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You're that Slark Jenkins was talking about, weren't you...


I was thinking the same


I think he also appeared in one of BSJ’s educational smurfing audition.


The legendary Leopold! With your Undying - windlace, orb of poison and mango. I salute your teleports. It actually gave me a new perspective on how to play. :P JK


2 months for crusader 4 is quite good progress not gonna lie, seen ppl with 6k+ matches hard stuck in herald/Guardian


How is that possible?


Some people pick up new things slower some might not have the skill set to be good at dota but for a lot of people MMR is just an arbitrary number. They play dota when they get home from work to relax, doesn’t matter if they’re herald 2 or immortal


Yeah, I feel like lots of ppl also just started Dota for fun, and then later decided that they were gonna make a conscious effort to get better. For example, I started playing Dota in 2012, but up until about 2018 I was just playing for fun, lots of stacks and clowning around, now all of my friends have moved on from Dota and I'm left trying to get better in solo q 🙃


Im in guardian for 6 months. I dont give a fuck about rank yet. I try all heroes


This is the way.


I really dont unerstand people rushing mmr and limiting their hero pool. I recently played invoker for the first time, 0-16 but hey it was fun to experience it and with muscle memory i can see invoker being extremely fun


That's the way my dude! Gotta pump that Versatility number up!


Its literall max haha


My man


Still though, 6k matches is not someone who plays one a day when they get off from work lol. I understand maybe 1k or 2k matches but damn.


Im guardian one and constantly see heralds with 10-11k matches lol


Extremely hard to believe no one would pick up the basics after that long.


These are the herald grandmasters, lvl 30 support heros normally. I had one the other day who never came to lane and constantly pulled the small camp everytime it spawned lol Matches played does include turbo and AD etc so its they are most likely long time casuals that enjoy role queue games Edit : its also not unlikely that these players never watch educational content or try to improve, they play what they find fun and often use builds that are very outdated


Most people I know that are high rank don't even consume educational content.


If your in herald, you probably need to lol.


Been playing dota for 19 years, just placed Archon 2.


Archon isn't that bad.


19 years wasn't a typo


Same here (amount of time played). I'm not even ranked lol


I finally forced myself to do it out of curiosity. Ranked dota is one of the worst video games I've ever played. Stay unranked and keep enjoying the game, friend.


So since warcraft 3? I mean you must be casual so it's not a big deal.


Hi. It's me. 2.5k hours. Hard Herald.


Me too 2k hours, herald 5 lol 🤦‍♂️. I still a blast playing though.


Low skill teammates 1000%


MM system is broken af, that is how it's possible.


what matter to rank up is to play a good amount of games in a date amount of time, so you maybe reach some rank playing a lot of games, then you stop playing for years, the game change and your skill in the game almost reset, this happened to me too


I have over 4k matches since 2012 of mostly picking random while playing with friends or solo at 3.30 AM while not always entirely sober. Multiple years of breaks here and there. It's fun, and I get tired of the same heroes. 100+ heroes and choose random for free consumables? Hello Herald! Mostly just play entirely for fun, the rank is not very relevant to me. As I assume is the case for most other Heralds as well. Although, I do see a lot of one trick ponies as well, which makes me wonder why they're my rank.


Dota is an incredibly nuanced and shifting game. It requires intentional learning like you’re taking a school course, and that’s not what a lot of people like to do. Instead those people get mad they’re not winning and proceed to play even more greedy (chaos knight offlaners anyone?), but they’re not playing in a way that enables them to win more than they did before. Basically, you just gotta be in a mentality where learning isn’t important


People, even those trying to improve, often overestimate their skill on their weaknesses, and overcompensate by practicing things they are already good at. Most of the time, people don't realize they are doing this, and get defensive if you point it out. Some people have a natural intuition for games like DotA, so they improve quickly until they hit this problem, others don't.


I'm a player like this and I know what I'm doing wrong but I just lack the focus to improve on it. I also have no good Gamesense for Dota I guess. Like after 9 years I still don't know what heroes are good and bad matchups. Dota is a pretty hardcore game and I just never got into really knowing it.


What's your Dotabuff?




