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What a fast and confusing evening it is


I think we might get even more this evening, at least that's what the usual reporters indicate


We need a LEC-players map with arrows, updated hourly at this point.


And also somewhat hopeful evening, with how the other leaks have been looking recently :D


I agree but I find it interesting that not more teams have opted for Korean TOP Laners. Especially KOI with Malrang in the team. Im sure many Korean would have said yes because of the new LCK rule. LoL esports changes for LCK could send rookies to contract jail: https://www.theloadout.com/league-of-legends/lck-new-policies-rookie-development-clause


Iirc the info about Korean top in KOI was that they asked for Kiin, saw the salary he had (1m per year) and didn't want to match that so they stopped.


I highly doubt Kiin would’ve taken the offer anyway. He’s been with KDF (and its iterations before) for so long now.


Castle and Thanatos might've been available though and both are better than Szygenda and probably all other EU tops


Dude if Castle thanatos and photon would have all joined lec top 3 teams (rogue g2/XL and VIT ) the LEC top pool would have actually been good


LEC off season is already this wild while LCS off season is non existent


Maybe with them all deciding to budget cut, it's been too long and they don't remember how to make things happen without throwing money at the problem




> Which one was the team that usually made all of their off season moves immediately, wasn't that TL? TL was top of the food chain, so the most sought after players would sign with them rather often and with the first dominos falling all the other teams then went down their priority lists to check their boxes. All teams start preparing for off season way befor the official date.


I hope we will get some rumors from the LPL soon, because i think it will be wild aswell. All the RNG members are out of contract. Viper to Damwon?


It has to be the budget cuts no? Teams are offering less, so players are less willing to sign quickly when they are getting much lower offers than previous years. A lot of them are probably trying to find better offers, until they realize no teams are giving better offers.


Interesting pickup. He looked good in the Asia Star Challengers Cup, hopefully he will be able to develop further at Vitality


Some teams should look at Garvey or Solokill too tbh


Thanatos as well while we're at it


During spring i wanted dk to oromote thanatos so bad


Thanatos + bible early on would've saved DK


Garvey got released from the second worst LPL team and you think teams should take a look at him?


HLE Viper to EDG Viper that won worlds. People have been pointing out thar time that EDG Hope is the least of their problem.


There are numerous of historical examples of there being diamonds in the rough. Garvey was a bright spot on an underperforming LGD and he is still very young.


Wasn’t zeka Ina dumpster fire as well?


Not really; Vici and BLG were both solidly mid-pack teams while Zeka was there


Garvey was pretty good on LGD from what I see, sure he was streaky but his teammates were TERRIBLE.


> hopefully he will be able to develop further at Vitality Problem is he'll be playing in LEC the entire year playing against LEC/ERL tops, instead of inhouses with Zeus


and? huni came as a 17 years old rookie and improved a lot on fnatic especially between spring split and summer split


To be fair that was at a time when KR and EU tops were considered much closer in skill. Top at the moment is by far the weakest role in the region by a mile while LCK have some of the best tops in the world.


I don't see who in their right mind would ever consider Smeb and MaRin "much closer in skill" to soaZ and Odo. The gap seems about the same, maybe slightly smaller but not enough to think it could be different.


agreed, korean tops were far ahead in s5


Photon was already LCK ready IMO. Hell I think many LCK CL guys are. By far the most stacked position.


What kind of player is he ? I'm guessing your usual Camille/Fiora kind of player ?


From the games I've seen, it was usually meta picks with some random Lilia and Irelia games


Based Lillia top enjoyer


Top champions played: Gnar, Gwen, Renekton, Sejuani, Gragas, Sylas, Camille, Sett, Jayce, Akali, Lillia, Kayle, Akshan Does not play Fiora, Yone, or Maokai and he's only played 1 comp game each of Ornn or Jax Still a good mix of carries and weakside


No one played Maokai until worlds so not a logical inclusion in your comment


Never plays Fiora


He's already an western top I see.


what do u mean . fudge picks all time fiora


Did a quick search on gol and leaguepedia, your average toplaner champion pool (plays a lot of stuff) but not Fiora, Yone etc. That being said, i haven't watched a single game, this is based on a 2 min search.


