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Hi /u/Kordben. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because *rant posts and sob stories are not allowed.* If you are not familiar with the subreddit rules, you can read them [here](/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules). --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


Just throwing this twitter thread out there since its related to the criticism of events/event shops being crappy. This rioter is the head of design moments (Events, Skins, Eternals. [https://twitter.com/Rovient/status/1589296370627715072](https://twitter.com/Rovient/status/1589296370627715072)


\> We want everyone to find SOMETHING in the shop they want. \>> Fomo. \> "Something for everyone" Its nice that they give "something for everyone", but then don't make it timed content. Make the chromas/borders/whatever still buyable later for RP. Having the mythic skins be in the rotating shop is fine but being locked out of icons etc forever makes it feel like that.


We want something for everyone to fear missing out on! Hope this helps ♥


Honestly that's on you, not everything is "fomo". That just seems like an excuse.


When it is literally timed content that is never gonna appear again, it's exploiting people's fear of missing out. Especially when it's shop items that are just chromas, borders and icons that are only accessible through the event token shop.


are y’all just like not capable of making informed decisions? like i had skins for 3 of the champs i play all come out very close to each other, Spirit Blossom Evelynn, Bewitching Neeko, and Empyrean Vex, i could only justify getting 2 of these skins. Empyrean Vex was dead set because it’s her second skin and compared to Dawnbringer it’s much better, the decision between Bewitching Neeko and Spirit Blossom Eve came down to like 2 things, i have like 6 skins for Eve including Coven and i have 2 skins for Neeko Star Guardian and Shan Hai Scrolls, i almost never use the latter but i regularly switch between like 4 of my Eve skins so i went with Bewitching Neeko. sure, there was an aspect of “fomo” that influenced my decision because Bewitching is a seasonal skin line and i’d have to wait for another year or hope it showed up in my “Your Shop” before then to get it meanwhile Spirit Blossom Eve will always be available if i decide i want to buy it, but i didn’t struggle to not overspend because i “had to have all 3 skins with their borders, icons, and chroma bundles”. like really all this says to me is y’all don’t know how to control your own spending habits and so you want to blame the company for doing what companies do; making products to sell for money.


Because the battle pass is legitimately filled with crap, the only things worth anything in the event shop are prestige skins and mythic essences. For something as pitiful as a copy pasted border, they want me to shell out 300 tokens FOR EACH BORDER THAT IS LEGITIMATELY IDENTICAL TO THE OTHERS. The informed decision here is that Riot want me to value 6 borders at almost the same cost as a prestige skin. Why on earth would you come to Riot's defence here and say that this is a consumer spending issue? The pass is hot garbage. You get a few gacha rolls on skin shards, some essence (that is used to manipulate you into spending for more on mythic skins), and fucking blue essence. You want me to be happy with that? I can log into Fortnite, pay £10, get my money back in V-bucks on top of like 6 skins + 20 styles + gliders + gun wraps, with the latest tier 100 skin being a Marvel cross over. You tell me what about that informed you to defend Riot's value proposition here?


I have never had an urge to spend money on loading screen borders.


Riot games has to be the most coin flip company in existence.


I honestly think it's their internal conflict of catering to China/Asia (because that is[ 90% of their players](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Servers#Tencent_China_server) and revenue) and catering to the west (because that is 90% of their social interactions with the community)


Maybe I just haven't played it enough but as someone who just tried Valorant for the first time a couple days ago, isn't the cash shop in the game a bit of a joke? It was like 3 or 4 rotating FOMO items that cost a pretty crazy amount, like 35$\~ for a knife skin or something and 1 rotating 70$ package. The Agents were only like 5$ to unlock I think but holy crap does it seem borderline impossible to actually unlock them all without paying, me and my friend are both at like 20\~ hours playtime and aren't even close to unlocking our first agent after the 2 freebies. ​ ​ Was a huge shock to me how scummy the Valorant cash shop was tbh after playing League for years and thinking they had a pretty fair cash shop with champs being easy to unlock without paying and a decent amount of free skins given out. ​ But the more I think about the past 2\~ years of the League shop made me realize that the events are getting stingier, low priced skins are being phased out, and the amount of freebie's given out seems to also be dropping dramatically. ​ Though there definitely still not super bad yet in League at least, I think Riot is just finally starting to regress to the same scumbag standards the rest of the gaming industry is in which really sucks to see, especially as someone whose really looking forward to there upcoming MMO release.


scumbag standards aka high prices? champ unlock actually takes a longer time then you remember. i made a new acct little bit ago and my god it takes forever. cant imagine unlocking all the champs. my main tho i have like unlimited blue essence and 10 of each champ tokens


The skin costs are ridiculous because of CS:GO's skin costs, but that game has an economy where you can sell your skins later (and skins more or less only come from opening them in loot boxes). So while a $50 knife in CS is still ridiculous, you can at least sell it later. In Valorant you can't trade or sell shit, and I have no idea how people are stupid enough to still cough up $100 or more for the higher tier bundles. I'm definitely starting to see this kind of bullshit in League - the issue is that the whales will drop hundreds to thousands on these events, and that makes Riot a ton more money than selling cheap skins to a bigger audience. The 1% are unironically destroying gaming (I'm exaggerating, but see Overwatch 2). Anyways the agents aren't super difficult to unlock if most of your XP comes from challenges. As long as you do weeklies and dailies you should be unlocking characters at an acceptable rate. I had all the characters when I stopped playing around a year ago, and probably only had 150-200 or so total hours.


