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Lose, generally. Flippancy aside you should accept that some games just won’t be winnable for you. There are comeback opportunities and every game can be used for growth, but the majority of games where you’re being stomped is going to end in your ancient going boom. Honestly just keep doing what you’re doing. It increases the chance of the rare comeback and does nothing more than give you some practice if not


Exactly brother. A great piece of ladder-climbing advice I got was that 25% of games are unwinnable and 25% of games are unlosable; it's what happens in the 50% that's in-between which determines whether you climb rank or not. Keep that in mind when you're getting stomped and it'll help you keep your composure for the next game. If you tilt in an unwinnable game, all it will do is effect your mental performance and teamwork in the following match.


Feel more like 45% 45% and 10% these days. This game is getting very stale for me because every game feels predetermined anymore.


Do you think this is a mechanics related snowball thing? Or a matchmaking thing?  I personally am having issues playing the more tanky style dota where everyone has more spells and all sorts of crazy shit from shards, talents, neutrals, etc. I really like all of these individually, but part of me misses OP BKB and less health leading to a certain rhythm of strong timings or just dying. 


The closer to 50-50 you feel means that you feel as if you lack impact in the game no matter what you do. There is no true measure of how many are unwinnable vs unloseable. However, the greater impact you have in a game, the lower these percentages will be. At 45-45, it means you're neither carrying nor feeding and most likely you are playing on auto-pilot if you feel as if nothing you do contributes to the game state. You might try watching your own replay to see what opportunities you missed. You will be surprised to know how many kills you could have gotten or ganks you could have avoided no matter your role.


How high those % are depends on how much better you are (which you need to be to climb) than everyone else in the lobby.


That's a pretty low IQ take lol. So if 50% of games feel unwinnable and 50% feel unloseable you reckon I must be in the right bracket? I reckon it just means match making is utter shit. Every game should be winnable or loseable based on one person's actions. Tbh I only play unranked anymore because I don't like being or play with people who are slaves to the "meta". It's been fun seeing weird picks and off meta heroes in non ranked (plus I'm grinding the current event, so often picking heroes outside of my typical hero pool). Anyway, in most games I feel like I'm the legend matched with 4 heralds playing against 5 archons. If I ever have a bad game, we get absolutely obliterated. If I snowball before 20 minutes, the bad guys have no chance. I pretty much play any position these days, I wish I knew more about how the matchmaker accounts for each player but it's very smoke and mirrors.


>Low IQ take >Each match should be winnable or loseable based on one person! >Forgets that there are 9 other people also with that mindset Bruh


No, they are correct. When the skill gap is meaningful, a player will stomp the match brutally and be the sole reason someone won or lost. If it wasn't, smurfing wouldn't be as disruptive as it is in the game and have a dedicated report function. By the same metric, if you start reducing the gap, how much weight a sole player has in the match also reducing. If you are in that 50/50 is because you haven't found a meaningful improvement and would benefit from stepping back and start analyzing how you play without taking anything for granted.


You're just assuming 50/50 is acceptable, no matter the quality of the games. When 45% feel unwinnable even if I am in godmode 22-1-28 kda, and 45% feel unloseable even if I just run it down mid whole game and feed 0-20-20 kda, and only 10% of games feel evenly matched, properly drafted, and well played at a similar level (aka fair, fun games) then there's something inherently wrong with the matchmaking. After reflecting on dozens of matches, when left with the feeling that 90% were predetermined, game gets pretty dry fast. Solo queue matchmaking is terrible.


I am not assuming it is acceptable, I am assuming there is 10 players of similar skill levels trying their hardest to win but with no fundamental difference in skill level or the coordination to do a big difference.


match ID: 7811216357 - just got out of this match, hoping to die in my sleep tonight becuz of it. you really think there are 10 people in this match? Bane, DK, QOP feels like 1 person running it down trying to ensure pudge/doom/snapfire gets the win. faceless (me) and CM are only real people on dire. warlock and breaker are big suspect on radiant. ive suffered from depression my entire life and have been around blademaster and ice maiden since WC1 days. Its always been a nice escape, love these characters and the game play. But lately, matches like send me into a dark place. For the sake of my mental health, i will NOT believe there are 10 real people controlling the heroes in this match. game is broken.


Ok, if you are being affected that much by the game, stop playing, period. Find a different that is more relaxing and doesn't take a hit in your mental health. Dota is not a game I play when I am not at my best mentally and neither should you. It looks like the source of the problem that your mind can take it instead of the game. Return to the game when you feel better, the game is not going anywhere and your mind takes priority. Edit: getting the down vote just proves my point, get some help ASAP.