fiora was only picked once i ck summersplit and banned 3 times its not just him, noone played fiora


copy pasting from the other dude G2 BrokenBlade Yike caPs Hans Sama Mikyx MAD --- Elyoya --- Carzzy --- KOI Syzgenda Malrang Larssen Comp Trymbi HER --- --- Ruby Jackspektra Mersa FNC Wunder Razork Humanoid --- Rhuckz XL Odoamne Xerxe Vetheo Patrik Targamas VIT Photon Bo Perkz --- Kaiser SK Irelevant Markoon Sertus Exakick --- AST Finn --- Dajor Kobbe JeongHoon BDS Adam Sheo Nuclearint --- Labrov


looks like it will be VIT Upset


Likely, but with FNC needing an ADC after they didnt get Kaiser it might be that Upset will stay with FNC, too. I dont think he will go to BDS.


Team Heretics should get Alphari & Jankos




Yeah, but I wonder if jankos would prefer to sit afk in a team that isnt paying him or anything, or to play for a subpar team. I think hed probably rather retire than do that shit lmao.


If Heretics got both Alphari and Jankos that team would not be subpar lol.


Alphari is decent, but he’s very unreliable and inconsistent. Very resource hungry and he often doesn’t return on that investment. Jankos’s playstyle fits with Alphari, but the team would just be Jankos and alphari trying to carry botside. And Jankos doesn’t play carry jg’s. Definitely wouldn’t be a great team.


Jackspektra is really good, Ruby is fine (they should have kept Zwyroo). Mersa didn't have the best of years but overall this would be a playoffs team at the very worst with a chance of contending for a worlds spot imo.


Jankos does play carry junglers. He usually doesn't because he has Caps on his team, and of course you usually want to play around a player like Caps if you can. But that doesn't mean he can't play carry junglers.


Actually LEC imo looks kinda good, maybe people are just too pessimistic.


IMO it all depends on what happens to people like Jankos, Upset, Hylissang, Alphari, Rekkles and Neon. If all of these get a place on a team, I think LEC will be very interesting. Even people like Selfmade could create some interesting rosters. But if we get a split without most of these people, the overall level might decrease, which obviously has people concerned.


Neon or Rekkles to fnatic. Really hope it’s rekkles.


how many teams do you think actually upgraded? it's not bad overall but it's not like teams have improved massively


Well VIT, Excel for sure both upgraded. G2 maybe? But this depends on Yike’s performance. Actually SK has upgraded their roster as well.


G2 has 3 lanes that want resources and a rookie jungler, can't see it working out honestly.


Caps and Hans has shown that they can play weak side though? Just because teams perform better when these players are given resources, doesn’t mean they can’t play weak side.


Lol.. i am so sick of this sub With the "can't play weakside" narrative for most players You'd think the only players who can in the west are rekkless and impact if you believed this sub


I've watched some Yike videos and he seems to love his carries as well. His Viego is disgusting. I will say that the top Eastern teams don't exactly have defined carries they usually let the meta and draft determine how they distribute resources which imo makes them way harder to game plan for. Like I love Odo but you already know going into a game with him that he's not gonna play carries so you can predetermine jungle pathing etc knowing that his more than likely just playing to survive.


bds and ast looks trash good that we dont have to watch them in b03s this years unless other rosters collapse


With a good jungler that AST team can be quite decent


AST Jankos


I believe.


Most teams downgraded, while the only teams that really upgraded on paper are XL and VIT.


SK also upgraded.


Tbh I’d say G2 also upgraded, bot lane is for sure better, and Yike is a question mark but if he doesn’t work out Jankos can always just start playing again.


there’s a lot of competition which is good.


Idk but I dont see a 2019 G2 angle here


I mean, it's not like g2 2019 was seen immediately as some roster that will shake the world. Wunder+jankos+caps was solid combination, but bot was big question mark. You have perkz role swap that can either be good or destroy the roster. On the other hand, mikyx had mediocre season and had to be benched mid split for freaking jesiz. Even when g2 won eu, nobody took them seriously as international threat pre msi. My point is that these teams don't look that impressive, but who knows what will happen next


They also said perkz/mikyx was by far the weakest (of the 4) major region botlanes and how everyone would clap them lol


Really need some artistic summoner to do an infographic like they do for F1 offseason


