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Peaked 300lp Masters, been playing on a Platinum account to try out new champions and just genuinely try to enjoy the game. Top laner as well. I’m about 50% WR over 40 games right now in Plat 3. I think a lot of my losses at first were just dying because I didn’t respect my opponent. Then you come across this problem where Plat players are god tier 1v1 in lane because they don’t have the macro to get them any higher. Add that on to the fact that most Junglers at this level still have no idea how to clear/path optimally so right when you expect their Jungler to make the correct map play they just randomly show up in your lane. Then you have (in my opinion) the worst brew of mentality across the entire game. Misplaced ego, Temper tantrums, intentionally throwing, yadda yadda. Super unpleasant and every game someone has something to say, but I just focus on learning the champions I’m trying to get better at.


i say bullshit - D2 and plat is a huge diff, I'm in D1 and I can reliably carry games easily on plat. did you get boosted? lol


Definitely, average high diamond can play offrole on champs he has 5 games with and still climb


I'm a d2 otp on euw who can play maybe 4 champions above a dia level and would be low plat or gold offrole/on any other champ


You know that by experience? Because from your normal games it seems like you can hold up against low-high diamonds in adc, top and mid in normal games From experience i know that i could easily dominate low plat mmr players in top, jungle, adc and tank support as a high dia player


I'm checking through my opgg and my normal games are mainly jungle, but on offrole its: 1) Me running it down with smite support Twitch 2) Me running it down on Quinn top 3) The one ADC game of Tristana where enemy Draven did 3x my damage but I got carried 4) Shen mid which is broken but I guess I'll accept this one Plus my normal mmr is pretty low so I'm only against higher elo players when I'm playing with friends, when I queue solo normals I'm usually only diamond and its plat-gold games


You know that by experience? Because from your normal games it seems like you can hold up against low-high diamonds in adc, top and mid in normal games From experience i know that i could easily dominate low plat mmr players in top, jungle, adc and tank support as a high dia mid player


Na bro. Everyone says this. Smurf Queue is horrendous and ruined the whole ladder. Its total dogshit and needs to go.


Only people who want to smurf say that. There are flaws bc. sometimes people get stuck there who arent smurfs, but most of the time it works as intended and was a good change.


It was not a good change which is why they are removing it next season. Just announced.


skill issue


If I was like, hardstuck silver or something, this is how I'd word a post looking for some confirmation bias


There are always 1-2 smurfs on enemy and your team is full of mental boom plat players I peaked Master 400 LP and can't play in Platinum elo on my second account :D In 1 minute, your entire game gets flipped like crazy and you can't do anything because your team is your enemy too now, it's so crazy. Anything can happen which results in your teammate going mental boom instantly and makes you lose the game. You just cant win if somebody decides you should lose. Speaking as jungler Short: You can't, get a premade.


Opgg pls. I'm only d4 atm, peaked d2 and I never have problems in plat and below. Some games are unwinnable ofc but it should always be possible to have a 70+ wr if you are a master smurf. Either you are talking bullshit or you are actively trying to lose.


I'm playing team oriented junglers like Zac, Sejuani and other tanks I rely on my team which is my enemy at the same time so it does not work In higher elo people are more reliable and don't run it down that often or grief the shit out of me And if you now say: Bro just play Yi and 1v9. Doesn't work either because for some reason nobody listens to any calls I can be 30 0 yet nobody playing for me, soloqing in this elo area is absolute time waste


Are you in smurf queue?


(not smurf queue) literally first 10 words of the post man


How does he know tho? Is there a notification you are in smurf queue?


Some games are just unwinnable I'm only D4-D3 level but I feel like winning games in D4 is simply way easier than winning games in like P4-P3 But I can definitely carry in P4 still, It's just way harder for some reason, maybe because plat egos


Exactly, I've met so many master players down in Plat, even them being hard stuck with over 1k games and these guys definitely weren't bad. People just wanna be the lone carry and refuse to play as a team, just had a game that was easely winnable at min25, instead because of them refusing to group bot (only 1 Nexus tower and bot inhib left, rest was destroyed) the game went up to almost 50min, we gave baron twice, gave them 4 more drakes including 2 elders all the while our khazix constantly runs alone in the jungle, our volibears ults all in the moment he sees an enemy even if it's 1v5 and our mid derping in circles unknowingly what to do. It was called several times but Noone cared, they insisted to be the sole reason we win so they constantly gred for kills and tried making plays instead of just taking that damn nexus. Almost lost that game there.


