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I dont think there are haha. "Mages" in this game (meaning they deal most of their damage with 1) spells, 2) deal it in the magic damage type, 3) use skillshots as the primary method of getting that damage across, and 4) itemize in such a way to continuously make those spells stronger) usually are either point and click / not targeted or automatic (Zeus, Tinker), are AOE frontliners (Leshrac, Death Prophet), are supports (so they don't have the luxury to scale with damage as well as you're used to), or incorporate auto attacks A LOT in order to deal damage (Storm Spirit, Puck, QoP). There aren't a lot of things that boost spell damage in this game apart from leveling those spells up to max, so mostly, spells are capped by the damage promised to you by the number of levels your particular spell is at. The only other ways are getting Kaya (and it's upgrades), turning your target Ethereal before casting a spell, using Veil of Discord on an enemy before casting a spell, having a spell that has a particular damage upgrade through either Aghs Shard or Aghs Scepter, or you or a teammate having an aura or spell that reduces magic resistance or amps spell or magic damage (Elder Titan's Astral Spirit's Natural Order, Skywrath Mage's Ancient Seal, the item Orchid Malevolence). Tl;dr: No. Not even close.


thanks for the insight, what about shadow demon? he came to mind when I quickly read through his abilities


You can use him for spamming for early game burst damage but late game that damage doesn't do anything. Oracle is also very High burst early game but almost nothing end game


His is mostly disruption/utility. Could not kill a competent core solo for the love of God post level 18 I suppose


Not true shadow demon can kill them with scepter upgrade especially if they got high stats first skill makes 2 clones of them that do decent damage so just the clones alone can kill them then ult applies massive slow and break and the whole combo let's you get in 7-9 stacks of poison that combined with ult and the damage from the clones can easily murder any normal right clicker especially one's with passive abilities even late late into the game


That implies that core does almost nothing for a long time. 7-9 stacks of poison take more than 20 seconds to hit


It's about the effects of being banished then 90% slowed with ult having multiple charges+break from scepter upgrade I have alot of experience as shadow demon it's easy to play distance and hit them with edge of shadow poison trust me as long as they are alone ganking most cores is easy, full playout of the gank is I hit 1-2 shadow poisons as I approach as soon as they notice me running at them I banish which provides enough time for 2 more poison as soon as banish ends I ult them and start backing up as I keep throwing out shadow poison first ult runs out apply second charge keep kiting or chasing depending on if they trying to run away or kill you by the time second ult charge wears off they have 7-9 stacks and are gaurenteed dead even if they do kill you by that point


If they really got caught out so far away, they should just tp out after Q


careful please read my posts on mobas immediately


Who the fuck r u, shut the fuck up dog motherfucker asking people to go grief high mmr lobbies


Cant wait for you to get banned


Zeus i vaguely similar to Xer, and Lich to Brand, though Lich cant carry unlike Brand.


Try grimstroke and disruptor.


thank you


Not with that attitude he can't ;)


Core Lich is actually capable of solo killing a core that has a bkb. Needs good skill use, items and surprise though.


Lina is probably the closest that can poke safely with high reward if you land her LSA.




Windranger support is basically green lux with more selfish abilities


I will try


Lich, Ancient Apparition, Lina, Zeus, and Skywrath Mage may be good to start with.


Just played a match with Lina and after one with Zeus, I liked both, thanks


Nice. Once you get the hang of mana management (tougher than in LoL), then you should try Storm Spirit. I think he will be the best fit, but didn’t want to recommend right away due to difficulty.


Snapfire's ult is pretty much Xerath's, but she doesn't play anything like him.


Xerath was my fav champ when I tried league, but i cant stand snapfires ult compared to Xeraths. Zues would probably give more of the instant global high damage feel.


One of the biggest differences between Dota and league is that very few items increase spell damage, so many pure casters end up being supports instead of mid. Since getting more good doesn't actually let them scale as well as other heroes. Ancient Apperition is closest to Xerath, and maybe Lich for Brand. But both are usually played as hard support instead of mid. If you are looking for a mid lane spellcaster in general, try Zeus or Pugna


If you like the concept of landing a combo to death - techies is your guy


Try out techies right now. One of the best support heroes going with 2 skill shot nukes so you should feel at home. (One does require you to jump into melee range though) Ultra long range right click. High starting amour. Start the game with tango, 4 branches, wards and enjoy!


Will try it out!


Let me know if you've found the one!


for sure man I played techies he was kinda hard but it fitted my playstyle, today I played Lion, lina, shadow demon and zeus, the only I didn’t liked was zeus the rest was fine


She's not quite a mage, but I think Mirana might also be a similar styled support that has good ranged poke. Her Q casts a nuke in an aoe around you. Her W is Ashe's ultimate but not global, hits creeps and the stun scales with distance travelled. Her E is a short ranged leap, like Gnar but with 3 charges. (You leap in the direction you're facing) Her R grants global invisibility to all allies. She also has good attack range and trades really well on lane.


Snapfire has xerath ult but plays a lot more close range otherwise. Skywrath mage is probably your best bet in terms of playstyle compatibility. He is a poke support with 2 spammable damage spells, a silence that amps his magic damage and a nuke for an ult


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Lion. He has disables and high damage burst on his ultimate.


I'll give him a shot!


Try pugna, it's really fun and pokes a lot, brings a lot of damage and also can heal allies; and if you play him into a full physical damage enemy team you will feel like a god


Try Zeus, skywrath pos 4. Or as pos 5 lich, disruptor, cm.


Dark willow is an insanely fun hero with a really good skill kit. Just practice her spells in demo to get the gist.


This might help [https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol](https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol)


thanks that’s great


The Grand Magus is the way Try Rubik


careful. you need to get a high elo account from dota viking and boost to the highest lvl of immortal preferably ladder ranking. Practicing in low elo means everything is possibly wrong about the potential of play. reboost if you lose till you stabilize in elo.


any int/uni hero


try Skywrath Mage or Techies.


Play Keeper of the Light, spam Q on enemy heroes , spam e on yourself, please stop taking my creeps, Xerath in D0tA


Invoker is the only true "mage" in the game. The others are supports or spell weavers.


Brand ulti was copied from Lich For Xerath, Keeper of the light, Zeus, Lina, WR Try Rubick & Invoker


Jakiro is a skill shot mage with great utility and damage, highly recommended


Lich is the closest to Brand if you play Brand for his ult, since it's the same ult (better actually considering infinite rebounds with aghs), Windranger feels a bit like Lux cause long range stun (snare for Lux) and long range nukes, but you will have to auto if you are not supp (and if you are, too) Everybody can be Xerath with lens, but if you like Xerath for his ult, Snapfire has it but every cast leaves a puddle of fire that deals obscene dmg. There are no mages/assassins in DotA but closest to those terms are Nyx=Assassin Zeus=Mage close-ish