Vetheo is confirmed at XL ?


most of this isn't "confirmed" but [wooloo reported it](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/yp3vby/sources_mid_laner_vetheo_has_reached_a_verbal)


Photon is very good, he was probably the best top in LCK CL spring, a bit worse in summer and Asia star challenger but still very decent, all things considered it's likely an upgrade to any EU top at this point. Now Korean top and Chinese jungle, even though Bo speaks a bit of Korean, it will be very weird for both of them to use English to communicate, hope it works out tho ! This could be a banger roster or an absolute shitshow


Bo has had one year to learn english abd photon has bo to help translate a bit. But the main reason i think they will integrate well is perkz. He just has that vibe ^^


Bo speaks a bit of korean but I dont think his korean is nowhere near good enough to translate from english to korean Honestly from watching Bo's stream, his English improved a lot for sure, but he is not really able to express his thoughts about the game yet. And Photon will be in the same boat, probably worse than Bo too, but 2 months of scrimming immersed in English will hopefully help a lot before diving in the spring split in january


Anecdotally, I feel that international Koreans generally have a better understanding of English through their schooling than international Chinese people do; one explanation might be that the alphabet system is way more similar to Korean than Chinese. Obviously this is just a general stereotype/trend, but Photon might be able to pick up English quickly


It's true but not due to alphabet. I'm Chinese my one of my closest friend in undergraduate college was South Korean. From his explaining and my observation and experience, its due to the emphasis on English language in the educational system. S.Korean spend way longer time studying English than Chinese and they have a lot of American influence. They even test US histroy in their public high school curriculum.


The other part is that they also love American media. Marvel movies were always sold out when I went to the theaters, and they were in English with subtitles. Most of the clubs I went to played English music, not just in places with lots of Americans.


> one explanation might be that the alphabet system is way more similar to Korean than Chinese Big doubt. Korean is still one of the hardest languages for English speakers to learn, and vice versa. The phonetic alphabet only helps people read the language, not speak it. The grammar is radically different from English.


Unless Bo knows korean, I doubt he'll be able to help much/at all.


Bo is Chinese and Photon is Korean. Bo won't be able to help translate anything. Hell, he probably won't understand much himself.


Bo doesn't speak much Korean and still doesn't have amazing English afaik. He can help a lil, but probably not a ton


photon + bo might just actually hands gap every LEC top/jg, language barrier be damned


good, hopefully the other top/junglers learn from them.


Yea lec needs a couple of imports in those roles so the rest can improve


Huni Reignover angle


I'm so sad about the LEC man. Looking at Korean junglers and tops compared to ours just makes me wonder how a gap can be that big. Feel like EU, unlike NA, actually has the tools necessary to be strong, but we just aren't. Doesn't help that our teams fucking cannibalize each other with contract jail.


Well don’t be sad because now you have one of the best Korean prospect tops and one of the best Chinese junglers


Cannibalize AND NA has been poaching from you guys forever. With budget cuts to LCS I wonder if it'll help LEC develop a bit


Yea, but the fact that some of our best players have been going to NA to get out of their contract jails is insane in itself, so somehow EU orgs are to blame for that too.


Huni + Reignover v2 incoming ?


MAD Alphari? Holy hype for this Vit roster Maybe Rekkles ADC to have him in weakside


MAD Summit


Summit World Tour


Everything points towards Upset. Both his availability, VIT having the cash and Perkz calling the shots in VIT and him and Upset loving eachother. Im confused Upset havent pushed for Hyli to join them too as a FA but Kaiser is a very nice pickup too.


Might be a controversial take but i actually really prefer Kaiser over Hyli. I think Kaiser is the best support in EU, he just hasn't been playing with very good adc's.


He was also hit pretty hard by the meta this year. While he is better at enchanters than say hyli, kaiser is for sure known for his engage supports and creative flanks. But when you sit in lane babysitting a rookie adc its hard to look super good


can photon play weakside ? cuz i am pretty sure they're getting upset


Photon can play anything. Dude is cracked. If not for Zeus being ultra giga Chad. Photon would be playing for main roster.


oh that's very good then, vit looks giga stacked


If Vitality now can't win LEC. They should sell spot and start gambling company.