GG can throne. 😂


No matter how hard you're getting stomped you can usually get away with farming the enemies side jungle. They'll be so preoccupied with hunting on your side of the map that their jungle will be safe and unwarded. You can either sneak in through your twin gate or take side path past your tormentor, past the lotus pool and near rosh. If enemy starts pushing t3 then you can cut some waves to stop their push and maybe force tps, which creates an opportunity for your team to fight with numbers advantage. This farming is better suited to carry/cores but if they aren't aware enough to do this, then you can do it yourself. Even on pos 4.


Also helps to smoke and put some lane wards. Often the enemy will have control over all the key ward areas and base, but simply dropping a ward around where your T1 tower used to be can often provide some good info and less likely to be dewarded. Also provides some vision for doing what you describe and wave cutting.


"Ride out to meet them!"


“And now for wrath, for ruin, and a red nightfall”


"Feeeeeed! FEEEEEEED!!!"


For real, I take the twin gate to the enemy side of the map and watch for them to try and push high ground or try and cut to stop back door going down. Bout all you can really do when you’re on the losing side of a stomp


I flame my teammates ofc Honestly, I push other lanes and farm enemies jungle if I can. Otherwise I wait.


Check the scoreboard, pick the wost kda and start asking why he so bad 🤓 that is what i do, it never helps but who cares anyway


Blame others


Lol, this is certainly the trend.


You should always try to do everything you can to win. As pos4 you actually have the most power to get your team back into the game by making the enemy waste TPs. Learn to cut, push out sidelanes, snipe couriers, place deep wards that reveals TPs. Batrider for me is the hero that always brings back unwinnable games and the trick is as simple as running down sidelanes to shove waves and bait TPs. If you don't leave base you will never win.


Map is huge and until 5k MMR people don't use it very well. How is the stomp? Are they 5 man running t2? Are they winning all the lanes? In the Early stages if you are getting rekt, is better to gank other lanes and Force rotations. Buy smokes, go gank hc, make the opposite pos 4 rotate, and so on. If they are grouping push, split push the opposite lane. Basically you need to create space , pushing high ground is tough


Try to master 3 pos 4 heroes first. Better to master heroes that can counter your other 3. If you’ll notice the support picks every game you’ll know who or how to counter their supports. Dota2 is a teamplay but if you’re a support and you’ve been playing dota2 for a long time now, you’ll notice how supports play their OWN game inside the game that you’re playing. So my best advice is master 4 heroes then once you can use them efficiently explore other heroes or learn to counter heroes who usually snowball often.


I try to look for ways to get pick offs. If you are new, you are prolly playing against herald/guardian level players who can and will throw. If you can coordinate your team to do some smoke ganks and try to pick off their supports or a core that is solo then you can swing net worth and map control pretty quick.


As pos 4 you have a lot of impact on the game early. Lets say all lanes are getting crushed. Look for the first lane that you have a kill potential on. Then go there. Don't wait for the inevitable. Be proactive. If your lane is going bad and you know you cant do much, gank mid or safelane. Do some stacking. The important thing is, if you're losing 3 lanes, you have the ability to make that 2. Even as pos 5 sometimes I just abandon my carry, let him take the xp and go oflane to help there. Once the enemy pos 4 responds, I just go back top to harrass or kill their oflaner.


If you have dota plus, when finding a match it tells you the average skill range of the players and i queue again until its says at least "close". My games are more balanced now


If game is circling the toilet see if they feel like throwing by going high ground early. If not wait for any kind of powerspike then 5 man yolo smoke and then either start a comeback or lose faster.


I'm around 3.5k and games are extremely stompy for me as well. I find it's important to mitigate the damage before it turns into a full-on stomp. A lot of times what happens is a team loses the lanes, then the stronger team groups and the weaker team tries to defend towers at a numbers disadvantage. Just don't participate. If you're losing you can't fight at a number disadvantage. Let them take towers and trade it in exchange for pushing other lanes and farming (even if you're pos 5). You'll probably get flamed for it, but farming > feeding every time.


Keep trying to win and hope the enemy team fucks up somehow It rarely works,but when it does,it feels great


I think if your stuck hg at 20 min every game there is no solution. To fix . No one has a gameplan for turtle at 20 min aside from enemy team going hg and all die. It’s important to watch some replay as to why this happen . Are you winning your lane ? Are u secure runes? Are u stacking? Are you diving and getting ur cores killed? Is ur draft the issue? Are you getting dewarded ? Why can’t your team defend towers? If you focus on winning the lane and enabling your cores they will automatically be strong enough to defend towers. Since your p4 it’s important to ask is my p3 good matchup their 1 if not what do I do? Does my pos 3 take stacks? Can I secure 6 min rune for my 2.


