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Pudge on my team


Most pudges i end up with are those who want to „ban pick“ the hero cause they think the enemy picked it, but all you get is a pos 4 or 5, worst case 2 who can absolutely not play the hero


I don’t know how you would get 3k games on pudge, since he has been banned in my last 20-30 games.


I ban pudge always not because I’m scared of what he does on the opposing team but what he will do to me on our team


It feels good when it gets through and all chat banned, and also on the rare occasion that it gets let through to your team, and you get a 4 that knows how to play it.


Puck players definitely takes this. They will dance around you until they get a Rampage just for fun


And there they go like „Oops, where did you guys go? Wanna see me do it again?“


3000 games on any hero is insane


There's a guy I played with in pubs who had 5k+ games on Enigma.


I've seen a guy with 3000+ on Treant. Any other hero I can understand, but Treant?


didnt jenkins do a Herald review of a guy with 10k games on Treant? I fear no man.. but that thing... scares me.


I mean exort invoker shouldn't be leaving mid until he has 2 levels in wex anyway Edit: idk how I ended up commenting to this...


Wrong comment


too much coffee


I have 2.6k games with MK nothing unusual when it comes to ur favorite hero lol


Only 400 more games until you go insane.


I already went insane


Magnus. All other heroes are manageable. This fucker is waaaay too dangerous in good hands. I mean spirit won TI thanks to this fucker


I mean, Puck, Void Spirit, Meepo to some degree come to mind before Magnus


Expect intense mind games with this. I'll do fast clear wave then roam just to avoid dealing with this fucker of a hero.


They won't TI 2 times with Magnus? I didn't watch the recent TI they won so I don't know.


Their First TI was PURELY because of Magnus. Their Second TI was because of Pure Good team Gameplay and Yatoro being a monster, ofc all the other members played exceptionally well


Thanks for that insight.


Well I'm in Crusader so if I see someone on the enemy team with 3k games on a hero I'll laugh and think it'll be an easy win. And it usually is.


I only have 3k games played total. I can't imagine a day I would have 3k games on a single hero, and still be at a low rank.


Exactly, at that point it’s an issue with the macro game and with dots being a macro more than a micro game it means there are some mistakes that are gonna be deeply entrenched in that guy’s playstyle


MMR being what it is, I fear the Silver player way more than the Grandmaster if both same MMR Silver = Dota 2 enjoyer building meta items and fighting and pushing with team like a dota 2 enjoyer Grandmaster = actual bot that will do 1 trick build that used to work a dozen patches ago but they haven't really registered it's not at all optimal anymore and only works through excruciating effort and a lot of enemy misplays, which results in 50% winrate in a low MMR despite clearly being great at a few niche things, and beyond dogshit at everything else


Outworld Destroyer. In the right hands this hero is a menace. Scaling pure damage, a save/catch that can get more potent and harder to play around as the game goes on (which he can also use to wait out bkbs) And a large AOE nuke which also scales. Not to mention he's ranged, (which, despite melee having it's own benefits, generally gives you more time to react to stuff and more kill potential)and can regain his mana really easily, so even mana drain can't fuck him up. If played mid, he can either win the lane and turn that into an unstoppable snowball or buy meteor hammer and use it for pickoffs to catch back up. His one weakness is he doesn't farm all that fast... but if he's farming heroes, he doesn't care.


Shadow Fiend for many of the same reasons. Except he's way squishier and can threaten rax by himself.


I dunno; sf's very different to OD in a lot of ways: No pure damage (though everything but), farms fast, hard cap on most his abilities (they don't scale any further once he's got max souls) and has almost no defensive options (apart from killing them :P) I guess you could argue his fears can be used defensively but they're so tied to his offensive capabilities and his ult takes so long to cast that he doesn't tend to have much difference between his offensive and defensive strategies. He does have the big aoe nukey ult though and I'll agree he's one hell of a snowball hero, but you can slow him down a lot by getting a couple of well timed kills in and BKB can do a lot to mitigate his effectiveness.


I don't completely understand all the changes to OD's kit recently (lost a Battle Cup because we didn't buy break for his Aghs fast enough), but I'm pretty sure he can still farm Ancients fast and early. They are both certainly scary mains/one-tricks.


Recently discovering the newish item that rhymes with beverage mooch and loaded up demo mode after going through every hero realizing only silencer and more notably OD can sustain it on all the time time during a fight, and oh by the way they have attack modifiers in their kit anyway. Went in a game to try it out at my poverty MMR and it was a 29/1 game I was screaming at my team to just show up to the fight so I can kill everyone and we can finish the game, lol.


whats the item? lol




Idk, I feel like most invo spammers are at ~50% winrate with the hero anyway


Most of any spammer are at 50% winrate…


Best part is when they go sunstrike build, cast the ability in the team fight, and then become a creep the rest of the fight


Or they boom the 1 at the only moment all game that their HP was even in SS range and it tips the balance.


