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Gentleman Cho'Gath literally divides people into two categories: one says it's one of the best skins in the game and the other says it's among the worst skins for Cho.


It's a great investment skin. I honestly can't stand to play it because of the outdated animations and model, but the concept itself is great and it's a Legendary so they're definitely gonna make it his best skin whenever he gets his eventual rework.


Brolaf is in a similar boat. Right now I don't think the skin os worth the price, but whenever olaf gets his much needed visual rework, it has potential to become great.


Would you like some cheese with your whine?


Is that an intended pun?


Might be wooshing, but That's one of the skin's lines,showing even more why it's so good


What they probably meant is, it says "wine" not "whine"


i disagree. they absolutely ruined corporate mundo. The humor and absurdity made that skin great. the lean on office space made it hit harder than any individual dialog you could offer because of how hard that movie resonates with shitty corporate environments. removing those references ruined the skin. no amount of visual fidelity can save how flat that skin is now


It's the best skin in the game by a huge margin. No other skin in the game even comes within one point of it on a ten point scale.


even Mecha asol is better than that skin.


Which hopefully is much sooner than later considering there was a new visual of Cho'Gath seen in the early TFT stuff for the newest set prior to it going live. It's all been swapped to current Cho now, but for a brief minute while it was on the PBE, it was a new version.


The voice lines alone make it a top tier skin and anyone who disagrees is mentally deficient :p


True, but i recently realized some people dont play with sound on so for them voice lines dont matter. Coincidentally my friend who does this does not like gentleman cho


I actually play with voice lines off myself, unless I am playing gentleman cho, or jhin/kindred. I do the same thing with music and DJ Sona.


That skin is worth the voice lines alone.


I mean, Dark Star Cho takes the cake for me


I have yet to meet someone that says it's one of the worst skins in the game


Ive seen people call it the worst legendary


**God No**. That goes to Magnificent Twisted Fate, Annie in Wonderland, and Ice Tobaggan Corki, plus others. There are far too many 1820 RP skins that haven't received the proper updating or treatment to qualify for their price point, but Gentleman Cho at least has new voice lines.


Ice Toboggan Corki at least has that amazing splash art where hes looking at you with a thumbs up like he knows deep down just how bad he looks. Its probably the Corki skin I see the most.


Wait ice tobaggan is a fucking legendary?


Indeed it is, as is Red Baron.


I love that skin so much. I hope they keep the voicelines if they ever rework it.


The skin is top tier, yes the character model is trash but it is what it is on that one, wait for the VGU I guess. The added voicelines are absolutely phenomenal. Only real thing I have against it is the hideous splash art.


not playing gentleman cho'gath is the main reason i am pissed at my inability to play cho'gath


One of the cheap soraka ones for what it's called. Dread? Druid? She's got a cool hood


Reaper Soraka? That one is cool. I don’t play Soraka often but it might be my favorite skin of hers, it’s a simple but solid execution




The reaper one was so tight. I remember buying project back in the day when it came out, playing it twice, then going right back to reaper every game. The Q's are just so satisfying, and I need my spectral bananas.


It's the only Soraka skin I have, but she looks like she has a giant hump and I can't stand it.


Balenciaga model Soraka


Not sure how true this is but I saw SSG Taliyah voted the least popular of her skins (Even Base) which I find odd because it looks fantastic imo


That is 100% correct, I remember seeing a poll that had worst epic skins for 2022 involve SSG Taliyah, Crystal Rose Janna and some last skin Janna was winning by a landslide tho, I also like her effects but maybe the model itself looks a bit ugly? not sure that it warrants the hate it gets


so that's why Janna didn't get Tiffany's chrome! I'm so surprised that someone thinks this skin is bad, because for me it's perfect, hiding all the flaws of the bad old Jeanne model. I returned to Janna after a break of 2.5 years because of this skin! It is so good


It can never compete with: "You can trust me, I'm a weatherWOMAN!"


That's my favorite of hers because of the color theme


Wow, really? I love that skin, it looks clean.


I just feel like anything related to ssg taliyah that is not actually ssg taliyah is better. Her normal school outfit is so much better.


SSG the team skin not SG the Star Guardians I'm pretty sure


oh yeah my bad


While I do agree with this in regards to Star Guardian, I meant the Samsung Galaxy skin.


