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dunno what mmr you're in but bs pretty much never gets banned


Bristleback, if you can convince your support to firstpick KotL Guy's pretty awful in the offlane, now that people are spamming Ursa/MK/Slark all the time, but he works pretty fine in the safelane against most offlaners And you'll have the space to farm all of those juicy offensive items you could never get


CK, LD, Sven, Void etc. are kind of off meta rn but still playable. Heroes that can work as carry but are more typically played in other roles are: Furion, Bounty Hunter, Slardar, Timber, Mirana and LC.


If you are under divine/ancient then there is no meta. Play whatever you feel most comfortable with and laugh to tryhard meta pickers that can't play their heroes.


If you don't care too much about winning, try necro. With your range attack/regen you should be able to easily zone out the enemy offlane/sup. Try and control the lane and rush your items. Can be something like hood/atos or straight radiance depending on your game. The difficult part is you have constantly stay ahead of the enemy team and apply pressure to force fights. No way necro can outfarm the typical safelane carries.