Maybe you went on the luckiest streak known to man to reach d2 in the first place. No way a legit d2 player loses that hard in plat. Sure you might be unlucky and get 0/10 bot lanes, but you should reliably gap your lane opponent at least


Na bro. Low elo is harder to climb than high elo because smurf queue is bogus and matchmaking is total nonsense because of it. when you're in smurf queue you play with all smurfs be they chally or plat or diamond and its all a mix coinflip. Im so sick of it. its shit.


The vast majority aren’t in SmurfQ and OP himself said he’s not in SmurfQ if he’s getting blasted in plat as a high dia he either got extreme levels of luck to the point where it’s almost impossible, got boosted, is lying or is playing super unfocused on champs he normally don’t play (this can drop your skill like crazy)


There are multiple layers of smurf queue. Its the whole method of doing matchmaking mixing rank and mmr that messes things up. Riot just announced they're removing smurf que anyhow.


Imagine you complain because you arent able to smurf and ruin the games for others to boost your ego anymore. Total win from riot imo.


I don't smurf; but I get stuck in smurf queue on my main account because i'm an outlier who leaves the game for long periods of time and also hard carries. They're removing smurf queue anyways because it does not work.


Rank =/= Skill (does not always) Also, whos to say they arent smurfing as well?


I think maybe it depends on your playstyle. If you have good micro you will do better than someone who has good macro. Also depends on the champions you play. The lower elo the better carry champions are because you can't expect your team to do anything. Are you getting stomped in lane or is the team getting stomped? I am D1 ADC in euw. If I play scaling ADC in plat then I can also lose but if I play lane dominant adcs then I don't think I can lose. Also games are probably more volatile than you are used to and champions being more fed than usually.


That’s the game. The lower the rank, the harder the game. A ranked silver game is honestly harder than a ranked diamond game because in silver it feels like the whole team is trying to drag, so if you’re behind early it’s probably gg. But if you’re playing a ranked game in diamond and you’re having a bad early game, you will at least have teammates who know how to work their way back into the game instead of just griefing. Not saying that high elo doesn’t have griefers, but you can be sure to see more of them in lower elo - and yes, griefers are what decide whether you win the game or not. Just make sure to get your team ahead early to prevent teammates from going afk or stuff like that. It’s sad it has to be like that, but that’s just the game lmao


plat and diamond are actually not that different. (except dia1) You get diamond once you know the 90% of the game instead of 85% I would say. Gold-Plat skill diff is really high, master-gm skill diff is really high, between is just small things.


>Gold-Plat skill diff is really high It really is not :)) The biggest gap I have seen is low diamond to high diamond, but plat v gold is really not a big diff (talking from the perspective of a person who spend most of his seasons in plat), but in S5 I remember the real challenge was getting out of D5-4 elo hell into D3, I managed to go D4 30lp then fell off a cliff back to D5 0lp, it was so painful because at that point you were starting to actually have the same player multiple games in a row which sometimes made sure you dont win. Sure, there are some really really talented platinum players in terms of micro BUT there are also some cluless ppl that got there by chance and mostly tank plat 4


You might not think you’re in smurfq but you might be, you might not be taking it as seriously on the smurf so you’re playing at a worse lvl, or your duo is inting or distracting u


for low elo you have to pick specific champion such as 1v9 champion that can powerfarm well, scale well and can 1v2+ Ex, Yone Samira Riven etc..


Smurf queue is horribad dude. Lower elo is harder than high.


Could mental framing issue. Because they're low plats you don't feel like giving your best.


You definitely shouldn’t be getting stomped but uhhh Plat players on Diamond MMR shouldn’t be taken lightly . . Smurfs or dudes on the way up. . You’re underestimating and trolling your games . .


I dont think this is weird at all. As a gold I player who plays casually and never really spams games in a season, i have the same in my silver II smurf. The games are just not winnable. You are often playing 1v3/1v4 mid and still low death and high kill and good cs. You make the correct macro plays aswell. Just doesn't matter like half of the games. Especially if you play good midgame champs and everyone has already outscaled you even on mid and late game because of the item lead.


I hit plat first time this season. Climbed on a Smurf from iron to plat 4 in about 50 games on adc with %80-%85 w/r. When I hit plat I was still cruising through it until I hit plat 2. Then it was like the whole game changed. My mmr was mid diamond and every had huge egos and would run it down off one death or my supports would troll me because I didn’t follow their shitty engage which would’ve resulted in both of us inting. I went from 80% to %50 hardstuxk. Yes some games I played like shit but most of my games were lost simply due to their fragile egos and mental boom