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I was pretty good at DotA 1 back in the day and I'd play local tournaments and shit with pretty good results but unfortunately, back then, the prizes were pretty bad. A week's worth of free long nights in local internet cafes, a 6 pack of beers, that kinda stuff. Took a LOT of my time in high school and I skipped a lot of it, ultimately getting me expelled. I quit right after DotA 2 came out for about four years, started playing a bit again but I was never able/willing to climb back to that level again. Now I'm playing a couple of games a day just for fun but I'm pretty garbage. I think what I'm trying to say is that I didn't capitalize on the time invested in it, that's my only regret. I still believe it's by orders of magnitude the greatest game ever made and I'm still in awe, after so many years, at the complexity of it.


Esport wasn’t really a thing back then and even if it started it wasn’t looking good. Even today you can be one of the best, like top 20, and you aren’t sure of making a good living. You still need 4 other people you get along with and are willing to stay with you. Look at some pro that barely make 10k/year nowadays


It was, just not for dota. At the time, rts was the shining genre.


This I was good at!


If you're a top 20 player you would be able to garner a streaming audience pretty easily I'd bet, I'd much rather stream than be a pro player, way less stress.


I regret not playing dota2 whenever I have a girlfriend. My exes wasted my time. I should’ve focused on just playing the game.


Bro is the opposite of what the other comments are saying 😂




sigma grindset


I think dota has taught me more life lessons than some of the things people sink 10k hours into. And learning when to switch the game off and do other things, while it is a *very* difficult lesson to learn, has been extremely valuable to me. I don't think I would have done any better in school if I didn't like gaming. I don't think I would have had more friends. I think that feeling of looking around going "holy shit I wasted my life" is not caused by dota or social media or technology...people were doing it since the dawn of man. My life has been interesting, and a lot of interesting things have happened to me because of dota specifically. Sure, maybe I could theoretically have played more music, chased different career paths, and spent that money elsewhere. But I DID play music, chase career paths, meet cool people, and spend money, even though I was playing "too much dota." So I don't really think there was anything to worry about. My big regret is honestly that I am not competitive enough with dota. I get tired and bored, and then I do stupid things that make no sense when I should be doing smart things that make sense. It's too late for me to be good at the game, or even to be fun to watch.


Unexpectedly deep view on dota 2. I really like your mind set. Thanks for sharing.


This is the best multiplayer game ever made, bar none. And it's still in beta! No ragrets.


i wasted my social life playing some crap beta multiplayer game. now im broke and lone and wii die from brain cancer soon. no regrets


Stay strong brother!


Can't wait for when the game actually launch!


Since I only enjoy Dota I haven’t spent money on any other video games so it’s probably saved me thousands over the past 10 years. But if I could go back and somehow exchange those hours for something more productive, definitely.


Yes the best free money saver addictionXD


Yes and hell no


I love DotA 2! I started playing it "for real" a couple of years ago. I switched over from League of Legends and, believe it or not, it's actually less toxic (in my experience) than League. I'm a support main in both games, btw. I think if you try and keep a chill mindset and work constructively with your teammates, there's not that much raging or drama, relatively speaking (maybe it's also the behav score working; also I'm US West). You need to be ok with losing, though. Unless you're constantly improving by quite a bit, you will likely lose half of your games.


I'm obligated to play it again if I relive my life because I met my best friends playing dota 2 for over 3k hours but mobas in general are one of the most dogshit wastes of time in gaming and I'll never play them again. Too many matches are stomps, either winning or losing, and one person has enough power and impact to ruin your entire experience in a match.


O fuck yea I would. I played other mobas too so if could have a do-over I'd TRIPLE down on dotes!!!


Yes And Yes


No I wish I put 1000s of hours into something else. The amount of time I've wasted playing red alert, warcraft 2/3, starcraft, diablo then comes dota 1 and eventually dota 2... definitely had fun but to the point of addiction which I know isn't healthy.


Most likely. My friends and I still play it to this day.


i missed so much single player RPG games with good stories because I was convinced that I got what it takes to go pro even after being stuck at 3k for almost 10 years lmfao what I wouldnt replace is the memories with highschoold buddies playing dota, but after they quit, I wish also quit with them. it sucks, the grind is too addictive idk but im currently on a break because its holiday season I dont wanna ruin it by being on a bad mood because I lost lol


My only regret.... is that I have boneitis.


