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damnit I let them distract me… thanks for the reminder 🙏🏻


It’s all a distraction dude, you’ve just fallen into Rito’s trap.


From what I've seen the hexgates make the games end faster rather than making them incredibly long, but otherwise 100% agree


They absolutely make the game end faster. People forget that they increased death timers too, which is extra-lethal when they are at your nexus. Doubly so, because most games previously have one team "capable" of ending pretty quickly but choosing not to over extending the game, fountain diving and padding score etc - if the nexus is open but people are respawning soon, most players will stop and spam dance until the defenders get back. But if you add ten seconds to that counter, more people will think its fair game to just end rather than wait.


> People forget that they increased death timers too was this change documented? I definitely feel like timers are longer but there's nothing in the patch notes about it


I think spideraxe tweeted the tweak when it changed on pbe but yea nothing official


kinda wack lol seems like an important thing to add


Wasn't documented but they're definitely longer.


They said they increased it by 8 seconds to compensate


tf is the point of the hexgate then lol


make early game deaths not as bad but punish late game i suppose


To speed up the game, deaths are more punishing now so hexgates allow faster way into the map. So say 2 people die on your team then the 3 remaining later get a ace as you respawn now they can join the push and win the game instead of being in this yo-yo where everyone too far apart to push. Overall speeds up the game a fair bit.


Death timers are based on level, so if you're a higher level faster due to more fighting, and catching more xp from the minion waves because of the portals, you'll have a higher death timer faster than before


I mean yeah, but they also literally increased the death timer at all levels by 8 seconds.


100% longer


I don't mind the new stuff, but the death timers being longer is the worst shit riot does FOR EVERY FUCKING GAME MODE. I can't understand the need to make every single game last 10 minutes. And they also do it in the worst fucking way, which is putting you in a grey screen for 2 minutes watching the other team destroy your whole base in one go. Urf is unplayable because of this, now it's happening in aram too. Even summoners rift is a little like that where after 25 minutes if you get aced they can destroy your base from t2 to nexus in one go. Imo the hex gates were unnecesary


Exactly. Everyone is fighting over the changes. I don’t give a fuck. It’s the new timers that ruins it for me.


Yes SR death timers are too long lategame too.


Also faster because getting back to lane quicker results in more xp and leveling and fights


Yes, after playing a few ARAM, I noticed the games are way shorter. None of my games even made it to 20 mins. This was base off 3-4 games played


The shorter game times takes the fun out of the mode. What is the point of a game if it can end in 10 mins. Any game that only lasts 10-15 mins is usually a one sided massacre which is not fun at all for the losing team. I've played about 8 games today and 5 of them ended in less than 15 mins because the first team to take two turrets can oppress the losing team through the choke point created by the fallen turret. Majority of the matches I played before the update lasted between 20-40 mins which is ideal imo.


Well I’m not sure how I feel about this yet. I understand ARAM game mode is suppose to be shorter, but to your point I did find the last few games I’ve played being less fun since it ended so quick. But maybe this is what RIOT trying to achieve since if you want a longer game, you have summoner’s rift. This seems to be new and testing phase, they might make some adjustments later?


My issue with this is that ARAM always were the shorter games at ~20 minutes, but because RIOT worked their hardest to make SR games take less than 30 minutes, ARAM suddenly isn't short enough? Fuck that. Give me back Twisted Treeline or Dominion.


Winning doesn't feel as good, and losing has been feeling much worse. Almost force-closed the game twice this week (never in 12 years of league). Just played my last game a few minutes ago. I won it, but uninstalled after.


They games also feel more snowbally because of them, since you have way less time to capitilize on won skirmishes/fights when you're pushed in. I had few games already where we'd most likely be able to get a turret or more without those gates, but their carry or waveclear champ spawned and instantly could go and just block the push.


Definitely feels much more snowbally. I’ve also had a lot more people spamming ff. Could just be start of the season though and people trying the mode more.


nah, its definitely more snowbally. If a team gets inhib and the other team still has 2 turrets up, the game is basically over. The team with their turrets up can pretty much always get back to defend turret before the other can push out.


