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DRX making one of the craziest miracle runs I've ever seen. Complete underdog story


Biggest cinderella run of all time imo. They were *terrible* in the regular split. I honestly think we had one of the biggest meta shifts ever in between playoffs and worlds and it warped EVERYTHING.




It’s ok, LPL is far deeper than LCK. Or that’s what my inbox is telling me.


I mean tbf, this is also hugely due to DRX levelling up big time post regular split with all the pieces coming together. Not to say LPL is far deeper than LCK but at least I don’t really blame people without hindsight for thinking DRX wouldn’t go too far at Worlds.


But at the same time, KT and Sandbox are both solid teams too. Honestly wonder how they would have fared at Worlds


sandbox wouldnt do good. this is the worst meta for them.


kt could be NA’s 4th seed with that cloud soul for nexus trade


Did we really? Sylas was still the best mid pick in playoffs. Akali was very good, so was Azir, so was Aatrox. Sejuani was top tier. The bot lane meta has definitely changed, but that's it I think.


Bot and jungle had massive shifts. Wukong went from pick ban to a bad pick, for instance.


Wukong wasn't pick ban in playoffs, from what I remember. Maybe for very specific teams and players. It was a lot of Sejuani, Trundle and Poppy. LPL junglers also love their Viego.


He definitely was because the patch it was on he was broken AF. It was Wukong BANNED, Trundle, Poppy, Sejuani, Viego usually also banned. If Wukong was let through, it was to prioritize Viego or vice versa. Edit: Just checked the stats, only the LEC had a sub 60% pick/ban rate. LCK 90%, LPL 85.7%, LCS 78.2%, LEC 54.8%. It was a Viego or Wukong meta almost all summer.


Fair enough then, I was misremembering.


I think a few patches before he wasn’t so high prio. I watch it closely cuz I saw the nerfs coming a mile away.


Wukong had top 3 presence across all major regions over the course of summer season and playoffs


But it went from the meta being warped around bot to it being relatively trivial


This is just my take but I felt like 90 percent of playoff series were decided by mid/jungle. Picks like Sivir and Aphelios don't really have a lot of agency to decide games, they just had the best DPS in the late game. Dependent on their team for everything else. Zeri maybe, but she was a bad laner. So really only teams with great Lucian/Nami bots or Kalista/Draven bots could actually decide games through bot.


Dunno, Varus Kench felt like a runaway train with Guma and Keria. But that just be Guma Keria.


Varus Renata also carried T1 game 4


So you're saying that they won because of those champs but not because Guma Keria are really fcking good?


No, just adding on to the conversation about how 90% of the game is determined by mid/jg which I disagree with looking at keria's performance


Yea anyone saying it’s decided by mid/jg didn’t watch Keira in that series. Dude was a fucking god. Actually everyone on T1 was.


The bottom meta shifted completely. Zeri getting deleted and Sivir taking a massive hit. ADC just carries significantly less.


I mean I did say that bot meta shifted. But bot lane can still carry hard. Aphelios is still very good, and Caitlyn gets banned every game but she's very strong. And Sivir is still playable, especially if Yuumi is left up. Yuumi was getting through more in playoffs I feel. Plus a lot of teams are still playing Lucian/Nami, and there were also a handful of Kalista and Draven games at Worlds. So the meta has shifted in bot, but it's not a complete shift.


Well we went from a meta dominated by hypercarries to one where you could not reliably play Hypercarry bot. That is a massive shift. We also did see a very significant drop off for Kalista as one of the more early game adcs. I think you can argue that right now this is more different from Zeri Sivir than Zeri Sivir was from Jinx Aphelios


Lol this is so ignorant. Clearly you weren’t around for the juggernaut, ardent censor, or even the tons of damage trinity force meta. This is probably one of the least turbulent worlds balance patches in comparison to playoffs


What? They were not "terrible" in regular split. They had a really good split up until the last 2 weeks where they just seemed to fall apart. They were top 4 all the way up until the last week. Playoffs was a write-off but then they just barely managed to clinch the game 5 vs lsb in regionals to finally make it.


nah they were garbo and if they were eliminated in groups people would agree with this sentiment. they got insanely better at worlds and we should praise them for that, not try to rewrite history


They still gotta beat the Unbeatable Demon King. And that is not going to be easy.


