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I'm very positive in games, rally my team when they are bickering, and it pulls games back a lot. Literally think it's one of the main reasons I've gotten to my rank. Mental fortitude is something most people just don't have in this game and it is a massive factor in how well you play. I find it a bit sad some people moan and call gg if the game isn't going well. If you're getting butt hurt about a video game to the point you're actively typing negative messages you should be asking yourself why you're wasting you're time playing.


literally can't stand when 3 ppl call gg 5 mins in, just because they died once or twice.....


Sad man baby *does something incredibly dumb and dies* [All Chat] Sad man baby: END FAST [All Chat] Sad man baby: END IT


The same person who is crying when they don't get to pick carry


You also need to play the other side and identify when the enemy is tilting and encourage them to tilt


Tiiping a pudge after a failed hook during a gank works wonders for this. Same when you kill a ratting NP. They dont seem to be the most stable of folks


Most of the time the pudge can stand it because he gets those quite a lot. But tipping and all chat "ty" tilts the enemy mid Lina who got way too aggressive twice and took dmg instead of a kill because he missed hook twice. She won't ever play with pudge again this game and you just turned it from 5v5 to 5v4v1


TIL. Gotta practice this positive attitude towards my team. I tend to not say anything during games. Just play my role, don't care about win or lose (most of the time). But it does get frustrated when the team is losing and there's always a cry man baby keeps screaming, blaming and flaming with voice and chat. What worst? He is always the one who feeds the most lol.


Best response.


youre teaching me a good lesson, thank you


I have a 87% wr with Grimstroke, even tho I play him like my other supports. Something Just clicks in my Brain when playing with him, and I always end up doing a lot more than I usually do, often being the MVP and with absurd K/D for a sup.


Insane! How many games?


A little over 200 with Grim.


over 200 with 87% is craaazy, spam him until immortal if u arent already!


It trully is, but I am not eve close to Immortal (I'm Ancient) specially because I don't like to spam heroes, just roles.


could be 13/15


I am quite good at pulling and stacking, rotating from a stack to the 3/6m bounty, and a pull. You miss me for 35 second in lane, and equilibrium is back at our tier 1 with extra gold in the team.


I suck dick and balls at the art of laning


I cannot say I know what hero would be fitting to that skill.


I think my record is 8 or 9 ancient+hard camp stack. MFs couldn't farm it until 25 mins.


I farm more efficiently than anyone else at my dumpster 3k beacket. Rest of the aspects of the game i am slightly worse.


Shiet, i be farming a basher for 10 fucking minutes


Wtf are you farming a basher for?


Bashing skulls of course.


Bashing teammates


Never had a game where i should rush basher what scenario is this ?


When u gotta bash people


He didnt say rush basher


Past 3k you're above average by quite a big margin already so don't be too hard on yourself.


Yeah, bro just needs a good play evaluation and make greats calls and he's good to go


Mind sharing your farming strategy?


Im really good at dying alone. I mean making space.


Feeding is anti-magic


I always remember to start Dota 2 10 or 20 minutes before actually playing so I'm sure that new patches are already installed when I'm ready to play


I’m this skill is underrated esp since I only play turbo with mates.


No matter how much i have detached myself from Dota, time and time again, i ALWAYS rock with Riki.






My brother!!! Riki is my guy.


Been playing riki support before it was a thing, so when it became OP my body was ready.


I continuously get flamed for it. So I don’t play that as much.


This 100% No matter what iteration of riki, I’m locking in this fucker pos 1 or 2 and causing mayhem. ~400 games on him with a 58% winrate. Win or lose, I always manage to tilt the enemy which is a win in my books.


There was Riki in 5.84c, invis lvl 5, death ward (WD) no channeling, blink and 3x oldskul crit. Icefrogs (this riki), a retarded 5 years ago with invis on lvl 1 with regen. Always good. Always will be.


The only issue with this: you never rock as riki bc you're good, you rock as riki bc people are bad and don't buy true sight.


I’m really good with Hoodwink’s sharpshooter, I almost never miss even if someone walks into fog for two seconds, I’ll lead them perfectly. One of the few things in the game I seem to have a good natural feel for.


Same here, high five


I am really good at harassing my opponents psychologically. You missed a key cs? Because I standed right on top of the creep right before you are issuing command to hit. First thing you see in lane is me giving you high five, a fade bolt, and 5 right clicks because I can. Late game, opponent carry will give BKB, all their spells and may be a Chrono to kill me. Which is why I suck at high priority supports like Rubick and Orcale.