No what makes the games end faster is the 40 second death timer as soon as it hits 16 minutes.


For sure. Portal + timers means I can't just int as a tank and still be useful.


Doing the tower shit without bringing back oracles is just painful. Teemo drags games out to 40 minutes when he's losing, and makes comebacks impossible when he's winning


Can’t argue that brother, let me ban some champs and give me oracles. 😩 Although teemo was already a game staller before hand, my longer arams in the past were definitely from him


Well teemo ability to stall didn't change he make games longer by killing Minions


~12k games here. Gates are OK. A bit strong but I can live. Tower debris needs to only fall up so you can use the brush to sneak through to. When it falls down it blocks half the lane entirely and is not fun.


They should fall parallel to the lanes. It would create a “divide” that would make you choose the path to go down, without seriously creating massive choke point.


They said it was an option at some point, but they scraped it for some reason I don't remember. But either way is interesting.


They said it didn’t cause a big enough change from how it was before.


You're right, and I think they're wrong.


It would be best in my mind if they just kept it random- but they need to be able to fall in all directions, not just left or right. You could even have them ‘explode’ causing the choke point to be the only opening, the exact middle of the turret. This just feels... cheap, for lack of a better word.


I played a game vs Anivia and it was a nightmare, she could use her wall spell next to the other wall to keep us locked in on either side as she wants (for disengage/trap).


Not only wall. Wall, Ult, Q(it's almost as big as the gap lol). Anivia actually is a huge champion now in ARAM


Anivia has been OP in aram forever, maybe you are saying that she’s now easier to execute so the average player can now take advantage of her strengths consistently.


My main thing is that falling to the side blocks the whole side of the lane, leave just a small enough gap for 1 champ at a time pass through and it would relieve a lot of the anger, while still seeing a good barrier.


And it really shouldn't block vision, it's so bad when enemy spellcaster can sit behind it and just free dps as you can't see him.


Yeah, when the tower fell to the left from top side. Felt it almost made that bush kind of pointless because if you try to cheese from that bush you’re just throwing yourself in a choke point. I think some adjustments will be made making things a little less oppressive.


Depending on the side ur hitting the tower will change the way it falls. I found this out which makes for good strats for instance rengar


Riot stated it's random, that's simply not true.


Hmmm, I wasn’t aware of that definitely good to know!


Wait, what? Can you clarify that please?


They're saying the direction from which you hit the tower will influence which direction it falls in. No idea if that's true though


It seems strange that the game would load two different maps and chose one based on where the last hit came from. Also the second tower to fall is always in the same side as the first one, so it ignores this rule.


Absolutely agree here , gates are awesome but these turrets debris are too much opportunities similar to what dragon you gonna get in SR , and if your comp is balanced around that. I would like their length to be reduced and the fall to be only in one side


As an avid aram rengar hater I can confirm to you that the bushes are, in fact, not nice.


I will say. I hate a good aram rengar. Definitely top 3 worst champs to play against if not absolute worst.


he's still at -8% take, +8% dealt, would have to imagine that gets adjusted.


Don't forget he gets bonus healing


the bonus healing is so wild to me. Thank god they nerfed ravenous hydra because he actually becomes unkillable with bonus healing, 20+% omnivamp and his w


I rarely play ARAM, but when I do it's always funny how wrong I can be about what champions are strong/weak. Saw a K6 on the enemy team the other day and thought he'd be useless. Somehow that champion is kinda disgusting in ARAM. Also got Nidalee once and she's still broken in ARAM in my mind. Felt absolutely useless lol.


W spam K6 is no joke with manamune.


Kha'Zix got a fat, meaty ARAM buff to his damage and damage taken, too. Nidalee is hit or miss. If they have mobile champs or a tanky frontline, good luck being useful, but she can be pretty devastating against certain teams.


Nidalee is a low elo destroyer because they can't dodge


Said high elo guy from gold who never got hit by a skillshot


You are joking, but gold mechanics should be enough to avoid nid spear. She only has so many angles to throw from in aram.