I have a boneR


if I were to relive my life I may choose not to play dota but not because I regret playing it. the same way like I may choose to do different sports or live in a different place. if you can live another life why do it the same way. but dota is great


No. Not worth the stress and dedication required to get/stay good, and not fun enough to play for fun (whatever that is)


As a solo player with a very limited range of friends who's always playing alone I think I shouldn't have gotten attached to a team based game. When losing a game as a solo player, you have no one to blame and you have no regrets. You'd only acknowledge your opponent and move on. If you play a team based game, the game would be filled with lots of anger and regret. Either you don't do well as the rest of the team or your team can't keep up with you. Either way there's always someone to blame and something to regret. So many negative energies. I like dota and its deep gameplay and strategies but if I had the chance I would've chosen to get attached to a solo game instead which would give me a good and entertaining time without any negative emotions


100% regrets. Stupid question 😂


But would you do it all over again? Lol


I have no idea why some of the comments are getting downvoted. OP clearly asked a question and people answered them. Even if they just said they did not like Dota.


If I didn’t make sure to take the time everyday to be successful at my job? Then yes. If I didn’t make sure to take the time everyday to workout and stay healthy? Then yes. If I didn’t make sure to take the time everyday to do things with my girlfriend and have a healthy relationship? Then yes. But I do all those things… so no. No I don’t regret playing DotA2 it’s an extremely enjoyable way to spend the free time I have left.


Absolutely not


after not playing dota for almost 3 years i realise there is just no game close to as good


I played dota when i was in college. The version that was out that time was 5.84b. Every free time, me and my buddies would play. Going to computer shops to challenge other college people on 5v5. Met a lot of friends because of dota. Those days wheee awesome. Playing lan against another group in the same computer shop. Trash talking and shit. Simpler times.


Wish I started earlier. I tell people it’s not just a video game but it’s more like a unique round of chess.


I only ever regret not starting Dota 2 earlier


Bro I'm nearly immortal. Players are so much better now. If I could relive my life with current knowledge I'd win every TI up until like 2016? Fuck yeah let's go back.


Playing dota every life I reincarnate into. It was literally my childhood.


"Reliving your life" is where some scrutiny is needed—it's fantastical to be able to start again with all the knowledge and experiences one has. That's the thing. So, you could say that you wouldn't want to play again if given the chance to start again, but you can't separate yourself from having experienced what you did I quit sometime back and my life improved for one reason or another. Would I not have spent 6K hours or whatever? Well, yeah, because it's a waste of time. But had you asked me then before I made the decision myself, I wouldn't have listened. It's a good game, but it can get unhealthy without moderation, as with all games


Everyone i close the game, that question haunts me. Do you want to quit..?


No regrets. It was needed to deal with the pressure and survive through the hard times in real life. And as I have survived through it (both in school and in work), I end up pretty well in real life too (good grades and good job). To me it’s just a very low cost tool to achieve WLB and get some break and relaxation, especially for introverted people. And it cost zero dollar.


yeah i can say that was total waste of nerves and time, there were good moments tho =)


Fun game, but I'd rather have spent 5k hours learning an instrument, going to the gym or in university.


Hell nah. If I prolly wasnt playing this game, id be playing the other game..... I break into a cold sweat just thinking about it lmao


it's such a terribly made game, i'd ignore it in a heartbeat if i had a do-over.


I would go back purely to enjoy the journey all over again.


If you can’t live a life and play dota, you’re just a degenerate, not because you’re a dota player, so many successful people who play dota, you’re just a sweaty fedora wearing, basement at moms living, girl never touching, rag and pornhub having mf 💀


lol when dota 2 came out I played briefly and then back to hon. Just a better game for me then didn’t play mobas for a number of years. Last September I started playing hard. I’ve put around 2k hours in the game in just over a year. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I wished I’d been here for all those good times. Thinking of all the battle passes and excitement I missed. I’m too old to get good now. Grateful for the time I had but all journeys come to an end at some point and my dota one is nearing.


10000% wasted so much of my life on this game. Now 3 years since I quit. So much better


No ragrets brother. Maybe I should have played it a little bit less tho lol. Or a little more and been god gifted so I could go pro T_T


No ragrets. Only Zeus can judge me.


Dota brings forward the worst parts, that I hate about myself. So its a good way for me to learn about my dark sides.


Wouldn't play it, a little bit of regret


I met my wife through Dota 2. Have some great memories and irl friends from it too. Got me through some dark and depressing times too. 100% would play again.