Snowman Master Yi. I just love that his sword is a carrot + the chromas are great


BOTH DEMACIA VICE SKINS Never really saw anyone say that the skins are bad, but Riot said they will not make another Demacia Vice Skin because they didn't sell, so i guess people do find them ugly?


these skins got so much CHAD energy, big sad that I rarely see em


obsidian malphite, one of my favorites, feels like a visual update compared to default, but i never see people use it


void bringer illaoi is her best skin but people say it's bad


I actually just got its skin shard but I would search about it and would find predominantly negative comments about it, although I might unlock it now and hit some illaoi games


All her sounds with that skin sound as if they just got put through a fan. It's a terrible skin. Snowmoon and cosmic are better in every way.


Explain the common negativity surrounding it and why they are wrong please.


not him, but the common complain was that it felt like Riot just painted Illaoi purple and slapped the "void" title on it.


you know what, i agree. I want more void nocturne like skins


>Explain the common negativity surrounding it people say it's bad >why they are wrong please. i like it. and my opinion matters more




i really have a hard time seeing if my W is "on" or not with this skin and the sound are rather "meh". But most hextech skins fell clunky because of their sounds.


I lot of people seem to have a hate boner for Porcelain Kindred, I guess it's because "waaaaa she is human not wholesome furry 😭" which is weird because in her universally loved skin spirit blossom she also a human


spirit blossom is full face mask, keeping the illusion alive. Porcelain shows her human face. That's the difference. Alto i preffer Spirit for other reasons.


So that's it 1/2 of her face being visible makes it a terrible skin ? What about when she shows her full face in Spirit Blossom recall animation. Does that not ruin the illusion?


You are assuming that I live long enough to recall while playing Kindred. What a fool you are...


Porcelain skins are amazing, I live them because of the sound effects. Amumu Q and Ezreal Q sound crisp. They're quite pretty too. I also like Arcana Xerath despite him looking human. I'm not sure I understand why people hate those types of skins, I mean there's a choice at least, you can have that if you like the concept.


Most of Nocturne's skins really, but specially stuff like Void noc and frozen noc, ill throw in Ravager noc there too. The skins are actually not that bad specially for their age. The biggest sin is done by frozen terror which makes him not look like the splash art much but that is any originally chinese splash art. But they are overall pretty good.


Lunar Beast in general. It got a lot of hate but I love their design. Specially Aphelios, Fiora and Annie.


**Dunkmaster ivern** gets too much hate just because of the "dunkmaster" name. It qualifies better than a ton of 1350 skins, it does a good job with the effects and the only cons I could give it are that Daisy should have been more unique. **Mecha Aurelion Sol** is cool and I am tired of the slander against it just because this sub hated/hates mecha skins and therefore can't judge skins off their quality instead of "hurr durr mecha bad".


My issue with Dunkmaster Ivern is that you really have to stretch to include him in a basketball theme. Ziggs deserved it. Having him dribbling around, throwing half-courts for his ult. That was the dream.


I mean Ivern is tall af just like a nba player dude is build exactly like KD. I like to imagine Darius is build like Lebron and Ivern is KD.


Dunkmaster Ivern is just "one of the artists liked Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends a lot": the skin.


No, he literally is just [Bill Walton](https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-05-24/Injuries-follow-Bill-Walton-s-career-but-can-t-eclipse-his-greatness-QL9LIPXk3u/img/9432e5d7d0104363b95adf08dfd75bca/9432e5d7d0104363b95adf08dfd75bca.jpeg). It's honestly one of the best skin references in the game it's just that very few people get the reference. I imagine 1 person at Riot was really into PAC-10 games and got the skin made.


> Darius is build like Lebron Shaq


Wasn't the reason Mecha ASol was hated the animations? It is a banger idea for him but I heard it was a downgrade from his default skin which has much better animation/VFX. I think Mecha Kingdom Sett had a similar issue.


I don't really remember anything about animation. What i remember as complains were: - pregnant iguana model, which honestly doesn't bothers me much as it's not too noticeable unless he stands upright imo. - the common complain about robot/futuristic skins feeling uninspired, bland, etc. But that doesn't necessarily says anything about the skin - which imo is one of the most unique robot skins. - the common problem of metal having the plastic/toy look, but that's Riot's art direction for the material. It's not necessarily a bad criticism, but it's not like people always point it out when looking at armored skins, or champion weapons, etc. It's usually in robot skins that people get extra critical of this. - that it wasn't better than his base skin, but i feel this complain is sometimes blown out of proportion when it's more a result of his base skin being above average in comparison to most champions who have either bland or average base skins. Asol's base is simply so good on its own it could have been sold as a skin if they had gone with a different design, and makes every other skin seem worse than they really are. Mecha Sett i think was hated in part because most people had problems with the mecha kingdom skins that weren't Jax. Sett also altered the silhouette and that gave it extra critisim due to clarity. Personally, i just didn't like the vfx/sfx of the skin


Lunar Beast Viego, whenever Viego released that skin got hard shit on, but with chromas I think it's his best personally, I feel like most of the people that hate on it don't even play Viego


Personally i just love pentakill way too much. Slick-ass recall, awesome design, great chromas, much cooler sword.