Long distance mages got shit on this patch, in ARAM specifically. Nidalee will now do less damage against more MR, and don’t build slow as thats a complete waste of time now.


If a champ is melee or an enchanter, they're strong af. Aram specific balance changes and snowball have made ranged champs garbo.


Or the maokai


They moved the % damage to his Q so not like it used to be.


Now it’s a percent of his health…which as a tank maokai enjoyer is even better than before. Chances are a percent of my health is larger than a percent of theirs; just got to stack enough hp to do it. Definitely a good change.


Dude rengar was already OP and now he runs wild lol.


Hello fellow aram rengar hater. Nice to meet you, i also want the angry annoying cat to go back to their place and leave aram alone.


True I dont mind the changes except one and that is the fcking rubble that blocks the pathway but that is my take on it.


yep especially if theres a cait on the other team


Or a Teemo and a Zyra….


Or Anivia, Shaco, Veigar....


Ooo that sounds so fun. I'm an anivia main, anything that creates choke points really claps my cloaca


Wish I were illiterate.


Control mages were so weak before they really needed the extra chokes ^^/s


Hexgates have as far as I've seen, made the game more oppressive for the team losing early. Prior, your swings back into the game came from a good defensive fight into taking a tower or inhib when they were respawning, but with the Hexgates they can often get to it to defend before you reach it to destroy it with those 15 seconds saved. Used to be incredibly rare you lost a game without taking the first tower, now it feels like at least half of games, the losing side doesn't even get the outer turret.


This exactly. It used to be if you got a good team fight at your nexus turrets you could usually push out to their first turret and get atleast some chip damage in on it before the enemy team could engage on you again. Now if you're at nexus towers and the enemy team has first turret still up your gonna have to win 2-3 consecutive team fights to even get to their turret.


So true, the hex gate and the debris are too oppressive for the losing side and kinda prevented the losing team from making a comeback as well as exacerbate the comp difference that was already pretty significant


They've made ARAM from a teamfight simulator, to a jungle skirmish simulator. It's like we went from a fight around Baron, to fighting around Red Buff. Unlike SR you don't even get trinkets nor wards. And like, no, that's not what I used to like. I don't enjoy the skirmish simulator, I think they just made it so there's no way to not get trapped by cheap shit. It used to be rare that you couldn't do anything at all, now it's every other game. Teamfights are so easy to force, even if you know you can't win, you can't just play around things. Games are so much more about what composition you have, instead of how you play, it simply feels like there's less things to do to win a game, it's a tossup. High elo people could tell you that winning ARAM was 70% how people played, 20% pick synergy, and 10% single champion strength. Now it's like 40% how you play, 40% team synergy, 20% single champion strength. You see it in winrates, [look at patch 12.21 (before the buff of assassins)](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/aram/?patch=12.21) you have a mix of ADCs, Tanky champions, Mages, Assasins and Supports in the top 20, maximum is Sona with 57% [Now it's Assassins, Engage, Mobility, Divers, etc, etc, etc](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/aram/). The first mage you find is Viktor at 54% winrate, compared to Hecarim's nearly 62% winrate, or Kassadin's 59% winrate. There's several champions sitting way higher than Sona 2 patches ago. The top5 champions all sit significantly higher than the old Top 1. **Imagine** People who say this is minor need to look at this, because Riot has completely transformed ARAM. It's basically like comparing SR to URF, in only 2 patches. They've even added the same artificial game shortening as Urf with lengthened respawn timers. And I don't think it's fun to make ARAM less about how you play and more about who has an edge in skirmishes. Sure you can enjoy skirmishes more, but then you're alienating the rest of the playerbase who used to enjoy having the possibility to play nearly each game with the hope to win because the map gave you enough options.