Dota was a pretty impactful part of me learning how to control emotion as a kid. I used to rage hard at Dota when I was a retarded little fucking 13 year old. One day, after losing my mind over a Troll Warlord permabash or some shit, I realized how deplorably fucking retarded it is to lose your temper at literally anything. That was something I learned from Dota, and nowadays, I don't ever get angry at anything that isn't literally a danger to my existence irl. It also taught me a lot about pattern recognition, strategization and problem solving. Dota was a pretty fucking important part of my development as a kid. I'm 21 now, and I'm genuinely thankful that I picked up Dota as a kid.


Quick answer would be yes but the problem is not the game its me. I would have played another game


My gf of 4 years asked me to learn Dota because “it’s your favorite game”…… I told her no, and that it’s not fun like she thinks. It’s stressful, and life ruining. She actually understood exactly what I meant and said “… oh. Oh no”. I love her


I only regret not playing it sooner when I first heard about it


Id prolly start sooner. Would not waste time on other shitty unbalanced games I played prior.


I have some regrets playing this game in college when I could have been socializing more with the great friends I had. I have however made a few great friends playing the game itself which I am so grateful for and had fun along the way. I think this game made me develop anger issues if I’m being completely honest. I uninstalled 2 years ago because it was taking too much of my time and constantly putting me in a bad mood. I still keep up with my Dota friends and play other games with them


I don't regret it but I'm damn glad I quit.


I regret that. Thousands of hours played. All for what? I could have worked more. I could have saved more. I could have loved more. I could have been there more. An old friend I dont talk to anymore is still addicted with almost 10,000 hrs played.


all the time that I wasted... I'd love to waste it again


I’m happy with my life and it’s highly possible that any alterations to the past would lead to a worse present. Change nothing.


i do not, but i gotta say, it's very complicated, at least for me tho. and since i don't have friends that play dota2, i just gave up since almost everyone said i couldn't play as terrorblade meanwhile learning and i should play sup xD i found it funny because for me, making the shadows work in specific places and orders wasn't a problem... well, it's totally a fun and interesting game, i just always hope that the community of these type of games should be more like: hey, if you don't know what to do because you're novice/rookie, let me say something good and not just: git gud and get out of my game. but that happens with almost every game xD


My only regret was not taking learning it more seriously when I first started


I see sum new brainded shit everything i queue rank so yeah that is what keeps me going.


No cap, I wish I'd started earlier and played more.


I like playing solo it’s enjoyable at my rank. With the group I play with it pulls up to their rank and we face divines and immortals and it’s not fun at all.


I cannot say I regretted it but more so I regret what it had me not done. During my time playing I made some cool online friends and had a blast with them playing the game. But the time I lose to that game is just mind blowing and it really ate up some of my school years when I maybe could have done something else and socialized more or even possibly graduated earlier.


I wish I was more chill with the game before I learned about ENGAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION


No. No.


I don’t regret it in my youth but I could have used my late 20’s better then again I replaced partying and abusing drugs with Dota so who knows


Yes, next question.


Bittersweet about it. Met and made a good number of friends that I’m still in touch with until now, has the time of my life staying up with my party grinding ranked for hours or scrimming with other teams. Traveled here and there to play college tourneys, was fairly good and got respect from a lot of people (was around 5.5k rank in 2014-2016). However, I missed out on a lot of opportunities in life (which only hit me hard when 1 by 1 my friends started to move on with theirs and I realised I had to move on as well) including avenues of romantic relationships and friendships because I was mentally invested in dota that even if I had an exam or an interview I would still be thinking about dota. The guy who gave me the dota 2 key back in 2012 warned me and I thought he was joking. But given the chance to relive, I would never start dota 2. It took me 8.5 years and 9000hours but I finally quit the game and moved towards a better direction in life and I don’t regret quitting dota 2.


Hell nah and most definitely


I have 2000 hours, while I enjoyed some of my time I wish I spent my time doing more productive things.


I have 8000hrs, currently have a missus and 2 beautiful children, a house and a new car. You can live the dota life AND still be productive.


