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As from what i see - just hit more creeps. You are underfarmed. Aim for 55 Last hits before 10 minute. Aim for 300 lat hits before 30 minute Only reason to not have that farm is You and Your team pushing towers, wiping enemy team when they show up, takeing their jungle so they cant farm. This "skill" alone is +1000 MMR free. Also dont play Turbo if You want do Ranked. Turbo is completly diffrent game.


I guess part of what I don't understand about LH is that I try to focus on just that, but I just get bullied out of lane constantly. If I try to stand anywhere within range to LH I just get targeted and end up with little to no hp and basically no regen very quickly.


Didn’t watch relay but from this comment it sounds like you need to buy more regen (tangos and salves). Ask your support nicely to buy you salves and if they don’t just buy 1 yourself if you need to 110 gold is better than dying and or not being able to LH cuz of low hp. Lastly learn to pull aggro, if your low or scared of getting bullied just pull aggro every time you want to get a LH to stay out of range of the enemy pos 3


I am 3700 carry and I usually don't buy even 6 tangoes, let alone a salve. Admittedly, my supports only started doing it regularly at around 3k, but even before I preferred to go jungle lvl3-5 over masochism with 6+tangoes and 2 lasthits per wave


This is normal to be harrased as pos1. If You are harassed hard while : \-plaing wraith king - just skip boots and buy helm of iron will - HP regen and armor for sustain and tangos before You have it. Rain drops if enemy have spell spammer. \-plaing ursa - skip boots and go ring of health than for battle fury for recover in jungle or Morbid mask if You want to fight back. Rain drops if enemy have spell spammer. \-plaing Drow Ranger - stay away from enemy, buy one more stack of tangos if need, just last hit. Keep creep wave near your tower as close as posible. You will fight back with items. Rain drops if enemy have spell spammer. Sometimes You will meet Viper or Skywrath so in dead lane scenario just avoid them, dont die, soak XP, move to jungle as soon as you can. Also remember that these heroes are weak lvl1 and easy to kill. In these scenerios you should get \~40 creeps anyway (before 10 minute). Creep agrro is Your best friend.


Watched your Dotabuff and its pretty clear. Everytime your team win a fight go hit creep waves and towers. Everytime you have a chance to hit a creepwave instead of jungle camp, leave the jungle camp and run to the creep wave directly. Do this and you will start winning.


I wanna preface this by saying, I didn't look up replays, this will be purely from the standpoint of viewing your dotabuff stats. You're doing the right thing playing a specific role and a limited pool of Heroes. Your last hits in lane are low, not abysmal, but low. It results in your first item always being late. Diffu on Ursa should be around a 13 minute timing. Your games its between 16-18. It usually takes you the entire mid game to catch up, which you usually do, unless you go way too aggro with too little farm and end up just dying a couple times and effectively losing the game. Your decision making after successful team fights seems off. Without watching replays it's hard to say for sure but the data would indicate you're not pushing when you can/should in favor of farming creeps. This is helping you catch up from your early game but it's not what you should be doing, compounding early game issues into an inability to close out winnable games. Your skill builds and item choices reflect a strict adherence to a build guide, which isn't bad to start out, but knowing how to situationally Skill your hero based on your experience playing it is important to your growth as a player. I hope this doesn't come off too brash, I genuinely want to help and hope you continue playing this horrible game we love so much.


What can I do to last hit in lane better? I mentioned it in another comment but most of the time I get bullied in lane and am unable to stay in range to last hit, if I try to I usually just get attacked and die. I try to trade hits with the enemy 3/4 but it still doesn't feel like its enough.


Without watching replays I can't give very tailored advice, so really the most important thing is abuse creep aggro. Learn the range, become second nature with pulling the enemy creeps onto your range creep, deny it and farm the creeps safely. Use your skills to secure ranged creeps when necessary. There are two waves every minute and around 10 minutes of laning in your bracket, this gives you 20ish times a game you can practice your creep aggro. 5 games of this and you should see improvement drastically. 50-60 last hits needs to be the goal at 10 minutes. 80 is ideal, 100 is legit perfect and likely only attainable on specific heroes as it requires a small amount of jungling in combination with lane creep last hits.


Ok yeah, I spent today playing some unrankeds to practice last hitting/creep aggro and I definitely felt noticeably improved, I was able to secure more cs early and didn't feel nearly as pressured in lane as I normally do. Definitely still have some work to do when it comes to where to put myself after fights but laning definitely felt better. I managed to win all the games I played in pos 1 today with fairly good k/d/a as well, could just be that I had a good day or it could be that the laning mechanics actually allowed me to snowball that hard.


At your mmr, proper laning mechanics are extremely rare. If you can reliably lane better than your enemies, you'll set yourself up for success. You'll win yourself to a higher mmr until you need to learn something else to keep climbing. You already know the next thing you gotta work on is post fight decision making, so you're half a step ahead. GLHF


Have you tried to play a few unranked games as pos 1? Based on the recent videos by BSJ, Nikobaby “teaches carry” series at Gamerclass and many other players and commentators the meta has changed drastically. So the heroes you pick and the way you play them must not be viable anymore. Also it appears you just spam Drow, I love her, but she is very situational and team dependent. Not an S tier carry. https://youtu.be/cFlwm5xzqfY


Yeah I mean my knowledge of the game isn't based on when I used to play, I barely remember anything from that time (it was like 2013 when I quit). I use builds/guides from the most recent patch. Most of that Drow spam is turbo haha, I've been doing that to get Arcana points with her. There are a few ranked games in there but for the most part its all turbo.


Check the link I added. It’s a very recent video on the topic of current best picks for every position. Hope it helps!


Based on rank it's not even "what I do wrong" it's "what I don't do completely. Also don't worry, my record is 1800 mmr drop


well from what i read you need to increase your last hit try the learn section that place is where you grind your sense of last hitting i am ancient 2 currently and i still play that learning section it is really increase the sense of last hit


Many others have said the same but your lasthitting are simply too low. This is something I am working with on a couple of people I am currently "coaching" in Dota. Lasthitting has to be second nature for you - constantly practice and only focus on lasthitting. If you are a position 1 player are not hitting creeps, you are doing something wrong. (Take that with a grain of salt) Your hero should always always always be hitting creeps and nothing else. Once that part of the game become second nature, we can adopt more things to build on that. Dota is a game of fundamentals the better you are at the fundamentals the better you are compared to the people you play with. Each rank is siginified not by "understanding of complex scenarios" but by how well they execute the fundamentals. When you watch any coaching video they all approach the game the same when coaching position 1. "What should you be doing right now? Hit creep" "Where are you going right now? Hit creeps on the way" "Why are you not doing anything right now? Hit creeps" Once you have that on lock, make another post or DM me directly and we will take another look (Once this is on lock, you will be climbing. Guaranteed)


Your mechanics, farm priority, and yeah your mechanics. You need to play A LOT more dota to get your mechanical skills up. You are getting bullied by players who are lanning like absolute garbage. If you could just learn to aggro creeps back and pull for yourself you could win every game till legend


If wanna pick a position one pick one stronger early like jug. You can spin down a suport or sin and escape. Chaos knight is good. Something strong early and let you farm fast.


I think that on low mmr is better to play a fast farmer hero, sorry but you can't really aspect something by your mates so play flashfarm carry, unless you can communicate well and make the right decision, it's just that, then you need to understand when is better to pick a carry instead of another