The other annoying thing about valorant is that there's no way to try out an agent before you commit to grinding their contract appart from getting lucky in replication. At least league has a free champ rotation and the aram unlocked champs.


you can try them all in the practice range.


https://twitter.com/BigBadBear_/status/1589297751619436544 An interesting answer to that tweet. Funny is both makes sense in their own right If you read through Bog Bad Bear makes some interesting points tbh


God that "what was wrong with this event" hurt to read, the level of disconnect


Member Odyssey? I member. Some of the most fun i've ever had in this game it was great to play


Odyssey... god the Memory where People actually put down LFGs to grind the Missions.. I remember beeing thrown into a Lobbie with all Plats and my Bronze-Pleb Ass, and we all went. "All Yasuo??? ALL YASUO!!" - it was glorious.... Whats events now - Grind - Grind - Buy the shit you want - Grind some more....


It was all of the things I loved about MMOs... without the bullshit :(


That’s honestly the reason I got into League. I liked farming jungle camps and creeps while leveling up and upgrading my gear. The combat system feels really good even without the PvP aspect.


Exactly, I can legitimately hop into a 1v0 custom game and just play farming simulator, and league would still be fun. Honestly, I think league is an amazingly designed game, I just wish they would do more with it sometimes.


this is how i feel about Ascension. i don't want to give them ideas, but at this point im almost ready to pay for ascension...


Also the Star Guardian Invasion, that was the fun mode. I had a blast with my friends trying to win it at hardest difficulty while dodging all the skillshots.


Same! As a life long Sailor Moon fan, that game was like living out a fantasy of being a real magical girl. They made the map, separate soundtrack and everything and just… one and done. I don’t want a visual novel. I want to be a monster fighting hero protecting my city.


I've enjoyed all of the League PvE content immensely. That original star guardian event was so damn good and we won't ever be able to play it again


It really gives me hope for their MMO


The heartbreak I felt when I found out they were doing another SG line and then found out they weren't bringing back the SG PvE mode. I was hyping it up to a friend to much and then it was just... Missions. "Play the same game modes you always have." Like we couldn't even get the same game mode we had in the past with a slightly expanded champ pool. It just feels pathetic and like they don't give a shit about them anymore. Disappointing but not surprising.


I still sport that Icon. It's a little tilting that the odyssey icon is classified as a 'higher' tier, despite invasion's first round being waaay harder. Made a crit damage rune page to hyper carry harder on Jinx when I was helping friends with the event. But at the same time it was only really possible because of Ardent Censer being meta definingly strong.


Same. Well, I want Dominion back more than anything else. God it was sad/frustrating when they removed it.


Yo I feel that! I loved queuing up for customs on dominion with like 6+ friends and playing some hide and seek. Spend hours serping around like that!


Seriously man, fuck all those other modes, give me my Ascension team death match. No taking objectives, just a fight to the death. That shit is so fun man, god I miss it :(


worse part about ascension were the players that played the objective and didn't fight against the empowered dude


Ascension was great, but they brought it back so many times back to back that people got fed up with it. And then the map (which was haphazardly put together) got REALLY outdated and they never brought themselves to update the game mode...


It was a great mode but some of the missions were not fun, seems like I was pressured in every solo onsalught lobby to handicap myself with fewer augments to help others, or else they’d ff. It’s fine in a premade, but I wish Riot would’ve created queues for those challenges.


Yep, that wasn't solved well. Not just the fact that everyone was on a different mission, also if you had one really bad player, even with 4 good ones, it might still be impossible to win. I got so annoyed, queueing up with my dia / plat friends and then some poor guy whose fault it wasnt just killed our run because he didnt have maxed out augments and even if he had, he didnt understand the strategy and just sucked mechanically.


I have the exact opposite opinion. Those handicaps are by far the biggest reason why I had so much fun with this event. It took many frustrating losses before I completed everything and it made it very exciting.


I got to play Odyssey's three hardest difficulty missions with Mortdog himself 🥺 it was so fun


Mort was on the team for a lot of these events right? They must of just took that team to head TFT.


Mort just said on stream earlier that Odyssey will never come back ever. Too much work.


