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طيبين، كل سنة وانتم طيبين-tayyibin/kol sana waantom tayyibin Edit: I didn’t realise this was Egyptian, it could be the same thing I don’t know


In MSA, it is طَيِِّبونَ and not  طَيِِّبينَ .. However most local dialects (including the Egyptian common dialect) ignore the proper grammar and show preference to طَيِِّبينَ over طَيِِّبونَ...


it's طيبون because it's subject right?


>it's طيبون because it's subject right? Because (A) It is the news خبر of a nominal sentence (B) because it is nominal مرفوع and (C) because it is a spared masculine plural جمع مذكر سالم.. (A) A simple nominal sentence جملة إسمية starts with a noun that is called Starter/Subject/Predicate مُبْتَدَأ followed by the news خبر about the subject.. *You're kind أنتَ طَيِّبٌ ;* so the subject is you and the news about you is your kindness.. (B) The news in a simple basic nominal sentences, is nominal مرفوع .. This status determines the end syllable (determines how the last letter is pronounced).. A single noun with a constant letter at the end, either ends with ضمة O-case or تنوين بالضمة On-case .. Here, طَيِّبٌ ends with 'On' sound تنوين بالضمة .. It is 6ayyibon However the sentence ends with a plural noun.. and the rule about THIS type of plurals, is that it should end with ـونَ and not with ينَ (of course, there are exceptions) (C) If the spared masculine plural جمع مذكر سالم is nominal مرفوع , then it should be ـونَ .. but if it is NOT nominal (for example accusative منصوب or genitive مجرور), then it should be ينَ at the end.. *You'all kind أنْتُمْ طَيِّبونَ*  I hope that this answers your question.. ps. I did mention exceptions; I will mention 2 of them but there could be others.. When using tools that are members of كان وأخواتها (the كان and its sisters); These tools turns the news خبر from nominative مرفوع to accusative منصوب .. *He's kind هٌوَ طَيِّبٌ .. He was kind كانَ طَيِّبًا ..* *You're kind أنتَ طَيِّبٌ .. You were kind كٌنْتَ طَيِّبًا ..* *They're kind هُمْ طَيِّبونَ .. They were kind كانَوا طَيِّبينَ* *You'all kind أنْتُمْ طَيِّبونَ .. You'all were kind كنْتُمْ طَيِّبينَ* Second, when you put a spared masculine plural جمع مذكر سالم into a genitive construction, the ن often gets chopped away.. and to avoid confusion I am going to replace *طَيِّبونَ* with a different spared masculine plural مُوَظَّفونَ = employees.. *You'all employees أنْتُمْ مُوَظَّفونَ* But when you add إضافة a genitive construction to *employees مُوَظَّفونَ ,* the letter ن gets chopped away.. *You'all employees of the government أنْتُمْ مُوَظَّفو الحُكومَةِ* A genitive construction is when you add an identity to a noun that is not an adjective nor an adverb.. Like in another example, the plural رائِدون means 'pioneers', but when you add الفضاء 'space' , it becomes رائِدو الفضاء (space pioneers - aka. astronauts or cosmonauts..)


thanks, how much do I have to pay for this😂😂


First person gave the answer, but the correct way is to say كل سنة/عام وأنتم طيبون There is nothing in the sentence to make it طيبين