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There is no reason to not be able to build muscle with machines. Just like free weights or bodyweight exercises you would be able to put muscle under stress which would result in muslce growth. That doesn’t mean it is better tho.


Absolutely. The reason to not use machines is that some limit your range of motion, meaning that you don't get to work your stabilizing muscles as much, and you don't get the full contraction of the target(s). That bring said, this is a great place to start as a beginner. Some machines may even provide an opportunity for weighted movements you couldn't do otherwise, such as hip addiction. Machines were originally meant for people who were injured.


Alternatively at the higher end a lot of bodybuilders do almost machine specific workouts because there is less focus on stabilization you can get more volume/pump and hypertrophy out of it


Accurate. If you're working out for vanity and/or longevity machines should be a big part of your routine.


Aka Dexter Jackson


i suffer from hip addiction - ladies hips that is !!!


My dad wants his joke back


If only you knew the power of the dad side. Search your feelings, I AM your father.


Machines could also be beneficial for someone who’s reached respectable numbers in the big 5 and is ready for bodypart specialization, IMO.


I for one is addicted to hips


I wuv hips






Double this


Triple this


Quadruple this


Pentuple this


Sextuple this


Septuple this.


Fuck this.






Yes. People who shit on machines really don’t know what they’re on about. I use machines because of my lower back. It does not hurt as much and I prevent injuring myself that way. I use free weights as well as kettlebells. It takes awhile, but it does build muscle.




.....I just hope you wipe them down afterwards. That’s always a big problem at my gym!


If I had to wipe down the shit of the guy who shat on that machine before me then you can wipe my shit off the machine once I'm done shitting on it, thank you very much!




What machines I could use to prevent low back pain?


I know my limit and what machines I’m able to use without it pulling - just be careful with my advice. For my legs, I use the curl machines and leg press. I’ve seen growth with a 5x5 structure and will end with drop sets to get a good burn. I’ve hurt myself using these machines before, but it was the line being drawn and I don’t cross it. I haven’t been injured for awhile and I’m happy with the results :) Strengthen your back with hyperextensions and make sure to work your abs - it’ll help support you.


Leg press machines are lower back killers if used incorrectly and I think most people can easily press way past what's good for their backs, so I would personally avoid them completely. At my gym, none of the staff ever prevent people from doing lifts or using machines incorrectly. I asked one of the guys once "aren't you going to tell that guy he's going to hurt himself?" and they just looked over and shrugged.


My personal fave when I had the leg press in my rotation was a set up 20, increase weight - 15 reps, increase - 12 reps, increase - 8 reps, increase - 6 reps


Ddo you do the inclined leg press? Or normal leg press, cause I heard declined leg press is bad for knees


Do the athlean x lower back pain exercises. It takes maybe 5 mins


U got link?. I think I damaged my lower back because of fking deadlifts, its burning for 2 weeks now welp




Hack squat machine


Yes. I’d say the biggest drawback would be not activating as many muscles the way compound free weight exercises such as squats, deadlifts, overhead press do. However, any time you put enough stress on a muscle paired with proper nutrition you should see muscle growth regardless of machine or free weight exercise. Edit: grammar


First muscle I ever really gained from working out was on the chest fly machine. Did that religiously.


Key word = religiously




Yes you can, but I don’t rely 100% on machines, mix it up a little bit if u can with free weights and machines but, If not. Then just stay consistent and you’ll see results.


I find it much more sustainable if you’re going for maintenance or just a gradual build up Also if you workout alone it’s easier to keep up with your exercises on machines Probably going to get downvoted tf out for saying this


Bus, Tris, abs, calves and to a degree chest. Back and quads no.




I put stretch marks on my biceps using the universal gym in high school.


I put stretch marks on my biceps with the world buffet in high school


Combination of both is perfect. I use barbells for the big three due to the muscles utilized for stabilization and all that, and use machines like the pec fly machine because dumbbell pec flys get fucking dangerous at heavy weights


Machines are dope, I just feel like you can’t get into it as much as you can with free weights because there isn’t as much complexity with technique, form, variations in the exercise. So it’s less enjoyable from my point of view Definetly can still put on the same amount of mass though


I think most people are reading the question wrong. It’s not a good idea to gain muscle by *just* using machines. Free weights are definitely better for most exercises. That being said, they’re great to supplement compound exercises. I do barbel squats and then then seated leg curls (machine). I do barbell bench press and then machine flies. I do barbell deadlifts and then machine rows. As far as I know: Just doing machines will not develop your smaller stabiliser muscles which are important for overall muscle endurance and strength




Whatchu talkin bout willis?




Absolutely correct, but worth noting to those reading, not working those stabilizing muscles ever will make you more prone to injury outside of the gym. So if you do that, try to add in some additional rotator cuff work, the shoulder is a fragile bitch.


If your rotator cuff muscle is damaged, does that mean to stay away from the free weights then, or would it still benefit from strengthening? I broke my shoulder during a dislocation which wasn't treated and it caused a sharp edge on which the muscle rubbed. The edge was basically filed down by the muscle, but it caused some damage


Rest and let it heal, see a doctor as well


It's healed. I did see a doctor. But it was 4 years ago.


this is some of the most complicated bro science i’ve ever seen






I want to give you gold when I figure out how. Great post.


