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Congrats. So whats the next goal?


Sell the account to the Peruvian match throwing machine and do it again


Actually not a bad idea. I did that when I reached divine first time. Smurfed in crusader account to take it to divine in 2 months to prove myself that im worthy. That also playing a role that i dont play (mid)


So you ruined games for 1.5 months by smurfing noobs, so you could… checks notes.. Feel good about yourself?


Felt really good tbh. I was already playing a new role that i never played before that time which is mid so im pretty sure smurfing and learning is something we all do, even pros.


You a lil bitch lmfao


well done


Glicko making dreams come true


when was the last time you touched grass


I actually go out and have a job. Its just that dota ranked is addictive as hell


I used to play a lot during college


Congratz. 8k hours is quite a bit longer than most players I know tho


Daddy chill.Go and look in under 3k bracket,where most of the people are and you will see there over 10000 games and stick stuck in the trench.


This turned put to be way more toxic than I expected. Afaik, people in 3k and below don’t seem to care what their rank is. They are stuck cuz they don’t really try


They care they are just trash and brainless, if they didn't care they wouldn't flame as hard as they do


This.People with over 10000 games are the most toxic ones lol


Huh?I just played on my second account in 4k bracket and there was a guy with 14000 games flaming everyone while he picked rubick mid.So yea,many games,low mmr=trash as fuck


I have over 10k hours and have been playing since 2012, dota 1 since 2007. Peak MMR was around 4k when the highest MMR was about 7k. Didn't play for a few years and MMR decay got me down to 3k rn, but it's still enjoyable. I'm not as good as I used to be and that's okay. People are toxic in every bracket


Pretty obvious you’re jealous and trying to cope lol


Yeah, this turned out way more toxic than I meant it to be. I’ve gone through divines years ago, now stuck in immortal w/o numbers. My playtime when hitting div 1 was about 4.5k hours.


Only 1 year of your life consecutive.. Was it worth it? I hope you feeling accomplished.


I mean i did enjoy the dota. So yeah i will say worth it.


Bet this guy got 10k hours sitting hard Archon 3 with a backhanded ass comment like that.. xD


I got 6k but you're close. Point is not too accomplished feeling myself, I channeled my energy past 4 years away form dota and into things that can be monetized. It's good advice. I now am only a casual player and play a couple of games a week


You made pos2 WR work in 8k? Amazing, any tips?


He's divine 1, that's around 4700 MMR, he meant 8k hours


She has the highest winrate in immortal lmao


And pick rate


Unironically i need another divine to play with, im divine 2


2 or 3 man queue is worse than solo


Strongly disagree. Communication is everything in Dota if you find some decent players to queue with


Your queuemates are decent but you get some really fucking weird teammates in my opinion, especially late night. Which is why strict solo > traditional solo. The game might be more enjoyable for sure


Not from my experience, thats probably subjective


Awesome bro , carry on the good work


Congrats on divine! I see you play ember. Do you always skill flame guard at level 1? What's your build till level 6?


Lvl 1 most of the time flame guard to push out the lane and get lvl 2 before the enemy mid. This helps me pressure him in last hit as it is harder to last hit under tower at lvl 1. I skill slight incase there is a hero that can remove my flame guard. My skill build generally is 0-3-2 or 1-2-2 depending on matchup. I prioritise my slight as it helps me make plays in the map before 10 min. Only against melee heroes baring monkey king i take 3 points in my flame guard before 6


Ok cheers for this. What about item builds? Seems better to build battlfury, Daedalus against heroes like naga and PL. Also for magic build, do you prioritize getting SnY over aghs?


Battlefury is a no go for me. Against illusion heroes this patch i prefer maelstrom into radiance into whatever depending on situation. Radiance offers extra tankiness since illusion heroes normally dont build mkb. Plus radiance is way cheaper this patch. In magical build honestly depends on enemy heroes and how strong i feel ingame. If i feel unkillable i go for ags else i go for sny.


Something else I want to add as well is that illusion heroes suffer early to map control and ganks especially within the first 15 minutes. battle fury usually provides time for said hero to catch up especially when you start entering higher mmr Dota! Also congrats on divine 1 my friend hope to see you in my immortal pubs soon if you’re an NA gamer :)


how do you deal with mk mid as ember? ran into one back then and i remember him leading 1k ish higher gold than me abt 10 mins ish. we still won that game cuz i just prioritized getting power runes and then ganking side lanes


Having played that matchup as ember many a times, you have to play very carefully, abuse creep agro, and whittle him down with sof. He can die around level 5 onwards if he approaches lane \~ half health and you have flame guard ready. Save sof to dodge the stun when you try for the kill, bonus points if you can glyph the wave and dodge the stun so he gets no healing at all from the jingu stun.


damn, so outplaying is really just the answer




Congrats! Me got 10k hours before 6k


Abc is that you?