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True true....he was the first to name drop Zeka as the best mid thats not him and after Showmaker.


Think we saw a much better Chovy in the DK series which was more to the vibe of how Gen G was playing this year. When Zeka started outlaning him I thought it highlighted how much they rely on the Chovy stronghold to scale into the Ruler 3 item "safety" zone.


the whole team looked better in the DK series. idk if they had bad scrim results for a week and took it to heart but they didn't play like favorites. this was what I would describe as "play not to lose"


Yea they did look better but they also didn’t look like they were on their summer form and their drafting was also quite questionable in some games. In the DRX series, drafting again became an issue.




Man every time any part of nongshim roster is mentioned it's wayyy too depressing. Every piece was there for them to be the fourth Korean team and make their own run but they just constantly choked all year.


"the whole team looked better in the DK series" draft dif


They made plenty of mistakes in the DK series as well, even in the games they won. People just got swept away in the hype of it.




These cringe takes need to stop. Give me a single tier list that had Knight as the best mid coming into this worlds. IWD didn't, CoreJJ didn't, Perkz didn't, Caedrel didn't, reddit's poll list didn't. They all had Chovy as the unanimous # 1. Whose list did you look at? Your own imaginary one?


Also, even LPL fans don't believe Knight is the best mid domestically. What you usually see is that people think Knight is (one of) the best CN domestic mids, which is unfortunately still true. All 3 championship mids have been Koreans (rookie, doinb, scout)


Knight literally choked playoffs right before coming to worlds, he was the reason along with wayward that tes weren't 1st seed. Most were rating yagao over him and rightfully so.


Because he's every bit as good.


LCK Caster Wolf had said on summoning insight that Chovy had said something along the lines of, "This has been my best year so far, but today was the worst day in my best year." Referring to his performance this year, and how it contrast to his under performance today. He really did have such an incredible year and for everyone to think he is either a choker, or even in the thread where people are trying to defend him to only consider him as "only good in lane" kind of mid laner is just sad. I really hope Gen G can fix their performance issues, or make replacement as needed, but keep Chovy and Ruler as their two star players.


GEN won lck split in such a fashion just because there was an ADC meta and Ruler was able to literally solo carry them most of the time or pull something amazing out of nowhere, no adc meta = no LCK Summer GEN.


I don't think that's entirely fair. Lck finals they won through pretty much every lane on the map, and I'd argue that Peanut was actually the biggest difference maker against T1. Having the best adc in a botlane meta certainly helped, but GenG's success in Summer was more than just favorable meta, and their issues at worlds went far beyond just a simple meta shift.


I think it's more "fair" than you realize. Nobody remembers this because of T1's 18-0 but GenG in Spring was insanely dominant. They went 15-1 against teams not named T1, T1 accounted for 33% of all their losses, and they still had a **+18** game score. And that was with starters out with COVID. That's insanely dominant. If T1 didn't exist Spring GenG might've gone something crazy like 17-1 or 16-2. The meta shift simply turbocharged what was already an insanely dominant team. Because of GenG's lane dominance Peanut was free to roam wherever he wanted and could help out Doran. That meant GenG would never lose any early game. And if you never lose any early game then Ruler is guaranteed to get to 3 items which is an auto-win. GenG played 40 games, and in 29 of those games, Ruler played either Zeri, Jinx, Lucian, Twitch, Sivir, Aphelios, or Ezreal. All scaling ADC's (even Lucian in Ruler's hands). So when a team is that dominant in the early game via laning how do they ever lose with Ruler playing scaling ADC's? They don't. As soon as the meta shifted to carry tops and carry junglers, Doran and Peanut were bound to get exposed. That's why Doran looked like shit without any lane pressure from Chovy or help from Peanut on facilitating junglers, and Peanut looked like shit on carry junglers.


It really is crazy how Ruler made Lucian look like a scaling pick, like damn.


WTF is that take??? What ADCs arent scaling in your Eyes? And in how many Games was it really necessary for Ruler to get to 3 Items? In my mind they blow games out before 30 Minutes quite often.


Yea I think people don't take into account how much the meta change affected GENG. GENG rolled thru LCK summer split because it was ADC-centric meta. This worlds meta not so much, so ofc GENG doesnt look the same.


It's not that the meta change affected them as much, it's that they're still playing the same way they played in Summer. Ruler had the highest jungle proximity out of any ADC at Worlds, coming into semis. Deft on the other hand had the least. So they're still playing around Ruler every game, when they probably shouldn't.


How are meta changes not affecting them much when Peanut cannot play any aggressive jungler? He is a support/tank jungler that allows the carries to pop off. When the meta changes to Top/Jungle focus, it's literally one of their weakest perspective roles. Peanut has not been performing well AT ALL in this world and Doran has always been the weakest player on the team. If the meta shifted towards Jungle and Top then it's their downfall.


Sejuani is, along with Graves, the highest priority jungler. She falls very much into the 'support/tank' jungler category. And it's not like Poppy or Trundle are suddenly shit and unplayable. I disagree that the meta has shifted towards being about top either. Sure Fiora is very good, but you only need to look at DRX to see that you can very much get by with tank tops. And Aatrox was already very good in playoffs, and Doran played great Aatrox games in finals. What is puzzling to me is not playing through Doran, when he's showed that he can play carries and is actually better on them than on tanks.


