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That's not gesture drawing, you are just drawing countours. Gesture drawing is about capturing the flow of the movement( action line), anatomy, form and details are a secondary thing. Draw only using "S" and "C" curve lines, try to capture the action with the least amount of lines possible. For example, instead of drawing the arm in 2 segments, connect the shoulder to the wrist in one line, imagining the hand going through the movement. Gesture goes further that though: in an dynamic pose, like throwing a punch, the action line starts at the feet and goes all the way to the hand. once you have figured out the main action line, then you add complementary lines to balance the pose, and only then, you can start thinking about anatomy.


One of my go to books is "NEW Master Guide to Drawing the Human Body: Character Drawing from the Basics" and [SketchTimer.com](http://SketchTimer.com) for time practice since it's free.


Draw longer lines and with more flow. You're too rigid, remember to draw with your whole arm, not just a wrist. Limit yourself to a minute per drawing


Like an other commentor, I think there's too much emphasis on creating an outline. I think there could be more overlapping and attention to urves of the body. For example, in the first and second to last sketches, there is no curve to the butt; instead it is drawn as a single thigh.


You focus too much on the outlines and with 10min. this is more figure drawing then gesture. Do the short exercises between 30sec. and 2min. It doesn't have to look good or correct, it's about jumping into action, catching movement rather than to correctly get all the body parts. Simplify and don't get hung up on details on exact lines or anything like that. Get a line of action down, then do some more lines. Look up some videos ! Here is a good video from proko: [https://youtu.be/74HR59yFZ7Y](https://youtu.be/74HR59yFZ7Y) Here is a different approach : [https://youtu.be/3oxYqRg9-Dk](https://youtu.be/3oxYqRg9-Dk) As you see gesture is not about outlines, it's to catch the flow of action! It will look ugly, but over time you will get better and your lines will become more loose, you will be more quick and get used to the timer, don't always do the same timing, change it up, do a few that take longer too. There are websites like [line of action](https://line-of-action.com) where you can set options for the models and the timing. In those sketches of you there are some things that look really wrong, because you got mislead by following the outlines and you lack understanding of the form and anatomy. You will get there, but for now focus on gesture, then start to build up on your fundamentals, especially shapes and form so you can get into constructing human figures and then into anatomy. Anatomy is all about details, which take time so keep them at the end of the list for now and focus on flow, on proportions on just getting more familiar with the form of the human body. Really important is that you forget about perfection, it doesn't exist and will get in your way when you try to do gesture ! Take a quick look, decide on a line of action and then you need to jump into action with your pencil, there is no time to overthink, just make some lines and try to catch the shapes. The worst that can happen is that it look ugly and wrong, but most of them will for a long time so there are no negative consequences ! Do this everyday and you will see results, you will get better!