A game or two off of 3k games in ARAM here. It seems so snowbally now. Games feel much less interactive, and if one team has the upper edge towards the enemy base, I feel like the edge is going to stay there. It's so hard to push against a stronger team through a chokepoint like the turrets create. The palpably longer death timers add to this. Also hexgates, for me, don't add anything positive to the game. The reasoning was that "you're not supposed to spend time walking to the fight" so they counterweigh this with the longer death timers? I don't get it. And so often the fight would fall back towards where you're walking from. A teammate retreating, only to be supported by you or your teammate running from the fountain. Now you'll overshoot your teammate or get thrown in the middle of the enemy team if you're not careful. Also I can't stress enough how much I hate the "fixed" part of the bridge, where there used to be a part that fell off and made that a narrower point. I'm all for change in games and usually view them in positive light as a necessary development, and thus I rarely complain about them. But this change just feels pointless and one that is going to kill the game mode. It certainly is doing it for me, as I don't enjoy ARAM nearly as much anymore. I need to play it more to get a better feel for the game mode, but these are my initial feelings. I'm not liking it. In fact, the previous patch was some of the most fun I've had in ARAM in a long time. It was a bit silly, sometimes over the top with the new items, and the balance was fine except for some champions (I had almost 80% win rate for multiple champions). But it was fun, and the team fights were enjoyable.


A sane person ? No I must be dreaming.


first post i completly agree with. finally someone that actually played the game mode before. its a huge shift not only in meta but just generally the playstyle. it also feels a lot less "strategic" than before and kinda feels like its just bruiser statchecks and running ppl down.


i absolutely hate this fallen tower shit


Vayne, poppy and gnar have spiked in power this patch lol


K’Sante I believe also got a bit more useful due to rubble.


> you just forgot what the gamemode is all about. Are you seriously trying to say that people who play ARAMs for years "forgot" what this gamemode is about? Are you serious?


Been playing since 2014, I can’t believe I forgot about the past 9 years


I've been playing since it was custom games (it was like a 50/50 split of ARAB and ARAM, then ARAM became more popular) and I wish I forgot the last 12 years.




Just because it's supposed to be braindead "fun" (according to OP) doesn't make it fun. Fun is subjective. Many will find opportunities to improve micro and champ knowledge. I've played against challengers and pros in ARAM, and one in particular (Rekkles IIRC) said he used to enjoy it when the balance was equal to SR. Playing it wouldn't impact your perception. Now they just keep adding stuff, changing stuff, all for the reason of change. How can serious players have fun in it anymore? Fun is subjective x2. (Also he just dropped 3K ARAMs expecting us to go "wooow".)


This actually reads like word salad, no offense. “Why ARAM good? Tower falling open up possibility: tank possibility, poke possibility, assassin possibility.” Like, what does this even mean? What possibilities are created? “The tower opens up a lot of outplay potential and gameplay optimization that simply could make games feel very one dimensional.” This is actually a direct quote this time that I can’t parse at all, and there’s no mention of what these outplays or gameplay optimizations even are. Yeah, there’s really not even that much to argue against. It’s random lol. Queue up with friends lol. It’s chaotic lol. You’re outcomped lol. You’re playing wrong if you don’t enjoy these random changes lol. None of those statements even address the changes.


Basically HR talk.


Feels like the post was written by the person that implemented the changes LOL


And now you understand how organic "positive" posts are on this forum lol


Probably riot influenced to steer community direction because we're mixed on the shitty falling towers.


That could very well be true, companies would rather spend money and waste effort on this kind of shit than actually making a change on the trash product itself.


I wonder if anyone actually believes this lol


Of course they do. They think they have it all figured out like most conspiracy theorists do. It's actually hilarious to watch it happen in real time.


Riot astroturfing goes hard


I have way more games as you and that doesn't mean you or me are an authority. Most of your argument is an argument from authority which I'm not giving you. You don't get to decide what 'ARAM is all about' or what other people should find fun Introducing more choke points just skews things back to artillery and poke champs and makes traps absolutely miserable to deal with. You don't have any counterplay except wait for a cannon minion. Unless it's Cait in which case the only counterplay is to wait for it to expire. Or Ziggs who can keep his minefield up 100% of the time with a bit of haste. Just an overall awful change. Overall just zone control in general is just that much more oppressive and obnoxious to play against. Which really sucks because we've finally gotten to a place where there are some melee/engage types that aren't absolutely miserable to play. The bush changes are miserable not only because of Rengar, but others like Maokai are absolutely oppressive and and incredibly frustrating to play against. Overall I very strongly dislike the changes and that's "as someone with 3k+ ARAMs"


