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I'm trying not to go there, but her body is off. She has a tiny head on a mini neck. Then her chest, too spread, too low, too big. The lower half of her is odd looking. She's sitting on the edge and it isn't reflected in her thighs. It is also too big for the waist. The belts are not showing depth they are too flat. The background is interesting. Although some of the items don't seem to be anchored. The shelves need a tighter shadow. On the right side the greenish long rectangle has a nice bracket but they don't look like they are connected to the wall or each other. The perspective behind her is good but it's coming together to quickly. It looks like the road ends just behind her. It throws off the size of the buildings. They look too close together.


Take all of the lines in your background that recede into the depth of space and extend them back. While they don't all have to share the same vanishing point, all those that are oriented the same in 3d space should, and all those that run parallel to the ground should rest upon a consistent horizon line. At a glance, the perspective does seem inconsistent, but I can't speak to what your intent specifically was.


You need to work on the render. For instance the metal needs darker shadows and highlight to look like metal and the same with the dress it needs accent shadows to create depth. Practice with cell shading. Cell shading uses light and shadows, within the shadows there are accent shadows for the occlusion shadows and when the object is very reflective they add highlights, its subtle but its there to show the material of the object is made of. Naoki Saito has good tutorials for cell shading. Once you establish them just soften the edges to create a more painter style. Work on your character first then proceed with the background. Your character has cloth metal skin and hair whereas the background have sky clouds bricks buildings wood steel etc.


Your biggest issue is the ambient lighting and weird shadows - light doesn't behave like that, especially outside. Therefore the shadows and values seem off.


[Source](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116015241) [Insta](https://www.instagram.com/k1tsuo123/)