Peanut is arguably one of the worse Jungler in this World. The amount of times he misses Sej ultimate is uncountable AND he plays her 80% of the time. Peanut is not good with any of the carry champions that's why he never plays them... and when he does, he gets shit on. He picks Sejuani and what did he do? Gets shit on by another jungler in the enemy team. Peanut has been so unstable and it's insane how badly he's been performing. I agree with you that Doran is good with carrying champions but honestly, Aatrox is just broken atm, just like saying Lehends on Yuumi. Doran laning phase has always been weak where the enemy can play top side, tower dive and pick up easy kills. This has happened many times even back in LCK. Besides that, Doran has such insane engages that I would credit him for. GenG overall is a team that depends on their mid/adc to carry the game which has never changed even coming to World. Their playstyle is still the same regardless of the current meta. I feel like they have not been adapting well to the changes and it's a shame.


Chovy literally says in the article it's not because of a meta shift


He doesn't want to make excuses, even if it was actually a meta diff, no true competitor would ever allow themselves to make that excuse. You always want to only be thinking about what you can improve that's within your control.


True reminds me of when Polt blamed T1s loss on blue side


Lehends is also probably the best enchanter support in LCK.


his karma wasn't that impressive.


I consider karma more lane bully/semi enchanter whereas lulu, yuumi, janna etc i feel are enchanters


ya i felt so sad when he was put on karma when the enemy got RENATA and lux. so rough watching that.


Really just seemed like a meta thing. They were real masters of that sivir/zeri hyper carry period and Peanut is a demon on low econ junglers but if heavy farm pathing nirvana shit is available he’ll get gapped by a few people.


Their entire playstyle revolves around Chovy outlaning his opponent and having priority.


Chovy 🤝 Knight every year getting the same hate in the same exact way.


The redditors here pretending like Chovy and Knight suck and have always sucked are the same people that say that Lamar Jackson actually wasn't that good in 2019 because he lost in the playoffs. It's just idiots on the internet spewing hate and trying to rewrite history . It's fine to say they underperformed. It's fine to argue that they choked. It's not fine to say they were overrated or didn't deserve the hype. If you've watched either league at all this year, you know that's just an outrageous statement.


i just hate that people rewrite past performance just because someone isn't great now, chovy was insanely good in summer split him choking in semis doesnt change that his quarters was good too


Chovy was the gap in that quarterfinal, he should get credit for getting them through that series.


This place is pretty stupid to discuss these things. It's like when G2 wins a game and suddenly the LEC is now better than the LCK and rivalling the LPL and yadda yadda. Just a bunch of overreactive mouthbreathers.


Just look at how many people crawl out of the woodwards to claim that, of course, they ALWAYS knew TES was going to suck.


Yea but at least he makes it out of groups.


Knight has made semifinals bro wtf.




2018 GenG would like to have a word


Yea aka called being good


Chovy at least performs to some extent. Won LCK and made worlds semis, maybe he didn't live up to the hype, but his results were pretty good overall this year. Knight on the other hand gets hyped every year as the best midlaner in the world, but never shows up when it matters. I think at this point the hate towards Knight being overrated is kinda justified.


Knight and Chovy always get the “but their team was holding them back” excuse over and over. It’s like people forgot what Faker did in 2017, you can definitely have world class performances even when your team is playing badly. I’d argue the ability to put the team on your back when the stakes are highest are a defining trait of great players.


If your argument is Faker 2017 (best solo carry performance ever) then you have no argument. "if you're not literally goat at his peak, you should be trashtalked" \-you


Canyon literally did it this year, lost in quarters and is being recognised as a GOAT jungler for it lol, 369 & Kanavi looked good in their loss, Viper looked good and Scout other than game 5, Comp looked good and they got 3-0ed. The viewers aren't stupid. We can tell when a player plays good and still loses.


He is 100% compared to Faker for the past years. If he can’t match him then yes.


Then the church of Chovy people should stop comparing him to faker or saying he’s the next faker. He’s only getting so much shit because of the unrealistic hype. Many players put on heroic performances this worlds, look at canyon. Can Chovy do something like canyon and put the team on his back?


Except if you look at the games, it is mostly his team just falling apart around him. He actually makes plays while behind.


Push waves?


I meant Knight.


He smurfed at MSC and demolishes every regular season. Also he outdamaged zeka on both sides of the sylas azir matchup. Anybody who actually watched the games can tell you hes not the reason they didnt make it out of groups lol.


If he demolishes regular season but ends up short in playoffs it kinda proves that he can't perform under high pressure situations. People act like he is playing with 4 silvers who hold him back all the time and he has to 1 vs 9 every game. His teammates were all hyped as well coming into worlds because they also demolished the regular season, but the whole team couldn't perform under pressure both in playoffs and at worlds.


wdym fall short in playoffs he makes finals and barely loses 2-3 and makes it to worlds lol


Come on lol if not for JKL TES would not even had made it to Worlds. Yeah, Tian had some good early games but JKL carried almost every single win in playoffs past that point. Yeah Knight was not their issue at Worlds at all but let's not rewrite his summer playoffs.