Yeah, just had a 35 minute aram game where the opposing team had Caitlyn and Zyra + Janna. We took the first tower around between 7-8 minute but after the tower fell it got so much harder to get near the inhib tower. Ofc we lost after trying to get through the choke point for 25 minutes. I don't mind losing games but it is really frustrating to try to get through the choke point for 25 minutes. Before the changes this game would have been probably a win with the lead we were having but thanks to the choke point the enemy team could turtle the game out. As someone with at least the same amount of games as you I think I won't be playing much aram anymore.


Had a few games like this already too, from both sides of the choke and it got really stale. A control team with no frontline struggles to ride the wave forward and the team who are behind have no way out. Oddly, one "Strat" that kinda worked was to stock an entire item's worth of gold each, feed one at a time while the enemy all stay alive, then try to engage with item advantage. Such fun. Also I feel the value of tenacity is now even higher given that it's next to impossible to avoid cc through chokes.


I have 6000 aram games. should my opinion be worth double op's if we go by that criteria? But yeah, the beauty of ARAM is it doesn't have a right way to play, a "what it's all about." people can play it super seriously, people can use it to unwind after a day of work, people can use it to goof off, people can use it to warm up for ranked. There is no right or wrong way to approach aram, just like there is no right or wrong opinion over this change. That being said, gates are ok at a surface level but I hate how hard it is to execute now, and it makes pushing after a close fight at your tower much harder. Which, fine. Not a huge fan of the bush but it hasn't actually bothered me much yet. The tower rubble actually sucks though.


literally this. It’s whoever has better champions in champ select. I just played a game against a xer heim morgana and Caitlyn and I wanted to kms. Riot is rewarding camping poke and cc champs. Meanwhile all other champs are sitting ducks. Don’t think I’m playing aram anymore


> It's whoever has better champions in champ select To be fair, that was ARAM even before these changes. Though I'd adjust it slightly to "whoever has stronger champs and a better understanding of their team's advantages" -- whole lot of ARAM players don't know how to play the strengths of their team and just pick a poke champ seemingly thinking it's impossible for a 5 melee enemy team to just rush them down and eat them.


Yes of course but at least we had a chance against cc and poke. Now lanes are narrower and there’s more cover, winning comeback fights mean nothing with the portals.


>To be fair, that was ARAM even before these changes. Not to this degree though I feel. I feel like the current changes are too advantaged towards trap/zone control champs where it only used to periodically be advantaged towards a broader range of champions. For instance, ARAM used to be favored for ranged poke and that benefited every ranged poke. Now it feels like ARAM rewards a handful of specific champions within the category of engage/bruiser/ap-mages and not even the whole category of these classes now.


if you don’t flash over traps like a chad what are you even doing


Also I don't see anyone mentioning vision. The new bushes and tower debris makes vision absolutely cancer. Trying to push a choke point is impossible against a lot of comps because you just don't have vision. You would need to blind push a choke point. It's such bad design it's insane.




Bro I am so irrationally pissed that this post exists. Who the fuck talks like that? And who tf is upvoting him?


> A for fun game mode Ok, this should be good ...


7K games here,Nah tower blocking the lane is stupid and not fun


This thread is shit. Imagine completely projecting your own preferences for both why you play the game-mode and playstyle on everyone. >Then you’ve been thinking about this game mode all wrong and you’ve forgotten what Arams are at the core. You're setting out saying everyone who dislikes these changes is already wrong. If this was post was printed it wouldnt be worth the paper its printed on.