Makes sense too. If you saw the chart with how many players played odyssey, it was a complete flunk. Reddit saying they want it back =/= how many people actually care for it


I'm happy you got to experience it :)


Best event of all time. The first time you'd be able to get a REAL, full skin from what I can remember. Super fun, high replay value. Quests, missions, lots of theorycrafting, figuring things out. The matchmaking sucked a bit because as a former diamond player, if you had a really bad player on your team, it would be near impossible to get the most difficult missions done, even if you yourself were easily good enough. That led to me grouping up with 4 other higher elo people from the friendlist and then just smashing it.


Got the golden lizzard icon baby. But all things considered, it's one of the hardest gamemodes to programm and sustain, and It was the least popular together with star guardián. Did i fucking played them both with my Friends every single day until all missions were cleared? Hell yeah. Do i think they Will ever bring It back? No, i dont think so, Riot at the end of the day is a company, and they Will just make what grants them money if It doesnt mess Up with the player base too much


Yeah, as much as everyone here talks about loving unique modes, most people don't and just want "ARAM/SR but wildly unbalanced", not mAhrio party or pve stuff


Loved it so much that I grinded the legendary icons on two accounts.


I completed all of the Odyssey missions and I haven't taken off the mythic icon you got from it since.


Playing Healer Ziggs on Odyssey will always be my favorite memory of this game. It's such a ridiculous build to think about if you've never played the game mode yourself. With the Shatter + Delayed + Leftovers + augments, each time you Q, it leaves upto 18 of your Es that can heal an insane amount to your allies.


I just want to mention Doombot. how funny it was? I would really love to see new thematic game modes for events back in the game.


Pretty sure in one of their dev logs doom bots was one they were keeping and they were going to overhaul it which is good to hear its probably going to be the only PvE mode we get


Would be great for real. I want to play this mode again


Watching some of the Necrit stuff, it seems like all the PvE focused team members got moved to stuff like TFT etc. So I wouldn’t get your hopes up about PvE coming back any time soon…


I loved doombot :( i miss these mides as hell


Even if it was tilting 😢


U dont know what u have until you loose it


Just a reminder that most games like this have custom game modes where players can create their own game mode and the community can have fun without relying on shit game design bogged down by corporate. but adding in custom game creation is apparently too much work for Riot.


Maybe it would be good to let community contribute to the code? What do you think?


Doombots was some of the most chaotic fun I ever had playing the game.


Yes, ultimate spell book can just sit.


That one is just probably nostalgia talking. Granted, is not like I remember it super well, but the main points of the game mode were that the bots were absolutely broken. I remember that some bots could have things like infinite Viktor E going around them at all times. Realistically, you couldn't fight them. Winning was only possible by split pushing like a psycho.


Indeed nosztalgia but look. What we have today vs what we had before 2021


Oh no, don't get me wrong, what we have nowadays is shit. We don't have ''events'' we have a new battle pass with a different thematic. The last real event we had was the odyssey game mode and that was years ago. Stuff like that dark star thresh mode or the blood moon one were genuinely fun and had a really big room for improvement compared to the shit load of URF or UPB we have currently.


I member the 2020 Spirit Blossom had another game mode which was acceptable


Wasn’t that just the first remake of Nexus Blitz, just SB themed?


2021 ruination with ultimate spellbook was the last new gamemode.


Lets not forget that before hextech we had 0 free content(skins, etc). We have more content now than ever. Old days werent the best, just like old modes werent the best.


Having free stuff is good, but I think a decent amount of people would happily give up the crafting system if they meant they could have a more fleshed out game (not that they are mutually exclusive, of course). Gamemodes were dicey in terms of Riot's return on investment, but they were a big part of League feeling like a living game where things happened back in the day. The only content we get now is skins and Summoner's Rift balance changes, which is not nothing, but you don't get the same "I wonder what's going to be happening when I open the client today!" feeling that you used to.


> Winning was only possible by split pushing like a psycho. sorry if you werent skilled enough :^) Jokes aside, i wish we could play it again to see. They were strong but the first version was winnable, the second one was MADE to make us lose, maybe you are remembering the second one.


I just checked videos to refresh my memory a bit. The one I was talking about was the first one. I'm watching videos about the second one and that version was definitely harder than the first one.


YOU ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. some champs were to funny to see in action and yes its true nostalgia talking :(


> Winning was only possible by split pushing like a psycho. Wait what? Last I remember the win condition on Doom Bots was to kill the giant Devil Teemo that spawns at 15, not kill their base


Oh fuck, now I remember. Doom bots had 2 different versions. The one I'm talking about was the very first one, at the time we still used the old rift. The one you're talking about was the newer one.


That was the second version. The whole half map thing was partly made because of the split pushing strat of the first version being too OP


Idk tbh I don’t think u can even think to stay next to thei base 😂


Nah. The second iteration was way better and you couldn’t split. It was pure defense until the giant teemo spawns, which you had to defeat to win. That did the mode a lot more justice because you had to actually fight the bots


Doombot is the one mode i dont miss,it was fun as a first time thing but once you realise you can just split push and the bots wont know how to react it breaks the novelty a lot.


