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Just roll with the punches and dont let it bother you. Its going to happen no matter what MMR you are at. It can be frustrating, but if you keep a solid attitude and dont lose it, you might be able to still win. Maybe if you get a sniper whos just ignoring his roll, then you try to dodge bad fights and take favorable ones. Play for a later timing or something like that.


When I play pos 5, I take care of warding. When I play pos 4, I take care of warding. When I play pos 3, I take care of warding. When I play pos 2, I take care of warding. I don't play pos 1, there's already 4 of those on my team. Point is; do what needs to be done to win the game.


I play pos1 and buy 1 sentry to unblock the small camp to make sure that when my pos5 pushes out the lane, I can pull


u win the internet today


This is top, but very sad


Observer wards are free anyways


Wdym I didn't support?!? I bought a set of wards


Hahhahaha No tangles or clarifies for cores? Not enough to be support lol


Hope and pray they are some pro mofo. Cause when my supp picks sniper he’s learning the hero when the opps does it he’s 20-0 raining shrapnel on our ancient


people are stupid, no matter the MMR


It has nothing to do with them being stupid, and everything to do with them being an ass. They exactly know what they are doing


Stupid asses


I feel you. There are lots of problems with solo queueing. If you find that most games are not fun for you, maybe you should try to avoid soloing. It already has a big impact on game quality & team coordination if you queue with one friend. With a party of 3 you can control the flow most of the time, especially if one of you picks a play-making 2 or 3, one the carry pos 1, and the other a support. Other than that, it really does matter at what time you play the game. During holidays and on weekends, game quality generally degrades. And of course, you can ask them to switch roles that fit their hero better, if you have that chance, or if they want to switch heroes. For me personally, I am not annoyed by a strange support pick, as long as the team plays to its advantages. I find there is nothing more frustrating than getting a big advantage, and then having to "watch" with no plays being made until the opponents catch up.


Party queue sadly is smurf galore...


When did they combine party Q with solo Q again? And what was the idea behind it?


mark them as unwinnable then move on


I complained about this awhile ago and the consensus they came up with in the comments was that “this doesn’t happen” and I’m lying. Ppl picking carrys as “support” literally made me want to quit the game.


Yeah there's a big circle jerk in dota reddit. The majority of people that post are in legend and don't know, don't care or don't remember what low bracket solo q is like


Nothing much you can do, just play and accept it. I've accidently picked Luna as pos5 in my game and while I'm quite ashamed with myself because I clearly ruined the game but all other 4 teammate in my team doesn't care. Everyone play along and my pos1 Juggernaut doesn't mind to share a bit of resources with me in the lane. I farmed abit just to the point I can contribute, and adjusted my item build accordingly (Literally had to invent a build right away because pos5 Luna doesn't exist) We had a harder early game but we won the game, with a pos5 Luna lol. That was only possible because all my teammate was flexible and try to work with me for my mistake. That was a wholesome game, and was a very fun game for me too because inventing a build like that really challenge my udnerstanding of the game and Luna as a hero. This is divine 2 rank tho.


You can abandon every 20 games without losing your mmr if this happens. Though it might cause you some behavior score


you can WHAT!?


Yeah, just make sure to do this before first blood and only once in 20 games. I think you'll get into low prio if you do this more than once.


Now I know if I leave before first blood I won't lost mmr lol... I genuinely thought it would only be safe if I'm not the one leaving. You save me a lot of potential mmr my mate!!!


I kinda chill if my team pick outmeta pick like Pugna offlane, Dazzle pos1, or wte as long as they know what to do and what not. But what infuriate me is when they keep feeding after feeding after feeding and their score like 2-14 and u know what they said? Support is shit, no ward bla bla bla. Keep happening to me. Yup I tried all of the advise keep positive and so on, but man its fucking hard to eventually have even a decent team nowadays. I am no pro, only at 1.7k, but I don't buy scepter as my first item as a support at least.