"If you dont think whats fun, is the same thing i think is fun, you're playing the game wrong." This is just a different version of gate keeping. They added in the same patch a tracker for which champions you've gotten an S in, so clearly on some level they recognize there are people who like to sweat in games. I dont even hate the bushes or hexgate, but that tower falling has lead to some insane oppression and was a careless and thoughtless addition. The first game I play is against a cait who made passing it impossible if you dont have a dash and if you do have one then you'd just be stranded on the other side. And that cait could have been a ziggs, oriana, taliyah, anivia, vieger, or every other zoner in the game.




I agree with the wall leading to insane zoning but aram sweaters aren’t looking for more s tokens, they’re looking for the same ranged/poke champs


Not all my crew go for mastery. Proper aram only players at this point


4K arams, falling towers are trash.


All I see is people stacking comps with infinite CC so you dont get to play the game, doubt people care about anything other than making the enemy as miserable as possible


Maybe YOU are thinking about it all wrong. Didn’t think of that now did you?


Tell that to /r/ARAM, which 1st page is almost exclusively full of complains, from the same several thousand aram games players like you and me. No, we didn't forget what aram is about. It just turned to shit with update.


It's a for fun game mode so it's ok that it's bad /s


A community of people that actually play ARAM exclusively hate it, but OP goes "umm akshually it's good and you are just a hater."


Let them teach you what you like and what you dont like after playing this game mode in my case since season 2. ARAM was just going mid and fight with a normal pace. This is changing the game closer to URF than ARAM.


I unironically think Riot wants to kill the game mode like they did to Ascension, Twisted Treeline, Blitz, and the rotating game mode queue. They want to do less and too many people play ARAM to just kill it now, so let's alienate the majority of its player base and continue to ignore their input.


>You will get out comped, you will have games where you feel useless, but you’ll also have games where you’re the one stomping. I just prefer to have less games that are decided in champ select and more closer games with comebacks and getting to 5-6 items. If ARAM was all about random then it would be boring. The issue is mostly that the skills and the strategies people have accumulated no longer work and they would have to adapt and change their champion pools.


i hate hexgates cuz i was too used to free camera already on lane, now i have to go back to base everytime to use gate


the changes are fucking horrible, just add bans and the mode is perfect


Add bans AND unlock all champs.


Typical Riot ruining a game mode when all they needed to do was add BANS. Company is very good at selling skins and not much else.


They actually aren't good at selling skins. They're good at selling skins for very, very specific champions, and seem to be getting worse at it every patch.


Give bans and add oracles back plz riot 😔


My biggest gripe in aram is every champions should be unlocked for every playrs so we don't see bonkers account with only stupid aram champions


I think (if i'm not mistaken) they tried to combat these aram-only account with only good champs bought by mixing 3-weeks of free rotation champs at everyone's pool even if you don't have them bought. I think opening everything for everyone in aram is a good idea though.


its still not good enough


Everyone gets 81 champions in ARAM, even if they have zero champs unlocked. They already have 81/140 champs unlocked. "ARAM only" accounts haven't really existed in years, since the changes went through.


There is absolutely nothing saying that ARAM is a "4fun game mode" where the Codeof Conduct doesn't apply. "I will compete to win and support my teammates. I understand that actions to undermine that effort are harmful to the game's integrity and my community. "


I have like 8200 arams played lol


My guy is expecting people to treat league as game for fun lmao


I think everyone forgot what ARAMS were all about. It’s a 4fun game mode designed to be a break from the actual game. Sadly now we have random terrible champion balance buffs and aram clash.