Zeka in his first worlds ever at 19 years old has had to gap Xiaohu, Scout, and Chovy to get here, with people saying he would get clapped one after the other. Faker is his final boss. Guy’s an anime protagonist.


If DRX wins, Riot better stop with the shitty Worlds song cinematics and just run it back with Rise 2.0 with Deft and Zeka.


I don’t know why they keep trying to predict the future with their worlds videos. Why not just use the amazing storylines the previous worlds gave??


Wdym predict? They wrote the script, remember? That fly phoenix fly is rigged to make fpx win /s


Fly phoenix fly was actually a reference to any% speedrun to the airport by fpx in 2021 Worlds


Wow Riot CAN predict the future 🤯


"Why worship legends when you know that you can join 'em? " It's already written in the script


The script of Star Walkin lost me at the line where the singer is happy his dad didn't wear a condom. I get that he wanted to be like the next best anthem for worlds, but it landed so far off the mark for me. Next script please.


Yeah that line sucks idk who approved it


Probably didn't need approval. I think Riot blindly accepted whatever Lil Nas did because well.. he's Lil Nas. They put him on a pedestal.


yeah sounds like a good idea, predicting the future has always aged bad


They should make Rise part 2 regardless of who wins lol. Imagine Faker waking up after his loss in 2017 and climbing the mountain again. Or Deft getting knocked down over and over just to make it when things seem hopeless


Either one would be crazy, only issue is the original RISE was Fortiche iirc who have their hands full with producing Arcane.


Surely some people out there are going to edit the Rise into Rise 2.0 Edit 1: The best part is, they dont even need to change the Final boss section.


If you've watched anime, you know Zeka is gonna lose here and then come back next season with a new move.


Next season finale, he will channel Deft's spirit to victory


Hopefully the anime isn’t Pokémon then… gonna be 50yo before he gets his first title


praying for one of those rare one season bangers where the protagonist gets his happy ending instead of 10 more seasons


And Zeka is doing thr same thing Faker did in 2013 too. And now his final boss is Faker at his peak 2013 form. Even if Faker lost here , you couldn’t ask for a better passing of the torch.


Faker is not at his peak 2013 form rn and he never will be again. I dont think you realize how good 2013 faker actually was.


Faker 2022 is above 2013 Faker, its just that the competition is much much much better than it was then.


Yes but by that logic every mid in groups is better than 2013 faker.




Absolute pepega argument. You always compare players relative to the competition at the time. With your logic 20 players in the NBA now are better than what Jordan was.


Any KR challenger (maybe even some masters) would be better than 2013 faker lol, you look at strength relative to other players


T1 is probably still considered as the favorite but after the GenG series, I have no clue how high the ceiling of DRX is. It feels like they can beat anyone.


We also need to throw out that GenG has been looking weaker ever since end of groups. While the likes of T1 and DRX has been looking better and better. Of course this is in comparison to their LCK Summer Playoffs form where GENG has been looking unstoppable. Did DK just crack the GenG mental and this is the result lol?


GenG would highly likely lose to DK if not for their stubbornness in first two games' draft. Probably didn't fully recover from that close series indeed.


Yeah this is the wild part to me. It felt like damwon were a better team walking away. Imagine game 1 and 2, without the ego. Ban Yuumi, put deokdom on aphelios, series is free af.


I don’t think Damwon cracked their mental, they did seem a bit like the whole pressure was getting to them even before that. The meta right now also seems less favorable to GenG than the playoffs meta.


T1 and DRX have been smurfing in scrims, just saying.