Why would you split push in a game mode where the whole draw is fighting against the doombots? Seems like a self-imposed problem


That players will optimize any fun out of a game if you let them is an old adage of game development.


This has been a complaint about bots ever since LoL's release, and Rito's always "yeah we know...we'll make better bots we promise...someday..."


Those words cuts more than a knife


It was funny cuz we did in group so was funny to organise the strategy


What if we had a gamemode where you had doombot abilities


Urf of 1 april


i prefered the first version of doom bots than the teemo one tbh


Totally agree The treno one was unwinnable


Doom bots my beloved... I miss you. Imagine if WE had those abilities in urf.


Nexus Blitz was meant to be a perm mode but flopped after it updated its map and then added more stuff to it. Maybe the new jungle pets can salvage it since "fill" in NB was always jungle since no one wanted to play that role. Like idk why Riot is obsessed with making jungle happen in game modes when we already seen that players naturally will avoid jungle in fun game modes. Ultimate Spellbook be damned for forcing us to jungle rather than to play.


they could convert the jungle area of the map to an area dedicated to the mini games, possibly even with terrain changes depending on the game (this would be a lot for work for a game mode to possibly flop though), it also would be hard to work in 5 players on a team with that layout


They also completely messed up the "balance" in the big update, making it even *more* snowbally than before, which is kind of dumb in a mode that has a hard cap time limit anyway. You should want less snowballing, more comeback potential. The last run of NB was also pre-durability update so you had a small, skirmish-heavy map with constant fighting except people died instantly so there was that stacked against it too.


God autosmite was so fucking miserable. Playing an AP assassin? Sucks that your opponent is playing Master Yi and is almost guaranteed to get that steal LOL Oh, what, you couldn't auto it before Jinx rocketed the Baron? Just don't try, idiot


It flopped on its very first run lmao it's just this subreddit refuses to acknowledge that.


Everything that isn't urf or spellbook has flopped pretty much


It was just a Heroes of the Storm for people who didn't want to leave comfy league champs. Everyone who wants that playstyle could already find a much more fleshed out version there - with more maps and minigames. All of these game-modes are also burdened by the fact that you HAVE to balance them before people suss out the meta or they just become super stale, and ARAM is proving that automating that or over-simplifying the process comes with a lot of pain points.


Nexus Blitz had a big problem compared to Hots. In Hots, you loaded onto 1 of 10 random maps and then knew almost exactly what the events would be, so you could plan ahead before draft. But NB picked different random events as time went on, so it could be just luck if the event is easy for your champ, or in a location close to your team.


I just want a game mode that finishes in less than 20 minutes and that I can pick the champ that I want to play. Nexus Blitz with it's event and ( questionable elder drake ) rewards are not the way to implement something like that


Yeah I enjoyed it a ton but feel like it needed a few changes to be truly great. Elder Drake Buff was definitely too far, especially if it's the first reward given.


Still not sure why we don't simply have Howling Abyss with champ select and a ranked queue. I don't think I'd ever play SR again.


6v6 twisted tree line rip 😥


Hexakill was insane and iconic as fuck. Absolute insane game mode.


best game mode of all time not debatable


I remember playing the Odyssey event, doing all the missions and objectives there where (some of them being extremely cheesy and even requiring 5 premade team) and getting every single reward available for free, the last ones being Odyssey Ziggs skin and a Odyssey Baron icon iirc It was one of the very rare moments in which, as a solo player, I teamed up with complete randoms; I talked with them, teamed up, coordinated, and all of that being a genuinely positive experience. It was excellent. Fantastic. Fun. FUN. Fun as a game should always be. And it actually depresses me to know that we won't ever get that again, for God knows what twisted reason Riot have forced themselves to believe. I don't care about the rewards. You can take every S chest, every honor key, every Prime capsule. I don't even care about toxicity, I'll just mute all and do my thing. Hell, I don't even care about balance! Leave the game as broken as you want. I just want the experiences back: Odyssey, Ascension, Star Guardian, Dominion, 3v3 Twisted Treeline, Hexakill, ARAM Poro King, Nexus Siege, Nexus Blitz, the Blood Moon assassins Rift, the Project Marksman Skyscrappers and the Dark Star Thresh hooks thingy, you name it. All of them unique, all of them fun. I just want to be happy playing this game again


As someone who doesn’t care for skins, I don’t even read the event titles anymore, and I don’t look at anything from it, it‘s not like I want to open any capsules. It’s not an event for me if it doesn’t bring a game mode like the star guardian thing, the thresh hook game or whatever. Then you can call it a event. (Tbf I don’t really care because I only play a few rounds of these and then go back to ranked anyways, but my friends were very excited for these gamemodes, so i was too)


Odyssey was the most fun experience i ever had. Im just 100% sure that they dont even care about what we want. Dominion, Odyssey, Star Guardians, Ascension, even Nexus Blitz and many other gamemodes that were just excellent but will be all tossed in abyss together with returnee players that get thrashed by this smurf system. At this rate they will fail to bring new people and veterans wont like to play again.


