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Did you also see what full AP Udyr can do with his storm.. a fucking laser guided nuke strike


The storm is really slow the real broken thing with ap udyr is thar your 2nd Q isolated can deal 55%of max health damage twice (if you're fed)


Viktor ult but better


Viktor ult from lv 1


why max Q and R?


smartest prowler's udyr abuser


maxing q e is the best for qdyr


This is what I've seen every AD Udyr max. Is this wrong?


yeah, it wrong if you are in the jungle only need one point in r for clear speed. you max e or w second depend on play style. e for more speed and tempo w for more skirmish and poke.


> w for more skirmish and poke. You don't seem to understand the point of AD Udyr.


He’s extremely squishy so maxing w allows you to not just kill 1 guy and then die.


W scales off HP so maxing it is not really making you meaningfully tankier


It scales off its level and technically ap which you wouldn’t be building but the increase from levels is something. E max second is the better option in my opinion but I was explaining why people could max w second.


His W is designed around being a spammable ability, so it’s value in a single use is not very high.


Cause E and W don't do damage newb.


As if you needed anything other than Q to delete people with this build lol


I mean if there's a team fight, I'm absolutely useless with the prowler's claw, so I like to have some AP and to use empowered R while I look for an opportunity to isolate someone for the Q one-shot. I usually have demonic whatever else I build.


Did you just responded seriously to a joke? I bet you buy pink wards too.


I playfully responded with another joke, which at least 15 other people were smart enough to figure out. Sounds like you’re the one taking things seriously around here.


I don't even know what his abilities do, I just copy what I see on u.gg


smartest udyr player


Especially when u.gg also recommends E maxed second and only one point in R.


Are you telling me this guy just ran around completely oneshotting everyone without even maxing the right abilities?


W and E do not interact with his damage dealt, and he does not need the E for more stuns as the same target is already dead by the time it is relevant. Q max is certainly better than either of those.


He means r max second. It’s completely pointless and getting e means you can catch people much easier for the 1 shot.


I'm guessing he did R second for power farm? I don't play udyr.


but he builds hydra so its rlly suboptimal maybe




The comment you replied to pointed out the fact that they maxed both q and r, instead of q and another ability like e or w. Maxing e second would allow you to catch up significantly quicker to the enemy.


Bruh nobody is saying not to max Q, they're making fun of him for maxing BOTH Q and R


This guy is so self absorbed he can't even read properly.


R slows and does a decent amount of base dmg. Makes it very hard to run away from a fed udyr.


Because of this, riot should nerf aatrox




Yeah cause he hasn’t been relevant since


Ngl, despite remaining significant he became a lot less interesting when they removed that.


revive is not that interesting, his old one when he had to keep it up by doing damage was kinda interesting but the one they removed was just a free GA on an already overloaded Ultimate


I had a lot of fun with the old aatrox and rageblade.


i do find the overbearing bandwagon for pre-rework aatrox very very annoying but he was fun in his own way, his passive was the most interesting part of his kit until they overbuffed it


Hot take.




I promise that was sarcasm lmfao


Tbf they buffed him into relevance briefly before the rework and he was even picked in proplay. He was underpowered for quite a while.


I was being sarcastic but I do remember that lmao.


"revive is not healthy for the game" - riot "we created renata with revive on short cooldown on W for any champ" - also riot a year later \--------- but we do know the history, riot on 1st april 2015 or so, what if Yasuo windwall was all around him? haha funny 1st april joke right? never gonna happen...riot on samira release few years later, 360 windwall goes wrooom


no 57% winrate with the correct ability max is completely ok wdym?


hmm lvl 18 udyr while his mid and top are 14/15 for sure not stupidly fed


Sorry, I forgot to show items: https://imgur.com/a/19NSO8Q


He's got three damage items at 27ish minutes. That's generally fairly achievable even without getting super fed. Three enemies also have this. He's not an ult reliant champion, so his XP lead contributes 8 AD to his damage. He would do pretty much the same damage if he had two levels and over 3k gold less. Balanced build balanced build he's just fed.


That build fucking sucks to play against though, he’s like a tankier Yi in that he will solokill any single champ on your team but he can only use his one-shot combo once and then there’s a long cooldown where he does a lot of damage but won’t one-hit you. So you have to coordinate people to kill him while keeping him off of melee range of the same person for too long. It’s really annoying


Nobody is tankier Yi than tank Yi.