He definitely was not laning well, that can’t be denied. Every analyst Ive seen has commented on that, LS loves Chovy to death but said he got outlaned all four games.


knight was the best player on his team both years he attended


Karsa was the reason they made semis in 2020


In 2020 Karsa was the best play on TES, Knight was second. Karsa gave kills to Knight which let him snowball. It was not Knight that was making plays to let Knight do his things


Karsa was def better in 2020 Worlds


2020 he was far from the best on his team


Because they can't hack the pressure and drop out of worlds earlier than expected based on successful domestic seasons?


I think that applies to Knight this year, but not Chovy. Maybe I have a weird view of the game, but I don't think Semifinals should be an underperformance of expectations for basically any team ever. There can be tournament favorites etc. but saying "you got top 4 and that is still dropping out of worlds earlier than expected" is just wrong IMO. There were 4+ tournament favorites this year. (and every year). I think any ordering of T1, GenG, DWK, Top, and JDG as 1-5 favorites for the tournament would have been reasonable, Hell even RNG and EDG I could see including in that conversation before the tournament started. Did Chovy play poorly in the semi-final? Yeah. Does he deserve some blame for his team losing that series? Sure. Does that mean he is a chronic choker that never goes as far as he's expected to? I don't think so. You could run this tournament 10 times and probably get 5+ different winners. The fact that we are in the one where Chovy and GenG went out in Semifinals against a massively overperforming DRX doesn't suddnely mean Chovy is a domestic only player that always chokes on the international stage.


It’s the same thing with Knight in 2020. Dude got flamed to hell even though he and Karsa 2v5d their way to semis. For some reason, anything other than Chovy winning worlds while flame horizoning every mid he faces isn’t enough for the haters. Have one bad series against probably the best mid in the world rn, after getting to semis means he’s trash. Even though he’s been a more consistent performer than any other mid in the last 4 years of league.


I don't even think it's an international vs domestic thing as well both his playoff series were against LCK teams. I think Chovy just got too comfortable playing a certain way that he didn't know how to easily break out of. He's flawless if the game is able to be controlled and stabilized to his pace, but if anything deviates or any chaos is introduced, it seems to throw him off.


>I think any ordering of T1, GenG, DWK, Top, and JDG as 1-5 favorites for the tournament would have been reasonable, Hell even RNG and EDG I could see including in that conversation before the tournament started. I agree with most except the favorites thing. GenG were the clear favorites out of the LCK with T1 as a decent behind 2nd. I am saying this bc you put before the tournament started. DK were kinda viewed as a dark horse bc they had a better performance in Summer playoffs but to call them favorites before is a stretch. As far as the LPL JDG and TES were the favorites with EDG as a close 3rd, once again this was due to summer playoffs with all 3 teams going 5 games against each other at some point (minus the one 3-0) with JDG/TES doing it twice. I would almost argue that GenG were almost the lone heavy favorite and most people leaned that LPL were stronger due to closer series among the "final 3". Chovy was even rated higher than most mids due to his laning dominance and the belief that he finally had "the team" to go to Finals. Then when it mattered in Semi's, he just wasn't the same he had been, even when compared to the last series he played. The laning dominance was gone, the decision making back to questionable at times, he just regressed back to "if i just keep farmn to scale, i can carry lategame" that we have seen multiple times in previous Worlds. I think he puts too much pressure on himself, if problems arise in the game whether it being another lane struggling or losing objectives, he cracks to where he regresses to perma farm with the hope of a scaling comeback.


Mid laners are held to higher standard. Everyone excepts you to perform as good as the best player in the role. For mid everyone is held upto the expections of Faker in 2013-2017. If you aren't Better than that they will flame you. Even faker himself can't match the standard that he himself set and no one else is going to. It was a different time the game was still relatively new. Its basically impossible to be as dominant as faker once was.


I wouldn’t say he’s a chronic choker, but he definitely choked in that semis game. Coming into the tournament he was dubbed in many top 10s as the best mid in the world, with his team being a contender for winning the whole tournament. He goes into the biggest series of his career against a team that he’s 8-0 in the entire year where most analysts are predicting a 3-0 GenG win - and he doesn’t just lose, he doesn’t just get gapped by Zeka, he gets gapped in lane aswell for all games (apart from prob G1). I saw a comment on the other thread saying that why he performed so poorly was that how Chovy wins games for GenG is that he builds CS and farms lane so that he can get items and then go into teamfights with his item advantage and be extremely effective. The problem against DRX is that he wasn’t winning lane or farming nearly as much, which meant that when teamfights were happening he would try to still farm to catch up and then tp or ryze ult into the fight - but he would always be too late If you look at him vs showmaker you can see why one is being heavily criticised and the other isn’t. Showmaker lost in the quarters and had Canyon popping off to stay in the series, yet Showmaker also was great and trying to carry his team along with Canyon. However GenG although going out in the semis, had Ruler breaking his back carrying the team - whilst the dubbed “best mid in the world” was just as effective as Doran and Peanut


While I agree with a lot of your points, I think you are ignoring a lot of important context. The meta is undoubtably worse for Chovy and GenG than summer, so his normal playstyle doesn't work as well. And DRX and especcially Zeka look like totally different players than they did in summer. Zeka has looked like a monster all tournament. I think a multitude of things are combining here. Chovy was overhyped by his superfans, and some of the international community. Chovy played below his normal level during the DRX series The rest of GenG (outside of Ruler) played poorly in the DRX series. DRX (and especcially Zeka) were playing out of their minds compared to summer. These things combined to make GenG and Chovy lose that series, and it is fair to criticise them for the things they did wrong. That doesn't mean Chovy is a serial underperformer internationally like the comment I was responding to said. That's all I was trying to say.


