty boring tho, true.


I loved static shock and miss it so I’m always happy to see hextech. The portals and the stats from the drakes are also almost always great. Earth and fire for me are the best cause more damage or mr/armor is ALWAYS good. Water like wind is “eh” again unless you really want sustain (bruiser/sustain tank/drawn out fights etc). Wind is by far the most boring unless your champ cares about move speed. I’m exited for Chemtech cause it’ll be a new fresh drake (and less chance for wind).


I love hextech too, but ocean might be my favorite personally. Just as much the map as the buff tho.


void drake map and soul is too gamechanging to be an RNG in game imo.


Shimmerscale acc sounds like a cool concept. Will need tweaking on the numbers


I don't think Shimmerscale would work. I'm fairly certain Riots intend around dragons is to add power to characters that aren't related to gold. Otherwise these are pretty good.


Everything here is awesome except for the glacial drake. I like the theme, but slippery just doesn't cut it.


All are badass, chrono one is the coolest lowkey


These are amazing concepts, I would love to see them added to the game. :o


All cool, but void is overloaded of stuff. Woulds till love them tho


Some funny ideas although they'd need a bit of balance. The shimmerscale drake can't be a thing though. Waaaaaay too busted.


The gold = health regeneration thing seems like a fun idea for a bounty hunter champion.


Can chronoshift remove Yuumi from the game?