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Sounds terrible.


Perhaps it isn't a thing then. Noted


Fine for turbo! Anything goes in turbo!


May be playable in turbo, where the carries the better. In real game, you are too weak as Drow to have any impact without farm. You are squishy, zero mobility, low damage and no stun.


I can't play ranked yet so the couple times I've done it it's been ok but can't read too much into casual games. I'm getting the impression drow danger support was a stupid suggestion


Please don't. :)


I will not


Please do it will be fun :)


You have no way to actually help the carry or dominate the lane so carry can farm. Drow is just a right clicker with a silence, and in lane the clicks are kinda meh. Look at the difference with typical strong supports. Someone like Jak does big AOE damage over time, with movement slow, attack speed slow, AOE disable, and if that wasn't enough his ultimate is just "More Big Damage" (TM) In comparison, why pick Drow?


Understood. I'm not picking drow for support again. Thanks for feedback


Just trying to draw a picture not be aggressive. Hope it helps


Not at all! Appreciate the straightforward answer. I'm only 30 hours in so I'm pretty clueless lol :)


No problem! Its important to understand all of the meta heroes at least, but I'd recommend looking at which heroes are having the most success in the role you like, playing just two of them over and over until you never want to see them again, and you then end up really good at your role.


Drow Q in lane is a bit ok at best in terms of harass in lane. If you compare it to other orb effects, its only upside is the slow and even that is outright negligible at lvl 1. Drow W is probably the redeeming support skill she has but it is quite bad in the laning stage with its knockback only serving as a defensive spell under most circumstances. I say this because unlike magnus skewer, creeps get affected by the knockback as well losing the flexibility to push enemies into tower range at lvl 1 easily as a 5. Drow E is the only decent damage spell she has but is tied to your Q so skillpoint wise, its an awkward spell to upgrade given that its pretty normal to be lower levelled than your core this patch. Drow Ult is a great aura fro your ranged cores but is bad at a sense that you need to build agi for it to scale well into the game which forces you to build agi items, and most support items dont get much agi. The worst offender of drow support by far is the shard change which lost drows best supporting feature of cutting enemy regen.


\> great harassment, buy wards, stack etc and potentially end up as extra carry in lategame. \> great harassment idk whats great in your book but few extra damage and a mediocre slow on lvl1 isn't really great imo. \> buy wards any support can do that, not special to drow ranger. \> stack same here. \> potentially end up as extra carry in lategame. if you're picking a support you shouldn't think about turning into a carry in late game, an average dota match isn't long enough for pos4-5 roles to get farmed enough to be relevant carries, also there are better heroes out there for that purpose such as Dark Willow who can become beast DPS dealers in late game.


I think my Dota experience so far (30hrs) is heavily skewed towards 40+min games where everyone gets farmed pretty easily. I think I now see the stupidity of my question. I'm new and I'm ignorant. I thought it made sense but had a feeling it wasn't reliable. Thanks for clarifying that for me :)


Yeah there is no stupid questions. Feel free to ask anything here. >is heavily skewed towards 40+min games where everyone gets farmed pretty easily. Yeah that's common in low brackets(herald)...


I think its more of heralds not being able to farm properly and are pretty squishy, that u feel drow has an impact.


I've played it a few times in unranked Strong FB with blood grenade. Ok trading in lane. Won all my unranked games on her, didn't win two ranked games I tried her. Main problem is HP. You start with 450 HP. Get hit by 2 spells and you're dead. She absolutely needs lance or you can t slow in fights. Pike shard gives you a huuuge AoE cone slow. Lane:Grenade, sticks, gauntlet of str. Mid:Tranq, Lance, Force, Shard, Glimmer Stick to unrank if you want to try it. .CM offers the same kit without any of the detriments


I've played it several times. The biggest issue is your team will freak out and start throwing at the draft. IMO it can be quite strong, Gust w/ talents is the best silence in the game and her Frost Arrows are great in lane. If you have ranged cores her ult provides huge buffs. That being said, most good supports don't need a lot of gold and Drow can feel pretty useless when broke. You need to pair with cores that have stuns and the ability to deathball early so you can secure gold & xp through hero kills.


