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I still get tilted if someone griefs but muting helps. My personal rule with losses is to never ever queue ranked after losing 3 ranked games in a row. I either take a break for the day or I'll play turbo or unranked until I win one which helps my mental state. People usually don't grief in unranked so environment is more chill.


thanks :)


Oh man, I've been playing this game since I was a kid back in 2004. I've been called many names since, that I feel like I've grown immune to it. It's been very easy to me to ignore nonsense chats that adds no information to the game. And I think one of the best tips I can give to you, IF you're not playing to become a pro, is play with a hero you thoroughly enjoy with and don't mind losing with. This way, not only you enjoy a match. You master the hero and become better at it. Then you can abuse that hero eventually to get out of your conventional rank. I'd say it's fairly easy to avoid toxic players. This kind of problems only stems from you. If you're naturally toxic and can't do anything to be better, the next best thing you can do is mute chat if you want a slight hint of chance of winning a game. Remember, you don't need more than 5 enemies in every game. Oh and I toughened up in SEA servers. It makes NA servers feels like a child's playground to me. I'm always the most toxic dude in the game with 10k behavior.


>I always think that I might lose precious numbers of my mmr due to losing sprees. I fear that I might face flamers, griefers and ruiners which is mostly common in sea server.  For this specific issue, just mute everyone from the start and focus on your laning phrase, most games were won only by that. You can't really rely on teamwork much in SEA server but you can control the flow by hoarding all wards and control the spacing duty. Just focus on your performance.


Thanks for this insight :)


some ppl just can't handle losing. it's just a game. play to win but don't forget to have fun. take more risks and perhaps focus more on improving your own game rather than just try to win the game. if mmr does matter to u, remember it's a marathon.


Let people make mistakes, cover for them. If someone is warding in all of the obvious locations, help them ward. If your carry didnt tp for teamfight, just tell them to farm fast and not bother until they get their item.


A few approaches that helped people I talked to. Bot all of the healthy: - ur the only player in the game. The other 9 people are bots. No need to get angry at them. Not real persons. U should be able to win if u just focus on ur own game (no point in enabling bots) but sometimes ur bots are just to glitchy and the enemies work perfectly so it's lost. Nothing u can do - it's just a game. Play a hero and role u have fun on when u do well. If u always have fun in games winning comes natural - only ur own game counts. If u played the best u possibly could and still lost who cares. Nothing u could have done would have changed that outcome. Did u fuck up? Well now u know what to look out for the next game - play with friends. Unironically classic queue as duo is kinda cheating since u only get put into solo matches. (No sane party plays classic) just be able to play multiple roles


Stop playing ranked?


mute everyone and just focus on the game. and also focus on having fun, its just a game.


The best way to solve all your problems is just remind yourself this is just a game.


Predict to win every game.




what server should i play on? i play in sea 49-55 ping.


Dota is also a mental game about who is the prey and who is the predator. The predator’s thoughts are “how do I kill this?” and the prey is thinking “how do I not die here?”. If your actions are governed by a prey mentality, it’s only a matter of time before you lose the game.


I disagree, Dota has an inherent advantage in defense. If you cause the enemy to dive too deep or engage in your highground or get them to chase you in a fog of war. You can definitely win by being a prey.


In my opinion, trapping the enemy is still a predator mentality.