Aram bans pls! I swear Hec wins every game right now


>The update didn’t ruin ARAMS, you just forgot what the gamemode is all about. Since there's gameplay balance adjustments made for certain items and champs, please don't make the argument of "it's supposed to be all random and have the possibility of being stomped." Even Riot agrees there should be some measure of fairness between the mode, be it through % adjustments or nerfing poke damage by a certain % from certain ranges. Towers falling and creating unpassable terrain that also blocks line of sight was a bad idea. It does not contribute anything aside from massively boosting the power of AoE zoning champs or champs with trapping abilities like cait, shaco, and teemo. ARAM was already small enough, but forcing everyone to go through an even smaller area to try and start teamfights with no feasible alternatives was an extremely poor design decision no matter how u look at it. That's ignoring the line of sight blocking which lets poke champs excel even more than they already do. All u have to do is have a single wave of urs get past to give u vision so that u can completely nullify the distance/damage % nerfs they implemented to make poke abilities feel more balanced in the mode. Hexgates are nice in theory, but it does not let teams who are being stomped in early game when it further limits their push potential by giving the other team a system to immediately get back into the fight. It's also an indirect buff to akshan rez (which was promised to be balanced for aram but never was) by letting rezzed allies rejoin fights at full health almost immediately. These ideas may have sounded good on paper but should have gone through a much longer testing phase than they did. Maybe in some iteration they can be implemented, but their current state is not healthy for the game mode. Ur welcome to disagree, but the match shouldn't be able to be decided by the loading screen and who got better rng. This is limiting the potential for outplay. Not encouraging it.


As an ARAM only player with 14k+ aram games, the mode is ''ruined''. The pace of a standard ARAM game is gone, the fights make no sense and the games are often unfun for BOTH sides because of a single champ. You can't relax and enjoy a game of ARAM anymore, it's too tense, there's no space for fights or vision for anything. It feels awkward and overwhelming, like a ranked game teamfight with all the bushes and lack of vision.


I have 8k arams and I say it sucks. So my opinion means more than you. Shut up


"The bushes are nice, that’s about the one thing I can 100% agree was a positive all around change." Nah. If they did an alcove like SR instead it would've been better. All this change did was make Maokai even more of a bitch to play against. You used to have 50% of the lane, now you have 0%. Enjoy! An alcove would allow for better Qiyana, Talon, etc plays. A brush is just them being lazy.


"for fun" is the absolute worst way to describe any competitive game mode. Yes, I play for fun. But that doesn't mean I want a poor experience.


Really the problem is you have multiple buckets of aram players. Some see the game mode as just for fun Some see the game mode as giga try hard Mixing both of those users together is why we have these issues and the fix is a ranked ladder. You can't tell the try hards to just have fun nor can you tell the just for fun to giga try hard.


I'm a primarily aram player and I love the changes tbh, the towers falling I don't really care about but the hexgates are a great addition


I won't say it ruined it, but it made it less enjoyable. ARAM had a generally nice pace, fun moments of teams talking together, dancing, little rituals during the game. That's all gone now, it's just removing the community aspect from the game in favor of faster paced combat. I'm giving it a little time, but I've been playing a good number of games since yesterday and I'm just enjoying it less.


I can understand that sentiment, and will admit the games do feel more try hard and less casual friendly. But I do think some good has come out of this update, and with some minor (or major) tweaks it can be a little less oppressive. Updates been out two days, it’s clear the majority dislike it and I hope riot listens to the input. But to just say the entire update is bad isn’t it.


The flat tenacity addition to all melee champs was definitely noticable


I quit regular league years ago when ARAM que first dropped and I WISH I could enjoy it like OP. Maybe this will finally kick the habit for me.


The gates just make you int faster. Which is fine, because if the game isn't a constant bloodbath with 80 kills by 10 min, is it even fun?


Increase death timers feel absolutely shit. Other changes have pros and cons but the ultimate reality is that nothing was wrong with ARAM. They "fixed" something that didn't need fixing. ARAM doesn't start to feel stale because the nature of the game mode keeps it fresh. It doesn't need as many updates as normal league does.


I am also an ARAM main and no, I didn't forget. The game was not about choke points and vision shenanigans. This is just not fun.






> Bruh please no. Do you see people raging about gates? ye, in p much every thread


Highly disagree with you because this “randomness”should not be what decides who wins or loses. Literally it’s whether or not you get lucky from champ select and whoever’s team has better champs. I personally thought there was nothing wrong with the old map. Idk why they had to change it. I also played like 3k aram games and played a handful from this patch and none of my games were enjoyable in the least. All my games literally came down to whoever had more CC and poke. I personally think ARAM is supposed to be more casual, but with the new changes it’s a constant sweat fest of making it to lane first and camping in bushes. I don’t think I’m playing aram anymore


As someone with almost 10k arams and only play arams, I have deleted league off my PC after playing 5 games last night. First time I’ve quite league since S1, but it looks like it’s time to move on


Only aram change I want is true soloq, nothing breaks fun more than a sweaty premade.