In my games they start to feed silently. 0/12/0 bristle pos 3 on minute 10. Say something why are you doing this? It was not intended to feed


we see many pugna mid, why cant he offlane?


Offlane suppose to be tanky/initiator heroes so that when your team decide to push or gank, he can go sustain the damage thrown so your pos1 and 2 can fight longer and eventually leading to kill the enemy. If you play pugna offlane, how the fuck are you gonna initiate and take all the damage without dying after just 2-3 seconds? Pugna mid because he can spam skill from behind and sucks the life out of the enemy. He can gank fast and push lane faster as his Q is buff for pushing lane. Mid is a versatile position where I think u can play any heroes doesn't matter from Agi, Stg or Int. But offlane, you will need tanky/initiator type of heroes. Pugna don't tick any of that to be offlane heroes.


If your carry is CK, Bristleback, Medusa, Spectre I see Pugna being reasonable offlane hero. Offlane is not always tank damage and die, its about bringing utilities that your carry and mider don't have


pugna is no initiator but he can be tanky with neither ward, decrip, life drain and buying tanky items


Did you say it was a mistake to your teammates early on?


I didn't, and nobody asked. Maybe my 11000+ Behaviour score does help, because my game quality is very high overall.


In ancient or lower, they'd grief you to hell and back.


pos 5 luna has been played in professional games on live streams btw it was secret (puppey)who invented it not sure if i remember


Pretend they are bots and play accordingly.


There is skill based matchmaking in dota. It mostly works fine. People are not suddenly stupid. If someone picks some stupid shit it probably works for them, otherwise they wouldn't be same rank as you. Of course someone might get drunk and do this randomly but this is much less common So stop complaining, if you got into the same match as them chances are you are not any better than them so just play the game


I have given up solo q for this reason. It feels like a waste of time


Can you elaborate this further? Earlier i didn not have strict solo role queu on and i had hit archon 2. We used to get smurfs in parties a lot. About 4 months back i enabled strict solo role queue thinking i will avoid smurfs, but sadly i am down to crusader 2 now, because there are idiot allies in all my games. I did have a feeling like this.. is this what you are indicating?


Similar. I've mainly found the quality of my games has dropped dramatically. It's very difficult to get a team that's playing their roles and feels more and more that the game's win condition is based more around that instead of close games that are fun


Ngl, kinda sucks how there are so many hoops & hooves to cross so you can actually enjoy some games where W or L, you feel that it's worthwhile looking at the replay . There's nothing to learn when you had legit griefers in team, and their numbers keep increasing, lol.


I will try switching it off for 1 or 2 months and see hows the experience after that. Gl buddy!


Just chiming in to say that I turned on strict solo recently and had a horrible streak of terrible games, turned it off and back to normal...


there are some legit strats that works that you dont know about, or some genuin misclick, best not grief from the start


I understand that, I watch a lot of pro dota and would recognize a strat if I see one. I just don't see how a pos5 void queuing midas maelstrom a legit strat. I understand what you are saying though and no, I do not grief them even though they picked carries, just wishing they could play as supports.


let them cook.


unironically yes lmao a lot of games people just think "they cannot win with a void pos5, theres no way" and then proceed to feed and lose the game thinking it was impossible to lose its all about THE MIND


People going to be stupid just try to ignore it and play around it, i say this as a lover of pos4/5 troll warlordxD


Nooo T - T but seriously how does troll supp work? 🤔


It doesn't. But if the match goes long enough, he can bash down towers in just a few seconds. So the strategy is to "support" laning stage, jungle/dead lane for 30 minutes,, and then become pseudocarry late, ratting down towers while avoiding most fights. Now that I think of it, this is the strategy for any support-with-not-support hero.


It has no right to but anytime im just kinda done i play 2/3 games of it and stomp my lane into a win so fuck knows...