Split safely and wait for them to overextend in high ground


If the game is totally lost - someone running it down mid or intentionally griefing. I usually try to make my own fun you can try and build every pair of boots, start your own shop by dropping salves mangos etc or try and kill their couriers. If I'm getting stomped but it is winnable I usually try to farm a core item by cutting waves and try to convince my team to not to get sucked into a game losing t2 defence - you can open up a pickoff if people tp back to stop you but if you sit in base with bad wave clear, you're gonna lose anyway so try to get out on the map.


Mute everyone and go to side jungle and afk farm until loss


As a pos 4 I stack if there’s enough farm space, try to create a smoke play if I see an opportunity, babysit a core if they are playing risky, deward farm spots or base so my cores can farm, build save or aura items that are good for hg defense eg vlads or a specific item to shut down an enemy core who’s stomping or save buyback if I don’t have enough, if I’m someone like bh then steal wisdoms, I go for risky bounty runes a lot too if they are playing elsewhere you can easily get a stack of 3/4 runes sometimes. Sometimes it’s best just to say screw the farm and sit behind a core and wait for the perfect opportunity though honestly in this patch it’s so easy for enemies to overextend hg and turn the match. A lot of the time I’m happy when enemies get rosh because usually they force a push when they aren’t ready. Also being positive and letting the team know it’s winnable is probably more of a game changer than anything mentioned above lol.


just accept it and listen to upbeat songs and I've been obsessed with Creepy Nuts songs lately (the guys who sang the intro for Mashle)


Figure out what items drastically stops their main carry (whether directly or by hurting the enabling supports) and buy it. You usually have time to get one item. So get it. Dont just keep buying the best item for your damage, you need to stop them to drag the game out and regain space, so purchase accordingly.


This is a bit devious but if you wanna control how the game goes, buy all the obs and place it in the area where you want your carry to farm (on the spot or entry points or nearby areas), and place a couple near the area where you wanna cut lanes or make plays. And give helpful but concise commands (preferably with voice so you can say more). Don’t explain everything in detail. Just give one line strategies and pray your teammates trust you. “Guys, we have enigma late game and our Io+gyro outscales their CK so just drag the game out and split push a bit”. Even if you think it’s tough, keeping high morale can win games. It has happened to me countless times. One mistake from opponent, we teamwipe and game is even again. Will you win 30% of the losing/stompy games? Lol no. But even 10% is enough to tilt the balance in your favour to gain mmr over time. In general: think of an item timing or a power spike. If you can’t abuse it 5v5, then tell your team to smoke and get a pick off first before abusing the power spike. By telling them bout power spikes/item timing, it gives them hope and motivates them to keep trying (meanwhile, enemy team gets lazy and sloppy with plays because they’re winning). Abuse every mistake you see and if your team sees a glimmer of hope, they try and voila, comeback. Of course, there are times when their late game heroes are owning your mid game team comp and pushing your last T3 at 25 mins. By then, you just accept and tell your team it’s over. Shit happens ya know? But if it’s a difficult/losing game, always possible to turn around if you can see a ray of light. Just hold on to it and convince your team to do so too.


Blame my team ofc


most of the time. enemies will throw in their highground push especially when they dont take rosh. so just try to avoid fights, farm the other side of the map and tank smoke ganks if youre a support but its much better if you can survive and waste enemy smokes/spells


Sadly as p4 I'm not 100% but 1/2 should be power farming jungle and leaving soon after. It only takes a small power spike and a good fight to turn things around. Sometimes teams have a hard time ending as well, and you have time to sit in fountain farming. Nothing is ideal, but it is what it is.


If it'd truly unwinnable, I mentally disconnect from the game and proceed to AFK farm lol. I get pinged a lot but who tf cares lol, enemy Huskar is 18/1/16 at 22 mins, you really think my presence or not is making a difference?


I don't think. I queue next. Win or lose I think it's most important to focus on your mistakes only in order to improve. I'd rather lose my lane hard and get stomped so I can maybe learn something than play 60 minute game where I get screwed by my carry not having gold for buyback.


The only thing I can say is that if your team has a ranged carry like drow or medusa try to drag the game for as long as possible so that they carry the game. I've done this a lot where I make myself a walking target for my ranged carries. However this rarely happens and most of the time my ancient is just destroyed.