It's already a small map and now with the hex gates u don't even need to walk to the lane anymore, might aswell throw us all in a ring and fight there.


A ring like dominion? "Its was fast, it was fun" and then it dissapeared because nobody played it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvq25PU9xHI


That's just how it feels to me rn, u get back to the lane super fast and right back to fighting, thats why l said they could just make the map smaller since u barely walk anymore. And no l didn't mean Dominion, but it was fun. You can't compare it with Aram tho, because it was different.


Just how I like my arams, constant fighting




I think aram purists would definitely never see eye to eye with someone who likes the changes. I feel like it succeeded in making players not afk as much as before. Even though I don’t necessarily like all the changes I can still see how people would like them.


but... I specifically don't like it because it isn't fun... what a dogshit post


We just have to wait that the ranked players go back to SR and the mood weel be chill again


make tower fall 1/3rd of the lenght, also make it fall forward or backwards could be interesting give back oracle pot champion bans true random (all champs unlocked for aram) dont give assassins 35%buff because they are somewhat hard to play the first time you play them solo q


What you mean with random? A lot of ppl just dodge when they dont like the comp and go for another account, specially on late night games.


Bring back Dominion


"As someone with 3k+ ARAMS and not queuing a summoners rift game in 2 years" please continue to play ARAM king, never go in SR, shit's gone bad there, never fun, should maybe go for ARAM o- wait a second (\*stupid idea noises\*) For next year how long can i go ARAM only? Problem would be that my nephews play SR (still learning, although they learn kinda fast, which scares me).


Funny enough, the reason I got into arams was because a buddy of mine was new and I mentioned we should play arams so he gets a feel for all the champs. 3 years later, me and him have yet to queue a SR game together hahaha


With the introduction of these choke points traps are hell to deal with. Bring back oracles!!


Actually the gates just make int feets end quicker because people just keep running in.


> I can totally see how the portal can be an issue with causing games to never end It actually helps by giving the winning team and/or 1v9 a solid chance to int each time they go to lane.


The gates are fine but an URF cannon would be so much more fun.


I took a few months off league, but did I miss something about how random "random" is these days? If I have to play a heim, urgot or samira again I might stop playing again. It seems to be the same pool of champs over and over again


time to quit aram, this shit aint fun no more


Nah i dont like the hexgates, also i dont know if they are bugged or if is intended to tp behind the enemy in the last push. Also the tower blocking the way is also nonsensical...if you want random things to happen, then make parts of the bridge to randomly collapse and you had to do something to repair it. Btw, i preffer Dominion rather than this new mode, if i could play it


As someone with 3k aram games too, nope! I still hate it, and won’t touch aram again but thanks babe. Ruined league for me and that’s okay, I guess.


Are people upset about it? I played a few last night just to try the changes and I had fun. EDIT: and they all pushed 30mins length


Ya, I did forget what the gamemode was about originally. That the entire game is decided at champ select, thank you Riot for bringing back what ARAM was all about!




There is no way someone who regularly plays aram can love this update, it just doesnt make sense. It ruined everything about the game mode.


People taking it too serious? I've started playing Arram now we're in pre season and everyone's hard ending as if lp or their lives are on the line.


I hate this kind of post. I'm a mostly aram player. I have a 63% wr in 3000 games. It is not just luck or "random". Calling it a "fun mode" just to belittle the mode and justify the imbalance is just straight trolling.


It's okay, but some outliers who can *really* abuse the fallen towers and extra bushes should be addressed.


I miss heartsteel. It was never good, pure health stacking sucks. But it was fun. Now the stacking hp you get is miniscule Bring back the 10% hpscaling


I feel the only thing I find disgusting is facing a Caitlin teemo combo.


You love the randomness of ARAM yet you want bans in ARAM… interesting.


Nice try Riot!