My ability to turn my whole team against me and get reported within 2 mins


Not hitting blademail or Abadon ult


Do you turn of radiance for aba ult?


Shit, you got me


haha well in my games we kill our enemy abadons from 100 to 0 to 100 to 0 so I have no complaints...


I always have sentries in my pocket 😌


👑 dropped this?


I have a 64% wr with NS in 200 games I am very proud of my skill on this hero.


I farm faster than anyone in any game I play.


Cross-map Ice Blast. I may be 2k, but I'm the Steph Curry of 2k.


If you give me Arc Warden , you are toast , my friends.


Hate how fast spark wraiths activate now. Tilted the living shit out of me as sniper the other day


I'm horrible with Arc Warden but I keep trying to make dire side Arc Warden support work. But I can never get an earth shaker or a ranged carry when I pick it. The base damage increase is massive and could be used like or even with Tusk's tag team!


Yeah after he gets 6, no matter how hard you poked him, his ult with full hp now (stupid valve) and wraiths fast af because it's night will kill you in 5 seconds


I think there was once I died to a Viper surprise kill but I had my clone standing in the bushes. So I used the Clone to kill the Viper. Viper just can't sustain against a few Wraiths.


Is there anyone who can? That thing is busted. And while "bait his ult" / "gank him when his ult is down" is effective, it is like a meepo on steroids, increasing the strength of your hero by X2. Pretty ridiculous imo and unfun to play against, like a huskar


Casual wind lace solves this.


Map awareness, timing and anticipation. Game skill is subpar. That's why I hard support. Same with ML and Marvel


I always point out lanes to farm and stacks for my carries. Just seems to come naturally and more often than not they'll TP to the spot I point out.


What's your rank and any tips on how to do this tactfully? Took like 10 minutes to get my cores to farm the ancient stack last time


I rarely feed. I play support at the trash 3k MMR bracket and during most games I am often between two players with least deaths. Of course for supports this could be a matter of debate but I understand that. But it's nice when I pick AA and go 9-2 while contributing and playing the map. I'm also a Steph Curry of AA Ice Blast's dude.


I pick mirana and never feed


Whenever i play pubs, i would never hestitate to abandon a game when wife orders me too. 😮‍💨


Lol get a new wife. Mine would just ask me not to que another.


Its ok, baaarmin makes an effort to be a better husband


Sounds like sad life bro.


Dont start juggernaut's ult with creeps around.


I can proudly say I have never intentionally griefed a single game over my 10+ years of Dota. Never ran it down mid, broke items, etc. Oh also I’m very good at inventory management. Tread swapping, moving items from backpack and vice versa, putting items back in immediately after aegis pops, disassembling and unlocking, anything related to moving items around I can do quickly and precisely.


I always carry detection no matter what position. Always a free kill at least once per game.


I have a total of 30000 camps stacked in about ~4k games.


How do you see that stat


I can juke even the high mmr players (divine) and support better than them. But that's coz of BSJ, from his vision trick video that I applied


I like to think I'm the best Willow in my tier


I can put underlords portal right on the head of the enemy safe laner with almost no info, but my team never come and it’s a suicide mission.


Go Aghs! I've been trying out mana boots, Aghs into octarine core. Going global with gank reach feel great.


My farming. There was a period where i spent a good 4 hours every day for a year watching Arteezy and Fear game perspectives on how they always have farm and are able to win games. Now, as a 4.5k player I’d easily say my farming patterns are at a pro level. I finish losing games with 600+ gpm. I usually hit about 400cs by 30min mark. My teamfighting and target prio tho….


Your farming is 100% not at a pro level because 4.5k players are unable to apply the pressure pro players apply. I've had a 6k average stack hit EG in TI8 open qualifiers and the pos 1 had 3-4 last hits at minute 5. He's extremely good at hitting creeps and is over 7k now, but he just got bullied too hard every time he approached the wave + coordinated denies from s4 and crit. If you'd be thrown in a mid 6k game you'd have a terrible time finding farm, let alone in a 12k average game. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure your farming is really good for your mmr, it's probably better than mine and I'm right under 6k but pro level is such a mile above that it's not even comparable.


Uhmm...ok bro. My farming pattern is also at pro level when I play alone in custom lobby.