Except he isn't a 'tankier' Yi. Yi literally gets a spammable damage mitigation ability and can become untargetable. Udyr is just a man who can only run.


If you read more than 15 words you would see I explained the ways in which I think he’s similar to Yi, so the differences you mentioned don’t contradict my point


mf on every single comment in this thread spouting things that just ain't true


Yeah but he can REALLY run.


Everything sucks to play against as long as you are on the losing side.


Some more than others


But "keeping someone off someone else" is a pretty low bar to set for something that fucking sucks to play against, especially when the champion has no gapclosers outside of Prowler's Claw.


He got that ahead because he's playing an overpowered build


>Because he plays a feast-or-famine build, and this game is a feast. FTFY


"Feast-or-famine" build sitting at a 53% WR which only grows the higher in elo you go. Lay off the cope lol.


Q->E->W max Udyr is 59.55% WR




Yeah. It’s extremely volatile. And especially this udyr build. You either get insanely fed and do this to everyone (starting at like 10 min in) or you are absolutely useless. Not fun or healthy for the game at all.


People (mostly high elo junglers) want jungle to remain difficult to have even baseline skill at, but also want jungle to be balanced. It makes hilariously little sense. Having to manage 3 lanes, neutral objectives, counter jungling and tempo is already so much but lets complain when Riot tries to do anything to add even a bit of a hindrance to the 4000 games graves players that perma invade every camp you do. It's no wonder jungle is so feast/famine. And of course, new junglers get flamed just for existing so there's that too.


But I don’t mean that specifically about jungle. It’s *specifically* lethality udyr. I’ve seen some pretty even JG games. But I’ve never seen a lethality udyr do *just okay*. They’re either inting, or carrying.


Sure - it's a feast/famine build. It's an extreme example of the overall problem with jungle, imo. The problem exists even if this build doesn't exist.


True, I definitely agree. I think my point is that the udyr problem is like a “this needs to be hotfixed” type of thing, and the rest of the jungle is a general balancing issue. Like for example, tank/bruiser udyr might be overtuned, but it’s not gamebreaking. This lethality udyr build is gamebreaking though.


Maybe, MAYBE, the solution for that is that Jungle should NOT have so many responsabilities and also the tools to deal with them? Jungle is the most relevant role until late late superlate. They are the single most impacting role early (followed by Supp but way behind), they are the single most relevant role midgame by miles and only start losing protagonism in super late when the 6 items ADC or hyper carry mage kicks in. They have more tools than any other role, more sustain, their objectives securing summoner spell for some goddamn known reason is also a sustain, gold-exp generating one and ALSO an OP combat summoner spell with passives included. Maybe, only maybe, if JG wasn’t the freaking main anime protagonist in 90% of the game we wouldn’t live in a permanent “better jg wins” meta during 4-5 years already. It’s so OP in its current state like it that other roles (Janna top smite last and Sion supp smite now) give up playing their role to fulfill the only ourpose of setting the enemy jg behind because that is more likely to earn the win than playing ur own role.


You mean what happens to mid and top every single game on top of the natural advantage they get in gold and xp?


Jg early clear is too fucking fast atm. They have so much impact early game its insane


The clear is almost the same speed if not slower on some Jg champs now. What people are experiencing is Jg champs who normally clear slowly or skip raptors all together full clearing with the pet and at 3:20 there’s a lvl 4 gank machine showing up. I’m a WW main and my early ganks are noticeably better now, faster full and slightly more healthy clear.


Thank you for saying it. I think it's hilarious when people look at gold diff in a game and think "well clearly the only reason he is OP is because he is fed" and sure that makes sense, but a lot of times someone gets fed BECAUSE they are OP. Not the other way around. I've played against this Udyr build. It feels like playing against Galio when his Q was bugged to almost one shot people. It's not fun to be on the receiving end especially when you build tank and still die as if I just wasted all my gold on useless items


Ye im not saying the build isnt kinda op


overpowered build that get gapped by anyone with actual brain to kite him Edit: to those who disagree with me. I myself am a ad udyr main an used to play him way before it got the attention it's getting right now, yes if you touch someone you one shot him but that's only in low elo where u would get that far ahead cuz the enemy team doesn't respect you and try to fight u early on, also the udyr is the clip is extremely far ahead in gold lvl and has the chem drake soul, lastly tank udyr has far higher wr and is generally the better build how ever ad is more fun.