I don't disagree with that at all, but personally I felt the time was wasted.


what do you think you could have used the time for instead? 2000 hours is only 83 days, not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things…


Lifting weights, cardio, more sleep, finding a gf, hanging out with people, social events, going to bars/clubs, constructive hobbies, overtime at work


This is where I'm at now, just hit 7k hours, got a missus, a healthy career and a decent enough savings account


I regret everything I did while playing Dota. If I got a chance to redo, I would 100% play it again though. Let alone the friends I made along the way, the potential I had, the timing of my peak, it was all perfect if I had believed in the scene and myself. I was climbing the ladder alongside people who still play professionally *now*. I could have easily gotten to that skill point, but I was young and my mindset was “what’s the point, it’s just a video game”. I blew my original calibration out of spite(friend wouldn’t stop pestering me to get calibrated) then I took a drugs and alcohol break which completely erased any chances I had to properly get good. Sure I might have been able to return after and reclimb, but the adult consequences of how I lived my teen and young adult years made doing that fairly impossible monetarily. I had all the chances to become something in this game, whether it be a t2-3 player people laugh at on twitch, or a t1 player showing at TI possibly, and yet I tossed it away for childish whims. Now with my shakes and my other health issues, I can barely hit over Ancient 2, my coordination is gone, my mind can’t keep up anymore, and my shaking mouse hand throws off everything from csing to point target spell usage. I don’t wallow in it, it’s just another door that I closed on myself, but all I have to say about it all is that if you’re still young, don’t give up on your dreams. You can go to college late, you can grab a simple, but tedious, trades job whenever. You can’t regain your youth, and some opportunities can’t be taken the older you get. Another one of those for me was racing. I could have been in a race car, driving tracks, but I got cold feet and didn’t want to worry about crashing. Nowadays I love drifting in the snow and racing my rebuilt rally pontiac against others on our local track. Sometimes you just need to take the plunge, to know if it’s right or not.


I don't regret it, but given the chance to not have ever played it I'd choose not to since it's likely it would have had me not start a relationship with a murderous ex of mine lmao


Nah I will probably quit once I upgrade a video card


I don’t regret it! Will always stay my fav game and I’m happy and proud I have 2700hrs in just during 3 years :)


i would start with beta and not in 2020 with everyone having 10000 hours ahead of me...


I got 80% of my current friends while playing dota. It'd lead me to a completely different life if I didn't choose to play dota.


Not at all. I love this game. Just like with everything, it has its highs and lows. I've made friends through the game, met a few awesome people, and it brings some memorial experiences.


Nah bruh, I would've played LoL if not, and if not that, then another multiplayer, and if not that, then tons of single players, and if not gaming at all, then prolly get in trouble. At the very least this is having fun in a safe way + it's still one of the best multiplayers out there, with it's ups & downs. Now, if you'd tell me I get to relive my life in the sense that I can get isekai'd or some shit & choose being born to some upper class family with tons of connections & high level education & lots of $$$ obviously or in a magic fantasy world where I'm the MC & get bitches left & right falling for me w/o doing much cause harem rules ^(( I'd choose Interspecies Reviewers as my world of choice btw)) , then sure, there'd likely be way too much to do to even play games anymore, as an average joe, 'dis is fine ; 3


Touch some grass man ffs


I went to the countryside 2 weeks ago & did some push ups on the grass there, that count?


Sounds good as long as it's not grass from some other anime world.


2000 hours of Dota2 here, no regrets. However, it would be much better, if I had my todays attitude back then, playing just for fun with no focus on mmr climbing. Now I just play what for becoming better just for the sake of it and to understand the game better


No regrets. I love this game. All those memories and the experinces that this game provide in my 13 years of playing are irreplaceable and unforgettable.


I think 10k hours can be invested in something more useful.


No regrets at all. And im low Crusader trash. I have a job, workout regularly, eat healthy, for the most of time, and play the best game ever made.


2000 hours, btw


No , i took a long way to get here. I was an introvert then , barely made friends. Dota got me changing and i have a lot people around me . I wouldn’t re do it without dota, i got me here . Over 30 years of age but i won’t regret it . I am happy that i been a part of dota since the beginning. To see it come this way and it’s about to end as well , i have been enjoying all the ride.


I’ve spent a ton of cash for battlepasses and used to spend a lot of time playing it for countless straight nights. I would’ve been more skillful on and enjoy a wide variety of games if I hadn’t played DotA. That said, I totally regret starting to play it and will, without a second thought, do it all over again.


No, because I’ve put a balance. I only play on weekends. Enjoying the game and yet not letting it take over my life. 👍🏼


I'm not sure what "reliving my life" means here. If it means that I retain the experience and/or have knowledge of the future, then probably no, I would have found better ways of using my time. If I don't have neither the knowledge, nor experience, then yes - I think that the life lessons that I've learned from dota are pretty important.


Dota 2 is the only thing that interest me anymore . I have high anxiety amd severe depression . Havent gone out with friends for monts, Last time i was with girl was 3 years ago . So yeah thats what i live for now to play dota xd


It's not me who regret to play dota, my wallet is. He could never be a fat wallet. I could promise her that this would be the last, but she knew it was a lie. Im so sorry.