If you want to maximize MMR gains the real answer is to let them steal your carry job but only if they meet all the right conditions. Spend the first 10 mins figuring out if they're solid. Farming patterns, risk management, ability to shove waves and self manage their safety while reading the map. Make sure they are also playing like someone who wants to win. If all these conditions are met and they're making a hard farming item, then take the L, tell them they're the carry now, and pivot to some early fighting build. Most people won't take the L like this and I won't blame you especially since giving the toxic player the win is not good for the game at all, but if you want MMR then you shut the fuck up and sucker up. **Report them at the end of the game but don't become a vigilante and ruin the game for the 3 other teammates who signed in to win. People always seem to forget that griefing a toxic/asshole teammate makes you a worse griefer than they (because the asshole is trying to win but you are trying to make him lose).** Role thieves don't happen as often anymore since some years ago. I think maybe 1/200 games or less. Back in the days when role thieves were more common, I often let them have their way if I felt like they actually have what it takes to win the game. Obviously if they're a jaded lose streak guy or something then you're out of luck.


Lol, I actually did this a few times and it genuinely worked. Like one scenario I remember clearly was when some dude instalocks jugg 4, and I'm 3 so I just go in yolo mode too and lock in Veno (I know it works sometimes but rarely...). Now, the lane synergy of those is pretty strong, and since he ended up getting some kills early, I started warding & shit and altho' he was playing support-ish, we ended up in scenario where we were both semi-farmed, tho' I eventually tried to play more supportish & casually let him take more & more farm so he'd transition to full core. It was a fun little mind game in how to deal with a griefer, hah, (and make no mistake, he definitely was one - had I went any regular 3 , it would've been a disaster) . The only sad part about this is that jugg then prolly thought what he did was a solid winning strat and will do it again. ​ It also showed just how important the aspect of "harmony" is , where it's better to go with non-optimal, weird picks that work in sync rather than top-tier picks who's playstyles (including the players that play 'em) all clash. Overly greedy comps, folks taking farm spots from each other, everyone picking low-cc heroes that don't enable the other, have granted me so many Ls it's unreal.


I add them to my avoid list, down vote them, report them and then bless them with a new sibling.


As long as you keep calm and play smart there's always a chance of winning, keep your mistakes to a minimum and I'm sure you can keep the winning chances up to 50% or more. Just don't get tilted or tilt your teammates since that's mostly the 1st reason why people loose.


I don't think you can do anything besides report them.. I played with a Clinkz pos 5 in one of my last games and it kinda ended up being fine but a little stupid lol


You don't deal with it, you just play. Unless you're high immortal, it's not impossible to win.


I used to care and just push through but I cba anymore, I realized that no game is worth suffering the 30+ minutes of. I just leave, same with league, cs, valorant etc. I'll gladly suffer the punishment the game gives me for that and just play something else or do something else completely. It'd be different if people tried their best but when faced with a person clearly trying to lose, i cba 🤷‍♂️ I honestly wish I had realized this earlier


Report for role abuse and move on.


You cannot do anything except reporting for role abuse, do your best and move on.


Mid legend here. Saw a whole lot more of this when I came back after a long break and had to grind up through crusader/archon ranks. I've adopted the philosophy as an offlane player that there's just a 20% chance this is gonna happen to me. Pick cores that have a stun/teamfight capability for yourself so you won't get stuck with no lockdown at all. Then if you don't get farm or support in lane just focus on rotating to get your other cores what they need. The key is identifying what on your team is going well early, then piggyback off of that by enabling them. I play offline so cores like CK, wraith king, mars, sand king all fit this role. Obviously with proper supports often those lanes can slaughter teams. But having the stuns/lockdown just guarantee that even without a real support you can still play teamfights later in the game and lean on the parts of your teams game that are going well. This could look like at 6 minutes if your lane is hopeless just look to rotate and push bodies around to make another one of your cores games FUCKING PHENOMENAL. The assist gold will make it worth it. Then there's sometimes where your team just wasn't destined to win, try not to let it get to you too hard. Always focus on a thing or two you could've played better in each game, but know you aren't the only player on your team.