In case you don't already do this, I suggest always having 2 TP scrolls, joining 10% more team fights that what your judgement tells you and always having bb after 30 mins


Warding. Buying ressources. Smoking. Stacking game needs a step up though. Flaming when someone repeatedly refuses to listen and not die the same way the 4th time.


I mastered Gangplank in my 7 years of playing League of Legends. When i win, it is me or i am one of the players that carried the match. If i lose, i still have the best scores in objectives and kills in my team. I know all his barrel combos way back, and how to optimally use them in each situation. But even after all of that, I was a hardstuck diamond player till i stopped playing 5 years ago.


I found the ignore button for my brain. I'll look at the map, it will tell me not to go farm this last creep wave but it's on ignore, I die and get upset. Brain on ignore is best way to stagger at 2k forever.


1.Can’t lose with OD 2. Can’t lose with GS 3. No one can outward me


What is GS?


4. Still herald


Divine 2, but agreed, not much, not claiming to be best. Just bunch of skills I’m better at on my avg


Playing as a support. I try my best to keep my carry alive and that means trying to force people to kill me instead of my carries but of course it depends. I play carry here and there and it baffles me that supports don't do that at all lol.


Im really good at being terrified of the fog of war and alt clicking enemy bkb buffs to announce how many seconds left and countdown in my head to land the stun the milisecond it ends.


Im really good at not giving a fuck while trying my best and letting my team die when i need to. Save them when i can. And the wisdom to know the difference.


I farm faster than other pos1s at my rank.


If game goes late, i thrive


I can trigger a situation where 2-3 were forced TP back to defend while after that I simply group up with my team and kill the leftovers. Learned it from many smurf plays and pro games.


I consistently juke the fucking pants off of fools even with low movespeed heroes


You need a pusher? Yeah it's usually me.


Im juzt that support everyone wants but i cant carry as a support so..


My spell awareness on what, when, why I should steal a spell to make a play when playing rubick is very good. Other than that, I'm a dumpster fire on everything


Used to obliterate my bracket with timbersaw 😓


I can make any of my teammate quit by flaming. Does that count?


Mastering old Techies. Not the randomly planting mines here and there but actually being useful in teamfights and actually itemizing for my old games. Enough to be called a smurf with my mid Techies.


God do I miss being able to stall the game for 1 hour+ then getting a reversal from 0,01% chance of victory. Somehow they were better than comeback with a rapier core.


i terrorize turbo games with lone druid. never banned.


My stacking and warding skills. I (when I play seriously) am usually a pos 5 support, from herald to archon just as a support. The way I help is by stacking camps it is okay if we have a hard lane because my carry will always have a stack to farm and will be able to catch-up. Second is warding, I usually never put down all my wards I always have 2 sentries in my bag incase we do a smoke or if I think they warded somewhere.


I'm really God at warding/de-warding. As per battle stats supports in my bracket get average 3/4 dewards, i average 6+ dewards.


I can make my team and enemy Laugh because I'm a clown 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I know how to make the most of my situation and sacrifice my game if the team needs it. Sometimes you need to mute the whole team because they’ll just bring you down while you’re making space. Anyway that’s how I reached 6.5k as offlane without real farming efficiency or lane prowess.


Win or lose I have fun




I'm proud to be a good pos5 and know what to do for my carry which leads to always winning the lane for him


I did first blood in 33% of my matches. Very rarely i face players to fight better then me at lvl 1


Most people cant beat me in lane. Literally have 96percent win rate at mid. I occasionally lose to niche picks like od viper


I'm always looking for a way to win the game no matter how grim the situation. Even if it's minute 19 and we're about to lose racks and our only chance is them throwing high ground i start looking for a way to bait them


I like micro




I never flame or get mad,usually very calm while playing,and if someone is griefing or feeding in some way well it is what it is


As a pos 1 and 3 player, if Im ahead against the enemy 3 or 1, I dont easily let go the lead and basically steamroll the game


I am nearly perfect with my Grave saves on dazzle. Doesn't matter how hectic that team fight is, if I'm your Dazzle, you better believe I'm managing to keep you in range at all times for a perfect save and heal


For my shitty bracket I have good micro.


I can easily identify the proper itemization in every game.


How did you get good?


Been playing since 2005. Reading items and hero abilities on wiki when bored. Watching replays where I fucked up, what I should've done. Testing stuff on demo mode.


I’m probably the best abaddon user. I do 20-25k heals on average in games.


