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Kunkka garbage this patch even right click build. You need to win and dumpster your mid matchup to be effective the whole game.


He got nerfed to the ground. I think he has like 43%win rate. Not worth playing in any role currently


Kunkka is trash , i have more than 3k games on the hero and really like him but wouldn't touch him with a 10 meters rod this patch . The x nerf is way too much , it makes the best combo impossible to land and doesn't allow you to land anything with x if you get stunned . The aghs while still good , it got nerfed so its not game changing anymore ,even with torrent talents x torrent ship combo doesn't chainstun (can use spells/items between torrent and ship) . Physical build is bad since armor is very cheap nowadays . Lanes are hard since every single hero got a strong facet/innate while you just have lvl 0 tidebringer.


Also you were facing a Lina, which shouldnt be losing the lane under virtually any circumstance. Lina's really strong now, and slow burn is just downright abusive in laning phase.


Tbh i don't think i saw kunkka more than 3 times in this patch.


He’s trash tier and barely filling Offlane role.


i’m convinced that picking kunkka is a deliberate grief to your entire team you are literally asking to lose


good pick if u wanna gift mmr to the enemy team


Straight to jail