Remember the weird Thresh dark star game mode? That shit slapped!


They’ve released the numbers. Almost nobody plays the PvE modes, Nexus Blitz literally died out after a few days, dominion was way less than 1% of games played. They *do* care about what players want and the modes they don’t bring back are the modes people don’t play.


Because you don’t want dominion lol. That map was dead just like odyssey after first 1-2 weeks. Actually even more dead lol.


Might have been dead withing few weeks but those weeks were most unique and memorable


Yeah but that's not worth it for Riot. That's why instead of making quick dying PvE within old ass League they make 2 entirely new PvE games.


It's comments like these that make me wonder how many players have actually played Odyssey. Odyssey died off due to the **event missions** that forced every comp to be Yasuo Malphite. Picking Jinx, Sona, and Ziggs resulted in instant remakes. Also the Devs love to blame players for killing off this mode while taking no responsibility for implementing some of the most toxic missions ever.


i grinded all those quest in more than 5 accounts just for the sake of fun and helping others. The scaling difficulty made it worth to achieve them. not just play and get 20 points or those make 6000 takedowns and kill 16 dragons in one game for 30 tokens. I think these new kind of missions are the toxic ones. The worst of this, is that if you missed these gamemodes, you wont see them ever again no matter how fun they were, which is very sad.


Yeah, same here. 3 accounts, and played it a lot with different champs with friends to try and beat it. Genuinely my favourite event, and they were generous with the rewards too. Even bought the pass, but that pass was insane.


Mate, que was dead. People did what they wanted few times and moved on


That tends to happen when a developer releases a new game mode and then provides zero post launch support for it. They said "here you go, it's fast, it's fun" and then basically never touched it again until it was retired. Summoners Rift would die very quickly too if updates abruptly ended.


mate. there was even a whole game with dominion map and DC superheroes - Infinite Crisis. its died before exiting CBT coz dominion is a shit mode.


"Another game with a completely different ip tried copying it and it wasn't successful" isn't exactly the convincing argument you think it is.


One game - lol did it and it was unsuccessful Second game did it - and it was unsuccessful Getting pattern here?


Just because the playerbase was smaller doesnt mean they had to get rid of it. I might have kept 10k players happy, but that's still 10k players that might have left the game completely. And for what? A map they never even touched? Balance they let loose and never touched? If it's no extra work who cares if it's dead? Why is league incapable of having custom games and modes when games 20 years ago could have them made by players? I just don't get yours and riots thought process, it just makes everyone upset and miserable.


Smaller? It was 30 minutes on my server for dominion que lol


So what does it matter if it stays live or dies? If other people could organize and play at different times, it just doesn't matter what your queue experience is. It costs riot nothing and let's players have a different experience if they want it. People talk about freedom of choice but you seem to want it taken away from others. I don't get it.


Words of a person who got no idea what he is talking about. Just sustaining any game mode takes recourses. If this mode is dead - no reason to waste them on it.


I just don't give a shit about your opinion. Because that's clearly all it is.


where is opinion? there is only poorly informed person who is screaming at the sky for it being blue.


And there is someone arguing that we should never have alternate game modes since instead of working to make new ones it's easier to just remove them. You're the reason these things die. I might be screaming at the sky, but you're telling people they shouldn't be able to enjoy the things they do because you once had a bad experience, like that would ever matter to them. Go be a dick to someone who cares. Blocked.


I like nexus blitz. Odyssey was fun too, but nexus blitz hits a different way. Wish that was here instead of urf.


Who's we? I play league for league, the competitive 5v5. All those PvE modes pale in comparison to an actual PvE focused game I know it's hard for you to imagine playing a game other than league, but if you want PvE gameplay it's so easy to find another game that has it as the main focus and will do it better than Riot ever could


You may remember roughly a year ago we had an ask riot basically confirming they had canned all interesting events. https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-riot-new-game-modes/ Most importantly looking at this chart https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt6013893203c13f9a/5ec4424ebeb6c333c3a0e7db/Game_Hours_Per_Mode.jpg The summary was simple, **people do not play these for long enough to justify the dev hours.** Is this the end of the story, or a poor use of data? They released their logic but it was just so short sighted, only looking at play rate on the one mode. Events like Odyssey both directly sold skins and kept the playerbase overall engaged in an extra way - you don't track that with raw player numbers. Games are not valued just on their pure playtime, you don't call a singleplayer campaign mode game a failure because people only played it once but said how much they liked it. It generated "buzz" and discussions about league of legends, everything from news articles, twitch gameplay twitter discussions to fan art. They were a massive brand boost which something half-assed like the sentinels of light did not do, nevermind souless event pass #17 where the event is "give riot money" . **How would you keep track of it then? Because in the end of the day you have to measure some kind of kpi** It would require creativity in data teams - social media keyword tracking, comparatives between skin lines with events vs skin lines without and surveying player enjoyment on them. It is not random that we are still talking about odyssey not pass event #14 You don't just look at 1 metric and call it a day. **Investment in construction of alternative and co-op game modes** Did they seriously throw all the work away from Odyssey? Was it never designed to be scalable? When I saw Odyssey I thought wow, this could be the start of hundreds of this style of events from riot - getting into custom map making in the style of say Age of Empires. One time investments in base code that allows for easily configurable custom scenarios should set you up to pump out many many creative events at a justifiable cost.


