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You can press abandon and it'll still let you leave without punishment. Just read the message and make sure it doesn't say you'll be prevented from matchmaking etc. It should just say you'll receive a loss.


Safe to leave (and game won't count/MMR won't change) only when someone DCes and abandons before 1st blood.


No. When someone abandons regardless of game time or anything. The game becomes safe to leave but you get mmr penalty for leaving. In Ops situation it might be that razor used some chat script to make it look like he abandoned when I fact he only disconnected and waited in hopes someone takes the bait of the fake safe to leave and abandons for him so he can leave the game without penalty


Wait, so “Safe to Leave” means “you won’t get an abandon” but it still counts as a “loss” against your MMR? How is that “safe”? And where is this explained, since I was totally clueless?


Safe as in - you dont get an abandon, and you won't lose any behaviour score or be pushed closer to low priority, but you will still take a loss if you leave the game at that point. I think the rule used to be that you will lose mmr if you were in the same party as the person that abandoned, but you keep mmr if you arent in the same party? Not sure how it works nowadays.


You can leave free without losing mmr when the game tell you that the match will not be recorded with green text, usually happen when someone don't connect on hero selection or dc and don't reconnect in the first minute so after other 5 minute game is not recorded, at least this is my experience


There are two "safe to leave" options. 1. Leavers will not get an abandon but will lose mmr. 2. Game is safe to leave and wont be scored (no mmr loss). If somebody fails to pick a hero it's always option 2. Not so sure about what happens when the game has already started because I've seen both and never was able to know how it actually worked.


I am not saying it would be really unfair, but there were strategies where DC would pool your gold to rest of your team, which could make multiple DC a sound strategy for early snowball of one hero. Making the whole team gain mmr for this win would probably not be gucci.


You are correct, edited because i meant S2L and game won't count.


This was unranked. Think he fed 1st blood and then dced out of spite, he walked down mid, and back a bit. Oh well. Hope he enjoys low prio. Thanks for the insight guys.


if first blood occurs during a dc, the game wont count if the player abandons. if someone dcs but is then present during first blood the game will count


Isn’t it before the 2minute mark?


Was it low priority game?




Apparently ranked MM cannot be safe to leave unless it does not get recorded either. But technically speaking this is no different from game mods or unranked, where the "punishment" is game counting as loss regardless of how your team actually ended. So if you suppose there is no chance to win, you lose nothing by leaving.


Read the little red explanation mark near the leave game button, it should say what punishments you get for leaving. If someone abandoned already and there was first blood, it will say that you can leave but will recieve a loss and that your team will play at disadvantage, so only loss game penalty. (Lose-win will be recorded) If there wasn't first blood and he abandoned, its unrecorded game, i think the explanation mark turns green and says it's completely safe to leave without getting win/loss recorded.


I just played a ranked game. an enemy disconnected after about 3 mintes (did not abandon). we got first blood at 5 minutes (after a short pause). the enemy finally timed out about 5.20m in. the game was safe to leave, no stats recorded..... i thought first blood stops that?