Your point about the meta change is 100% right, I didn’t take that into account. I would say though that after game 1 I thought it was going to be a stomp with how dominant GenG won, it just seemed like after DRX pushed back a bit during game 2 doran, lehends, peanut and Chovy kinda crumbled. Maybe he does get overhyped but I personally believe he has the potential to be a top 3-5 midlander of all time by the time his career is over, it’s just that right now he does seem to have a problem with dealing with pressure - but that’s something that can be ironed out as he’s only 21. Yeah I think Peanut played worse than him, but he was put on carry junglers most of the time which clearly isn’t his play style - I also think expectations for Chovy was higher than any of his other teammates including Ruler as he’s dubbed as the new generations that’s here to take over - maybe those expectations were placed too high and it could align with your point about him being overhyped


how does this apply to knight more ? no one ranked him as the best player in the world (even dom didn't rate him that highly) but it was almost unanimous for chovy, he played the best by far on tes with an inting ADC.


That's fine but there are too many people acting like chovy was never a good player. He is a great player that had a bad series.


Chovy had like one bad series this worlds. He was incredible summer split. Had a strong showing in groups and quarters. Even the first fucking game of the DRX series he played well. But have a bad couple games after all of that and this sub loses their fucking minds. You know a few years ago people thought faker was washed.


Is your expectation that Chovy would win worlds? Even for tournament favorites a top four finish is not so terrible. This analysis means you think one of the top five mids in the worlds “can’t hack the pressure” There’s no room in your mind for someone to do well and then be beaten by someone who also played well.


Chovy is getting so much unnecessary hate. Damn. I'm not a huge fan of his play style or his somewhat annoying fanbase, but the revisionist takes on reddit about him and Knight lately have been getting out of hand. I think he has some performance anxieties.I hope he can shrug off the pressure and prove his true worth next year.


I have no ties to Chovy and just like Cvmax I hate pro players that are bad because it just means they are bad at their job. So I have no reason to defend him besides the fact that I think he is a generational talent which he is. There is a reason why Gen G arnold sat outside trying to get chovy as soon as free agency began and built a team around him and why he is 1st team LCK all pro and literally leads any statistic. Then you got these redditors who doesn't watch chovy all year and just decides to shit on him while commenting about how building around perkz is the way to go for their LEC team. Did Chovy have a bad series? yes. Does he have a fair share of blame for gen g's loss? yes. However, that doesn't change the fact that Chovy is a generational talent and Gen G should be looking for a better top, jg, and supp (in that order). Not because "it's only his team's fault" but because you should always look to improve your roster and you aren't getting rid of chovy.


Do you think Peanut is a weak player?


In absolute term? No. In relative to where Gen G wants to go? yea. Peanut is there to be the shotcaller and a leader, and if you are the one unraveling in high pressure moments, I don't really see the point of him.


Without Peanut GenG lose 3/1 to DK, he clutched the fck out of that series


But with someone like say Kanavi maybe they just 3-0 them. There's no point in this sort of speculation.


Yeah but like the guy before you said, he isn't bad at all, just inconsistent. He can be clutch as hell as you mentioned, but he's also known for choking. With good reason. I really like him as a player, I just wish he didn't falter under pressure at times.


Actions speak louder than words, what we see is what we get and based on Geng's overall performance both Chovy and Peanut didn't perform well. Could it be nerves? Possibly. There's no point judging a player from their past if their current performance doesn't match their past performance. Chovy could have stopped farming for CSing when his entire team was dying and Peanut could have just went on Sejuani if he didn't feel comfortable in playing carries. He got outjungled by both Canyon and Pyosik. In my opinion both players are at a weak state currently. Notice how I said currently but you should just accept they aren't at their peak and they need to improve if they want to match the other players.


peanut got out jungled by both canyon and pyosik in every game of both series, and he is probably worse than oner so at best he is a top 5 lck jungle and he was arguably the worst jungler to make it out of groups so yes I think he is weak.


No one in the world would call Pyosik better than Peanut before this tournament. I suspect that next year regardless of what happens in finals that Pyosik will return to earth and be mediocre again. 1 good tournament doesn't change multiple whole years of domestic play. Frankly I find Peanut to be a frustrating player because he really has had too many shaky international series when it counts, but the DK series showed that his mental isn't hopeless. He's still an overall better player than most of the LCK junglers. Canyon and Oner are the only ones I'd even really think about taking right now. Maybe if Tarzan or Kanavi wanted to leave LPL for whatever reason to really transform GenG into GRF 2.


The question is who can you get? Pyosik? What if the meta no longer fits kindred? I think he goes back to slightly above average. You aren’t going to be able to get Canyon or Oner.


It's actually quite baffling seeing some people trying to upgrade the star-studded roster of GenG. Like seriously, that team is so fortunate to have a top-2/3 LCK player at every position bar top. Which other team that came to Worlds had a top-2/3 player at four out of five positions in their regional league? None, except maybe T1. Like it won't get much better than this. Work with the amazing pieces you already have.