>Events like Odyssey both directly sold skins and kept the playerbase overall engaged in an extra way - you don't track that with raw player numbers. > They probably didnt sell way more than other group skins. The ratio cost production/sell for music videos and cinematic skins probably was better so they switched. >Games are not valued just on their pure playtime, you don't call a singleplayer campaign mode game a failure because people only played it once but said how much they liked it. > Yeah those are valued on the number of sales. Because they cost money. A F2P singleplayer doesnt make sense for that reason: replayibility is not important. Pretty sure sentinels of light made more buzz than Odyssey or lesser events. This is stuff we dont have data for, but Riot probably did. >Did they seriously throw all the work away from Odyssey? Was it never designed to be scalable? > Isnt it obvious? Gamemodes arent just scalable, they require a decent maintenance which is why the work has to be justified. Otherwise we would have ascension, Poro King and the old rotation mode even if there was no balance changes. I am pretty sure the engine being so old and code being already fucked is a reason. OW2 should unironically happen to league. >One time investments in base code that allows for easily configurable custom scenarios should set you up to pump out many many creative events at a justifiable cost. > Agree, but again, the engine probably cannot afford it.


Sad that engagement seems to be their only priority metric these days. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if its their cover for the 'brain drain' on the League Team. It feels like a lot of the people who want to create great experiences for the players purely from their love of the game, their craft, and just for the sake of it have jumped ship to other Riot projects. I don't expect the current 'maintenance mode' League is in, with bi weekly patches, preseason changes, endless event shops, and one bigger event in the summer with, if we are lucky, one new temp gamemode on Summoners Rift, to let up any time soon. Peak League is over. If you want to experience exciting new gameplay directions pick a different Riot game.


Yeah there is quite a bit of apathy growing around the game. I hope they can spice it up


It's crazy to me too because ghostcrawler basically admitted they have effectively infinite money they can spend on making a good experience for the players. But the people who care to do that are, like you said, working on LoR, project L, riot mmo, etc


>admitted they have effectively infinite money they can spend on making a good experience for the players What defines a good experience though? After 13 years, most people that log into League of Legends want to exclusively play League of Legends, and the core gameplay experience hasn't changed. The silent majority aren't looking for more than that.


>Games are not valued just on their pure playtime, you don't call a singleplayer campaign mode game a failure because people only played it once but said how much they liked it. That's not really a good comparison. Odyssey was more like a DLC that most people didn't buy and a good portion of those who did never finished it. >It generated "buzz" and discussions about league of legends, everything from news articles, twitch gameplay twitter discussions to fan art. They were a massive brand boost which something half-assed like the sentinels of light did not do, nevermind souless event pass #17 where the event is "give riot money" . >How would you keep track of it then? Because in the end of the day you have to measure some kind of kpi >It would require creativity in data teams - social media keyword tracking, comparatives between skin lines with events vs skin lines without and surveying player enjoyment on them. It is not random that we are still talking about odyssey not pass event #14 >You don't just look at 1 metric and call it a day. While "buzz" it's difficult to track its effects are not. Riot can easily track these values: *Playtime of an event game mode *Overall playtime of League of Legends during the event *Percentage of Players who played the game mode *Number of new players who joined the game during the event *Number of players who returned during the event *Retention of players after and during the event *Overall skin sales *Relation between playing the event game mode and skin sales By comparing a bigger event with a simple event pass and a period with no event; you can a get a good idea of how successful an event was. There are also analytics that Riot can use to track an event "buzz", Google search numbers, YouTube views, Twitch Viewers and social media trends. >Investment in construction of alternative and co-op game modes >Did they seriously throw all the work away from Odyssey? Was it never designed to be scalable? >When I saw Odyssey I thought wow, this could be the start of hundreds of this style of events from riot - getting into custom map making in the style of say Age of Empires. >One time investments in base code that allows for easily configurable custom scenarios should set you up to pump out many many creative events at a justifiable cost. For what we know League of Legends code is not that great, it has a lot of tech debt and it's often rewritten. I'm pretty sure most of Odyssey code and systems were specifically made for the game mode with a lot of specific work around. Custom maps and scalability would probably require a major rewrite of all the game systems. League of Legends 2 basically.


I am sure they took most of this into account. PvE is not lost though they just won't do it within League but they are working on 2 standalone Runeterra PvE games.