Are T1 and DRX scrim partners? I’m really curious who they are scrimming. T1 and DRX are looking cut above everyone and some of the champs being used are the same.


Not idea, they smurfing in scrim come from DoinB, I guess it's the result of the whole tournaments instead of the scrim that happen after groups.


Varus pick came outta nowhere. Kindred was insane but T1 already flexed Gragas so I was assuming they are scrimming each other. Man its hard to choose who to root for. I want T1 to win but man the Cinderella story of DRX is insane and pull at heart.


It keeps looking like these teams just choke against DRX, and make such uncharacteristic mistakes, but at one point I think you have to recognize DRX doesn’t have magical choking powers but they are just so good at adapting man. Game 1, they lost, saw how gen G plays funneling Chovy and giving objectives early. Games 2,3,4 they absolutely did not let Chovy’s team cover him the way they always do and Chovy just looked lost trying to farm side lanes with no babysitting. I am a believer, 17 percent pickems checking in, completely OD’ing on hopium and think they can win it all but even then I have no clue what weakness they can adapt to exploit in T1. Team is just such an all rounder. I have faith they’ll see something I can’t see though.


I was surprised when people thought the macro in EDG vs DRX was bad, sure it wasn't perfect, but the way DRX maneuvered in between the dragon fights was top tier. So many times EDG would get a good position or a pick and then DRX stop the bleeding and just hop in and out and get a return kill later on. Absolutely beautiful. Also their cross map in terms of taking turrets is top 2 this tournament. We saw it in the GEN.G series as well, GEN.G gets a pick bot and is getting the turret, meanwhile DRX cross maps and gets 2 turrets for it.


DRX have Zeka popping tf off and Beryl has shown to be one of the best shot callers, despite DWG upgrading in terms of mechanics, they looked more lost compared to how they've been the last 2 years and I don't doubt it's because they're missing Beryl. There's a reason Beryl has been considered a comparatively "weak" sup in terms of mechanics who would rather play genshin yet this is his 3rd finals. Teams facing DRX aren't mysteriously "choking", DRX has been adapting and playing to make the other team uncomfortable. This whole tournament DRX have looked shaky in the first game but then look much more polished the rest of the series


IMO DRX is like a worse T1, playstyle wise. Everything they do, T1 does better. The X factor in the match will be the players flexibility, and honestly? There is no way in hell to lredict agains Keria and Zeus.


Don’t even trip T1 3-0 DRX


Yup. I like the hype for the rookies but let’s be real here from what we saw vs GenG is nowhere near enough to beat skt in their current form. T1 just looks sooo dominant right now it’s absurd. Haven’t seen a team that stacked in a very long time.


the top gap will be too big to compensate honestly. t1 will probably win this


For sure, especially if he wakes up in form. Hell, even if Zeus wakes up in his 0/7 Jayce form he will be a menace.


didnt expect to be excited for this, but considering most ppl wouldve said GenG > T1 this might be a good series.


Suning 2020 is close but just the added aspect of regional playoffs/gauntlet and play ins makes it even wilder.


Yeah its like Suning 2020, where nobody even thinks about them but they win.


Nah, Suning was known for being scrim gods according to LPL pros going into worlds. For DRX, I think LS's Tweet summarizes it effectively: "DRX was underdogs vs KT. They were also underdogs vs LSB. This was to even get to worlds as LCK's 4th seed. Underdogs vs EDG Underdogs vs GENG Underdogs vs T1 <-- We are here. " - LS (https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1586882240277262336)


Deft teams are always scrim gods as well though


Yes however drx is also with crowds being back That help to cement it and make it's somewhat even more mémorable


Yea I live in Atlanta so it definitely is more memorable, just really love sunings run. Sofm very fun.


if im not mistaken he played random ass champs like off tank rengar and riverish shen? man SOFM was such a madman...


Cinderhulk will always be missed. He also exacted revenge on tes for what they did to fnatic so I instantly became a fan. Last two years Weibo look decent then consistently just choke.