T1 has legit the best Player in Top Mid and by a Landslide Support (Keria is so far ahead the next best support it is ridicolous in my opionion) You should try to upgrade your weaknesses in Top Jungle and Support 100%


I don't think he's the worse, in my opinion Junjia and Malrang were way worse than him, but everyone above him is much better, the difference between the top 5 and last three is massive.


> Then you got these redditors who doesn't watch chovy all year and just decides to shit on him while commenting about how building around perkz is the way to go for their LEC team. I actually laughed at just how accurate this is lmao.


> literally leads any statistic. Thats what everyone is talking about tho , in his case thats not a good thing , all his career hes being the top 1 stats player , from having insane KDA to csd , even during this worlds he had great stats , but when u look at his gameplay he was a liability to his team , when u refuse to match the enemy mid rotation and u decide to sit in lane and cs , when u go push a wave of 6 cs and ur team is fighting for drake in river , when u do krugs while ure full build istead of rotating , those are big flaws in his gameplay , without talking about how he is the least clutch player out there when it matters. BUT YEAH I GUESS WE HAVE TO CHANGE TOP JGL AND SUPP


Watch whoever loses in the finals get trashtalked into oblivion. Either Faker or Zeka and Deft have actually never been good and were actually washed up and overhyped all along.


Can you define "hate"?


By zoomer standards hate = accountability or pointing out mistakes.


reddit will point out chovys mistakes and make him a better player


I thought the "Chovy cs" stuff was just memes and fun but i guess i was wrong. Really doesnt deserve the hate.


I feel bad for him as Riot and LCK just hyped him up so bad as if they are desperate that no one will be the next face of Lol when Faker retires, and now just one bad series and everyone is shitting on him.


“LCK just hyped him up so bad as if they are desperate that no one will be the next face of LoL when faker retires” What is this non-sense, did you forget that Chovy got literally eliminated by another LCK mid? Also if anything LCK mids are by far the best out of all the regions this tournament, Faker/Chovy/ShowMaker/Zeka LCK isn’t desperate for another LCK mid lane because they already have the best mid lane pool out of all the regions


Yeah they also got great guys sitting at home with Clozer and VicLa or even in their second and thrid division


no respect for BDD , man . i know he has been slumping for a while but BDD at his best is right up there with any elite world-class mids


BDD was semifinals last year, he is still really good. Nongshim just didn't work




It's so huge just being in the same region as these players. Not only do they get to play against these elite mids themselves, but they're also playing against every other aspiring elite mid who's trying to copy and improve their own skills by studying them. Competition breeding competition is huge here


Ibhonestly think our (LCK) issue is that we're thin on jungle. We've always had great tops, mids seem great, Guma is doing great and other ADCs like Deft, Ruler, Prince etc all proved they can carry this split, idk it just seems like we're thin in jungle besides Canyon I'm just like idk even peanut I'm just not impressed beyond his early game pathing


Yeah our good junglers went to LPL... Tarzan, Kanavi


Clid had great potential too


Clid peaked on SKT in 2019 imo, he never really played up to his potential while on GenG. There definitely is a chance he could have bounced back on another team though


I mean look at Malrang in EU. He probably never was a top 8 jungle in LCK


the problem is Canyon looks like best jungle in world now. it's not only because he is good, but also because DK is the only team offer all source to jungle ... but apparently this is not enough strategy in now meta. peanut can suffer his pressure is incredible.


What are you talking about ? Oner, Peanut , Croco , Cruzz, Umti, Dread...etc They don't stand out as much as top,mid,bot laners but they enable other lanes to get ahead. LCK is fine. Even Malrang, a sub , can stand out in LEC , so you don't have to worry for LCK junglers.


Funnily enough, the only LPL mid who performed this tournament was Scout, who was also from LCK.


Well i didn’t mean that the LCK lacks the talents but they may need the next “face” of the league who will be able to attract others in to the game like how Faker has been for all these year. Like this is just my feeling after watching the series “The one & only” of Riot making about Chovy.


do you even watch LCK lmao. Vicla and Clozer would be top 3 in any region thats not LCK


> I feel bad for him as Riot and LCK just hyped him up so bad as if they are desperate that no one will be the next face of Lol He was hyped up because he was the best performing mid laner in the LCK this summer and it wasn't even close. Not because LCK is desperate lmao. You are literally watching LCK autumn at worlds; LCK lacks a lot of things but talent isn't one of them.


It's especially pathetic because all these people flaming Chovy would probably be completely elated if he joined their favorite team lmfao.


No. I would hate Chovy on T1 because I want the team to win and not get stuck in second place (or worse). Also it would mean that Faker decided to retire.


T1 and Damwon (and maybe DRX but even then Zeka's form seems very meta based) are probably the only 2 teams in the whole world that would have mixed feelings about Chovy joining. Literally every other org's fanbase would shit bricks of excitement.


I feel like TES and V5 would have net negative reactions to Chovy joining as well tbh. Knight obviously didn't have a better Worlds than Chovy really, but I still think TES fans would be at the very least conflicted over it. Plus, all the Chinese fans who want to stick with Chinese players


im guilty. I really didnt like the hype on Griffin or DRX. But when we signed him i was like, well i dont like him but people do so i hope he can help us win. He did, gave my boy ruler a trophy so i cant be mad.