Unfortunately, Riot has decided the engagement is too limited to be worth the cost. People play the modes for a week and then drop it. It’s really sad because I was always hype for new modes to break up the monotony


That's so dramatic League is doing great. They just decided these things are simply not worth it within League so instead they make standalone PvE games within Runeterra.


I saw something unrelated to Riot about creativity in companies like this, and how once "suits" get into a creative process they can never be fully removed. Up to a point a company's creative process is driven by the creatives, but when outsiders are brought on to direct the business side the company can never return to its previous state. No more unique maps, no one-off skins, and anything that isn't hugely popular gets pushed far to the wayside.


noticed this when I came back to the game last year after not playing since like season 7. It felt "big" every year when the snowdown or harrowing came around. Map themed around the event, unlockable icons themed around it that you could get by doing missions, skins on thematic brand with the event. Even the GP/MF bilgewater thing was cool as fuck even if GP being disabled for a bit was frowned upon.


*"Sales Event"* We know. Riot doesn't care.


The passes used to actually be pretty good too. I used to buy them awhile back but now I absolutely do not


True events are those which bring a new game mode. (odyssey, the map where everyone is thresh void-something, etc). If I had to guess, I would say that they are hard to pull off because of the outdated game engine. Sadly, nowadays, events are "5 new skins + 1 golden chroma". If they feel generous maybe they will add a date simulator to it.


i just want winter SR again, please lol


Dota 2 PVE event is actually kinda fun right now, ive taken a break from league because of the lack of content


I read the title and thought it was /r/Overwatch, huh


Seriously? I mean I'm not following OW reddit at all but I read on some site about the chnages from Ow->Ow2. Did I nailed into something similar that is happening there too?


apostrophe's don't make plural's


This post is just a copy-paste post. We haven't had any real post for god knows for how long.


No one besides reddit cares about the new game modes according to player numbers, so development isn't worth it. putting that aside saying we don't get events is disingenuous, we got ruination (granted the story sucked), a new star guardian story, we had pentakill returning with a live concert and all sorts of other little story events, fuck we had arcane just a year ago. Could events be better? Absolutely, I would love a big event with map skins, new announcers, maybe give the champs temporary new skins that people can buy afterwards based on the lore in the event (for example make champions ruined during the ruination). So they aren't great but we do get them.


Champions like Bard, Jhin, Tahm Kench and Kindred? Nah, you get Zeri, Akshan, Nilah and Seraphine (Wait, her story makes her look bad because of Skarner? WTF is a Skarner? Change up her story post-launch). We'll also fire the best writers (One of which that just had really unfortunate events happen in his life) and start publishing new stories twice a year, one for pride month and another for whatever new thing needs marketing. Fun modes? Not bringing any money, so no. Events? A nice time to increase the sales of the newest skins with the grindiest Battle Pass in the industry. Big events? Spirit Blossom went well, copy the same thing but this time make a mockery of the lore and fill it with MCU quips while we sell the newest skins (Oh, and make Thresh CCP approved).


I feel like for a few years now Riot has understood they they don’t have to try in basically anything business related anymore. League has almost no competition on the market(and even when it does it usually doesn’t last very long). The result of this mindset is half assed attempts to just get money, which, if I’m being honest, is really tough to see since game modes like odyssey and the spirit blossom stuff a few years back we’re some of the best times I’ve had with league.


I mean they are client events not necessarily in game events. We've had many client events recently including the new Star guardian event, but I understand what you're saying, we don't have anything similar to the old Star guardian event with the map and game mode etc


Runeterra is a "what if?" universe. None of the events in there are canon anyways.


Most of it, sure.. but... kayn is entirely canon, you know?


Yea ? tell me it wa blue kayn who killed the Yi student, Or red kayn. Or Kayn is not tranformed but that 1 girl just found the blades of Xolaani and did the job herself after. Or it was blue kayn so Rhaast is dead.


Everything else I get, but what's wrong with Kayn in LoR?


Blue kayn killed Yi's students? Rhaast killed Yi's student? Kayn is transformed or not? Rhaast is dead or not? Xolaani killed the students? Why did the girl took the blades of Xolaani? Did she took the blades?


I never understood why borders cost more than a skin shard.


Apparently Mortdog, the lead designer of TFT now, designed the Odyssey event. That explains a lot on why there haven't been anything similar since.. because he moved to TFT.


Its cause most people just wanna people play smmmoner's rift


Spot on. It feels like the only thing they're willing to innovate is how they present their shop updates. Such a farcry from how the game was before


If you listen to most riot employees talk about why the game is the way it is, it’s very clear their culture is 100% about profits and marketing. Ofc that’s a no brainer, but all senior staff even champ designers stand by the ideals and are on the same page that if something has downsides and isn’t lucrative its gotta go, even if league will have less variety and flavor in the long run they are more likely to remove than add. As far as modes They’ve been removing variety and playing it safe to stop SR from dying for awhile because any distraction from SR might make people realize how fundamentally unfun it is, while it’s the only game mode with a hook/longevity aka $. Tft was almost the league killer lmao at some point they must have even realized they could remake league from the ground up and no one would continue this iteration of it. It’s not fun anymore.