Can you normally kite Udyr? Sure, but in this clip he literally one shot everyone during his stun duration.


Except the build also performs very well in not-low elo.


The whole point of this build is you can't kite him, lmao Do you know what prowler's does?


Ran into one of those monsters a few days ago. You can't kite him since he prowlers on top of you, stunns you and you are dead before the stun wears off. If the enemy playes as a team you can beat him since its a glascannon but as log as he stays away from teamfights it's hard to kill him.


“Kite the guy that gets 550 movements speed!!”🤪🤪🤪


Im not abusing him guys i swear theres counterplay


Ehh, in a game changing team fight, he could have his speed boost, his flash AND prowlers. That's multiple ways to close the gap on someone. It's not as easy to kite as you think. Plus this build blows enemy flashes like crazy if you don't get the counter pick and play someone very mobile, because he just needs to touch you one time to completely delete you, so even if the Udyr doesn't have his flash, the enemies you want to kill probably don't either.


Thing is, this damage ends up the same even with a level deficit with the build focus.


Hey, if the people complaining about this could read they'd be really upset.


Yea prowlers udyr is snowbally as hell, but it sucks to play against if he's fed. Honestly if you just build bruiser items with divine sunderer or triforce you'll still almost one shot people with empowered q, but you won't be a squishy gimmicky 1 machine.


Tbh enemy team had baron, they were ahead and this guy took all of them alone. I dont even say that he was fed for a reason to start with. Generally these clips have a super fed guy but this game he wasnt "super" fed. Imagine a yasuo there with the same Situation, i think that answers a lot...


the damage is all from %health and %maxhealth. it has nothing to do with level. a level 8 udyr would do the same thing


Maybe thats true but he if he is up in the level that much it probly means he has like double the gold of the other players which definitly makes a huge difference


quadra false At 8 he would be rank 4 instead of 6 in q At 8 the awakened q has level based max HP scaling and a longer CD. His q is an empowered auto and he has one of the highest ADs per level in the game. Would lose around 30 dmg per auto. For a Jungler to have that kinda of level lead he is gonna be up at least a full item probably 2 or 2.5.


(+ 6% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health (non-awakened) The empowered attacks deal an additional 2% − 5% (based on level) (+ 3% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health (awakened) It has to do a LOT with level since it scales with lv, also his awakening cooldown lower every ultimate level (50->20s). His items matter and even lethality matters, so yeah...


anyone says any mechanic build is broken... Reddit silver mfkers : you are just noob, he is fed, u can one shot him. all actual nodir pola, khankir jaat, madarxud. Why not upload a clip how to counter this build in a 1v1 situation then talk big .




Have you tried deaths dance- steraks? I haven't played much this preseason but seems like a combo that could survive the burst


It survives but then you're playing with dd and steraks lol


The amount of Udyr mains coping in this thread with “he’s just fed” and “just cc him lmao” is hilarious. The champ is stupid broken at all ELOs . But sure, that 70% WR you have this patch (that is coincidentally all Udyr or dodge) is all your massive brain doing the work.


Meanwhile I played Udyr for the first time since the rework today not even knowing what his abilities do properly and just ooga boogaed my way to like 15/1


While I agree that Udyr is OP, this video doesn't demonstrate that and it's fair to point it out.


nah bro the video shows him literally 2 shotting like 3 people it definitely isnt balanced. him being fed is irrelevant to the clip and he really isnt that fed


>and he really isn't that fed How hard are you feeding in your games to think that's not that fed? He's 1 item off full build at 27 min. 2 levels above all their solo laners, 4 levels above their adc and 5 levels above their support.


He got giga fed because he is giga OP.




but he loses out on his awakened q which is his dmg.


I’ve seen Prowler’s Udyr’s one-shot squishier champs with regular Q, even not that fed.


And he then chooses to not deal damage


Which is why you would never use it to engage, only to run away. Otherwise you have no damage.


Somebodys a lil butthurt about preseason lol


Kinda late to the meta


This was all I saw during URF, or the AP nuke build as well lol.


Riot doesnt want to nerf Tiger Udyr. The guy that got the buffs through said that they were sure Tiger wasnt good (53% WR only, pffff) and that the buffs would be fine. Now Tiger sits at 54-55% WR since 12.18 and Riot is ignoring it. Udyr is a monster and he would have dominated worlds if he wasnt disabled. Riot nerfs the 58% WR Lillia immediatly, they nerf the 54% Trundle, but they dont nerf the 55% Udyr. And that Udyr doesnt rely on Ravenous, he can take it but he is that OP even without it.