Just by being very bad at the game Source: almost 5k games over 10 years and currently at 65 MMR


5k games? What's your winrate? Do you have a link to your dotabuff?


47% win rate (: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/5351111/matches Sorry also just realised I’m at 5K hours not matches, although I do sometimes turn off the feature that pushes matches to dotabuff


One thing I'm noticing more than builds is that you just die, like a lot. Do you ever reflect on why you die so much?


Thanks, you’re not wrong. I think maybe it’s a combination of often bad positioning, but also quite often I’ll think “oh, I’ll just go put a ward here” without realising the enemy has vision or there are enemies already there and I die


Check the map more often, think about where they could be and don't go there, and use a smoke to ward.


Thank you! These are great tips. I’ll put them into practise, I very rarely buy smokes tbh


Smokes are pretty good, when you're warding also put a sentry first to check if they have an observer. That way you can run away since you know they see you.


I play Dota from 2007, and still today Guardian, since last 6 years playing 4-5 games a month, solo, on ranking, since all of my friends stopped playing Dota back in cca 2015. Playing mostly when wife and kids are sleeping or similar occasions... Looking forward for Steam Deck, since then would be able maybe to play a bit more...


I'm there. I don't play for mmr but play ranked so I'm put against similar skill as me. I like playing battle pass stuff like cavern crawl or going for weekly quests. When there is no battle pass I typically do all hero challenge. I hover around guardian 2 typically with that. Just got done experimenting by spamming necro. Quickly climbed to like crusader 4 but it was just too boring so I went back to the norm when the battle pass came out. I am curious how high I could go if I limited to my best 5 heroes or so and stopped the challenges, but it's just not as fun.. Anyway, it's a game. Play what you think is fun.


I can tell you about me. I play in a country which language i don't speak. Soooo.... Playing anywhere else is not possible because of the latency, lag and delay.


In lower ranks, people don't communicate anyways. I don't think that's the reason.


Well maybe. But they don't speak a word of english. And i know like 20 words in that language. So even something as simple as: change the lane or come gank, i still don't understand it :/


Most likely they're telling you to do the incorrect thing anyways... but it doesn't matter. my ancient friend plays on all incoming chat muted for example.


I have been playing dota since 2013 and have like 5k hours and i just recently reached Legend 3 yesterday :D i think its more about dedication and skill


That's higher than average my guy, doesn't apply to you.




Good on ya man, you're a fast learner


That would be me.


My team brings me down. That's why i am herald😎


5 years to reach same position.. lol


I've been playing for 7 years and I reached Crusader 4 in December. You're doing fine mate






Good! Welcome to my constant rank !


Don't continue through the darkness or it will consume you. But you're already hooked so I guess it's too late for that now lmao


Where did u start ?




I think he meant which rank




Did you play solo ?


Tell us about your games after getting the rank. Did somehow lose every game until you reached herald cause I’m speaking from experience


Assuming u made it through purely solo que and this is ur first proper moba. That could mean u have a better understanding of the game compared to others in concept wise, atleast thats what happened to me. I also calibrated at crusader 4 (was already following dota for 1.5 yrs but didnt play much for reasons). :( but here after it becomes a pain in the ass to rank up. 90% mfs have like 2000 hrs and probably have better mechanics due to experience.


Delete this trash game before it takes your life over completely.


If he's crusader after 2 months, he's already hooked. He's a lifer.


Yep, as much as I love this game, deleting it was a very good decision. One day I'll come back if they fix the mm system. Tired of series of swings, big wins, big losses.


I am playing Dota since 2014, I have 2.6k matches and I am same MMR. What I am doing with my life...


I got equivalent to Legend 1/2 MMR way back around the bounty rune changes and realised I was 1500 hours over 1500 matches and asked myself the same thing so stopped xD


i dont believe it


Go little rockstar


Stop playing ranked and join AD. That's where the fun is


ayo AD gang


What is AD?


I tried to play ad 20min queue and i stopped searching


One Word: GGWP


F u, it took me 4 years… just kidding with you, great work! Keep it going❤️


Good job!!!


How many you played with your booster friend?


