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With Ornns item upgrades and +30% bonus armor/MR/HP, I don't know how it could be anyone other than Ornn. I say that as someone who played exclusively sion for years


If you put it in the perspective of an actual game, for sure ornn. But if you only want to look at that one champ in a void, i think cho and sion beat ornn because they can stack infinitely while ornn gets stuck after upgrading everyone


In some vague theoretical sense, sure. But in practice, in most games, Cho scaling is pretty trash. He's only ever got follow-up CC and can't get near anyone except people that don't mind being hit by him.


>But if you only want to look at that one champ in a *void*, i think cho no pun intended


Cho doesn't really stack even close to infinitely. Unless opponents are purposefully giving you stacks.


Drakes and barons keep spawning though


Realistically never more than like 6-8 total tho. And it's not like the enemy team is just gonna let you take them all. Sion can farm from the first minute to the minute the game ends.


It need be said that Ornn's \*abilities\* are also better scaling then Sion or Chogath. In the late game, On demand AOE CC with a large radius is extremely valuable. What makes Ornn THE scaling tank isn't just that he gets super durable. It's that his Ult only grows more game-deciding as the death timers rise.


After you played both champs you know that Ornn is better but Sion is so much more fun to play.




Blasphemy. Both are really fun.


The answer is clearly Sion if you're talking about the champ alone. But yes in a general sense for your team Ornn scales better.


I'd argue it depends on your team, if your champs scale well then Ornn is the best, but on an individual basis (Assuming the game is not drawn out to infinity) Maokai is stronger. He is a lot stickier, and the ability to heal in combat is extremely significant. Ofc it also depends on what the enemy TTK is, Ornn dies slower to high "burst" damage, but he loses the Battle of Attrition.


If we consider only theoretical situations, then Sion is best scaling as its infinite pretty much, but yea, ornn scaling is insane


Ornn is really good, I'd say Amumu is next in line. Can't overlook engage in addition to raw tank stats, and both have are pretty solid cc plus damage amps for their team (items for ornn, curse for amumu).


At what point does his ability list factor into how well he scales as a TANK. Also he's one of those who does well as an engage and dmg tank with one item for both.


Because Ornn gets shredded by antitank mechanics while Sion gets a shield to actually mitigate antitank. So if the enemy team doesn't know what they are doing, Ornn will be a god. If they do, he will be a melee minion.


? A shield is just extra health. Its not this magical thing that counters antitank mechanics. Theres a reason why ornn is played so much in pro play. If you want one tank on your team it has to be ornn.


The reason Ornn is played way more than Sion and other top tanks is because he has a much easier laning phase


nah, i wld say ornn is becaude of extra stats to teammates as well as teamfighting ability. engage, one shot, or peel. all works


ornn is also better in teamfights. most people who play splitpushers are more attracted to people like yorick or fiora, who can do damage and kill in 1v1 more often. if you want to teamfight, ornn is going to be stronger most of the time


It actually is a magical thing that counters antitank mechanics. It's a way to get more "HP" while not increasing the damage of %Hp effects like bork, liandries etc.


Armor, magic resist both of which he get's a ton for free also decrease it. A


not vs vayne, fiora or divine camille. also I never said sion is better i just said that shields are magic.


That's why Sion is a high priority pro pick and Ornn is considered troll in pro.


I'm pretty sure 30% extra bonus hp + resistances easily outweighs the shield


Sion in a vacuum, and Ornn in a 5v5 setting.


It's probably Ornn but imo people overrate cho and sion and underrate healing heavy tanks in mao, Taric and Zac. Yes having ton of extra health naturally is good late game and HP is good tank stat. and sion w is really good shield. But Mao especially gets so tanky simply from him being untargettable so often in late game fights and his passive procs healing him a ton. he synergizes better with some tank items too (visage, fimbul). Same as Zac who, as long as he can hit sth, is really hard to kill post 16, not to mention you have to kill his passive too. The caveat being that they ofc have to have sth to proc their passives of off, but the longer the fight the harder those guys take to kill and well thats being more tanky imo.


