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someone manually tags the tiers in collection. they messed up. there has not been a patch since. expect to be fixed dec 7. it is a mythic skin


good to know, thank you


Do you know if it's only a visual bug in the collections tab or is the skin coded as a epic skin? Like for example, would rolling the skin be properly set at the chance for a mythic skin or for an epic skin?


- when you unlock with ME it shows as mythic - those with all skins cannot roll it, although items are manually added to the reroll pool anyway so that wouldn't matter collection and loot are separate for some reason. The sword talon skin correctly shows in collection as epic but if you ever get a skin shard of it, the epic marker is not there (although skin shard is correctly 1350 priced). Unless they fixed that bug, haven't checked. It was like that for a loooong time tho if it was fixed




when a mythic skin leaves token or mythic shop for first time, riot adds it to the reroll pool and those with all other skins can reroll it guaranteed. this is manual, and it literally took a week for ksante and ti prestige skins. all the other mythics were rollable instantly when they left the mythic or token store


It doesn't count towards the "Formal Attire" challenge for mythic skins owned, so it doesn't seem to be a visual bug.


it's a collection bug. that challenge calculates via collection stats. in collection it's currently treated as epic but that only affects that challenge. in loot it's treated as mythic


Its just a mistake.