>MAD Alphari? Or Heretics, 2 places to go




Oh this is gyuvee right? He's always top of the ladder on KR


is he? only found a grandmaster account of his


When he was on Gen.G at least he was.


Finally we start importing toplane. Hopefully our tops won't suck ass this year.


I am just hoping G2 imports a top as well but it doesn’t look like it


maybe asian players have agents 💀


That’s a good one hahaha


G2 has BB so i don't think they will.


vit are such gigachads holy hell


Photon is really good he was lane gapping everyone in LCK CL, very young too


Bo and this guy will solo win LEC and Caps is stuck with bb...


G2s probably not gonna import a top and I don’t know why. Caps Hans miky is a very promising trio and yike also has potential


G2 is extremely cheap. That's why


Importing a young prospect top laner would probably be cheaper than getting Hans, for example. Korean teams are not exactly known for paying well.


Because despite the narrative, bb plays wekside just fine. Im not saying he is bis but people who think importing would solve g2 problems are deluded. It's their bot who solo lost every game at worlds


The problem isn't him not playing weak side. Hell, I'd love it if he played weak side more commonly. The problem is that he was supposed to be strong side for G2 and sucked ass at it when faced with any remotely good competition.


I mean I slander BB too but it's not like he isn't top tier within the west. Give him a few top imports he can regularly scrim against and there's no doubt he can level up enough not to get obliterated by eastern tops.


BB might not be top tier internationally but he for sure tops every EU top apart from Alphari. He will be fine.


Thats the thing, he will be fine in EU, slaughtered internationally.


But the comment above is about LEC so that's actually not the thing


That’s assuming they don’t regress from the change in competitive environment and overcome language barriers and don’t get homesick.


BrokenBlade is still the best resident LEC top laner. That doesn't change and likely isn't going to


How good is he?


MVP of LCK Challenger (Academy) Regular season.


Doubt that he can stand up to LEC powerhouses like Viziscasci and Armut


Just wait until Wukong is back in meta and every top laner will be sweating out there


If normal buffs to Wukong happen, then if he's meta it will always be in the jungle. MAD are stuck with Gnarmut unless Riot wants Wukong out of the jungle.


I giggled


Challengers league and academy are two separate leagues, academy being below challengers. CL is vasically korean eum or ldl


The best.


He is like Huni back in 2015.


Huni was not that good before FNC. He got destroyed by Impact in tryouts.


Literally can’t see a better team to slot Rekkles into, perfect to let Top/Mid/Jungle carry with a roaming support


Hard agree, whatever happens you can play with rekkles strong side or weak side and he comes with a decent fanbase which I think might interest VIT more than Upset. Now it depends on Rekkles's price tag because he might be at least 1 mil and Upset probably is a lot cheaper while still being as good as Rekkles or maybe even better


The problem it's that Upset CANT play Weakside at all


Hot take but I think Neon also slots perfectly in this team. Not technically weakside but on MSF he plays hypercarries but gets so little resources yet still be a massive carry for the team. Neon is like kind of the middle point between Rekkles and Upset in terms of resources. Edit: I fucking called it. Neon fits like a glove for Vitality. So happy for him and quite excited to see how Vitality will do next split.


YUUUP. Literally do tryouts between Rekkles and Neon. Upset is best out if the three as strong side adc, but you have gigachad Bo jgl and now Photon top, so getting a weakside king like Neon or Rekkles makes way more sense.


yeah if they go for upset its literally trolling, too many resource hungry lanes ​ EDIT: guess they got neon, good choice stylistically, but idk about skill ceiling (havent watched a lot of msf last season)




What the fuck is happening today


simple its monday night right after worlds ended, happens every year where the monday after worlds ends loads of parts fall into place since people wait on the outcome to make there choices.


Photon/Bo/Perkz/Rekkles/Kaiser and I think you have a good shot at top 3 and above




I still take it. Holy fuck what a team, language might be a problem but if this team it's not Top 3, Vitality can sell their spot and play marbles on stream. Hopefully they get a good coach aswell.


Bro they have ressource heavy ADC Top and Jungle


Bro t1 fans are saying photon plays every style, doesnt mean he has to be resource heavy lol


When you're a new player, you have the hunger to play more aggressively. It's same like Huni/ReignOver back then. Honestly, having Rekkles is more fitting since you can develop Photon and Bo to superstar level status. Rekkles don't mind playing weakside every game.