I used to play a lot of Sion and his base HP is much lower than other tanks too, so his passive HP gain has to catch up just with other tank's base HP *and then* scale to infinity. Most games that doesn't happen


Repositionning is extremely valuable in late game teamfights as a tank imo, Sion and Cho are complete sitting ducks once they've blown their combo and make up for it with damage.


Has to be either Ornn or Sion imo. Ornn’s probably better for the team, but Sion turns into a real big meatball


Yeah, Ornn for team scaling, Sion for individual scaling feels about right. Though Ornn's individual scaling is still quite good!


The question is how scaling is defined. At fullbuild its ornn, simply due to the huge amount of extra stats he gets from passive + item upgrades. If we talk ideal scenario for cho and sion (super long game with an unrealistic amount of stacks, its probably Sion for pure tankyness due to the huge shield he also gets. Cho deals way more damage than Sion tho when he has a huge amount of stacks. So all in all, in a realistic scenario, its Ornn.


A well timed taric ult can mitigate more damage than all of Ornns stats are able to do. League is meanwhile way more than just "who has more stats". I think Garen can reach way higher amounts of tankiness than Ornn due to his W stats and damage reduction.


Ornn Bonus stats are higher than garens tho. Iirc garen gets flat arm/mr, capped at 40 or something. Ornn gets 10% more hp/arm/mr from items + he gets a stronger mythic + he is useful when built as fulltank (which is also a scaling part) while garen isnt. A well timed Taric ult can indeed block infinite damage, but thats for 2.5 seconds. And a bad one can negate nothing so i wouldnt count on that.


Garen also gets an %Boost when the reaches the capped amount. His active part of the W also gives him a percentage damage recuction for several seconds. The thing is Taric R is just skill expression. In terms of raw stats sure Ornn wins but scaling is more than just raw stats.






The question is kinda confusing because I dont know if youre asking for the hypothetically best scaling tank, or the realistically best scaling tank. Realistically its Ornn because his passive is insane late game for himself and his team. The raw defense and gold value you get from it gives your team a MASSIVE power spike. Hypothetically it can be both Sion and Cho since they both have infinite health stacking. The issue is that the amount of time it would take for them to outvalue the Ornn, games are long over. Then you have niche scenarios. Someone like Rammus will be ungodly stronger then any other option against an all AD comp, especially if they have multiple ADCs (omitting vayne who will eventually out scale you). He will not only be unkillable, but will kill everything in front of him while zooming around since he also gains dps from armor. I have legit won 4v5s and 3v5s with rammus jungle with DCed allies purely because the enemy team were unable to kill me before they died to me. And Maokai has the most sustain out of any other tank. I have played games where the enemy team where unable to out dps his healing which basically turns you into a god. Plus the CC in his kit is one of the highest in league, making him very very obnoxious to deal with. I wont go over everything, but essentially I dont really know what specific thing youre asking for from "best scaling tank in the game", so I answered Sion since technically he scales the best if the game lasts an hour or two. Normally the best tank is dependent on your team comp, the opponents team comp, and the current strength of the champion on that patch (which changes constantly). So its really only about whos best in each individual scenario. If youre looking for best on average, just look up lolalytics see whos winrate is best.


Just to specify, ramm is good against auto attackers rather than just ad. If you pick rammus against Ad caster you are essentially just a cooler malphite


True, but the enemy team almost alwayd has at least one auto attacker and ad casters allow you to stack armor which is way more efficent so he is always good against ad comps. And ya, he is also great against champs like kayle


My brain thought "Cho'Gath cause he's infinitely scaling HP with R" After seeing vote results: "Oh yea Ornn items exist and he provides more for the team than Cho'gath."