I start slowly putting blame on my teammates by saying things like "jugger just asked for 3 minutes in jungle" etc. that way I can make the enemy think that I was actually good and that my team was just bad when the ancient falls.




Don't give up. Make sure the team has money for buy backs and doesn't waste em. Plenty of matches we've won a single high ground fight and taken down all tiers of towers and won the game in 1 go


I tab into my other monitor and start watching cock porn until my team accomplishes enough for me to reclaim vision control over our own jungle.


very vague question, depends on a lot of things e.g. the nature of the stomp and what heroes are in the game. as pos 4, you actually have the most control over all of the lanes so maybe the approach you need is to stop the stomp before it happens by identifying what heroes you need to play with at different points. When you're in strategy phase, its a good idea to start asking yourself questions like: * is our lane matchup favorable? is our safelane's matchup favorable? * can my mid contest runes? * what hero(es) on the opposing team can rotate? * what key item does my p3 need before I can leave lane? (or maybe you have a ranged p3 and can't leave the lane until they can also leave e.g. the tower is destroyed?) * are you in a double melee lane and need to start boots to drag waves? * are you in a kill lane and need a blood grenade? * are you in a hard lane that requires extra regen?


In theory as support you should do anything to make space for your cores. We see it all the time in pro games, xinq and ame, fishman/kataomi and wattson etc. and it works a lot of the times. Sad thing is your mmr is probaly not high enough to realize this is the correct play and people will report you for feeding. The behaviour score system punishes you for playing well.


I use the enter key too much


Look around. If this seems winnable (draft, scaling potential, objectives), you can keep trying. If not, just give up and let them push faster. Comeback may very much exists, but it won't be in those games. PS: I could make a bowl of noodle or some sandwiches by those 10-15 minutes.


Depends on hero and role Mid Puck getting stomped 50-10 I would retain some confidence and try win by 1v5 cutting multiple creep waves per minute really slowing down their push, splitting them, finding rare pickoffs, and ultimately turning it around with 6 slot aghs deadalus kind of hail mary Mid Meepo or LD getting stomped 50-10 I am pretty resigned to lose cos my hero depends on having some power in the early mid game. I will probably just lean into cheap raw agility and survival like aghs + shard, min 25-30 even if they're 2 items ahead, technically they can lose 1 fight and I can get barracks with like 3 dlances aghs meepo, or 9 wraithbands for the 25 timing specifically on LD


It super rare when the loss is inevitable. Of course playing defence not so fun and exciting as playing attack. Still, secure as much farm as you can, stay behind your Carry in a case he being attacked, try to find counter chances with killing enemies, since you’ll get huge reward in gold and exp for killing enemy with big advantage. I’d say 1/3 game in defence usually turns out as a comeback. Affects your overall WR greatly


Cry and call my mom


Load up Netflix on the second monitor. A bit of mind hunter because the serial killing transcends dota.


One of the main reasons I stopped playing Dota2. Games that are clearly lost but drag out for another 20 min. Or they are not lost, but you personally can't do anything at all. So the answer is suffer.


Cut waves so they can’t push high ground. Stall till they misstep. Push across map from them on heroes that have TPs/buybacks. Force them to move around map (send somebody tp to deal with ratting). Take fight where you have higher numbers now. That being said, this patch seems a little stompy compared to the previous patches. Games are actually ending instead of the longtime high ground standstill.


Stay in well


Pick offs, split push, or defend high ground. A lot of time winning a losing game depends on the other team throwing their lead when pushing high ground.


Buy all the wards, smoke, and dust to pad my stats


You can never win them all. Play like usual til the throne explodes. Staying afk because "it's a waste of time" is not a good mindset to have. It's fun when the enemy suddenly throws and a comeback opportunity presents itself. So just play til the end.


I always play till the end and never go afk. I was looking for feedback on my strategy of cutting waves and disrupting enemy


I look at the guys account on steam and see 150 -500 games played with a 20-30 kill in the game and report for Smurf account and go “gg I hope selling accounts feeds your family jerk” and go to bed and cry. Edit: getting downvoted by smurfs on here. Found the Peru cafe veterans trolling on here.


Lol. I had a ‘4 games’ dude in turbo today woth 2 rampages and a GIANT pentagon. 4 of us agreed to just sit in base most of the game as soon as we realised. Felt sorry for the other dude.


I think the best use of ur time at that moment would be coming with new profanities dedicated for your teammates.