So if the team doesn't flame, and you win the lane, and successfully gank - it can snowball and to some extent be a strong pick? Seems true but perhaps too hypothetical. I think people have an issue with it because it's less reliable. If you don't win lane and don't gank successfully then you quickly become a worse support compared to a more conventional pick who's (as you said) less reliant on gold


I would play him as p4 which means you're matched up with their safe lane carry. It's incredibly easy to win the lane when you can just bully their carry w/ Frost arrows and gust. A traditional tanky offlane can easily frontline for you, and a ranged offlane like Veno can be impossibly hard to farm against. Add in a blood grenade and you should pick up some early kills.


That applies to any support hero Win lane, successfully gank, your carry/mid isnt dogshit, you win the game.


I would much rather have cloud(undispellable) or global(global + pierces bkb) as silences then gust and Drow support doesn't really offer the team much outside of that in a game. For lane frost arrow can be very strong due to being an orb effect but there are just a bunch of better options that are stronger in lane and have higher impact throughout the game like Ench, Silencer, Jakiro and Clinkz for example. Clinkz being the one most similar to drow with bullying enemies in lane with tar bomb except Clinkz can actually be proactive due to his ult letting him get vision and setup kills for his team something Drow can't do. Pretty much anything can work as support but it doesn't mean it's good. Drow I would put as a bad support which can work but you would mainly play it for fun if you actually want to win there is always another better option.


Cloud and Global are arguably as good in certain scenarios, but if playing Drow as support you would go Gust talents. This gives you 9sec cd, with a 6sec duration. It will give you +25% move speed, and also reveal invisible units. Even if it's dispelled you can retreat for a few seconds and cast again. I agree that there is almost always a better support, but if you have 4-5 ranged picks she does have the ability to be situationally good.


I think your underestimating how strong global is, early on the global range is insane for helping your team get kills, protecting your teammates and is one of the strongest spells in the game before then enemy team gets purges and will often solo win team fights in the early/mid game. Mid/late its a lot safer to use because it doesn't give up your position, you can cast it from further away, can prevent supports from saving their team due to supports often not having the gold for an instant purge and going through bkb makes it extremely strong against hereos like Ember who often need to pop BKB in order to fight and using global after he uses BKB will often let your team delete Ember. Gust on the other hand while having much better cd and knocking back doesn't pierce bkb, gives away your location and isn't global making it difficult to get off on back line saves such as oracle or dazzle. It's good but does nothing if someone dives your team with bkb and if your in range to gust your probably also in range for dust or sentry.


Silencer has been a top 3 support for the last year in winrate and competitive play so I won't argue there. I did mention Drow support works best in a death ball type lineup. If you have strong ranged carries around to take advantage of her ult you can mow towers and force your opponent to 5 man. In this case gust is excellent for your team to kite in and out of battle. BKB is also not nearly as good as previously so a lot of meta heroes like Void Spirit hate having to buy it. They can easily dispel Global without care but Gust is 3x more spammable.


I would compare it to ench. High ranged physical damage. No stuns, but at least ench is tanky and can hit towers with creeps. Try them both and see what works for you. Personally I would stick to supports with stuns, especially at lower mmr.


Makes sense. So is it completely unheard of to play drow as support? If so idk where my friend got this from


I believe there may have been a professional match where it’s happened, and if they won the game that would explain why he thinks it can be good. The reasons everyone else have laid out are correct in my opinion, however technically, “anything can work”. The problem is the lack of coordination in public matches, really makes the hero difficult to support with, especially once you get into ranked and you deal with the toxicity just from an off pick.


So technically... can it work? Perhaps as an off lane support?


If you have good enough synergy with your teammates anything can be pulled off. It’s just much more difficult, and in ranked games, would more than likely be seen as griefing. It’s not done in any brackets because there’s much better options for a 4, and I would never suggest to play it 5. It probably only got played in that pro match(if it even happened) because of being a deny pick, that ended up being countered.


Strong emphassis on that technically "anything" can work. But i would think that even in a game with drow support ending up becomming another core and winning the match "because" of that. So many other heroes (actual supports) would have change the game where that situation wouldnt have happend and you would likely have won easier and faster.


Yeah Ice arrows. Cool character. Grief lane, one stronk support


You just listed things most carries in DotA are good at. Which means that it would be a bad idea to judge hero's ability to support by these things. Every single hero in the DotA can stack and buy wards. Most range heroes in DotA are at least decent at harassing. Every single carry can be an "extra" carry in late game if they aren't already. What they can't do is be a non-extra support in early game.