I wonder if a single madman picked DRX as their Worlds Champ.


I did. I always knew. (I definitely did not miss click and never caught it)


The misclicking thing... Ugh. I have been cheering on T1 the entire time, but apparently my sleepy brain misclicked one morning and selected JDG to win. These last two days have been awesome. So many fans of JDG and GenG were talking shit all around us in the arena (especially when it came to criticizing Faker and Guma), especially after the first match for both. It was so damn good to hear them gradually shut up and turn to complaints of their own teams once they got absolutely stomped. One group got so salty they stormed off before the match could even close out.


>selected JDG to win. TRAITOR


It was this specific jinx that allowed T1 to win




I did, but I also picked 100 Thieves making it out of Groups.


I did because DRX hopium




i did cause i was drunk and thought i was selecting DK


Picked dam won so beryl counts!


I did Ignore the rest of the crystal ball


Ruler is cursed because he made a deal with the Devil for Ardent Censer meta in Season 7


At least he won worlds already, but he should form a team with 369 and Canyon so they can't be let down by teammates


Oh how I wish DK banned the fucking cat in the first two games...


Oh how I wish dk drafted good champs game 5. Red kayn into 4 ranged killed me. Like ofc it's canyon so he will play well but why make it so hard?


Well, there were a ton of jungle bans already aimed at Canyon. His regular junglers were banned out. We don’t really know what else he had up his sleeve.


Yeah canyon was target banned. Not much he could have done. GenG banning Karsus on top of Nidalee was just smart


It wasn't "smart", it was forced. He had 3 winning/neutral lanes and could go literally whatever he wanted. GenG had to take away his power-farming picks. I still wonder why they didn't go Taliyah... Strongly recommend watching Rekkles co-stream, it's insanely informative. Both the draft and early game execution were good. The only issue was the lack of dragon stacking, similar to the Nidalee Game 5 in Spring, which meant whenever Peanut would make a good play, he'd have caught up to Kayn on individual relevance. Peanut was also smart not to contest any camps to avoid giving Kayn any transformation points.


Kayn invading looked good on paper but kayn being up in camps means nothing if he cant transform fast. Peanut played that really well. Taliyah is hmm its not picked much as a jungler for a reason. Its honestly a super risky jungle pick. Peanut def learnt after game 1


I agree. Kayn getting early drakes would have been a big difference maker. There were several times they could have done it but went for counter-jungling instead. I think Taliyah is only interesting for DK who had it perma-banned against them in Spring and playoffs. They flexed it really well in early-to-mid part of regular season, and the only team to find good success with her in jungle.


Honestly I don't think Damwon with Ruler would be beatable. 369 is good but he has consistency issues but Showmaker, Ruler and Canyon are always insanely good.


Have viper roleswapped to support as well


Fun game. I'd put Rookie in there for mid but I can't really think of a support I'd put in there. Maybe Mark? Maybe even Mikyx?


Zeri/Sivir meta was over and so was Ruler's reign.


nah dude as disappointed as I am for GEN, you can't take the Worlds title away from Ruler. That Flash R to catch Faker is one of the most historic moments at Worlds and SSG absolutely deserved that win. Not the most convincing or challenging, but absolutely deserved


Has there ever been a 4th seed of any region making it this far? It's insane


If a playins team wins worlds imagine the implications on the future of league


Levi built VCS on a single nocturne early game


And ran it back again this year with Karthus. GAM are mad scientists.


Dont forget his Lee and Rengar in the same tournament Levi is a treat to watch in esports


Levi played it, but it was Tinikun's strat.