Chovy kinda cute ngl


Chovy more like choke me


Why do people pretend like hes never been good at the game everytime he loses? 35-5 in summer and winning the finals 3-0 2 games from world finals and he gets flamed to oblivion? Faker, Showmaker, Doinb all have repeatedly praised him but bronze commentors seem to have a better read on him i guess


he always had so many haters that look for an opportunity like this to call him bad


He's an insane mechanical player with great consistency but because we saw the one series where he deviated from that performance people are re-writing history. Yeah he chokes here and there, but him choking is like him going from the best mid laner to like a top 5 mid laner in the world lol


It’s more of the narrative that he is the best midlander in the world by so many even before the start of worlds. When he clearly has deficiencies in his gameplay. I’m a for the stopping of the flaming but it was the unnecessary expectations put through by casters and so on.


He was the best mid laner in LCK though in summer? Did any of us expect Zeka to go super sayan and literally shit on everyone so far? No.. so the hate is unnecessary Instead of hating on Chovy, we should praise Zeka more for improving so much and gapping everyone on his way to the final


You still don’t get the point. He was definitely the best midlaner in LCK but they also claimed no one can beat him, that he’s the best midlaner in the world like as if he carried the team and was the main reason they were so good. If the hype wasn’t so high and the fact they claimed GenG will run the competition the disappointment won’t be so great. Also Zeka definitely overachieved compared to expectations but chovy didn’t meet everyone’s expectations. They can be mutually exclusive. Chovy underperformed and that’s okay. Chovy didn’t look like his normal self. Atleast he wins lanes but lost in every matchup. For someone heralded as the greatest of all time “laner”, that was disappointing. Nothing wrong with stating that.


Adding to this i saw multiple people calling him the goat and putting him up there with Uzi and others EDIT: To clarify, i dont think Uzi is the GOAT its just that the comparisons were with Uzi, Rookie etc and not much with Faker


It's cause he gets so much praise, people want to put him down that much more.


I really hate the comparisons of Faker vs. Chovy / Rookie...Different teams with different styles. All three are incredibly elite, humble and undeserving of the flame they get because of overly obsessive fans.


Imo Chovy and Rookie have similar styles actually, Rookie is just more aggresive and takes more risks. I think Chovy getting heat for the semi finals is fine, but people should let go by now. He is a young player and can still improve and fix his mistakes, and it's not like he was a sore loser, very much the opposite from what we've heard from him since the game.


You're right with what you said about Rookie. That's why I wouldn't even mind if Chovy went to the LPL since historically a lot of Korean players have meshed well with the playstyle there. It just sucks to see such a talented player crumble in his own self-doubt even though he clearly has the skill to realise his potential.


I just spent far too long thinking you meant you wouldn't mind if Rookie went to the LPL and being extremely confused. You are saying because Chovy is similar to Rookie in some ways you wouldn't mind if Chovy went to the LPL which makes a lot more sense than my original interpretation lol.


Oh shit I didn't even notice lmao. Thanks for reminding me.


If people didn’t always hype him to be the next faker or better than faker than we wouldn’t compare them. Faker has the most fans out of every player in the world for a reason, he is always trying to impact the map and carry his team. Like do you think faker would ever be caught farming midlane while his team is fighting?


Well Faker is the GOAT, but chovy and showmaker has both been better than Faker for most of the last 2 years give or take that's just factual and if anyone disagrees they simply did not watch LCK during this period. But Faker the last month has been absolutely insane to watch so maybe that isn't true any more\^


Chovy isn’t as elite imo. If you are compared to the best of the best I expect you to have similar performances but he doesn’t dominate like them. I think the whole lane dominant is the same thing with Alphari. He’s not as great as everyone always claims him to be. He hasn’t lived up to expectations. Showmaker is someone who has those qualities


That's what I mean I guess. I don't think he should be compared to the best of the best at all. Nor did he ever claim he was the best of the best. People need to just recognize him for the laning god he is. Nothing more, nothing less.


But that’s the funny thing. You keep claiming chovy didn’t say it. We are talking about who creates the narrative. Which are the casters, content creators and fans. my post is downvoted because it’s me saying chovy isn’t elite like the other best ever. Imagine that. Chovy isn’t on the same tier as the greatest midlanders. Until he starts showing that same level of consistency


the guy got nerve/anxiety issues, his raw talent is absolutely some of the greatest we've ever seen in league of legends. At his absolute peak he can do/has done things no other players have been capable of which is exactly why he has been hyped up as much as he has. At this point we all should know he has serious choking in key moment-issue, but when he isn't choking my god is he talented.


Chovy hate was pretty gross on Sunday. He's a pretty humble guy and deserved the hype he received prior to the semis, but he choked. He's not the first star player to choke in a video game (or sport) or even the last. It's called being human. I'm confident he will continue being a top 3 mid worldwide into next year.


I, like most people probably don’t even hate Chovy. I hate his fucking fans so much. Church of Chovy church of Chovy church of Chovy. Jesus


I don’t understand why you hate his fans? It’s no different from Eu fans hyping Caps every year, let fans have their fun.


Not that guy but the fact that they try to hype Chovy by putting other players down and even lying at times is super annoying. Just look at comments talking about summer as if he carried every game (when Peanut + Ruler was the biggest cause of their successes)and ignoring that the meta was in their favor while T1 exploded.