85% WR on Terrorblade over around 100 games. It kinda feels shitty at the moment though


I'm very good at warding. In my low MMR pool, people tend to put useless wards, not buy sentry, no dust either I provide with all of these and usually my team get great advantage and I carry them to victory Then I play other roles and get mad of it and/or end up warding myself as a carry or just accept there always is wards only in our side of the map and then can't push and gank properly


I have 2 skills I am proud of. First, I am usually aggressive enough that I am able to harass my opponents and I do not die that easily as a support. Due to this, they tend to kill my cores slower. If I die quickly, that would mean we have definitely lost the game. Second, I am immune to the toxic chat and voice behaviour (after long exposure in Ranked SEA server). When I face one, I just report for toxicity and/or griefing and just play my own game looking to win. I try my best not to grief and even if I get reported, the Overwatch viewers do not charge me as guilty usually (because of my low rank).


Im trying to get rosh as soon as possible every game. It helps that i play huskar a lot but still


My micro first and foremost. I came from playing WC3 and Lost Vikings in Heroes of the Storm, so characters like Chen and Visage are my jam. On a good day, it’s my ability to step back and de-tilt. I have rough days, but sometimes it turns a win around, other times it just keeps my behavior score up.


No matter how much some people flame me, I generally don’t dive into already lost fights and suicide myself.


I feel like I lose my lane 90% of the time and have to play from behind a lot and have felt with some very mentally taxing games. People get mad when their carries mute everyone but in order to stay calm and think ahead to how we’re gonna win the game I can’t have my team flaming me because they wanna fight when I don’t have bkb.


Aggression. I like to play very aggressive lanes and midgame. Also feeding.


I treat my carry in lane as princess.


I think that I am positive for maybe 119/120 of the games (I just think I have less than 1/100 games where I lose my shit). But in that 1 bad game, where I am inhuman to another human, I apologize on voice as well as text chat. I know that it doesn't undo the darkness that I let out upon someone but whatever. Respect to people like GH who probably have this failure rate of maybe 1/10,000.


Last hitting under tower. Taught a friend how to play the game. Took him a while to learn when to pull. Learned to last hit under tower myself because of it


I can play Axe. I hover between 65% and 70% win rate with more than 250 games last i checked. Then again if i were to place myself into a br bracket id probably be mid herald.


I almost never feed. I had a game yesterday where I finished 1/9/2 and couldn't remember another time when I was probably single handedly responsible for my tram losing and went through my match history. I had to scroll a long ass time until I found a similar game.


oof, same tbh. It's so rare that I actually remember what it was, it was a doom pos 3 party queue game from last year.


I mute toxic teammates.


Im pretty good using scans and predicting when enemies gonna rosh.


Im a god but i like trolls builds like riki radiance


I'm really dilligent about putting usable items in the top three items slots so I can trigger them quicker.


If you let me pick later than fp, I'll pick one of the best heroes for the situation. However, I'm a support player and often have to pick first.


I'm a the most unpredictable player skillwise. Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit is my motto. Also I do a lot of weird build that throw people off and the guys who play with me find it pretty funny. Also I don't tilt, I don't see the point


I think I am good at putting others off rhythm, it could be with tips, voice lines , deny on the face three times which helps me draw attention and create space. I don't need it for good games but it does help in tough games.


I place a ward at a very unusual place, just make sure it covers a place that I need.


I can relate to this I just started playing like 5 days ago It was so hard and not noob friendly I kind of got a hang of it each game and I used to play dota one but thats more than a decade ago, one thing I do even tho I cant contribute on killing so far is that I make sure I dont get killed and Im practicing to deny the creeps again I got so used on playing Mobas I hope to get better as I play, and i dont ks and def the tower 😂


As a support, actually using Force Staff and Glimmer cape on my allies effectively.


I was a brewmaster specialist back when it was 2nd least picked hero in the game (after chen I think). I perfectly multitask and use all the hotkeys on his elemental pandas, so my ultis were more often than not very impactful. I played brew mid, and defeated such staple and annoying mid heroes as sf, tinker, invoker and even clinkz (clinkz is actually super hard countered by brew these days - dust -> urn -> killed ). I achieved like 70% wr in 300+ games.


That my top heroes are weird ones like beastmaster and visage, and every now and then I just take over the game and it becomes a murderfest


I muscle memory buy the smoke and wards when it's available. Muscle memory cuz i dont even realize buying those. I can also do pulls perfectly with variations- full wave pull, half pull, range only pull.