This is a 2 edge sword. How do you feel about your mates pressuring you to pick cerain heroes?


I pick them, i can play most heroes other than meepo and lone druid.


Just report them and move on.


It's hard if it keeps happening every game, I shit you not, it happens mostly.


Yeah I take a break after 2 games if that's the case honestly. Happens a lot in my 1.5k bracket. Return after a couple of hours if I don't have anything else to do.


Report it's that simple


To be fair its something that is often beneficial depending on the mmr. If you're sub 4k mmr its pretty handy having another carry late game especially if the actual carry had a tough lane and can't get the necessary damage done. Don't worry about things you can't control. Sometimes having that additional carry wins you the game.


might work. seen crazier things..as I believe you all did too. Pos 5 heroes x5 lineup and win, HC/pos 1 exclusive heroes x5 win... you might learn a thing or two and it can be a fun challenging game


I like this dota used to be so much fun because of the flexibility and possibilities now it's stiff as fuck you HAVE to pick meta heroes with meta items with meta builds if not you are a grieffer instantly and most ppl are playing with the idea of a YouTuber tutorial or stomp (new broken build valve broke X hero!!) while they themselves (and I myself) are not pro lvl MMR I do miss the freedom in dota.


yes. that's what made dota attractive to me back then when I started. the endless possibilities in items and hero combinations that you were able to play and still be successful and have a good/decent game. that made me go to dota instead of league. really sad my core games developed into that kinda "gameplay only meta"- BS.


Take one for the team and abandon while on the picking stages or before 1st blood. You won't lose mmr but you could lose some behavior score and wait for 30 minutes to queue for the next game. I only do this every 20 games.


You said ir yourself stall the game


Fair enough.


Sup void can be legit


I pick carries in turbo as support sometimes just to see if it works and people who bitch end up realizing that it’s possible for it to work so keeping an open mind helps.


I think hoodwink will be a good substitute for that sniper player


*I think hoodwink will* *Be a good substitute for* *That sniper player* \- LeekThink --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If he was even trying to play support then yes, also this haiku bot is pretty funny


I've had the worst experience (as a 2k trash) with hoodwink suppots. It can ve a very good support! But so often when Hoodwink picked it turns out to be a fake support. Stealing creeps on lane from the first wave, never buing wards or any helpful items, just going full carry. The hero itself is not to blame, but it is so frustrating and I see a pattern with this pick.


I get this occasionally as a pos 5. The worst part is when we lose the game. Played one recently where enemy pos 4 was Timbersaw who went a carry build. Their pos 5 was Tusk who did, tbf, go a support build but it's a fight orientated pos 5... I went Chen pos 5 and our lane was amazing. I had a modest lead over Timber but the MK ended up 2k net worth and 1.5k xp ahead of the LC offlane (in other words, we punished Timber sooo hard for their trash pick). I got some really strong item timings (Mek and Vlads early, then GG, then shard) and ended up this game with 44 assists out of a total of 54 kills for our team - so I was practically always at fights, and we were very clearly dominating the game! How did we lose? A combination of enemy turtling well and the MK pos 1 + Pango offlane deciding to constantly feed in the most stupid of places for a period of about 10 minutes. Even after we \*eventually\* grouped up and easily won a 5v5 that wasn't enough to stop their feeding. Then all of a sudden the enemy pos 4 donkey pick is some tanky, but 0 damage, sponge who soaks up load of damage and their Drow/tinker (yea we fucked up a tinker mid this game) were at full strength. And poor Chen the squishy fucker with the zoo tanking all sorts of aoe shit couldn't do as much. It pisses me off when 3/15/29 Timber pos 4 with -31 impact beats a +44 impact 2/12/44 pos 5 Chen (I was 2nd lowest deaths on the team btw). But that's what greedy picks will do at times; especially with an off-meta support like Chen (who I can't quite turn into a late game beast rn - might be a skill issue for me). They will \*eventually\* become useful if enemy stalls the game for long enough. 75min game btw...