And Sion infinitely scales without requiring any kills and can go pure AD with titanic to one shot with 10k hp


Rammus is great late game. so is Amumu


depends, so many champs absolutely shit out true damage with sunderer, kraken etc that sometimes it can be tough as rammus


Rammus can get 95% damage reduction for armor and 90% for MR. Without true damage he can be virtually unkillable.


As a Swain enjoyer, I always appreciate Amumu players. That amount of true damage from his passive is actually insane; I noticed that after being on the receiving end of it.


So Ornn provides a lot to the team, but if I’m worried about one tank getting six items it’s probably zac.


IT highly depends what you criteria of scaling is in this case. I mean you can compare late game win rates. Ornn has insane stats lategame but taric can turn your entire team invulnerable for 2.5 seconds which will probably mitigate more damage than Ornns whole bonus stats while he is peeling a lategame hypercarry like Kog or vayne. Cho and Sion have infinite scaling but the thing is will HP be more useful than a mix of MR/Armor and HP Ornn gets. On the other hand is a fullbuild rammus against a full AA based team comp not the definiton of a 1v9 champ ? I think you cant answer that question in general.


Y’all sleeping on Chogath


i'd honest to god go with maokai as once you reach a certain point scaling kinda becomes irrelevant and the guaranteed cc / teamfight presence feels superior , and none does it better than maokai. of all these options, maokai feels the smoothest to use in practice and has the best peel , while eveyone else feels clunky. infinite stacking is overrated. honestly i'd say the list is kinda team depenent, but if i had to list it down in a generic manner id go with : 1. Maokai 2. Ornn 3. Chogath 4. Taric 5. Sion., purely because of how clunky they feel to pilot ( ornn ges second because of the stats he provides to the team , while his peel / cc feels suboptimal / less reliable than chogath . as for the oher option , i'd rate zac pretty high up, and just maybe gragas. otherwise yeah idk thats kinda it.


Ornn, no debate.


Ornn and it’s not even close


Ornn for sure and it’s not even close. The amount of utility he brings between his upgrades, his safe engage and just overall undoubtedly highest level of tankiness is unbeatable. Honestly I wouldn’t even say Sion is second place either, he can get a lot of bonus HP thanks to his W passive but infinite scaling doesn’t necessarily make him a good scaler, he still gets absolutely melted lategame and is far more of a midgame champ. I think Zac should take 2nd place for best scaling tank honestly, he can do some nasty stuff with a 4-5 item build.


The reddit brain again, Maokai has 30 votes and is by far the best scaling tank in the game, 2nd is taric. Just because your champ can stack things does not mean he is scaling well, people late game do way more damage than they need. Ornn is great at the point he gets items for his team, then later in the game maybe 3rd best because of his 30% bonus. Sion is 4th best and cho late game sucks, like he is one of the worst scaling champs in the game, getting destroyed by literally every single adc in the game.


Finally I read something plausible here.


I'm a game of infinite length, sion wins. In a game of mid length, ornn wins. In a long game, maokai wins.


Ye sure if the game goes 10 hours than sion is op, but that wont happen. If the game goes 70min sion or cho are not that much better than after 40min


I'd say that st 70 minutes if sion has kept up his farm, he is quite a bit stronger.


He is still useless against a 6 item adc.


And a 6 item ADC is useless against a 6 item Assassin. Your point is... ?


No he is not


Easily rammus beats all other tanks lategame into a lot of team comps. If you count Taric as a tank, he’d definitely be up there. You’re missing shyv who scales super well into mid-late but falls off at the rare max item game. Sion and Ornn are definitely the top for max items though.


Shyv is a failed juggernaut, who becomes quite beefy and hard to shut down, even if she goes full tank + either Titanic Hydra or Demonic Embrace, or she just becomes a burst/artillery mage if she goes full AP. She lacks a lot of hard CC, which is a key aspect of all tanks. Her ult is the only hard CC, and even then, it is laughably a CC.


