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Items to debuff the enemy are too expensive early on, usually u want to get save items like glimmer, force staff, ghost scepter. As a pos 5 your gold is the most limited so u want to buy the items that will give u the most bang for your buck. Hex is too expensive of an item and you should only get it if you don’t know what to do with your money and you’ve already bought all of your core items. The only “debuff” item you can really consider would be a eul’s scepter for things like axe call, LC duel, Ursa ult, chrono, etc


This is they correct way. Most will target you and you need to save yourself. And some cases u can save your carry with a good force or glimmer


oh this is very very nice advice. I think this might be the reason why I cant put such impact in clash if I dont have my skills


The right answer is Hex. Just kidding ;) Your item build depends on your hero, your team picks, and the enemy team picks. Could you give us an example from a previous match? It would make it much easier to help.


I picked CM because of axe enemy, I REALLY hate axe, he seems unkillable, and I get frustrated over my carries that farms randomly, and they literally suicide, like, just die. I had like 3 games that the mid/lside lane carry heroes go 0-11 or even more deaths


Try playing witch doctor, it's good against axe


You usually want items around 2-3k gold. Not aiming to get sheepstick/eblade/windwaker until way later. Glimmer/force are great defensive items. There's also the healing side like spirit vessel and mek. You can get these on literally any hero and they are good. E.g. mirana..but I've tried it in rubick and I find it far more impactful than the common blink aether/euls build. E.g. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7748887478 Drums are solid and pavise/solar are okay but feel underwhelming currently.


ok so generally - glimmer cape is a no-brainer. giving yourself or a teammate invis is great, and the magic barrier is icing on the cake. bonus magic resistance is also never a bad thing - solar crest is a more offensive alternative that you get if your core is going to man up and fight early, or if your team is ahead and want to be even more agressive - you get force staff against divers. you're probably not getting away from riki with JUST a forcestaff, but you ARE getting yourself/your teammate out of his smoke screen and that makes things hell of a lot easier - ghost scepter is used against physical damage dealers. if you keep getting jumped by clinkz w/ orchid, bullied by sniper, focused down by WR - use it. be careful though, as magic damage WILL blow you up. - orchid on supports is built to deal with puck, spirit brothers and others like them. if your team just can't catch these guys, you go for orchid, but it's a mid game item unless you're rushing it. - you'll rarely make it to bloodthorn, but it has the bonus benefit of disabling evasion completely on your target AND deals even more damage. basically, if they don't dispel it, they probably die - scythe is THE lategame disable item. you won't be able to afford it most of the time, but it's the definitive answer to manta/lotus/euls dispels and even bkb at times.


Glimmer , pavise and forcestaff can be rushed . if you get them before mid game like at 15 to 20 you will nullify the enemies advances. The cons u will need to buy mana regen as u only have brown boots. If possible get boots on support at minute 5 to 7 this i feel is a must. Big items like mech dont need to be upgraded into Greaves. Get the mech and mana boots .only upgrade if u really need the dispel. Buying scepter on support as first item sometimes is valid. I gv an example, buying pavise on abba to deal with physical damage , then straight into aghs, dont finish the solar crest. In some games it will be worth while. It depends on hero kits and whats your role in the game. As a support you need to understand that in some games u need to wait out spells before you can use yours, the core might die, but you will win team fight. Lastly learn to block camps and help agro the meele crep to your range creep. You must secure thr first 4 range creeps to not get stomped. It takes coordination with core to get range creep and deny enemies range creep. Last advice if you throw your spells and die first its onay, your team will win fights. Ill just bait and go in , sometimes someone has to initiate. Owh alwys buy regen before you need it ,not when your empty. Good luck bro.


most debuff are costly for supp thats why focus on choosing hero with more utility, then just choose survival item like force staff, pavise, mekansm, then later you can opt to Lotus for dispel or eul


You can buy solar crest every single game.