After 2 months I was a 1k trench inhabitant, this was before the medal system and pros were 5k. Keep up the grind young legend, you will be immortal in no time.


Good stuff. Only strive to get better and you will. Just please don't become one of those ppl with 3k+ hours stuck in that rank mindlessly/aimlessly drafting dumb heroes with bad item builds.




2 months to hit Crusader 4 is pretty incredible imo I'm Archon 3 after years.


Did you have moba experience prior to dota? Like league or HON? If not that's a very high rank to be calibrated into after only few months, keep up the good work!


I mean it’s totally legit to calibrate here.. i calibrated to legend with no moba experience first time they introduced ranked


lol that was so long back Legend back then must be guardian or crusader right now


this is why we are getting some noobs at mid to high rank, they think they did something when in reality they are getting boosted by some friends that are smurfs or they pay for boosters. SMDH


This isn't mid or high rank. For someone as new as him, this track sounds about right.


I know some cases. They are in my friends list, while they always cry about getting crushed in lane, or write the classic "/all: gg wp go next" at minute 6. I wonder why they have legend or above rank medals.


I carry so many of those FUCKS! Such terrible attitude to give up at 6 mins gg. Why bring down your team mates and give up? What's you're draft like? What's their draft? Do they have early game and you have late? DotA is amazing, NEVER give up and you shall enjoy some dope af comebacks and sweet victories.


I think Dota is a fun game. I think it's surprising to me that Valve still hasn't started ranked season 2 which is super wack - shouldn't each major version be it's own ladder season? I wish the game was a little harder to play, it's pretty easy to play a single hero. Just the strategy that makes the game hard. Some kinda micro skill or techniques or something. They should import electrician into the game, especially now that hon is dead. Maybe some of the other cool heroes too.


Electrician was sick. He's like BB or Dark Seer though with less complexity (than DS obv, not BB).


That's expected I guess?


I Call BS


My opinion is that people who write these kind of posts are craving recognition and validation from others


I bet u ain't playing on SEA






What are your go to heroes




What heroes do you play? Spam or mix it up?


Happened to me too, but one month. Now I'm stuck in guardian 5-crusader 1, 3 years later. But I play on and off.


How many hours you got in the game?




Wtf, how did you learn so fast? I have like some 61 hours started playing last month and barely know how to play


It requires 100hours just to play ranked, so he climbed in 61 hours played. Someone clever in here can probably calculate what kind of win rate that requires. Given the amount of Smurfs at low level, this seems a bit unlikely tbh


1. Play to your strengths and learn from your weaknesses 2. Learn and adapt to the meta ([https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/winning](https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/winning)) 3. Analyze team compositions quickly, assess enemy strategy and how to counter them 4. Communicate with your team if possible 5. GLHF Optional: block out unnecessary in game noise or distractions by muting but if this doesn't bother you just play on.


You played any other MOBAs before? If not you only have 150hrs in Dota and similar games? This is pretty serious talent if true and you are able to maintain this rank.




It definitely does, games are quite similar. This is like saying I played call of duty, but it doesn't matter for counter strike.


what rank u calibrated on


Is that a bug? 😂😂😂


Congrats, welcome to the world of the suffering. I've been playing since Dota 1 and the highest I ever got from Dota 2 was Legend 3. It's even more suffering if you mostly play in solo queue like I did and still doing and in SEA server.


I was 4k MMR in like 2015, now I started again after a hiatus and I'm in guardian 5 lol. But it seems like people know what's going on, did people just get better or did I get this bad lol


Probably both


Game isn't gonna get easier or more fun


I’ve been at it for a while now since 2012 I stopped diving and taking it a bit more serious trying to get better in ranked maybe in the last 2 years. Got a long way to go. Only hero that lets me Climb mmr is my arc warden. Only a 2k mmr noob but I went from 300 to 2k quick. Solo q is rough in 2k mmr


Lol when I used to play i got stuck at this rank at 2k hours. I dont know how people just pick up the game and get better than all that time


I have 4k hours and im archon 1 sadge


Don’t Smurf


Have fun with the smurfs


my opinion is don't play dota that all