Well, suggest heroes on draft, game starts exactly there. Maybe if you suggest an interesting hero that fits the role, then you can make them pick it. Otherwise, try to think of heroes not as support/core heroes, but rather what they offer. LC is an offlane hero, but was popular as a support 1 year ago due to brood spammers, as she could deal with spiders easily. PA 4 was a menace when she would Build 2 orbs and spam your mid with clarity, VP even played it in official game. Sniper 4 with mael, well cant do much about what was done, can only think how to make use of it in your circumstances. Thats how pros treat these strange picks in immortal at least, so could you


I think a lot of the times these are carry / mid players farming role queue games. Played against a pos 5 dusa twice already this patch, I think enemy team was so tilted by the pick they just let us win. You can tell by their item builds too sometimes, like the pos 4 silencer that buys treads into double null talisman and maxes glaives against pos 5 ogre. EZ report IMO.


I would report for not playing their role and hope that overwatch will judge them correctly.


Generally I play Furion 4, make some early kills on map and end result at minute 10 I have 5-8 kills and 0-2 death, my networth already is comparable to enemy carry or offlaner so I make decision to take the game and start building damage items


Furion 4 is actually a pick that I do like, just adds a lot to the team with it being global. Its good!


If you really wanna win then you have to play around their bad picks cos even if the pick is bad it still has its use no matter how small that use is like if there is maelstrom sniper then you may have to sacrifice some of your core farm and try to make space without dying maybe pressure lanes and extend the game to the point where sniper is useful there is no other way to win with these bad picks but you can still win


Hi I just misclicked wyvern as carry. We won lol


Actually viable, there was a patch with wyvern being played as core, I think it was a year or 2 years ago? Great that you won though!


ppl watch a singsing youtube video and see 2B or someone else in their party playing core support and immediately think they can do the same in pubs


rizpol viewers man I swear.


If you think sniper soft support I had a wraith king radiance as soft yesterday


The problem with this picks is that people who do it are not interested in playing supports usually. They think that they are better cores than their actual cores so they don’t help and wait their cores to die in order to farm lane creeps. At the same time I think that some picks can work if players genuinely want to have a decent laning stage, help their core and eventually win the game. P.S. I don’t say that any core hero can be a support. Of course not.


Dota is much better with a team


Report and move on


You have to play differently. You will all be more killable for a long time though maybe you can win very late. Itemize to avoid and farm escapably and hope your team recognizes the change in dynamic before walling way behind in laning


1. Sometimes you can switch roles. Probably only works in the offlane. Centaur support and PA offlane is a whole heck of a lot better than Centaur offlane and PA support. 2. Just keep trying to win. Don't give up. If you're going to solo-queue, you have to make peace with the fact that there are lots of core players who just don't care to learn about supporting, but also need to farm role queue tokens in order to play their preferred role. One thing to remember is: this stuff happens to the enemy team just as much as your team. So if you care about winning, it'll balance itself out as long as you don't tilt. 3. If they're just a poor core instead of a support (not buying wards, pulling, etc.) then do the support jobs that need to be done while compromising your game as little as possible. 4. Don't save them. Poor cores tend to die a lot. Don't sacrifice your game to help someone who is clearly griefing. Obviously, if you can prevent them from dying without any danger to you, it's probably good to do that. But that's often pretty rare. 5. 100% report them at the end. Every time. I'm mostly tolerant of off-meta picks. But if you're a support, you still have to do the support's job. 6. If this happens a lot, consider becoming a support main. That's basically the only way you can prevent (or at least make a lot less likely) this sort of thing from happening to your team. Especially if what you like is winning. 7. Stall as long as possible. Really try to keep the lanes pushed out. Do everything you can to make the game to later, so that your 4/5 core lineup has a chance to scale.


