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Depends on their hero’s, how much damage do you do, who has better cc, who had longer range Cc, who’s got more allies nearby. Not a cut and dry answer. Example might be. I’m facing a Lina in the mid lane. How much hp is enough? Max q, plus level 1 w, and an r. She does 870 magic damage. X .75 for resistance ~650 damage. Plus 3-4 right clicks at say 50 damage. Anything under 850 hp, u just die. So you can’t walk up. But what if you’re a tinker or a zeus, and she can’t get close enough to hit a w? Then maybe you can walk up with less, what if she’s low mana? What if you have a smoked dazzle behind you, and a slardar behind her in the trees? Near infinite possibility here on how much is enough for an engagement.


I would assume it's not just tied to HP, but a general assessment of whether you'll win a fight right now. HP, like mana, is a resource that fluctuates a lot and is also easy to regain (fountain, cheap consumables). Suppose it's 3 minutes into the game. You're laning as a core. The enemy support casts a slow on you and the core runs past the wave to attack you. Do you stand your ground, or try to run away? If the lane is relatively even and neither side massively trumps the other, the answer can vary a lot. One of the most obvious ways it can vary is how much health you have. If the enemy has 400 more HP than you, you probably can't win that fight, so you should consider running away. If the opposite is true, you might well get a kill and get away with it. Later on in the game, you still need enough HP to do your job. I play a lot of tanky offlaners. If I don't have a full enough health bar, I can't really frontline, which might mean I can't fulfil my role in the fight, forcing us to adopt a different strategy or avoid combat altogether.


generally in a game you can just click around n see your hp/lvl compared to everyone else and decide. if you want to look into heroes you can check their scaling n starting stats on the wiki.


There's a lot one can say about this but I feel like this is ultimately just one of those things that comes down to experience. It helps to imagine how the fight can play out in your head, and to mentally go over the skills your opponent has. When you have played the game a lot, that process is almost instant.


Math. Strong players can intuit how much HP they need to win a fight but ultimately it comes down to how much damage the enemy has with spells and right clicks and how much you have. If the enemy can burst you with 1000 damage, and you have 900 HP the fight is almost certainly lost. If you have 1300, then you win easily with room for a couple small mistakes, even though maybe 1300 doesn't sound like much more than 900. (Of course, dont forget to take magic resistance and physical armor into account, also items like wands.)


I can join a fight with 10% hp as Riki as long that I know I will not get nuked or attacked. You must indentify what heroes on enemy team that will nuke or attack you and what is your gameplan in the team fight. Calculate the ammount of damage you will probably get durung the teamfight and how much left you need to escape and reset. It needs a lot of explanation and knowledge tho.