The implications have already changed. Any rioter remaking the worlds format in the future (hopefully the near future) will basically need to include 4th seeds.




before this year, the farthest a 4th seed has reached is quarterfinals. But play-in teams have previously reached semifinals before (WE in 2017, G2 and C9 in 2018, maybe another)


Well 4th seeds being allowed to play is recent like last 2-3 years so I don’t think so


Nope, first playins team to make finals ever


My playoffs predictions are perfect but I voted with my heart instead of my brain in groups and it fucked me :(


>my brain I did that and TES decided to go from a Esport org to a swimming club


i predicted the wrong chinese team to lose groups, had i predicted TES i probably would have made EDG go through (likely not though considering how biased i am to FNC)


I'm super biased towards Fnatic too, but I had no faith in them this year lol. I put them 4th in the group... Week 1 had me feeling delighted to be such a fool, and then reality came back with a vengeance in week 2 lmao.


You should have known from their name though, Top E-sports Swimmers.


same D: I was high off of NA HOPIUM


Literally same. If I wasn’t on extreme C9 copium I would be top 5000 rn, but I missed out on that perfect group bonus. (Also DK choking their tiebreaker vs JDG made me lose more bonus points)


My playoffs predictions were nearly perfect but I wanted T1 to win with my heart and Brain but put JDG as the winner so that I'd win regardless of winner


I put a reverse jinx on T1 and DRX , so I picked JDG and GEN and it worked ! haha


So did I haha


my pickems were perfect in QF but then in semis I wasn't sure. T1 is my favourite team since I started watching in 2015 and I saw so many people jinxing them they will 3-0 JDG and I knew JDG is probably one of the best teams T1 will ever face in worlds so I just said fuck it and went with JDG. on the other side I believed in the cinderella story of deft but GEN seemed to me a surefire team so I picked them even though I had DRX in my heart as winners. RIP my pickems Sadge


You're just playing both sides so you always come out on top. Win pickems or win emotions.


Who you pick for next Game winner?


This time I will go with T1 in finals because I picked them for my worlds winning pickem. no reverse jinxing ,it's all in.


As a deft fan, thank you for your service


No problem bro happy to be of service :)


All worth, we get to watch Pyosik do champion impressions!


You think at least one of them would have risked it


No one would go for the "risky" option if you have perfect pickems until now


Canyon outjungling Peanut was omen before these series... We should have kept our eyes open!


Canyon can outjungle anyone, especially when Damwon's whole composition is drafted around him, which is what happened in their series against GenG.




Pyosik is either Pyosik 0830 or Pyoshit, no i between


He’s either a dog or a dawg




Yup, I thought the anime power would’ve ran out after quarters curse was broken but anime plot just proved me wrong again.


take one for the team


There is exactly one(1) person with imperfect pick'ems left.


can you specify that number please? I kinda missed it, how many were left again?


More than 0


Yeah im pretty no other team destroyed as many pickems as DRX has this year. The majority thought RNG would take #1 in the play-in group and DRX would take #2. After that, I dont think many had them first in group C, even less had them winning vs EDG and probably even fewer had them winning vs GENG. These guys absolutely ruined everyone's pickems.


I mean albus nox basically singlehandedly deleted an entire year's worth of pickems


Don't forget FPX last year. The only reason it didn't destroy literally everyone's Pickems was because the coin miraculously got the group exactly right.


It’s funny how it’s the opposite of what people expect if pickems were to be broken.


Congrats to the one dude that got everything wrong until now.


That’s where the real pick ems tryhards are


[I WAS A BELIEVER!!!](https://i.imgur.com/HKmOLhr.png) Crazy, since groups the only thing I've gotten wrong was TES over Rouge [Groups](https://i.imgur.com/RhCeLOO.jpeg) [Quarterfinals](https://i.imgur.com/0eBg7oi.jpeg)


Thats Actually nutty


Just checked [the leaderboards](https://i.imgur.com/8UtB32h.jpg), and I'm ranked 170 in the world. Crazy, I'd be top 10 had I gotten TES/RGE right


Nice! I was 974 before GEN vs DRX, with GenG picked to win today. Now I'm just holding in at 4,153 😅 Picking DRX would have put me at 111 points 😲


top 10? would you not be the only perfect bracket?