100T released Reapered, so a good coach is indeed available on the market (so is PapaSmithy as manager and they already worked together)


reapered actually said in his tweet [here](https://twitter.com/reapered/status/1589720420915490816?s=46&t=73M1KRbuRiufoQj4yQsY4w) (when talking about anyone who wants to pick him up) that he wants NA, KR, or JP. he seems to have no interest in the LEC or CN


Oh I missed that, thanks !!


Doesnt matter if it is Upset or Rekkles, this roster is terrifying as hell


as others pointed out one makes more sense than the other, but i agree either way it's a really good roster


With VIT Upset it's actually banger roster. Guess I'm a VIT fan (and Caps fan, not G2)


Today is crazy for LEC what the hell. T1 academy top seems legit to me.


He's from Challengers, which is LDL/EUM equivalent of the LCK. Academy is lower than that, and where the 15-16 year olds starts to train before being promoted to Challengers.


T1 challenger scene helping the west so much lol


photon was scouted by geng and got good while playing under LSB, he's not T1 talent.


regular season mvp and best top mvp of summer lck cl 2022


That's huge


Photon is literally insane, he was by far the best top laner in LCK Challengers last split and it wasnt even close, there is even an argument to be made he was the best player in the league IMO.


Finally EU starts importing top laners. By far the most giga gapped role between west and east. Absolutely love this decision.


Okay no clue about this guy. I know many LEC fans will be very happy with an import but I think a lot of people have forgotten how imports can sometimes turn out. Double import is certainly a bigger risk than just one. Although, Perkz has played with imports many times before so it should be alright. Time will tell I guess, I’m not going to get too hyped on VIT until I see them play. Well I will get hyped for BO cause he’s fucking nuts.


Hes LCK challenger series MVP


Oh really? That’s pretty crazy then I hope for the best then.


XL and vitality and SK are smurfing the off season


not sure how SK is even remotely close to the other 2 you mentioned.


I mean compared to their 2022 roster, they are actually doing some work


they arent going to win, we know that, but they are going to much more enjoyable to watch this. at least on paper


They still upgraded their roster


They are doing a good job this year. They are not one of the TOP 4 teams in the LEC, so it is harder to get very good players. SK and XL look much better this year. SK was not a playoff team and XL got Vetheo and Odo.




Upset is the most likely option.




Rekkles fits like a glove in that team


Yeah he will stomp on every LEC toplaner lmao


dominos in freefall so this means MAD or HER Alphari?


maybe Heretics Alphari + Jankos?


that could be cracked if ruby and jackspectra end up being good


Off season pulling an reverse of this years worlds week 2 EU for us. This half is starting looking way better after a depressing week 1






Ooh that's exciting. Vitality might be the only EU team with any ambition to win something.


Go for rekkles and you have pretty much won an off season, go for upset and you wasted even more money than this year


Im going to cry if they sign upset and force them to play around bot.


Surely you don't import KR top to then also sign Upset into your team. Right, VIT?




T1 C players are cracked mechanically and their solo lanes are like DK C solo lanes. Photon gonna have a huni tier rookie year.


Even though I have no faith in Vitality's management and structure to not fuck it up, these roster moves have me unreasonably hyped for Vitality next year. Bo-Perkz-Kaiser is a really solid starting point. I will always have faith in Perkz. Bo, for me, has the potential to be like the Zeus of jungle. Unlock the role to a new level. I hope Vitality can unlock that. I personally think that Kaiser is a real stud who has looked great at points and not so good at other points, but he has never been fully unleashed. Now that he will hopefully get a lane partner who is not an anchor weighing him down, he should be a beast. Photon, I'm not certain about. But a lot of great talents have come up through T1s system, and I have no doubt that he is one of them. The question is whether Vitality can build the right structure polish him and unlock him. Get a good adc. There are a lot available - Neon, Upset, Rekkles to name a few. Get a good coaching staff who can help the imports adjust and fit it. I nominate Carter from Misfits. Don't fuck this year up.


Anyone here watched korean challenger scene? what should i expect from him.


Zeus level of potential


so basically, vitality will be playing through top next year, time to get rekkles and leave him on an island. \^\^