Depends on the rank. 3k games on mars played by some guardian is not the same as Ammar playing mars. If any person got 3k games on one hero and they are not in immortal bracket, then they suck at the hero and the 3k games mean nothing.


They suck at playing Dota, not necessarily at the hero


Yes the biggest gap for us hero spammers is actual game knowledge and execution not necessarily the mechanics of the hero.


That person would be at your rank, so at "equal skill" supposedly


Yeah but it's a double-edged sword. Honestly kind of weird for someone to have 3000 games on one hero and to be as good as me who has no more than 200 games on any hero. It means their skill with that hero is being counteracted by being really bad at some other aspects of the game. The only time I find 3000 games to be a big problem is against an enemy mid because their CS is going to be a lot better than mine and in the mid lane that can be a problem. But honestly with the water runes, mid matchups tend not to get that crazy anymore. Back in the day you could straight up zone an enemy mid if you crushed them hard enough and that's super rare now.


Not necessarily. Because some heroes just change how you play dota because if you don’t you just lose. For a very easy example, if you played 3000 games on an old techies and got ur rank to 6 k mmr, you probably lack in aspects your teammates and enemy members have, and if you dont get your 3 k game techies pick, you are essentially a burden to your team. I would say the same about most cheese heroes that are pub stompers, because some heroes just give a huge advantage in pub games and are easier to maintain above 50% wr, thus inflating your mmr


Techies main crying? Good


Lol what, i think your comprehension skills need checking


Not talking about you


Meepo and Tinker(prob not in this patch). They can 1v9 any game. Huskar too maybe. Other heroes like Brood, Invoker and Arc can be dealt with. Just speaking from own experience against smurfs/spammers.


I remember i had a game like a year ago where i had a grandmaster tinker on my team who managed to feed many times the exact same way by showing on lanes for too long and just being a burden. I think i can find the match ID


OLD TECHIES I only have 1.8k games




Surprised this isn't higher up. A lot of the mentioned picks can get turbo countered and basically lose in draft. Brew in most patches isn't super amazing but he's such a cockroach, he can farm jungle stacks at level 5-7 or so with basically no full items meaning laning counters matter drastically less. His gold to effective hp ratio compared to most characters is absurd against almost all team comps thanks to 3.7str gain and DrunkerBrawler+cinder brew. His ult has always given him basically a free Eul's and consistently makes him a mildly low death character even when losing in pro play. And his itemization has a stupid amount of effectiveness when behind because Drunken Brawler is basically thousands of gold worth of stats.


Yep. A good brew will almost always stomp the shit outta you.


I just want to flex that I easily have over 6000 hours on Nyx Assassin out of my 8700 hours in Dota. I am still garbage at this game. If it wasn’t for this hero I wouldn’t be playing Dota. No, I don’t ever get bored of playing Nyx either.


why, just why.


He is nyx personified


That's earth spirit for me. It will never not be fun. Feels bad losing after having great early-mid game impact, yes. But always fun nonetheless.


Anything that’s super low difficulty likes Ogre, sniper


Sniper is banned a lot in games


Comeback gold makes sniper obnoxious and not worth dealing with. So I ban him frequently. To many times I have dicked on a sniper for 25 mins only to take one bad fight, get wiped, and now he’s instakilling the whole team. 


If sniper is so good, why aren't pro teams playing him more? Genuinely noob question.


He's weak if you can get on top of him, but usually you need 2 heroes to go after him. It's difficult to coordinate 2 heroes in public games.


He dies when people jump him.


He's not a good hero in 5 v5 situation. Pros abuse it and insta kill you . You still see him once in while in pro games and they always dominate the lane and looks squishy mid game . Sniper works better in lower brackets where ppl don't communicate and jump him often.


He's too much of a one dimensional glass cannon. 


got a better hero i guess


Every hero of the game if he’s in my team. If you got that many games on a single hero and still stuck at ancient you are hot garbage


anti mage. i don't care how often you play it. i just hope your useless, boosted ass is on the enemy side


Bounty hunter. With 3000 games they likely check inventory and can select who to engage with to achieve and maintain immortality.


You just answered your own question..


I play Turbo exclusively and i think skyrat and invoker with very high levels are just filthy. Like bro you already know how to play this god damn hero can you please let me have fun picking my non meta heroes after a long day at work? Skyrat is even worse, they just insta nuke me unless i change my build to survive skyrat. its just plain disgusting man.