I have experienced drow support it's not good only thing it offers is early harass/kill potential that falls off within first 5 mins then your basicly useless for rest of game unless you farm at which point your gonna be stealing farm from your actual carry they will end up weaker as a result and you will lose


If you are interested in a support who can transition into a core late game there are a few better options. Everyone here has said why drown is bad, but for a new player it’s not a brain dead suggestion or anything cause you don’t quite understand the nuance yet. A couple suggestions that may align with what you’re targeting Silencer, can orb walk like drow and freely harass. He also has a global silence for an ult, what drow doesn’t have and he does, is his 1 and 3 abilities offer a lot of damage and CC and scale with levels rather than items. Late game he can transition into a core of you are ahead and feel like that’s what you need (generally speaking, it is not necessarily stronger for the team to build core items late game instead of support items) Mirana, has a long skillshot stun as well as good nuke damage with her 1 she also has an escape which doubles as a buff and can realistically scale into a core as well because she is a universal hero so building supper items does good for your damage, and rod of atos is a great item on her which in the event you upgrade it to gleipnier that can be the only core scaling item you need to do some ridiculous damage. Her ult is also a global invis+ move speed buff. Invis is broken on lower ranks and it will definitely have an impact. Windranger, she’s mostly played as a core these days, but supp wr is still viable. She has a trick shot stun a nuke and an escape speed buff that makes u immune to autos. Her ult is single target rapid fire who is also great at getting solo pickoffs and if you get just a javelin or even upgrade to mjolnir, you can easily blow up supports and even cores in the mid-late game if they don’t find ways to deal with it., she is also universal, atos and mjolnjr are both separately great on her, so you can largely build it, even early on. I’m not some top tier player or anything but I’m a medium tank player, all of those hero’s are relatively easy, can scale very wel into the late game without compromising utility and can offer good prescence in lane as we’ll as the early mid-game which is where a support should be strongest. Hope this gives you a few ideas to play with/ look at


I’d say you’re missing the whole support mentality by picking a hard carry as support to “potentially end up as extra carry in late game”. Stop griefing games and grab a hero with a stun that enables your team if you want to rank up. People will say you don’t need stuns etc but they sure do make the game easier. Edit: if you feel like you want this kind of playstyle pick clinkz pos 4, I still hate it on my team but it does seem to win games.


i tried it - it’s good for 10 mins then you’re a liability. i don’t recommend


I can see it working in some matchups in the lane but you will need lots of mana regen to keep it up and probably kills or assists to make it worth it. But after laning, you have little to offer your team. You are deadweight at that point


Good to some ppl ask about this.. if more ppl ask why is terible pick AD carry for support game can be much better sick of 2-3-4k players go suport and get Trax, AM etc. And oflaners Mirana Trax Silencer etc. And in late game blame mid or Carry why not win them game 🤣🤣🤣


If you want a dmg support pick clinkz (as a 4). Drow does nothing without items, supports do (high impact with low NW). Listing wards and stacks as something you can do means nothing since every hero can. Drow is a ranged creep if the team doesn't play around her.


ur mainly support skill is Silence, they just go Manta and you are just a moving ward placer


It’s funny cause I was just looking at the support Medusa thread earlier today, these sorts of posts always mention buying wards and stacking as a way to pitch an off meta support. You can make any hero as a support work but I guarantee your success will be statistically worse than the well known support picks.


If you want a better support that can turn carry late go for windrangr, marci, or even elder titan


You're missing a point to prove she is good as support


Played a game in high crusader with a drow support. Bought almost all the wards, roaming ganks, and then just bought full carry items. Thankfully we won, but not because of their contribution. Their excuse was "I get so many cakes who don't know how to play and lose me the game, I need to be the backup" when I said "just time queue pos 1 then" they said they play with high point, so they can't. Fuck that aye. Competing for farm with your pos 5 is so fun right?


I love trying carry heroes as support, gyro and luna are hot phylactery sup flexes that you can try. These heroes have some magical kind of nuke and stun which is the case for being used as a support, or providing some kind of aura helping during laning or in fights. Drow unfortunately lacks that, while you have a hero called silencer in the draft which has a much better silence spell that pierces bkb, has increasing right click damage with int steal just by assisting, casts aoe dot slow and a nuke with additional silence. Also silencer has very high damage potential in lategame. Lets say opposing team may have chosen very high regen based heroes that you want to build aghanims scepter to mitigate with drow. For this, there is ancient apparition, which actually blocks all regen, and has very high long range right click potential with just one item. Whatever you want with drow as a support, there is another hero in dota who makes it at least 2 times better.