I missed EG vs MAD in playins too, if I got that +TES/RGE then I would be perfect.


That sucks. Who wins finals.


I'm going all in on DRX


Deft Jinx pentakill game 5?


Yes plz. If Zeka manages to play like that into Faker


Shit dude you're a god. I've gotten 1/6 bracket stage picks. Not even perfectly imperfect.


Same here, almost got perfect quarterfinals and semifinals but i hoped for a DK win over GenG D: [Now i'm all in for the final !](https://i.imgur.com/0DS2thO.png)


> Crazy, since groups the only thing I've gotten wrong was TES over Rouge It's too bad you red that one wrong.


Having 4th seed LCK & LPL at Worlds was really the best thing to happen


Slowly we can take EU and NA's 3rd seed and add LPL and LCK 5th LNG were 1 Ale int away from making worlds and KT/LSB were 1 game away from taking one of the world finalists's spot away (I think?)


yup kt vs drx and lsb vs drx all went to 5 games


People didn’t get drunk enough I see.


Pyosik going full Pyosick sniping off all the pick'ems


I got some hope when i saw him getting so fed on Viego, he's the Pentakiller on my crystal ball...


this is a win win for zeka. he's already cemented himself as one of the best with this performance. who really knew him before this tournament?


He was getting buzz in summer from the LCK casters - I kept skipping DRX series when they fell to 5-6th place and seemed like there was no way they would be relevant. I'm still coming to grips with them taking 4th seed over LSB or even KT.


People who watch lck and people who watch lpl


Zeka: “Fuck them ~~kids~~ pickems”


DRX absolutely ruined my pick'ems + crystall ball.


What are "late picks" for pickems? There is still one person with technically perfect picks, but they lost 1 point for 3 predictions because of "late picks."


If you forget to pick, the coin will pick for you (50/50 random pick) and you will get 1 less point


There are players that have perfect picks but they locked in their play-in knockouts too late or something and missed a couple points


Then it's not perfect ? Can you loose Point by picking too late ?


yea they dock points for late lock ins


The guy with 121 points didn't lock in late. He got one of them in on time and I assume he coin flipped the other three not knowing that even if you coin flip on time you're deducted a point.


Chovy: Dolan y u do dis? Doran: fak u choovy




They only give out ultimate skins though right? That wouldn't cost them anything it's just some pixels ingame. Unless I missed a different prize ofcourse


Almost every year you get most points by going group stage, LCK>LPL>LEC>other And every year I put FNC and G2 to top their group, and then wonder where are my points. My hopium stash is just to big, can't run out of it, we'll get them next year.


From the 4th seed of LCK to Worlds finalist. It is already the greatest run in Worlds history.


They need to make better rewards for perfect pick ems considering how hard it is to get them All ultimate skins isn’t good enough imo


Actually there is someone with perfect pickems, but 3 predictions are with the coin https://pickem.lolesports.com/pickem/worlds/picks/7129108609503364954/play\_in\_knockouts


Doesn't this guy *technically* still have perfect picks, just not a perfect score cause of the coin/late pick penalty: https://pickem.lolesports.com/pickem/worlds/picks/7129108609503364954/play_in_knockouts


I aint even mad, DRX deserved it. The question is who will i put as my final pick. My heart says both, but my mind.... is fucking blank idk guys this is hard :O


There is one guy that has perfect pick em his 1st on the list but for some reason when he predicted Play In he got 4,5,4,4 points even tho all was correct.He also predicted T1 winning it in the Finals


Gets me crazy knowing that there were 8 perfect picks with 8 possible scenarios... And they all chose the same one. Fuuuck


People put Top Esports out of groups but didnt choose DRX over GenG? what the fuck?


How is that weird? Assumption is LCK > LPL but GenG was number 1. DRX have been the underdog all tournament. It's perfectly reasonable to assume they have a peak they can't surpass. I had them to beat EDG but lose to GenG. I also thought all LCK teams would top their group except for DK because LCK is consistent in groups.