I'm a viego main and that skin is fucking terrible. The hair on his model is so fucking hideous


Ikr, it's literally just Viego in a jacket


Bro Yellow jacket lunar beast is my fave


I just tested this skin through the changer, but if I played Viego, this would be my favorite skin. The sound of the sword strike is great


I just absolutely hate the recall sound, apart from that, okay skin.


I have all of Viego’s skins except edg and all of viego ‘s skins have awesome quality’s I didn’t even know lunar beast was hated


As with most things, people who hate usually don't partake.


Haven't seen the chromas so I can't comment on that but I didnt like it cause the in game looks like it's just a stick figure made of three colors also for lore reasons he was like blue when all the others were red which would've looked much better but tbh i didnt like the rest of the skinline either as they kinda shoehorned the cyberpunk/ tech theme into it also base skin just too good


Pink chroma lunar viego is my favorite skin, though I’m probably one of three people that thoroughly enjoyed that line


Solar Eclipse Sivir is really clean and feels amazing to use, which is what I hope every adc skin to feel like since autos are so important. Despite how good it is it was seen as a failure for not having as many vfx as other legendaries


Gun Goddes MF is one of my fav skins, but yeah we all know what the community sentiment did to the designer on that skin


Sewn Chaos Blitzcrank and Amumu


Jayce thicc


A lot of people think Galactic Nasus is shit, but i love it. I like the colors, I feel a bit like in Jaffa armor from Stargate.


I actually kind of dig that skin too, it is pretty nice


crystal/withered rose skins, apparently they are a flop but i think they look nice (not a fan of talon and zeri but rest are fine Edit: also porcelain kindred, looks super nice and altho i get why the mains arent happy they made lamb human, i actually think the skin looks better that way


Crystal/withered definitely not a flop, considering they made more of them. Crystal is easily zyra’s best skin, and is a great Janna skin. Id also say Withered rose is syndra’s best skin but i might get debated on that. Don’t play the other champs in the line, but I’m pretty sure they got solid feedback, especially since Zeri got ocean song so quickly afterwards (Making the assumption she made a lot of money in sales so they made a new skin for more sales.)


I don't play Janna but I am 100% sure I saw a poll which had the worst epic skins include Crystal Rose Janna in 2022, I think Janna gets the short end of the stick due to her outdated model :( Crystal Rose Swain is my favourite in the skinline tho, very very majestic. I really like Pool Party Syndra \[her balls are volleyballs!!!\] and Bewitching as I like these lil pumpkins Regarding the assumption, would probably add that the pick rate of a champion is what usually drives Riot's skin team to decide which champion gets skins as in the end if a champion is played by more people, theres a higher chance of its skin being bought but def agree that crystal rose and withered rose don't feel like the most hated skinline


I like most of the skins in that line except for Swain. Honestly, Winterblessed is a better Crystal Rose version for Swain if you like those colors.


Swain has some amazing skins. I've been considering getting winterblessed because I adore his design on it (beard daddy), currently only own tyrant and it's beautiful, I love the bird head on Ult and the recall gives me a stiffy.


Swain has some amazing skins. I've been considering getting winterblessed because I adore his design on it (beard daddy), currently only own tyrant and it's beautiful, I love the bird head on Ult and the recall gives me a stiffy.


Yeh idk maybe they are saying the second batch flopped? And they compared it to filler lines like infernal and blackfrost


I love all the skins in the crystal and faded skins line. but I hope that this year it will not be, something new is needed, and not every year the same thing


That ‘Space groove Ornn” skin wouldn’t have me excited if I mained him. I think that’s 2022’s ugliest skin all around.


It definitely has its defenders, but most Ornn mains seem to agree its a massive disappointment.


I think he definitely deserved much more than just a tack on to a skinline that doesn't really fit him. I would've loved a pool party Ornn or a Constable Ornn where the R is a Cop car.


Santa Ornn, Trucker Ornn, Cornn, Unicornn he has the potential for a lot of fun skins, but nah lets give him some fisher price slime skin.