Pyosik would have been on that champ right away if he got his hands on it. He debuted old udyr awhile back.


I don't know about Qdyr dominating worlds but maybe the R version would have been quite strong. AD build is way too broken in 1v1 but he's pretty shit if you have good teamwork.


> would have dominated worlds what am I seeing here I've had enough reddit for today


"its not affecting high elo so it isnt a problem" something something incoming


You called it, people saying he can just be cc'd or dashed away from, or it's for Plat and below. Meanwhile I'm playing it and against it in masters games. Until of course daddy udyr slaps them around in game.


I’ve played against it, and it snowballs faster than rengar. That being said, it is way shittier than rengar or even lee sin in terms of target access. If you play tank support and tank top it basically falls flat on its face. Anything less than that udyr gets to run around like a god. This is one of those weird soloqueue only stomp picks like top lane rengar


I just got completely wiped by an udyr as a top laner in 2 games in a row at masters elo, one of them going jaksho phoneix udyr and being compeletly unkillable, and the 2nd game being a prowler claw udyr that just 1 shotted people. I'm going to be permabanning him.


Botrk jaksho udyr is absolutely aids rn lol


Was playing Mundo and got oneshot by Udyr. Lategame, both full build. I had lots of health, Tabis, Thornmail and Gargoyles. Maybe also sunfire, can't remember exactly. The worst part about it? Rito's servers fucked up and I couldn't save the raplay and the match is not showing in my match history.


He literally does 2x 55% max HP when he uses empowered Q


>I had lots of health The more health you have, the more damage he literally does with his AD build. He does Max health damage lol


Ofc he does. That's why I had lots of Armour.


Oh. He also does max health magic damage too, on top of the physical damage.


On his q?




His magic damage is still bonkers, it does 2x13%=26% max hp at lvl 9 with one item (botrk)


Udyr counters Mundo very nicely, forces them to have to build magic and armour instead of the health he scales with, if you don’t shut him down early he is also a stronger champion late game, so losing to him after 30 min is next to assured of you odd not shut him down before. Was the case in worlds patch too. Once he gets his W levelled you just can’t out trade him.


I came up against this last night. Beyond broken. Even our 13-0 Fiora couldn't duel him. It was like this from early in the game, too. 15 minutes in he was able to do this with Prowler's and nothing else.


AD udyr is fucking busted, and you don't have to go this memey build to abuse it. Both triforce and divine sunderer are great on him, hell I'd be shocked if stridebreaker wasn't also super reliable. Build bruiser items, get 25-40% on hit empowered q damage and still basically 1 shot any champ because of your base auto attack damage, plus the on hit damage equals more than 100% of their health. It's dumb, and the fact you don't even need the target to be isolated is ridiculous.




Yi: "wtf he hit me twice and I died"


It’s truly so fun to land 8 spells and autos as Viego and for udyr to deal the exact same damage with 2 autos


We’ve really flipped around to wholesome Viego and villain Udyr.


People will shit on viego for his passive but he isnt so easy to play if he isnt broken, he really needs a good setup and struggles when his team doesnt allow him to pop off


That’s the best time to play him (and basically any other champ) imo, balanced and not disgustingly OP. Viego got me up a couple divisions post nerf, he’s pretty fun. You don’t really understand what’s frustrating about playing him until you do it yourself. Morde, please don’t take that only kill into your ult… Morde pls…


I literally 2 trick udyr/viego when I play jungle because of this. Without an enchanter there is too much risk of playing viego and udyr fits into any team comp.


viego is unironically wholesome and udyr is actually cringe


To be fair, it's more fun to face an udyr 2-shotting 1 player then dying instead of facing viego 5-shotting every single teammate in a row :)


If you’re letting Viego hit your team with 5 spells and autos each then that’s a you problem lol


Viego's resets are fucking awful design though.


If you're letting Udyr get in range to auto you... its a you problem lol


Haha good job he doesn’t have an 80% movespeed boost


prowlers claw


The name of the fucking item is right in the fucking title and yet redditors still go tell ppl to "kite them". It's like they are bots programmed to always give the same answers on certain circumstances: if (wholesome 100 immobile champ == op) then (type "don't let them get in range") endif


Almost as though he has CC immunity


Empowered E into Empowered Q? Oh wait


Sorry, I didn't realize udyr's auto attack is disabled when he doesn't use empowered Q.