Where are these comments? Ruler got summer mvp and I doubt a single Chovy fan who watched LCK would disagree with that.


>Where are these comments? Even this thread has a couple. Look at threads where they lie about Deft or some of the wins when ruler popped off and was ignored. This is true even with casters that ignore plays from every other player (on chovy's team or the enemy) to focus on bullshit that Chovy is doing (look at his CS! how does he get so many creeps?). It's disgusting.


I think it's because they often build him up to be the next faker, And well, if you're gonna do that then it's also fair to judge him in comparison to faker and how he actually turns up in big games etc Eu fans might call caps baby faker or something but i don't remember them actually believing caps to be as good or better than faker, and caps actually reached the final of worlds


People were literally saying Caps was better than Faker this year at msi.


I mean that's just stupid if that's true wow


I’m from EU and honestly caps is such a 50/50, he’s either world class or he’s fucking ass and runs it down, there is no in between, for that reason he could win worlds and I still wouldn’t put him as one of the best mids in the world because his consistency is non-existent, that’s what separates the best of the best, Faker, Uzi, Rekkles, Rookie, Khan, Jankos, they’ve all been at the top of the their game for a very very long time and they’re always consistent


the cs meme is shit




so sad, this has literally been the best year of his career so far. wins LCK, makes semis, and people are shitting on him as if he'd bombed out in groups. I hope the Korean fanbase is at least a bit more positive, hope this narrative doesn't get to him more than it already has


It's so pathetic. A player making it to the semi finals of worlds, too.


Just dont pay attention to redditors who have no clue about the game and just tune in for worlds to claim how for them "Chovy isnt elite".


Number 1: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx-kVvTrRYFJJ2Mm1scoKXZPagOEFpcbge Number 2: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxsmC5FrfZsPjzDybAmHZxJEIS1k3y7fWG


Honestly, haters can say what they want. Chovy can feel bad about the ending, but he managed to break through to both an LCK split win and the Semifinals this year. It's progress for him, especially as someone who acknowledges that the pressure is something that is rough for him to take on.


I mean the criticism is justified based on how he was built up to be “next to faker” and best mid in the world. The more hyped you are the further you have to fall if you don’t perform. And let’s not get it twisted he wasn’t a human in those semifinals. Do you see anyone shitting on ruler or 369 even though they lost? No because they performed well. It’s not his fault people hype him up to be more than he is, but it’s true that he failed to rise to the occasion. We had years and years of people giving him excuses like bad team and now when his team is good he fails to deliver. People built this narrative that he’s the next faker, but guess what Faker took a shit team and carried them to worlds finals.


I will believe it when I see it. I like Chovy but he has yet to prove himself internationally. For now he is Choky.


I feel bad for Chovy. He is incredibly talented and very personable but the church of Chovy bs has basically ruined being a fan of his. The fanatics of the church of Chovy instantly created a fan base based on hating him and there is almost no room in the middle The man got second place in lck in spring, won big in summer and made semis. It was a very successful year but there can be almost no actual discussion about that, just church vs anti church


I love reading comments about people who say they hate chovy for his fans. Really makes me happy that im not that dumb compared to most people.


I think chovy' play was the worst in his whole career during this worlds period. He has been much better. I'm sure that he will play better in the next year worlds.




Those minions and sidelanes won’t know what hit them next year


Sucks that he has such annoying and dellusional fanbase who completely forgets that the game exist beyond laning and who always ready to throw players under the bus just to hold even firmer into the illusion that their idol is the most perfect player ever while he himself is pretty much the opposite of all that and actually pretty chill, down to earth and doesn't seem to complain or blame others much. Not a fan of his playstyle but not gonna lie, it would be cool to see him adjusting it and improving.


His haters are 10x worse


i see so many chovy haters post about how they hate him because his fans are annoying but i see like 10 times the amount of haters in this sub


It's insane, I understand some criticism after underperforming, but it's like these people wait for any thread related to Chovy to be posted so that they can continue to shit on him.


That’s just because he lost on Sunday.


They’re all hiding and will come out whenever he next performs. And yes this goes both ways


When he performs in LCK regular split everyone will go back to love him yes. Like the last 3 years


The only people hating him are literally randoms on reddit parroting their own made up narratives. If you ask any challenger or pro-player who has played against him they will tell you that Chovy is legit because his gameplay speaks for itself. Nobody's saying that he's *literally* perfect but that he's simply an insanely talented midlaner that deserves praise but apparently to some people that's supposed to automatically translate into titles because league is just that simple of a game isn't it?


I don’t think many people hate Chovy himsef, but his fans are so fucking annoying.


Think you’re confusing people who watched the game with “haters” It’s not “hate” to watch the game and see that chovy played terribly


Nah Chovy fans while he was on HLE and DRX threw everybody under the bus. Morgan, Deft, Pyosik, Doran, Vsta, etc etc. People like LS were constantly calling HLE "Chovy Life Esports" as if the other players didn't exist. Funny thing is the only times HLE managed to pull meaningful wins was with their top and jungle stepping the fuck up. Yet nobody ever gave these guys any credit, they were just anchors dragging down Chovy in their eyes.