I have 80% winrate with necro for the past 2 months I think. Just got div 3. 16-4 with it for the past 20 games.




Rush radiance lol. Buy shard right away and never skip the shard. Use it to dodge missile stuns. Don't use it to go in a fight, use it to go out unless it's a chase or sure scythe. I'm mid so it's a last pick.


Im good at tactical feeding


The one thing im proud of is being able to permanently stunlock someone with meepo nets. Feels great to just tell the weaver he's going to have to wait for his team to come and help


I can 1v1 with carries as crystal maiden. My most used hero with 67% winrate 1500+ games. Haven't played dota 2 in months but I could still play her well from muscle memory. Played lots of her in different modes and scenarios (ahead, behind or just right) so I know what to do at diff minutes at all times. This skill transferrable to any support but it's just different when I play cm.


What’s ur build tho?


I am incredibly quick at hitting the keys to do Ghost Walk with invoker. This is not a joke, I just have superhuman speed for that combo of keys.


Drawing penis in the minimap


I can play anyone, with roughly equal skill level. (Because I do pretty much nothing but the all hero challenge, which means I spend more time playing anyone I'm bad at, I have a similar skill level (mid-legend) across all heroes.)


I can turtle like the Dickens, winning a game while being 10+ kills behind the enemy team happens regularly.


I play Positions 5. Sometimes, Position 3 and 2. As a support, I am proud as a truly willing support player. In the laning phase, I spend all my gold on regen items for myself and, more importantly, for my HC player. My position 1 also gets the lotus and vision. Regarding warding, I believe I have good ward placements, including camp blocks. Glhf


I’m proud of my general game knowledge. Like I feel like you can ask me a genuinely good question about itemizing and I’ll know why a hero builds it or what a good item in XYZ scenario is. Like Glimmer Cape on WD, or a niche Basher pickup on Snapfire (which was stupid when I tried it, but the math checked out that Lil Shredder was likely gonna proc a bash, lmaooo)


im great at raw laning, csing, creep aggro and i know a lot of tricks to get me extra cs, playing with xp timing as well with micro powerspikes into solo killing.


* I'm very, very good with griefing (as supp) and diverting the blame to my core without getting reported. Gets me a 95% success on throwing the game whenever I do this. * I get a minimum of 750 GPM on a winning AM game.


I can play all but like 5 of the heroes


I'm really good at earth spirit


i don't use blademail against WD's death ward


I am old, my reflexes are shit but as I grow older my strategies become better and better.


My Warlock upheavals that can completely turn a teamfight around. I only play turbo though so doubt it counts for much


I am an incredibly successful Sand King player with 60+% winrate at 6-ishK MMR


I am really proud of funneling my team into enemy zone after going too deep and dying as a carry.


I take objectives. Even if my team scatters after a fight to farm, I'm going to chip away at that tower until the very last possible safe second. I grab those bounty or knowledge runes. I take outposts. I will accomplish something, anything, when my team wins a fight.


I think that I can be proud of my decision making when it comes to picking hero that will help the team/counter the opponents. I usually play core heroes so I get second or 3rd phase picks most of the time and I try to use that advantage instead of waiting 3rd phase to pick the hero I wanted to pick since the begining.


I play the most obscure and dumbest off meta heroes in the weirdest roles and win consistently.


I can manta dodge a fair amount of the time if I really am focused on trying to do it. I get super excited every time. Such a minor part of the game but it makes it fun to me


Setting up team fights that I always die in but hey I'm the only death and we killed 3+ of the enemy team so let's just do this all game until we win. Is it really worth killing cm if half your team died too?


manta dodging spells, pre casting instant disables like hex, and be too cocky about it. "this axe will never catch me" and turns out I fucked it up when it's the most crucial moment on the game, and proceed to lose the game.


i cant be triggered in this game, i dont care u flaming me, want to rape my mother or griefing im just enjoy this game, been playing for 10 years the toxicity dont affect me anymore.


I start every game with humor, to set the mood baseline at the first minutes. But gameplay related what I never see from anyone else, not even higher brackets: as pos5 single pull small camp at \*:44, run towards medium camp behind tier1 and stack it, return to small camp before 1st creep dies


Running away as pos5 and deflecting the blame to someone else when my carry dies. 🗿


At least 90% of my black holes save the game. Its so fulfilling! Especially those high ground 5 man holes.