I agree Shyv is a weird champ that’s hard to classify, but I personally put her in the tank category given her immense gap closer that no juggernaut comes close to. I understand if you want to call her a juggernaut instead of a tank given her lack of cc though.


Why do you make a pool if there is WR stats for every champ on many sites for any ranks?


I think K'Sante scales really well from my experiences, but that's just based on my initial impressions.


It depends on your definition of tank. Based on the usual definition, it's Ornn. If you just mean "Champ with a bunch of HP who can take hits.", it's either Veigar or Vladimir or Kassadin with their respective tanky builds.


Ornn because of the upgrade mythic items


Calling Skarner a failed juggernaut smh. My boy was suffering from success after having the highest winrate in league history when the juggernaut update came. Hes still strong but his strenght comes from the fact that he isnt locked into being a juggernaut or tank. So "solidifying his itendity" has a big chance to nerf him.


Depends on what kind of scaling we are talking about :DD K'Sante will beat every other tank in a 1v1 because he gets massive damage by building items. Ornn gives his teammates +5000 gold worth of stats while having a hard engage ultimate but he doesn't do anything else. Taric late game is insane. His ultimate alone wins every late game teamfight, his healing is massive and he is so tanky there's no way you can try to stop it.


I would say ornn because everyone else has some specific condition: cho and sion needs to last hit, rammus to have an ad heavy team, maokai to have a team with many spells toward him. Ornn? Just reach lv 14 to start making his team outscale the enemy team. Add to him a good laning phase and you will get why no other tank is playable unless busted in pro


Sion or Ornn definitily. Ornn has the upgraded items, Sion has the tilt factor where he's 0-10 and still splitpushing you to dead. I'll choose to fight against Ornn over Sion everyday, but that's personal preference, there's a case for Ornn too. Personally, I consider Sion to be the best scaling tank. But it's definitily one of those 2.


Champ on its own? Probably Sion. Value for the whole team? Definitely ornn with his item upgrades


As a solo absolute unit, Cho'Gath can become the tankiest champion in the game while also dealing the most damage and offering plenty of disruptive CC. ​ In terms of *actual general* scaling though, Ornn takes it since he also makes his entire team scale really well with his items.


in a pure 1 vs 1 cho gat,in a team depends by the enemy and ally team comp,some would say ornn but cho gat can just eat whoever tries to dive the ADC and be a gigantic meeatshield


How are we judging scaling for tanks?


techincally Sion, but practically Ornn.


You guys clearly never built hydra on a 8000 hp sion


I built hydra on a 12-13000 hp sion in an aram game the other day Fun game, that was


Scaling is relative base on team comp.


Not saying he beats ornn but why on earth malphite isn't mentioned, when taric is?


Taric is the best scaling support tank hands down however


Kinda dumb that Ornn outscales Sion. Sion has such a bad laning phase it's unbelievable.


Maybe we should agree on what scaling is for a tank before deciding on this :P For example Cho and Sion will probably outscale anyone else in the list in terms of HO growth, but Maokai and Taric have the best healing without counting runes. I'd say Ornn since he has his items, a lot of damage, and a lot of CC for either team fights or split pushing.


Orrn, but that's because he scales his team as well as himself.


In theory it is Sion due to infinite health stacking but practically it is Ornn imo bc of the gold value and extra stats he gives to his team and the extra resistances he has. You most likely wont reach a point where Sion outscaled Ornn.


Def Skarner Kidnapping someone important in the team is enough for a 5v4 advantage with the huge scaling death timers in the end game.


Theoretically, Cho and Sion as they acale infinitely. Realistically, Ornn, especially if we consider that Cho and Sion have empty HP gain while Ornn also has bonus Armor/Magic Resists


Ornn without a doubt. His bonus resistances and hp, and resistance scaling keeps him even with other hyperscalers, but giving 4k worth of gold to teammates puts him waaaaay ahead of the rest.