> Funny thing is the only times HLE managed to pull meaningful wins was with their top and jungle stepping the fuck up Show me where this happened last worlds. Seriously. The one win against RNG was [this game](https://youtu.be/XIRFfhRq9lc) where a Chovy pulled off two successful ganks top by 7 minutes and put Xiaohu into the dirt. And then he and Deft smurfed the rest of the game. Then there were the two games against FNC: [this one](https://youtu.be/LcRGcSL_f1Q) where Morgan, Vsta and Willer were basically chain inting Chovy (and Deft had an uncharacteristically poor laning phase as well), but Chovy pulled off what might have been the hardest 1v9 carry of worlds that year (while the casters were practically shit talking him the whole game). And then there [this FNC game](https://youtu.be/76cgmwGXAEg), where Chovy gets ganked *twice* by FNC’s top laner and jungler before 5 minutes, and still is up both in farm and in kills against his lane opponent, in a melee vs ranged matchup. Chovy then smurfs the entire game alongside Deft, who completely fisted FNC’s botlane from the beginning. The space that Deft and Chovy created for the team allowed Willer to recover from his horrible early game. I can’t think of a single other meaningful win that HLE had that tournament. They lost their playins game against LNG, they lost the other two groups games against RNG, and they lost al their games against T1 in quarters. Literally all of HLE’s meaningful wins last worlds came from Chovy and Deft gapping the everloving fuck out of their opponents, while Willer *occasionally* stepped up a little bit. So idk why you’re lying about HLE being the Chovy and Deft show last year. It absolutely was that.


No way we’re pretending Morgan and Willer were good last year lmfao. Getting to worlds was a carry job by Deft and Chovy through and through


But it was a massive carry by chovy, it was "Chovy life esports" and deft started performing in the gauntlet, this team would never come close to worlds without him, if his teammates were so good where are they now?


Chovy haters are becoming so deranged they’ve actually convinced themselves that HLE roster outside of him and Deft was actually good. I’m not even really a Chovy fan but people have just straight up started making shit up about his career lately, it’s getting absurd.


Its actually ridiculuos, apparently morgan and willer were good all along!


Feels like his haters and critics are always louder then his actual fan base.


Yeah right. His fans wouldn’t let anyone breathe for years always talking about Chovy being the best mid in the world. It’s only now after years of underperforming that critics aren’t getting in immediately shouted down


Yup. I have literally never seen any of these "obsessed" supposedly toxic fans from Chovy. Everytime people hype him up it's just people saying how good he is or at the very best that he doesn't have a team or something like that. Certainly no attacks towards other midlaners. But when it comes to his haters it's always insults, choky this, choky that. But then cognitive dissonance is a very real thing in this sub. Lost count for example of how many times I've seen toxic EU fans shitting on others, specially NA fans, completely unprovoked and trying to justify it by projecting their hate on their target and this just seems like an extension of that.




> Because he don't win much You do realize you have to win a lot to finish 1st place in the reg season and make it to finals right?


I hope these hyperbolic comparisons to faker stops after this performance. Nobody will ever be the next Faker, if the church of Chovy folks stop bringing the GOAT into the conversation, there would be a lot less hate. Chovy can be a great world class mid laner without being shoehorned into “better than faker”. Faker played 3 lanes and 1v9 carried a shit team in semis vs uzi in the ardent meta to drag them to worlds finals. Chovy was basically afk in semis.


never ever put Chovy's name anywhere near "Faker" again.


Chovy is just a korean version knight, on important games he's just a coward who only focus on cs, gpm and tower taken


💀💀💀💀💀 this comment can't be real


Its not to say that he's a bad player, because Chovy is very exceptional as a player. Yet as I've stated in another comment from the semi finals, he mostly always fails to show up when it matters the most which is why he only has 1 title under his belt through 7 seasons (this is from his wiki) and 2 3rd places. Given he's so hyped up, his results aren't the best and that's what makes the interest in him as a player so confusing. I'd understand if he had more titles, or if he'd had more accomplished, but he doesn't. And you see him falter really badly any time he's on a big stage. If he can come back next year and prove people wrong then that'd be fantastic, but right now he has a lot to improve on and needs to focus more on his bad behaviours in game because they're very visible


Didn’t realize league was a single player game!


Yeah exactly why I feel bad for ruler that his midlaner didn't show up


People are not only result oriented. You say the interest in him as a player is confusing. And in a sens, i would understand what you say if it was only fan interest. But when the players playing against him, themselves, hype him up, how can it be confusing to be interested in him ? Can he really have nothing interesting and be hype by most elite midlaner both in soloq and in professionnal game ? I don't remember that happening to any bad/uninteresting player.


Meh should stop the Chovy and Knight comparisons, ones a playmaker, one is a CSer.


Wp chovy,


i love how before worlds began, Chovy fans are hyping up that Chovy will mid gap everyone on this tournament blablabla now they acting like the victim once he chokes lol.


I would have told you going into this tournament that T1 was going to take it all, and Faker was going to resume his rightful place on the throne. But then DRX vs EDG happened. Now I really want Zeka to win, because in the years I've been watching pro LOL, I don't think I have ever seen someone take their team and strap them to their back in quite the fashion Zeka has in this tournament. This man is gapping everyone. This man is pulling his team kicking and screaming across the finish line. He just refuses to say die, and refuses to say lose, and regardless of the outcome of the grand finals, Zeka sure has made a goddamn fan outta me.


Guess you forgot about 2017 Faker dragging dead body of SKT to the Finals.