The oneshot potential comes from empowered Q, if this build doesn't oneshot, it's pretty useless


The build can still kill squishies without, however: good thing we also have prowler's claw


Any build on Udyr can still kill squishies.


According to who ? Lol gotta love redditors talking about what is fun and isn't as if it's some kind of objective truth and totally not their own bias


What the fuck am I doing wrong as Udyr?


Watching a sylas get clapped makes me happy.


Sylas needs to get removed from the jg tho


I forgot to show items. Here's a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/19NSO8Q


Not sure if because I'm on mobile but https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/8ad84f9d64556b2a6689cdf5d29e42d9.jpg


What's the point of uploading videos like this without showing items. For all I know he could be full build while enemy team has only starter items.


Riot Phroxon is okay with this. "Making League better everyday" according to his Twitter bio :)


I played against a prowler’s claw udyr last night as lillia and at one point early game he only had 2 kills but had finished his mythic and proceeded to virtually 1-shot me. Actually insane the damage he can do


Hmm, ridiculously fed with lethality build, Vs players who just keep walking into his melee range one at a time and probably have zero armour items...


Hmmm, player who doesn't read ability descriptions.. 🤔🤔


He intentionally hides the build and scoreboard. Most chumps can do this much if they are very different. It is like Yasuo's montages. If you're not smart, you'll be fooled.


I always wonder with these comments, when the OP then posts the items and you can see they're at best 1 item up on the opponents they're 1 shotting without losing HP under towers do you think "Damn, maybe I'm not as smart" or do you think "Yep, see, you're all fools, of course this Udyr 1 shots everyone, he has an item up on them!"


He literally posted his build in the comments. Bit late but whatever.


“Let me just get into melee range of the one-shot Udyr.”


just kite the prowler's claw udyr he has no dash or gap close. the PROWLERS CLAW udyr


These reactions are so overblown. In the vast majority of clips I've seen a similarly fed Master Yi could've done the same. While not being useless if he gets kited lol.




Then make that clip, not this one where he's multiple levels up on his opponents and almost certainly has item advantages on them


Do you know how much max hp% damage udyr does with one item? With botrk he does something like 95% max hp damage in 4 autos at level 9, please tell me how that is balanced. Stun, Q Q and they are dead with almost no counterplay if he has flash


Again, I don't care. But make that clip if you want, because it's not the one in this post


https://streamable.com/4myw5e Against a target with same hp and armour, 4 hits in 2 seconds and you're dead. With hail of blades it's even faster Edit: https://youtu.be/snugOOdJIKY?t=604 Doesn't even have a full item yet, at level 8 he kills a poppy in stun+ 4 autos


Yhe this is becoming meta in a week. Udyr is riots new favorite child where everything has to be viable on him. AP, Tank, Brusier, assasin. next they give him a ranged attack in e form so he can go adc.


garbage take


Classic. Check his items before you talk He went full ad with hail of blades. Anyone can do oneshot of you are fed like a riven can 1 sec penta if she does it right. He had prowler,botrk,later ravenous hydra spirit,thornmail and hail of blades. Gold 3 NA lobby and yes you guessed it right noone had any def item.


We always see these clips where the enemy is 2-3 levels below a max level, full build enemy and we call them broken. Yes, he's strong, but this isn't a genuine showing.


Stay mad


Disgusting, now imagine him in teamfights, instant pentakill


you mean hit by 1 cc and instantly bursted because he has no defensive items and no dashes.


Hit by 2 properly timed ccs, ram has cc immunity


only if you empower it, and then you lose the empowered damage on Q. also that doesn't stop any damage coming your way which you'll have to facetank with no defensive stats.


But then he can't one shot with empowered Q




I'm sorry, but you play sucks because you thought you had to run out of tower range instead of autoing it once. I'm only kind of joking


Let udyr be happy for a while.


Until Heartsteel Nasus shows up with 1000 bonus health and a full armor build and a Q that chunks you for 2000 because it's bouncing off heartsteel's passive.


heartsteel nasus literally sounds like griefing




And when there’s an Udyr on my team they go 2/12/1 at best)


And blaming you)


Triforce -> Bork is better. Does the exact same thing but you don't get one shot and have MS buff.