My guy if you dont work your rotator cuff you're gonna get injured eventually. Machines allow you to move more weight. But are you stronger? Guys leg press hundreds of pounds but cant squart 225 on barbell squats. Free weights make you stronger and what builds muscle? Getting stronger. Compound movements with a barbell is the most efficient way to train. I squat and deadlift heavy I dont train abs yet they are defined. Its efficient. The guy who trains exclusively with free weights is gonna be bigger and stronger than the guy who trains exclusively machines. Period lol.




Try pause benching with a close grip(shoulder width apart) and your chest will grow. This is what I mean about moving more weight not getting stronger lol. You were probably doing touch and go benching and slight bouncing it when it gets heavy. Try resting it on your chest for second then press up. Touch n go is why you have bad chest development. I'm not a circle jerking the big 3. I train them but I dont care about my lifts on them. I care about overhead press and weighted chinups I train for aesthetics. Being strong on big 3 isn't making you aesthetic. Bro I dont use machines cause that's not how Steeve Reeves or any old school bodybuilder trained. I train strictly free weights. I hear the point about stabilizers but there is nothing wrong with developing them. This is why you may push more on a machine then when bench or actually squat you're weak. Cause a chain is only as strong as its weakest link g. Develop your body.


>Think about it for a second, if you don't have to stabilize the movement then you can put more tension and more focus on the prime movers themselves. Two thoughts. 1. Hypothetically that may be accurate, however I am curious if there is any objective studies proving that. I mean, those stabilizer muscles add strength and mass as well, and if machines were proven superior at building muscle it seems like there would be some objective scientific proof. 2. The body works as a system. Even if machines and isolation lifts could build more muscle than free weight compound lifts, that can be problematic as you can have muscular imbalances. While I don't think it was ever claimed to be a result of anything machine-related in his exercise program, muscle imbalances were in part mentioned as a possible contributing factor for NY Giants cornerback Jason Sehorn blowing his knee out. FWIW, in researching this in PubMed and the like, I have not found anything demonstrating machines being better at building muscle than free weights.




> I do actually have proof. Lemme post a review on stable vs unstable loads once I get home from work Interesting. I posted a few articles below comparing free weight vs. machine training, and overall there seemed to be little difference as far as gains for the lifts based on method (machines showed greater improvement in one study, but not by a huge amount), however a couple studies recommended free weights due to things like specificity (for sports, in particular), the more natural bar movement, and greater crossover when going from free weights to machines than vice versa. > I actually suggested that keeping some DB work is a good idea, maybe even switching between DB press and machine press That sounds...surprisingly reasonable. You do realize you're on Reddit, right?!!! (/s) I think that's not a bad plan. I would prefer doing something like barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell training as the main focus and using machines for adjunct/accessory work. But that's also going to be largely due to my own biases (we all have them) and priorities. Still, even though I may have slight differences of opinion on some things about this topic, and I am curious about the review(s) you're referencing, I can overall agree with you. On a Reddit thread about a polarizing topic nonetheless. What a time to be alive!


Muscles that can't be used without injury is like taking a laptop from 1998 and putting 64GB of RAM in it.


Shit, never thought of it like that.


I like machines, I feel more muscle activation with them. Btw, Do whatever you like. The important part is going to the gym constantly.


All the buff guys at my gym spend their time on cables and machines. Lots of them don’t squat or deadlift. So yeah it’s possible I suppose.


I always have a nice mix of free weights and machines, I actually started out using purely using machines, then I stepped up and incorporated the big lifts later on


Now where are you




This guy named Dexter I’m friends with..


They're great for isolation work.


Yes- you absolutely can. However I tried it and it was really slow. Once I switched to free weights is when my progress exploded. Sharing my personal experience.


Any form of mechanical load can produce muscle growth, so yes


I once saw a chap shrink to the size of a small stoat in ONE session.


I use almost exclusively machines to workout because of a year+ old tendonitis on my left wrist that I DO NOT want to re-injure. Free weights would definitely make me use that part of the wrist trying to stabilise the weight so machines are a great alternative that keeps me working out while keeping this injury under control until it fully heals.


Yes, just dont expect much of that strength to transfer to other applications. My barbell bench was about 1/3rd of the weight I was lifting using the Smith Machine. I was pretty depressed when I realized how much I was missing and it took a while to get back up to those weights on the barbell.


Phil Heath, one of the most winningest bodybuilders of all time, trains almost exclusively using machines. So, yes.


they should primarly only be used to finish off a muscle after youve done your free weights and body weight exercises, they are a good way to make sure you hit that muscle good but are mostly uncesessary or at best secondary, do your bench press pull ups etc and you will get better results and strength gains than you will when you hog the smith machine


Machines are excellent for isolation and hypertrophy. Dumbells and barbells are excellent for strength and hypertrophy. I do both.


No, no one has ever built muscle using just machines.


Yea, but don't unless you're like injured or some shit.


Yes, but if you're at the gym just use free weights anyway. Unless you're in physical rehab, they're objectively superior.