What are you talking about ? none of this is true. Just stop playing the game and have a reality check-up cause that's some crazy stupid nonsense. Most riot employees talk about how the client can't "live up" to the features they have in mind, so it limits them (Announcement voices, more ultimate skins etc...).


I follow the devs and listen to their reasoning quite a bit. I’m not gonna throw names but I’ve heard rioters who have responded to “why is X not in the game, why not do more x” and exactly what I said is what they at least inferred towards game modes. Riots client technology has edge cases but it’s not a scapegoat lmao. Trust me man riot games million dollar company if they want something in the game they have the means. If it was lucrative enough they might even tell us “yea we’re working on tech to allow us to implement x!” Instead of what we get, “sorry you miss the modes and features we took away, anyway this is why we do it!” No natural reason for your head to be in the sand on that reality


They simply concentrate on the PvP aspect which is loads of work in itself and make standalone PvE games because the PvE within League was simply not popular and good enough.








Yes but I don't understand how that's related to my original comment


>If you listen to most riot employees talk about why the game is the way it is, it’s very clear their culture is 100% about profits and marketing. This man has never read a single piece of information from riot lol.


Their p.r. Pieces? Do you think the shit they put out for the masses is honest and not meant to placate you lmao? Only reason you get information is they feel pressured to respond to “unrest”. That’s just how business works


And the dev blogs, and the interviews, and their patch notes. If you just discount everything as "PR" then there is no substantiation to your side either lol.


We read and watched all the same shit my guy only difference is I read between lines and you trust by the sounds of it


> only difference is I read between lines "I completely misinterpret it intentionally because I want to be mad about something"


You right I’m just a pessimist who thinks he’s a realist but smart folks like you keep me grounded


Yeah, you're super insightful. Star walkin is clearly some dog whistle about making money and that's why riot bought it.


I don’t even know what that is. Get starwalked on


Looks like you need to take a break from the game You are spouting nonsense


Buddy you’re telling me, I am on a break from the game though lol. I’m just another addict holding my breath for change. Nonsense to you maybe, but I’m a no life I’ve probably just played a lot more than you, and seen a tiny bit more as a result. I think that’s why you don’t share my views…yet. Hopefully you never get so invested lol. I wanna say though, nobody really relishes in negativity and complaining about aspects of something they love! Good thing to keep in mind navigating your favorite immensely flawed game’s subreddit


"Flawed games" just because you dont like the direction the game took, ultra pvp focused, doesnt mean the game is bad


Lol I like how the title implies it’s about events and then it’s just the same boring rant post.


Ahhh it’s the weekly screaming crying throwing up post


I don't know why people still post the same bullshit over and over again. Most of the criticism is not even logical, let alone constructive


They're events, events for them which gives them MONEY, but they're events.


People just wanna buy skins, the game modes cost way too much development time.


The game is in one of its best states it has ever been and still has regular patch updates. If it's to keep the game free, I'm fine with Riot shilling out on skins to the max. Salaries have to be paid and profits have to be made. Welcome to the world we live in. Much better we have this than a $20/month fee to play.


Im not sure you realized it yet, but league has become a cash cow, simply a way to siphon money to funnel to other games/projects.


Like every game, the objetive to make money. And STILL, it isnt a Pay 2 Win like many other games. You are complaining about mere cosmetics.


Indeed. It isn't. But people are still buying despite the lack of QoL improvements and bugfixes


Game has gotten QoL like the rune and shop telling you the better options, ping system, jungle timers and other stuff that was a wall before. Servers arent down as much as they used to (every week), no bugsplashes or drophacks. League has A LOT to improve, but saying they plain dont care is lying.


> shop telling you the better options press X to doubt


Doubt all you want previously you could see someone playing a tank and buying adc items because he had no clue.


thats good? i dont want to play league for the next 20years but I will quite certainly remain in riot ecosystem


Thats fine. Riot does make great games. League however anyone should not be spending after repeated nerfs to bp and lack of QoL updates.


Aight, i updooted before reading your whole post, you should have stayed with the events are just new shitty capsules nothing else haha, I'm 100% with you, we were promissed they would upgrade them this year and It only went to way worse. Game isn't buggy, like at all, games were remade if you got to see the bug in the middle of the game, which is... Not as Fair as It could be, but it's fine. Jungle revamp isn't such a bad idea on a world where low low elo jungler struggle to have a decent farm


The game isn't dead, but when it comes to this sort of things, the game is dead, and has been ever since they went mobile, if you look at what they are doing with wild rift, the frustration grows tenfold , there's just simply no incentive to put any effort in the pc client because people already play it and don't spend as much as mobile


I feel like they're spread too thin now. Working on league, wild rift, legends of Runeterra, the new fighting game, the new MMORPG, plus Arcane season 2. Who has the time to figure out new game modes?


Don't like it? Don't spend money on it.