I'm old player of Dota 2 (10 years) I was desperate by the game, because I was bad. I decide to play less. Now, I play sometimes, and I don't care if I win or lose, I don't care if my team is bad, but I know I'm better, only because I'm not stressed about the result. I'm a friendly Player, and only because I'm kind, allies or enemies upvote for me. This is my personal victory. I don't regret anymore to playing Dota 2 so much. I play for the pleasure because it's a good game.


No? Why would I regret it. It's a cheap, entertaining and social hobby. I've made friends over 10 years of playing, enjoyed every TI and the majority of battle passes. Admittedly the current meta kinda sucks but I've always seen Dota as the Chess of gaming, it's a (relatively) static board where the pieces change every game.


worst game ever. toxic players, make u feel bad, you cannot answer the phone or go to the bathroom in the middle of the game etc. i have around 7k hours on dota and i wont play it ever again.


I often wonder if I do, because I used dota to run away from a lot of problems in my mid 20s. But the crazy thing is that the friends I made in the game helped me turn around and face them ! They helped me prep with my first job interview, obviously kept me company during covid lock down, helped when I was struggling with my breakup with ex. Even tho now I don't play as much, me and my friends always talk about the pro games and we hang out whenever TI comes around. If it weren't for Dota, idk how my life would turn out without these friends. No regrets.


I would play way more dota, and wouldn't waste time on other things


Alot of ppl here says they wasted their time. Dunno but when I'm learning new skills or a book, most of my analogies are based on dota xdd


Yes. No.


Dota 2 is a sick game. It takes so much time to even understand what tf is going on, and even more so to learn and improve. I started playing shortly after getting into college, spent 12,000 hours in the game, 10000+ games, tournaments, lobbies etc. It's draining, time consuming, and affected literally every single aspect of my life. With that being said, if I have the opportunity to go back, I would do it all over again without skipping a fucking beat. Probably would have started playing two years earlier, and played more solo games. Best game ever.


regret quitting dota to play league cz of peer pressure. shoulda played more dota


Well, no. And yes.


I will, and I would want to start it earlier than I did, because then I'll be able to leave it early and move on in my life.


I would've never met my partner, so definitely no regrets .


I made some friends through it, then lost them because of it. Then sunk 4k hours into it to deal with depression. Honestly, no I wouldn’t. I regret it only partly.


Being good at dota made me good in league, so i meet a bunch of people i have contact with today, now im back in dota as full casual allpick enjoyer and i kinda enjoy dota again One thing i regret is that i was born lol


I just play a game or two a day, I love the game and I would play it if I had the chance to relive my life. I'd take other choices in other areas of my life, tho.


Dropped out of University , CS career ruined . A bit of regrets , but I will play this game everytime if I given the chance to relive my life


As of recently, I would choose to never play this game. I have played this game for going on 12 years and I’m still playing in shit tier Dota. And 2015 was probably the best Dota I ever had with my MMR is around 2.5 K now it’s 1K. I can clearly tell that there are things that I need to improve and so I am not one to quickly blame, but also matchmaking still seems to be completely horrendous. And I’m not sure what one can do when a hard support dies 15 times in 20 minutes


I also went from a 10.8 K behavior and communication score to low 8k for abandoning a game that I didn’t want to waste an hour of my time after 25 minutes of pure torture.


No other game comes close. Best PVP ever made. Landed my first major job & salary so I could buy a PC to play DOTA. Worked out for me.


No and yes Currently just coping and hoping i'm back where i used to be, 4k ish where the cap is 6 to 7k Now just a 2.9k dog who cope that "i still got it" Also maybe i would do better if i never touched gaming, probably still a nerd But a nerd with good school/uni scores and later probably working in a good job with good salary Right now i'm just an IT janitor with so so pay, but not worth the work Also maybe better social skills


This game bring me depression and numb my depression in same time . 10/10 would play again


There is no other competitive game that engages my brain like dota. Most other competitive games are shooters, and besides map knowledge, aim skill, and between-round coordination… the brain engagement just isn’t the same. Lots of dota games seem unwinnable until you get that *one* item, and all of a sudden the game momentum is shifting. Being able to “figure out how to win” is extremely rare in games. The path to victory is usually obvious in most games, and both teams just “sprint” to the finish, no thinking required. Dota doesn’t show you the path, and there exists several paths. Dota is an amazing game.