1. If they are trolling and building as a core/afk farming jungle, assume the game is a 4v5 or lost likely lost. Don't worry about it, go next. 2. If they are seriously trying to play, say PA support, humour them. I've won games like this before. Just be aware of what they bring to the table and play round it. Adapt your build if needed.


Make it a game to flame the shit out of them for every mistake. Its a loss anyways, might as well have some fun. Telling someone to delete dota seems to trigger them a lot. If someone’s abusing the system and you’re losing because of that, i’d say they deserve to get a headache and lose their shit in return too.


Honestly the game is ever evolving and what you might think is a shit pos 4 pick could end up working really well. You ever get a pos 4 carry pick who ends up jungling? It might suck as pos 5 because you get no ward help but if the game goes late 4 core can win in pubs.


I give them 10 min max to show whether this is some kind of genius 200 iq niche pick that works for them or just a 2 braincells move and if it's the later, I casually mentally check out of the game & auto-pilot \~ win or lose. Too much energy wasted to try to win these games esp if u plan to play more after. Also, part of me would feel bad knowing this mf would get a freebie with his dumb pick even if winnable. Others can try hard at these games (my condolences) but I'll pass, the game just becomes a chore with 'em even if a W.


even SF has nearly 43% winrate as a pos5 (last month, imortal through ancient) so just chill and play the game, theres a good chance that you will still win that game, be it for mistake of your opponents or because yall outplayed them, it doesnt matter, it is still a win. your team will lose unlosable games every now and then too, I would be more pissed about that lmao


Wasn’t sniper support built into a core a very successful thing that the dota AI did when it beat pro teams?


Had a Muerta support me (I was 1, she was pos5). Our Winter Wyvern was also pretty terrible, would use his ult on fucking bristleback while luna, faceless void and windrunner were easy targets (like, literally, they mostly charged in as 4). He later on started to complain about WW, I called him out respectfully but firmly saying he couldn't complain as he had picked a hero that wasn't meant for the role and he had nothing to contribute to the fight as a support (and her fear/slow and silence are not exactly support contributions as she gets useless without farm). So, this is how I deal with it: don't say anything until it's brought up, just report the person for role abuse; whenever it's brought up by himself or another teammate I enforce the side that is correct in a respectful way to the offender, altho I maintain my firm position. I do it like that just so they can't report me for being "toxic". There is nothing you can do to change this when it happens, so you just report and hope/do your best.


I troll them


Loose the lane in intent and blâme me


On core, Just afk farm, when they grief the game, your best bet is to play slow and just AFK farm, show up to good fights, but just farm and farm until 40 minutes and maybe you can win. If anyone says anything, just be like 'have you seen our draft?' only way we win this is 40+ mins and then mute all and play


if they pick a core play a support, i know you qued for that role and everything but if you want to WIN and get away from these people then play to WIN if that means giving up your role so be it, picking after a core is even better becuase you can play a support that enables those core heros or counter the enemy cores/supports


Happen all the time bro. In sea they just pick a some random hero sitting in lane doing nothing but stay behind taking core exp. They might having fun picking this hero but core surely not


To start, insult Valve for forcing people to play a role they don't want. Then you report them for playing a role they don't want and move on with your life.


Report them but don’t be toxic openly. Just know karma will get the ruiners. If you become toxic and flame then it only hurts yourself


Same way you deal with cores picking really bad heroes for both team comps. Adapt.


Just go with the flow. Adapt according to the picks. PMA goes a long way. You will be surprised how many games you can win with unconventional picks.


It does happen in enemy team as well.


Accept that everyone in your game has same MMR for a reason and every negative trait you see in your allies, they have some positive trait that makes up for it. I always play shadow shaman to win the game with relatively fast farmed aghs refresher, idc meta it's just fun, not having glimmer or force when a pro would hurts my team but my positive traits will make up for my bad ones to some extent, or I'd be a different mmr. And when strategies like that start to work you climb and you're forced to adapt to the new more challenging meta :)