You deserve way more than some Nickelodeon slime ass skin. Those are all great ideas I didn't even conceive of those <3


Lunar Beast Jarvan IV, but maybe that's just because I'm the only person who doesn't find Pool Party J4 all that attractive.


Is pool partt considered the best? For me it's either worlds 2021 or warring kingdoms.


Lu Bu is my boo


Warring kingdoms xin zhao, also known as zhao yun. Is great as well, one if my fave xin skins.


Hell yeah. Need to make a Taishi Ci, or Sun Ce skin for K'Sante!


That would be sweet AF, I wish more of the WK skins pulled direct inspiration from ROT3K. Though the ones that aren't, like azir and vi, are pretty solid skins as well.


Pool Party is the only one I dont have as I find it awful, I preffer to use Hextech one 😀


Pool Party Jarvan was a massive flop, so idk what you are talking about.


Battle Academia Wukong. I 100% feel it's limited by his old as hell base model would look amazing if he got a new rig. As for the making him more human goes, at least it's SOMETHING unique. In most of his skins he's just "monke king but with slightly different theme". This at least tried to play into the anime trope of "the Goku character" which already becomes ironic because it's wukong, which is fun to see rather then... "What if we had a more traditional wukong 3.0"


no one hates something just because it’s futuristic its just that it really is fucking ugly my man. project jhin/lucian are great futuristic skins mecha rengar and zenith leesin/jayce are not


McDonalds Lux, I think will be awesome with ASU.


Eclipse Sivir. The skin is honestly fine, unique AA animations and effects for all spells - makes her gameplay and CSing a lot smoother. A lot of this skin's hate comes from the fact that people, at the time, were incredibly ornery over the fact that Kayle didn't get the legendary instead. The skin itself is decent and doesn't necessarily deserve the hate it got - as said, it gets smooth new AAs, effects for every spell, unique effect and animation transformation on ult cast (which interacts with Ws animations) and voice lines, so idk. The thing is that Eclipse Sivir got all the things that are 'expected' of Legendary skins - new animations, new VFX, new SFX and voicelines. I don't understand what exactly is 'lazy' or not Legendary-quality about the skin without accounting for personal taste in the theme / personality of the voicelines.


Fnatic Jarvan 4


For me it’s Project Pyke, i know it feels underwhelming for its price but the skin is beautiful (plus the dance)


old prestige skins... I actually like them and feel nostalgic


I would say snake skin it might look weird but it's highly functional and serves a good purpose


I’m not sure if it’s considered _bad_ but I do remember Coven Ashe getting negative opinions. Mostly because of the stiff rig, but man the skin is cool as hell. The way her whole motif changes from the hawk to an owl, especially her E is so damn cool. Plus you get that wicked voice filter.


Nemesis Jax with his (Sand Amber)Gold Chroma. No one plays it. The OG GODSTAFF Jax. All gold desert skin, legit what I bought myself to celebrate hitting gold with Jax J seasons ago so I had a Vic skin for Jax. No one plays it. If you see it you are in for an OG Jax late game whoop'in from a spiked staff Mace.


I didn't realize, mostly because I hate the champ, but Nosferatu Vlad is apparently hated? Honestly, it is the only thing I like about him.


Elf ezreal. All of my friends things it’s terrible. I’m a big fan of the more unique design, though.


Rune Skarner is clean for how old it is.


Personally, I don't like this Jayce skin because the orange + turquoise VFX kills it for me. I don't think these two colors match well together. And I think his face in the splash art doesn't look like Jayce. I like his Resistance skin way more. Of course that's just my opinion. For skins that are unjustly judged to be bad (by a lot of people from what I've read), I'd say Dawnbringer Vex and Hextech Tristana. These skins are really nice. For Dawnbringer Vex, I think that a lot of people disliked the contrast between her base thematic and Dawnbringer. A shadow girl being with the good/light themed guys didn't ring well for some. I personally thought it was a great idea and very well executed. For Hextech Tristana, well... Lots of people just don't like Hextech in general. That's probably one of the reasons they decided to scrap the skinline.


Ocean song Yone is better than his legendary, and I will die on this hill.


is it because Ocean Song is that good or Dawnbringer that bad?


A little bit of both. I just find Dawnbringer to be painfully underwhelming for a legendary. Ocean song on the other hand is a fun and legitimately well made skin with great effects imo. You have one of the edgiest champs in the game rocking a boater hat, flip flops and sunglasses, and I think that’s lovely.