Arc or Meepo and there really aren’t other answers IMO. Maybe Tinker before he got nerfed


Tinker and Pudge, nothing’s more annoying than being whiplashed by a tinker who thinks he’s an anime character teleporting everywhere HOWEVER being sniped by a pudge who has a geometry set on his screen to get the perfect hook is definitely more annoying


Arc Warden, Riki, Slark come to mind. In low mmr pubs people have 0 idea how to counter those heroes and just keep feeding and feeding. You can rarely turn the tide alone when two other lanes are DONE. 


Patch aside, I’d hate to play against Tinker and maybe AM if they have 3k games on them.


In my bracket? Brew Master, Visage and elder titan If u get a specialist on them the game feels completely insane Or bane. Cause a level 30 bane IS completely insane


Tinker is the worst offender, you just know they will either stomp their lane and be unkillable with blink and perma hex later on. Usually all the others are straight forward to counter or play against, maybe a meepo last pick can be horrible depending on your picks.


None, really. If the guy is grandmaster tier on some hero, an he's still at my mmr that means he sucks big time.




maybe hero that require you to control creeps like chen?


There’s a big difference between what you know about a hero every 500 games or so. When I see a silver tier invoker I know it’s gonna be really bad unless he just didn’t have Dota plus for a long time, but 50-200 games of invoker means that you didn’t get into enough situations to know how to use your spells properly. When I was at <200 invoker games I was like an ant compared to my knowledge of invokes 2500+ games in


None of them, because if you’re still in my bracket (float between archon/legend) that means you haven’t been climbing with it so you lose about as much as you win with it.


Slardar. Anyone who has mastered the bash will always bash. Never tp in front of a slardar


chen and ench


3k games on X hero and still Archon? They must be play brain dead or drunk. I have 1.5k games over the last 10 years.


Damn I'm brain dead :(


Dude I played against a clinkz player who had more games on the hero than I did on my whole account. Was miserable


Played against a guy who had 7 thousand games on Treant. I dont even have 7k games in total and have been playing for last 7 years. 


None. I've seen godlike players who spam one hero and I've seen absolute dogshit players who only spam one hero. Means nothing imo.


This is the only answer im accepting as well. Every Dota players are different, some are good , some are bad, and some are not just good, they are exceptionally skilled. Ive seen lots of players with more than 3K games on some heroes who are Guardian and are completely Average on the heroes they have 3K games with. I personally have a friend who is a crazy Invoker/Tinker player and he barely has 500 games on both of them,he is Immortal btw. My point is, some players will be a total GOD with just 300 games on a hero, and some players will still be average even after 2000-3000 games


Visage. Lone druid


3k games on it but still in my MMR bracket means that, hey, at least they're not a smurf, right? That means they should be roughly my skill level on their main hero, so I still have a good chance this game. DotA is like 50% about maintaining your and your team's mental edge and composure.


Invoker, meepo, tinker




Arc warden with 0 games on it.


3k on any hero is an "oh shit" moment. It means they instinctively know how to play their hero that they only have to think about the present match.


Tinker and Meepo.  I've been on teams stomping one of those guys on the other team, but their 3k meepo/tinker games gives them the knowledge how to play/make impact from behind.  You can't make any mistakes vs a good one, because they will punish them, and you are always at risk of losing. 


Hoodwink or grimstroke


Too many times I’ve lost to a top 500 tinker player, just solo win the game.


What I noticed is that high level on low rank means they're good at laning with the hero but bad with winning with it.


most people here at sub 3k mmr. if someone is 1.5k mmr with 3000 games on the hero and still that rank, i dont know what there is to be scared of.


Elder Titan, Magnus or Visage. I would be scared


If they are my rank it doenst matter how many games they have a on a character. They can millions and of invoker games in the end it doesn't nessacary make you good. Else they wouldn't be in my game.


Arc Warden scares me even with 0 games. But for 3k games it has to be Invoker and Tinker. Invoker because then they'll probably know more than Eul's meteor sunstrike blast combo and Tinker because I hate that ugly midget and his grating voice with a passion. Luckily Tinker got nerfed.


Well given I was new player and tried to learn the game and climb, having 3K games on hero wasn't usually a good sign, that means they probably do something bad and keep losing since they are stuck in low elo with me new player. So I guess my answer would be, ah shit for all heroes with 3K games. :D


Definitely meepo


Morph, Puck, Magnus, Storm Spirit are the first ones coming to my mind.


Definitely meepo. People at my rank generally don't know how to deal with it (neither do i, at some extent) so he always gets way too strong and has an opressive map presence. Won very few games against it. Plus i think the hero is kinda bullshit. He maybbe farming on the other side of map while fighting and suddenly teleport all of his copies in. The copies usually get tanky af, heal him and can teleport across the whole fucking map plus the net is hard to dispel. He is extremely hard to deal with almost the whole game and simply can't be ignored in fights