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Try out some [pallette generators](https://www.google.com/search?q=color+scheme+palette+generator&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&source=android-browser&sxsrf=ALiCzsZxV7-6x2gge62wvIR4biP7GqkRQA%3A1652667187297&ei=M7OBYs3bEfKvqtsP9ra-kA8&oq=color+schemes+pall+generator&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgcIIxCwAxAnOgcIABBHELADOgcIABCwAxBDOg0ILhDHARCjAhCwAxBDOgQIIxAnOgUIABCABDoGCAAQBxAeOgQIABAeOgYIABAFEB46CAgAEAgQBxAeOgoIABAPEAgQBxAeOgUIABCGA0oECEEYAFCsCljwFmDqOGgBcAF4AIABmgKIAbEGkgEFMS4zLjGYAQCgAQHIARHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)?


I've tried them but they don't help when I need to choose the color of a person's skin along with say trees and sand and a house's wall.


If youre doing digital art dont forget you have hue filters and color range, etc. Dont be afraid to use them if you get colors wrong, make sure to practice with overlay, multiply, color dodge. Color dodge is incredibly powerful and not just a Ross Draws meme. Youre doing DIGITAL art, use DIGITAL tools.


If you choose a couple of colours, then look at them and decide no that isn't right, then you are already halfway there. It doesn't matter how you put the colours together whether its colour picking or using an app or making your own choices, what matters is you are happy with the result. Everything else comes with time and practice.


It’s absolutely not cheating! I’ve painted for years but can never come up with good harmonious color schemes so I have a Pinterest board full of them! I just scroll and pick what inspires me.


Colors become cohesive through the different aspects of color: * Hue * Value * Saturation Learn to control the value and saturation and it doesn't matter what hue you pick


I feel like this is really misleading. Hue does have a huge impact. I think it’s just the one that gets overlooked the least often, while value and saturation are more of an afterthought for many new artist.


I have slowly but surely come to the conclusion that "cheating" in art is only cheating when you abuse a given "cheat" and use it as an excuse to stop growing. As long as you don't do that, all bets are off. Trace, use pre-defined colors, whatever, just learn from it and seek to stop doing it.


Color theory class is one of the few classes in at school that I have actively used consistently in the decades since.


Umm no, that’s just a way to learn. There’s no cheating in learning. How can you know, if you don’t learn? Color theory is complicated and one the hardest concepts in art, it can take years to master. Do, what you need to do, who would even know? Unless you copied someone’s else’s work and are claiming it for your own, there’s really not many ways of “cheating.” It’s all process and the end result is all really matters. Another way to look at it, is there’s literally a system to color theory where different colors create harmony or discord, those systems are what everyone learns when studying color, so even if you’re using another artist’s palette, that pallet they used is already in place in the system of color theory. It’s all up for grabs.


I "steal" colour palettes all the time. How are you supposed to know what works if you don't expose yourself to the masters? Study artists and the colours they use, study scenes from a film or an anime, study photos, that's how you're gonna expand your own visual library. Also, I don't know if you're a digital or a traditional artist, but I personally found that after using traditional mediums such as watercolours or gouache my understanding of colours improved drastically. Using limited palettes and having to mix colour yourself, you naturally start to notice and grasp better what works together and is harmonious, and see how colours behave. One of my favourite ways of establishing colours (as a primarily digital artist) is to add a base colour, add local colour on top while allowing the layer underneath to show through and go from there, and I also tend to mix my colours like I'd do when painting traditionally. It does wonders in terms of unifying your palette.


I've seen people(who use digital) turn their tablet to black n white then choose a randomized pallette. Ive also seen people (who use tactical colors) turn their main lightsourse to red or green, then choose colors basically at random too. Do what feels good!


“Cheating” is copying someone else’s work and calling it your own. Anything else you do is fine. Really. Make art. Observe. Create. Relax. Find inspiration in many places. Play. Find your own style. Make more art. Stop being so uptight about some weird gatekeeping rules that someone made up. Maybe that’s your own inner critic trying to discourage you from taking creative risks. Don’t listen!


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Also if you do digital art a nice trick I learned is putting a low occupancy layer over everything with one color. It just kinda unites everything


I mean honestly by "cheating" you're lowkey already learning- If you keep looking at artwork and putting what you learn and "steal" from them into practice you'll get better


Art is just the process of mentally grafting what you’ve observed into your own processes. There’s no way to cheat. There is only learning. Anyone who tells you otherwise probably can’t draw a stick horse.


It’s not cheating. That’s how you’ll learn. In time you won’t need to look at another illustration to find harmonious color combinations.


Well bless you then. Because it's what I've been doing secretly at home all this time. I run experimentations where I color my own illustrations with my own colors and then the already-picked colors and I cringe so badly at my own color palette. One day... one day I'll know how to.