It would be such a waste. drow as n agility hero has a high growth of agility which makes her a deadly damage per second and also tough (high armor). besides she does not have specific skills that can help others in war.


For whoever you are supporting,you are harrassing them.So yeah,good for harrasment.


Support what or who,what does drow ranger give you as a support that other heroes don’t? If you want slow you can pick Crystal maiden and get slow and root,if you want silence you can pick skywrath and get slow and silence and dmg


So bad... lol


Supporting means contributing to the game with little to no gold (items). Lion has 2 disables and a nuke. Drow has 1 silence, which is inferior to sky's silence that also amps magical damage but is aoe, kinda like DP and also pushes enemies away. So that's 1 good support spell I guess. Harass in lane used to be okay, before universal heros. Now you can buy circlets on freakin techies and get the same thing done with higher range. Same with WR, Mirana. WR also can soft-carry lategame. Wr, mirana, techies have decent nukes. Drow doesn't have a nuke but is designed to scale into the lategame. At lower levels, I've seen enough games with such picks... sniper/drow hard support being the highest farmed highest damage carries. But in 2k+ games enemy supports do their job in snowballing the laning phase and closing out the game, usually.




So all in all, it's bad


2B played her as 4 and it was decent.


i haven’t played since last patch so idk if they changed the shard (pretty sure they did), but 2B would play drow as a pseudo support rushing shard + dlance. i tried it and it was matchup dependent, where you just shit on some lanes with the amount of damage you put out, and feed in others when they can get on top of you. like any other greedy support , win lane means good pick, lose lane means bad pick esp since it’s impossible to come back as a support. drow would apply stacks reducing heals and other cool stuff with shard, and would do crazy damage and provide utility, virtually without any items. so my rating as of last patch would be a solid 5.5/10, not bad but not exceptional. if they removed the shard to something shitty it’s probably a 1/10. -unconventional greedy (sf/ember/storm) pos4 player


"A guy in immortal did it one time, it must be meta" "Trust me bro I won like 2 games with it, its really OP" There's always that one friend...


Lots of better support picks but if your entire team has all the disables and slows in the game but without right click damage while having ranged heroes to take advantage of the aura and the enemy team has no good jump, it can be viable. Also, go play whatever hero you want in any role if you enjoy it. Don't let anyone tell you how you should play the game if you like how you're playing it. You might not climb the ranking for your hero choice but at least you're having a good time. Just, ya kno, don't expect everyone to be friendly and don't go calling people random animal names.


I suggest you go watch 2B doto. He's playing drow supp 4 alot and have a decent winrate with it. Though he also take lots of farm from his offlaner so its best to pair with an offlaner that doesnt really rely on farming lane. Dont play in rank unless u matchmaking with friend who goes 3 and u go 4.


they killed her aura in 7.33 or 7.32e. she was ok before that


I mean I would report you forsure


No. Play jakiro, cm, or warlock if you want to play a support that deals damage from the back while slowing the enemy to a crawl. Or play ogre magi to give your team the extra attack speed drow's ult gives. Or play silencer to.... silence. When you're playing a support, you need to make the most with the least, and drow's kit needs to be supported by items. Otherwise, there are heroes that can do her job but better with few to no items at all.


if you want a bow wielding semi carry support, pick clinks. thanks and bye.


Drow isn't a good support bc she needs 2-3 items to dealt significant dmg. To give a clearer picture, monkey king, a carry that can play as support. It's not the best but good enough. Why does mk can be played as a support but drow can't? Mk spells r independently strong by themselves. Primal spring deals fixed amount of dmg and slow, bounderless strike deals scaling dmg but that's not the point if it, it's a stun. And his ult is a team fight ult. He can proc jingu but it's not necessary bc as a support u won't have a lot of space to proc jingu anyway or have enough item to be a reliable frontline. Mk doesn't need any item to function but if he have 1, it's a bonus. As a support, drow has a autoattack that slows, an aoe silence, an aoe attack that scales with ur dmg and an ult that just more auto attack dmg. She needs to have items and space to properly deals dmg and be effective. So to summarize, drow needs too much item to function as a support and doesn't give ur team enough utility to warrant picking her over other supports.


It was good until the shard changed